Systematic Racism and the police

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
I wonder if we should reflect on historical data relating to crime.

Every week we see video evidence of our police forces acting like a latter day gestapo. Racial profiling, violence and public executions are being captured by dash cams , mobile phones and other devices. Its an eyeopener for some of us and of course some of the trumpers on here get off on it.

It does call into question the police actions in the days before a universal video facility. How many victims were framed ? How many were killed ? Without video evidence we can only speculate.

Look at the Rodney King assaults. If it had not been captured on film people would not have been aware of the crime. George Floyd is another victim and the jogger guy in Atlanta. The Wisconsin execution is the latest.

In the UK we are now seeing the extent of our police racism. People are now able to capture their encounters with the police. Just recently 3 people in London. An Olympic sprinter, a Police Inspector and a Labour MP, all of them black, have filmed themselves being stopped by racist police officers primarily because they were black.

British folk were rocked by the Brixton riots in the early 80s but it is obvious that the community was provoked beyond measure by a police force that was dubbed "institutionally racist".

I suspect that there have been many Rodney Kings and I suspect that our police forces have operated with impunity against minorities in the pre digital age.

To me it invalidates all crime data from this era. We are being asked to accept crime figures based on the actions of a corrupt police establishment. The figures are racist and help to reinforce racist stereotypes.

There needs to be a rebalancing of our societies, the stables need cleaning out.
Systemic Racism within the Police is non existent and just another democrat talking point wet dream. The police are going nowhere because most of america including minorities want them to stay an in many instances want more police.

All this White Man bad crap will fail...
The pigs will be pigs until they are held accountable for their actions and we as a nation take away their immunity to live as sovereign citizens.
Those police who do wrong are already being held to account. Statements that they are not cannot be backed by any credible sources.
Systemic Racism within the Police is non existent and just another democrat talking point wet dream. The police are going nowhere because most of america including minorities want them to stay an in many instances want more police.

All this White Man bad crap will fail...
People want police to protect them and to treat them fairly. That is obviously not happening now or in the past, it needs to change.
Systemic Racism within the Police is non existent and just another democrat talking point wet dream. The police are going nowhere because most of america including minorities want them to stay an in many instances want more police.

All this White Man bad crap will fail...
People want police to protect them and to treat them fairly. That is obviously not happening now or in the past, it needs to change.
It isn't happening in the liberal shitholes, that is for sure. However, or 99% of the time, the police do protect the citizens and treat them fairly.
I wonder if we should reflect on historical data relating to crime.

Every week we see video evidence of our police forces acting like a latter day gestapo. Racial profiling, violence and public executions are being captured by dash cams , mobile phones and other devices. Its an eyeopener for some of us and of course some of the trumpers on here get off on it.

It does call into question the police actions in the days before a universal video facility. How many victims were framed ? How many were killed ? Without video evidence we can only speculate.

Look at the Rodney King assaults. If it had not been captured on film people would not have been aware of the crime. George Floyd is another victim and the jogger guy in Atlanta. The Wisconsin execution is the latest.

In the UK we are now seeing the extent of our police racism. People are now able to capture their encounters with the police. Just recently 3 people in London. An Olympic sprinter, a Police Inspector and a Labour MP, all of them black, have filmed themselves being stopped by racist police officers primarily because they were black.

British folk were rocked by the Brixton riots in the early 80s but it is obvious that the community was provoked beyond measure by a police force that was dubbed "institutionally racist".

I suspect that there have been many Rodney Kings and I suspect that our police forces have operated with impunity against minorities in the pre digital age.

To me it invalidates all crime data from this era. We are being asked to accept crime figures based on the actions of a corrupt police establishment. The figures are racist and help to reinforce racist stereotypes.

There needs to be a rebalancing of our societies, the stables need cleaning out.
The media exaggerates black incidents, suppresses crimes against whites, minimizes the role and responsibility of the blacks involved while spinning it as black profiling and hate by police and people like you suck it up and swallow it like gravy. Is it any wonder the British Empire has been falling since about 1890?
I wonder if we should reflect on historical data relating to crime.

