Syrian develops hand prosthesis


Nov 14, 2012
You can ask why that efforts in this situation when you can buy one? You can´t if you´re Syrian. Virtually everything including anything medical may not sold to Syrians due to US and EU sanctions.

The Islamic government might not like that he has created a prosthesis so that thieves can have hands again to steal with.

(1) If you write a fairy tale and you create a kind of Alkuin (or Merlin) for a kind of king Karl or Charles (or king Arthur) of another species and this spider Merlin for example gives a spider Arthur rational, loveful reasons for to organzie the life of their spider species, under the given circumstances of life on Earth, then this results are often not far away from the results the natural power evolution is giving us. Are you able to discuss about such a theme? No? Why not? Because you take away your own freedom with your ideological view to the world - as also nearly all darwinists are doing. There is no real difference between you and your "enemies"!

(2) A team around Prof. Kentaro Terada, Japan, found out that about 720-635 million years ago some asteroids hit the Earth, which together had about 30-60 times the power of the object, which is said to be a main reason for the extinction of the dinosauri about 66 million years ago. I was perplexed about this fact, because a short time later the first multi-cellular organisms entered "die Bretter die, die Welt bedeuten" (Friedrich Schiller) , entered the theatre of the world, which means life for us. An astonishing coincidence. And for nearly all Christians all over the world is it not any big problem to dicuss about such a phenomenon. But you have self-made problems to do so, because of the brainwashing indoctrination of an absurde anti-Christian US-American sect, which lost every feeling for the catholicity of the Christian faith and the universality of logic and love.

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(1) If you write a fairy tale and you create a kind of Alkuim (or Merlin) for a kind of king Karl or Charles (or king Arthur) of another species and this spider Merlin for example gives this a spider Arthur rational reasons for to organzie the life of a spider species under the given circinmstacnes of life then thsi relsuts aer oftne ot afr away from the results the natural power evolution is doing. Arte yobzu abeto discsce abitsuch a therme? No! Why not? Because you take away yoru woni freedom iwth yout iodeologival view to the world.

(2) A team around Prof. Kentaro Terada, Japan, found out that about 720-635 million years ago some asteroids hit the Earth, which together had about 30-60 times the power of the object, which is said to be a main reason for the extinction of the dinosauri about 66 million years ago. I was perpelexed beuase a shirt tiem later teh forets multi-cellular organisms entered "die Bretter die, die Welt bedeuten" (Friedrich Schiller) , entered the theatre of the world, which means life for us. An astonmishing coincidence. And for nearly all Christians all over the world is it not any big problem to dicuss about such a phenomenon. But you have self-made problems to do so, becsude of the brainwashing indoctrinaiont of an absurde anti-Christian US-American sect, which lost every feeling for the catholicity of the Christian faith and the universality of logic and love.
I would have liked to be able to follow this.

(1) If you write a fairy tale and you create a kind of Alkuim (or Merlin) for a kind of king Karl or Charles (or king Arthur) of another species and this spider Merlin for example gives this a spider Arthur rational reasons for to organzie the life of a spider species under the given circinmstacnes of life then thsi relsuts aer oftne ot afr away from the results the natural power evolution is doing. Arte yobzu abeto discsce abitsuch a therme? No! Why not? Because you take away yoru woni freedom iwth yout iodeologival view to the world.

(2) A team around Prof. Kentaro Terada, Japan, found out that about 720-635 million years ago some asteroids hit the Earth, which together had about 30-60 times the power of the object, which is said to be a main reason for the extinction of the dinosauri about 66 million years ago. I was perpelexed beuase a shirt tiem later teh forets multi-cellular organisms entered "die Bretter die, die Welt bedeuten" (Friedrich Schiller) , entered the theatre of the world, which means life for us. An astonmishing coincidence. And for nearly all Christians all over the world is it not any big problem to dicuss about such a phenomenon. But you have self-made problems to do so, becsude of the brainwashing indoctrinaiont of an absurde anti-Christian US-American sect, which lost every feeling for the catholicity of the Christian faith and the universality of logic and love.
I would have liked to be able to follow this.

Okay you are an atheist, who tries to misuse the Christian religion - the Christian rebound in god - for a totally absurde nonsense. Why do you do this?

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(1) If you write a fairy tale and you create a kind of Alkuim (or Merlin) for a kind of king Karl or Charles (or king Arthur) of another species and this spider Merlin for example gives this a spider Arthur rational reasons for to organzie the life of a spider species under the given circinmstacnes of life then thsi relsuts aer oftne ot afr away from the results the natural power evolution is doing. Arte yobzu abeto discsce abitsuch a therme? No! Why not? Because you take away yoru woni freedom iwth yout iodeologival view to the world.

