I love Andrea & April
This is a voluntary pledge.
I Your Screen Name here , will do my best to try and stop name calling, and engaging in personal attacks.
This doesnt mean youll be perfect, and never do it again, but just shows, youll make an effort to atleast try not to, or to atleast do it less often. Effort is all i ask.
I actsnoblemartin, will do my best to try and stop name calling, and engaging in personal attacks.
I Your Screen Name here , will do my best to try and stop name calling, and engaging in personal attacks.
This doesnt mean youll be perfect, and never do it again, but just shows, youll make an effort to atleast try not to, or to atleast do it less often. Effort is all i ask.
I actsnoblemartin, will do my best to try and stop name calling, and engaging in personal attacks.