Every week we see video evidence of our police forces acting like a latter day gestapo. Racial profiling, violence and public executions are being captured by dash cams , mobile phones and other devices. Its an eyeopener for some of us and of course some of the trumpers on here get off on it.

It does call into question the police actions in the days before a universal video facility. How many victims were framed ? How many were killed ? Without video evidence we can only speculate.

Look at the Rodney King assaults. If it had not been captured on film people would not have been aware of the crime. George Floyd is another victim and the jogger guy in Atlanta. The Wisconsin execution is the latest.

In the UK we are now seeing the extent of our police racism. People are now able to capture their encounters with the police. Just recently 3 people in London. An Olympic sprinter, a Police Inspector and a Labour MP, all of them black, have filmed themselves being stopped by racist police officers primarily because they were black.

British folk were rocked by the Brixton riots in the early 80s but it is obvious that the community was provoked beyond measure by a police force that was dubbed "institutionally racist".

I suspect that there have been many Rodney Kings and I suspect that our police forces have operated with impunity against minorities in the pre digital age.

To me it invalidates all crime data from this era. We are being asked to accept crime figures based on the actions of a corrupt police establishment. The figures are racist and help to reinforce racist stereotypes.

There needs to be a rebalancing of our societies, the stables need cleaning out.
The media exaggerates black incidents, suppresses crimes against whites, minimizes the role and responsibility of the blacks involved while spinning it as black profiling and hate by police and people like you suck it up and swallow it like gravy. Is it any wonder the British Empire has been falling since about 1890?
I am not seeing videos of police executing white folks. I did sayin the OP that some fellow posters get a hard on from watching the police execute somebody.
Systemic Racism within the Police is non existent and just another democrat talking point wet dream. The police are going nowhere because most of america including minorities want them to stay an in many instances want more police.

All this White Man bad crap will fail...
People want police to protect them and to treat them fairly. That is obviously not happening now or in the past, it needs to change.

Saying its not happening is meaningles, people talk about the police and are utterly clueless about the true statistics nor have absolutely any knowledge of what police do and have to go through.
I wonder if we should reflect on historical data relating to crime.

Every week we see video evidence of our police forces acting like a latter day gestapo. Racial profiling, violence and public executions are being captured by dash cams , mobile phones and other devices. Its an eyeopener for some of us and of course some of the trumpers on here get off on it.

It does call into question the police actions in the days before a universal video facility. How many victims were framed ? How many were killed ? Without video evidence we can only speculate.

Look at the Rodney King assaults. If it had not been captured on film people would not have been aware of the crime. George Floyd is another victim and the jogger guy in Atlanta. The Wisconsin execution is the latest.

In the UK we are now seeing the extent of our police racism. People are now able to capture their encounters with the police. Just recently 3 people in London. An Olympic sprinter, a Police Inspector and a Labour MP, all of them black, have filmed themselves being stopped by racist police officers primarily because they were black.

British folk were rocked by the Brixton riots in the early 80s but it is obvious that the community was provoked beyond measure by a police force that was dubbed "institutionally racist".

I suspect that there have been many Rodney Kings and I suspect that our police forces have operated with impunity against minorities in the pre digital age.

To me it invalidates all crime data from this era. We are being asked to accept crime figures based on the actions of a corrupt police establishment. The figures are racist and help to reinforce racist stereotypes.

There needs to be a rebalancing of our societies, the stables need cleaning out.
The media exaggerates black incidents, suppresses crimes against whites, minimizes the role and responsibility of the blacks involved while spinning it as black profiling and hate by police and people like you suck it up and swallow it like gravy. Is it any wonder the British Empire has been falling since about 1890?
I am not seeing videos of police executing white folks. I did sayin the OP that some fellow posters get a hard on from watching the police execute somebody.
I always wonder about the suitability of people who got into the police and their training.