(2) A team around Prof. Kentaro Terada, Japan, found out that about 720-635 million years ago some asteroids hit the Earth, which together had about 30-60 times the power of the object, which is said to be a main reason for the extinction of the dinosauri about 66 million years ago. I was perpelexed beuase a shirt tiem later teh forets multi-cellular organisms entered "die Bretter die, die Welt bedeuten" (Friedrich Schiller) , entered the theatre of the world, which means life for us. An astonmishing coincidence. And for nearly all Christians all over the world is it not any big problem to dicuss about such a phenomenon. But you have self-made problems to do so, becsude of the brainwashing indoctrinaiont of an absurde anti-Christian US-American sect, which lost every feeling for the catholicity of the Christian faith and the universality of logic and love.
I would have liked to be able to follow this.

Okay you are an atheist, who tries to misuse the Christian religion - the Christian rebound in god - for a totally absurde nonsense. Why do you do this?

I'm not an atheist. I'm a cradle Catholic. I confirmed my faith.

Why do you think I am an atheist?

(1) If you write a fairy tale and you create a kind of Alkuim (or Merlin) for a kind of king Karl or Charles (or king Arthur) of another species and this spider Merlin for example gives this a spider Arthur rational reasons for to organzie the life of a spider species under the given circinmstacnes of life then thsi relsuts aer oftne ot afr away from the results the natural power evolution is doing. Arte yobzu abeto discsce abitsuch a therme? No! Why not? Because you take away yoru woni freedom iwth yout iodeologival view to the world.

(2) A team around Prof. Kentaro Terada, Japan, found out that about 720-635 million years ago some asteroids hit the Earth, which together had about 30-60 times the power of the object, which is said to be a main reason for the extinction of the dinosauri about 66 million years ago. I was perpelexed beuase a shirt tiem later teh forets multi-cellular organisms entered "die Bretter die, die Welt bedeuten" (Friedrich Schiller) , entered the theatre of the world, which means life for us. An astonmishing coincidence. And for nearly all Christians all over the world is it not any big problem to dicuss about such a phenomenon. But you have self-made problems to do so, becsude of the brainwashing indoctrinaiont of an absurde anti-Christian US-American sect, which lost every feeling for the catholicity of the Christian faith and the universality of logic and love.
I would have liked to be able to follow this.

Okay you are an atheist, who tries to misuse the Christian religion - the Christian rebound in god - for a totally absurde nonsense. Why do you do this?

Do you think I am an atheist because I discuss how science proves that the universe was created from nothing? Because that is an entirely Judaeo-Christian belief. One might even say THE foundational belief of the Judaeo-Christian faiths.

Did you know that in 1190 Maimonides wrote in "The Guide for the Perplexed" that God created the universe from nothing? He goes into great detail on the subject and explains the importance of that belief. But he wasn't stating anything new, right? That was always his people's belief, right?

In 1215 the Catholic church promulgated temporal creatio ex nihilo as official church doctrine at the Fourth Lateran Council, declaring God to be "Creator of all things, visible and invisible, . . . who, by His almighty power, from the beginning of time has created both orders in the same way out of nothing." This remarkable declaration not only affirms that God created everything extra se without any material cause, but even that time itself had a beginning. The doctrine of creation is thus inherently bound up with temporal considerations and entails that God brought the universe into being at some point in the past without any antecedent or contemporaneous material cause.

Ex nihilo is Latin for "out of nothing": when phrased as ex nihilo nihil fit, "nothing comes from nothing", it means that the universe was formed from eternal matter; as creatio ex nihilo, "creation out of nothing", it means that matter is not eternal but had to be created by some eternal uncaused cause, frequently defined as God.[1]

(1) If you write a fairy tale and you create a kind of Alkuim (or Merlin) for a kind of king Karl or Charles (or king Arthur) of another species and this spider Merlin for example gives this a spider Arthur rational reasons for to organzie the life of a spider species under the given circinmstacnes of life then thsi relsuts aer oftne ot afr away from the results the natural power evolution is doing. Arte yobzu abeto discsce abitsuch a therme? No! Why not? Because you take away yoru woni freedom iwth yout iodeologival view to the world.