I think a radical social experiment is needed in both the US & UK. For a ten year period only black and ethnic minority people can become police officers.
I wonder if we should reflect on historical data relating to crime.

Every week we see video evidence of our police forces acting like a latter day gestapo. Racial profiling, violence and public executions are being captured by dash cams , mobile phones and other devices. Its an eyeopener for some of us and of course some of the trumpers on here get off on it.

It does call into question the police actions in the days before a universal video facility. How many victims were framed ? How many were killed ? Without video evidence we can only speculate.

Look at the Rodney King assaults. If it had not been captured on film people would not have been aware of the crime. George Floyd is another victim and the jogger guy in Atlanta. The Wisconsin execution is the latest.

In the UK we are now seeing the extent of our police racism. People are now able to capture their encounters with the police. Just recently 3 people in London. An Olympic sprinter, a Police Inspector and a Labour MP, all of them black, have filmed themselves being stopped by racist police officers primarily because they were black.

British folk were rocked by the Brixton riots in the early 80s but it is obvious that the community was provoked beyond measure by a police force that was dubbed "institutionally racist".

I suspect that there have been many Rodney Kings and I suspect that our police forces have operated with impunity against minorities in the pre digital age.

To me it invalidates all crime data from this era. We are being asked to accept crime figures based on the actions of a corrupt police establishment. The figures are racist and help to reinforce racist stereotypes.

There needs to be a rebalancing of our societies, the stables need cleaning out.
The media exaggerates black incidents, suppresses crimes against whites, minimizes the role and responsibility of the blacks involved while spinning it as black profiling and hate by police and people like you suck it up and swallow it like gravy. Is it any wonder the British Empire has been falling since about 1890?
I am not seeing videos of police executing white folks. I did sayin the OP that some fellow posters get a hard on from watching the police execute somebody.
And yet they are out there, just buried by the MSM.
" Complications Of Local Jurisdiction Public Policy Perspectives On Amicability "

* Ignoring Police Reaching Into Ones Car To Retrieve Anything Is A Public Ignorance Problem *

I am not seeing videos of police executing white folks. I did sayin the OP that some fellow posters get a hard on from watching the police execute somebody.
Which are studies supporting differences between black versus white behaviors that occur during encounters with police officers , which lead up to incidental shootings by police , and determine whether public information could address cues that might provoke a response for self defense by police ?

* Promoting Sensationalism Without Knowing Or Fact Checking *

Because no agency reports in a systematic manner on use of deadly force among American jurisdictions, there is no way for police in one jurisdiction to assess their use of deadly force in relation to use of deadly force in other similar jurisdictions.

Even though the Uniform Crime Reports annually reports on killings of police and assaults upon officers, there exists no such reporting system to assess the relative frequency of deadly force among American jurisdictions, or to compare the circumstances in which citizens are killed by police in those jurisdictions.

Letter of Transmittal November 15, 2018 President Donald J. Trump Vice President Mike Pence Speaker of the House Paul Ryan On behalf of the United States Commission on Civil Rights (“the Commission”), I am pleased to transmit our briefing report, Police Use of Force: An Examination of Modern Policing Practices.

Accurate and comprehensive data regarding police uses of force is generally not available to police departments or the American public. No comprehensive national database exists that captures police uses of force. The best available evidence reflects high rates of uses of force nationally, with increased likelihood of police use of force against people of color, people with disabilities, LGBT people, people with mental health concerns, people with low incomes, and those at the intersection of these communities. Lack of sufficient training—and funding for training—leaves UNITED STATES COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS 1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW 
Suite 1150 Washington, DC 20425 officers and the public at risk. Repeated and highly publicized incidents of police use of force against persons of color and people with disabilities, combined with a lack of accurate data, lack of transparency about policies and practices in place governing use of force, and lack of accountability for noncompliance foster a perception that police use of force in communities of color and the disability community is unchecked, unlawful, and unsafe.

The Commission majority voted for key recommendations, including that the United States Department of Justice should return to vigorous enforcement of constitutional policing, including under its authority pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 14141, and the use of consent decrees where necessary to ensure that constitutional policing standards are upheld.
Last edited:
" Institutions Pursuant Beneficial Decisions Versus Exasperating Sensationalism Of Tabloid Outliers "

* FBI Is Collecting Use Of Force Data And Information *

In 2019, 5,043 out of 18,514 federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies throughout the nation participated and provided use-of-force data. The officers employed by these agencies represent 41% federal, state, local, and tribal sworn officers in the nation.

The UCR Program consists of four data collections: The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), the Summary Reporting System (SRS), the Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) Program, and the Hate Crime Statistics Program. The UCR Program publishes annual reports for each of these data collections and a preliminary semiannual report of summary data each winter, as well as special compilations on cargo theft, human trafficking, and NIBRS topical studies.

The FBI's interactive Crime Data Explorer tool serves as the digital front door for UCR data, enabling law enforcement and the general public to more easily use and understand the massive amounts of UCR data currently collected.

All publications are available below.

< SNIP >

Individual agencies and locales. The FBI’s criminal justice statistics are sometimes used to compile rankings of individual jurisdictions. These incomplete analyses have often created misleading perceptions which adversely affect geographic entities and their residents. The FBI has a long-standing policy against ranking law enforcement agencies on the basis of reported data alone. Data users should not rank locales because there are many factors that cause the nature and type of incidents to vary from place to place. Rankings ignore the uniqueness of each locale.

FBI data and data from other organizations. The FBI’s National Use-of-Force Data Collection is one of a number of programs that collect and report information concerning law enforcement use of force in the United States. Each organization has its own purpose and may use different methods to collect and report information or focus on somewhat different aspects of this important topic. Therefore, care should be taken not to compare the FBI’s use-of-force data to data provided by other entities.
I wonder if we should reflect on historical data relating to crime.

Every week we see video evidence of our police forces acting like a latter day gestapo. Racial profiling, violence and public executions are being captured by dash cams , mobile phones and other devices. Its an eyeopener for some of us and of course some of the trumpers on here get off on it.

It does call into question the police actions in the days before a universal video facility. How many victims were framed ? How many were killed ? Without video evidence we can only speculate.

Look at the Rodney King assaults. If it had not been captured on film people would not have been aware of the crime. George Floyd is another victim and the jogger guy in Atlanta. The Wisconsin execution is the latest.

In the UK we are now seeing the extent of our police racism. People are now able to capture their encounters with the police. Just recently 3 people in London. An Olympic sprinter, a Police Inspector and a Labour MP, all of them black, have filmed themselves being stopped by racist police officers primarily because they were black.

British folk were rocked by the Brixton riots in the early 80s but it is obvious that the community was provoked beyond measure by a police force that was dubbed "institutionally racist".

I suspect that there have been many Rodney Kings and I suspect that our police forces have operated with impunity against minorities in the pre digital age.

To me it invalidates all crime data from this era. We are being asked to accept crime figures based on the actions of a corrupt police establishment. The figures are racist and help to reinforce racist stereotypes.

There needs to be a rebalancing of our societies, the stables need cleaning out.
The media exaggerates black incidents, suppresses crimes against whites, minimizes the role and responsibility of the blacks involved while spinning it as black profiling and hate by police and people like you suck it up and swallow it like gravy. Is it any wonder the British Empire has been falling since about 1890?
I am not seeing videos of police executing white folks. I did sayin the OP that some fellow posters get a hard on from watching the police execute somebody.
A lot of this seems to be stupidity by the perp. Its almost like we are dealing with special needs individuals. There is no concern for any consequences. This must be talked about also when the changes occur.
I wonder if we should reflect on historical data relating to crime.

Every week we see video evidence of our police forces acting like a latter day gestapo. Racial profiling, violence and public executions are being captured by dash cams , mobile phones and other devices. Its an eyeopener for some of us and of course some of the trumpers on here get off on it.

It does call into question the police actions in the days before a universal video facility. How many victims were framed ? How many were killed ? Without video evidence we can only speculate.

Look at the Rodney King assaults. If it had not been captured on film people would not have been aware of the crime. George Floyd is another victim and the jogger guy in Atlanta. The Wisconsin execution is the latest.

In the UK we are now seeing the extent of our police racism. People are now able to capture their encounters with the police. Just recently 3 people in London. An Olympic sprinter, a Police Inspector and a Labour MP, all of them black, have filmed themselves being stopped by racist police officers primarily because they were black.

British folk were rocked by the Brixton riots in the early 80s but it is obvious that the community was provoked beyond measure by a police force that was dubbed "institutionally racist".

I suspect that there have been many Rodney Kings and I suspect that our police forces have operated with impunity against minorities in the pre digital age.

To me it invalidates all crime data from this era. We are being asked to accept crime figures based on the actions of a corrupt police establishment. The figures are racist and help to reinforce racist stereotypes.

There needs to be a rebalancing of our societies, the stables need cleaning out.
The media exaggerates black incidents, suppresses crimes against whites, minimizes the role and responsibility of the blacks involved while spinning it as black profiling and hate by police and people like you suck it up and swallow it like gravy. Is it any wonder the British Empire has been falling since about 1890?
I am not seeing videos of police executing white folks. I did sayin the OP that some fellow posters get a hard on from watching the police execute somebody.
Cops killed more unarmed whites than blacks last year.
People want police to protect them and to treat them fairly. That is obviously not happening now or in the past, it needs to change.
There are thousands of Blacks who are not dead, because they cooperated with the police. They realized the risk that they took in doing a crime, and realized that they lost the gamble.
A lot of this seems to be stupidity by the perp. Its almost like we are dealing with special needs individuals. There is no concern for any consequences. This must be talked about also when the changes occur.
Yeah. it is hilarious. They tell us that Black parents have to give there children a talk about how to behave when police stop them, and then they do not do it to get on TV, or something.
I wonder if we should reflect on historical data relating to crime.

Every week we see video evidence of our police forces acting like a latter day gestapo. Racial profiling, violence and public executions are being captured by dash cams , mobile phones and other devices. Its an eyeopener for some of us and of course some of the trumpers on here get off on it.

It does call into question the police actions in the days before a universal video facility. How many victims were framed ? How many were killed ? Without video evidence we can only speculate.

Look at the Rodney King assaults. If it had not been captured on film people would not have been aware of the crime. George Floyd is another victim and the jogger guy in Atlanta. The Wisconsin execution is the latest.

In the UK we are now seeing the extent of our police racism. People are now able to capture their encounters with the police. Just recently 3 people in London. An Olympic sprinter, a Police Inspector and a Labour MP, all of them black, have filmed themselves being stopped by racist police officers primarily because they were black.

British folk were rocked by the Brixton riots in the early 80s but it is obvious that the community was provoked beyond measure by a police force that was dubbed "institutionally racist".

I suspect that there have been many Rodney Kings and I suspect that our police forces have operated with impunity against minorities in the pre digital age.

To me it invalidates all crime data from this era. We are being asked to accept crime figures based on the actions of a corrupt police establishment. The figures are racist and help to reinforce racist stereotypes.

There needs to be a rebalancing of our societies, the stables need cleaning out.

Hun I watched the Rodney king video----the entire thing not snippets. King was a violent drunk out driving refusing arrest---------------lets not pretend he was some victim. His 2 buddies complied with the cops---King refused to be arrested and any claims that he was just a victim is pure propaganda. He was arrested several times after btw also driving drunk putting other people lives in danger, but yet idiots want to treat him as a hero.

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