(2) A team around Prof. Kentaro Terada, Japan, found out that about 720-635 million years ago some asteroids hit the Earth, which together had about 30-60 times the power of the object, which is said to be a main reason for the extinction of the dinosauri about 66 million years ago. I was perpelexed beuase a shirt tiem later teh forets multi-cellular organisms entered "die Bretter die, die Welt bedeuten" (Friedrich Schiller) , entered the theatre of the world, which means life for us. An astonmishing coincidence. And for nearly all Christians all over the world is it not any big problem to dicuss about such a phenomenon. But you have self-made problems to do so, becsude of the brainwashing indoctrinaiont of an absurde anti-Christian US-American sect, which lost every feeling for the catholicity of the Christian faith and the universality of logic and love.
I would have liked to be able to follow this.

Okay you are an atheist, who tries to misuse the Christian religion - the Christian rebound in god - for a totally absurde nonsense. Why do you do this?

Do you think I am an atheist because I discuss how science proves that the universe was created from nothing? Because that is an entirely Judaeo-Christian belief. One might even say THE foundational belief of the Judaeo-Christian faiths.

Did you know that in 1190 Maimonides wrote in "The Guide for the Perplexed" that God created the universe from nothing? He goes into great detail on the subject and explains the importance of that belief. But he wasn't stating anything new, right? That was always his people's belief, right?

In 1215 the Catholic church promulgated temporal creatio ex nihilo as official church doctrine at the Fourth Lateran Council, declaring God to be "Creator of all things, visible and invisible, . . . who, by His almighty power, from the beginning of time has created both orders in the same way out of nothing." This remarkable declaration not only affirms that God created everything extra se without any material cause, but even that time itself had a beginning. The doctrine of creation is thus inherently bound up with temporal considerations and entails that God brought the universe into being at some point in the past without any antecedent or contemporaneous material cause.

Ex nihilo is Latin for "out of nothing": when phrased as ex nihilo nihil fit, "nothing comes from nothing", it means that the universe was formed from eternal matter; as creatio ex nihilo, "creation out of nothing", it means that matter is not eternal but had to be created by some eternal uncaused cause, frequently defined as God.[1]


"'Humani Generis'," he [=John Paul II] stated, "considered the doctrine of 'evolutionism' as a serious hypothesis, worthy of a more deeply studied investigation and reflection on a par with the opposite hypothesis. ... Today, more than a half century after this encyclical, new knowledge leads us to recognize in the theory of evolution more than a hypothesis. ... The convergence, neither sought nor induced, of results of work done independently one from the other, constitutes in itself a significant argument in favor of this theory."

source: Pope John Paul II Declares Evolution to be Fact!
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(1) If you write a fairy tale and you create a kind of Alkuim (or Merlin) for a kind of king Karl or Charles (or king Arthur) of another species and this spider Merlin for example gives this a spider Arthur rational reasons for to organzie the life of a spider species under the given circinmstacnes of life then thsi relsuts aer oftne ot afr away from the results the natural power evolution is doing. Arte yobzu abeto discsce abitsuch a therme? No! Why not? Because you take away yoru woni freedom iwth yout iodeologival view to the world.

(2) A team around Prof. Kentaro Terada, Japan, found out that about 720-635 million years ago some asteroids hit the Earth, which together had about 30-60 times the power of the object, which is said to be a main reason for the extinction of the dinosauri about 66 million years ago. I was perpelexed beuase a shirt tiem later teh forets multi-cellular organisms entered "die Bretter die, die Welt bedeuten" (Friedrich Schiller) , entered the theatre of the world, which means life for us. An astonmishing coincidence. And for nearly all Christians all over the world is it not any big problem to dicuss about such a phenomenon. But you have self-made problems to do so, becsude of the brainwashing indoctrinaiont of an absurde anti-Christian US-American sect, which lost every feeling for the catholicity of the Christian faith and the universality of logic and love.
I would have liked to be able to follow this.

Okay you are an atheist, who tries to misuse the Christian religion - the Christian rebound in god - for a totally absurde nonsense. Why do you do this?

I'm not an atheist. I'm a cradle Catholic. I confirmed my faith.

Why do you think I am an atheist?


(1) If you write a fairy tale and you create a kind of Alkuim (or Merlin) for a kind of king Karl or Charles (or king Arthur) of another species and this spider Merlin for example gives this a spider Arthur rational reasons for to organzie the life of a spider species under the given circinmstacnes of life then thsi relsuts aer oftne ot afr away from the results the natural power evolution is doing. Arte yobzu abeto discsce abitsuch a therme? No! Why not? Because you take away yoru woni freedom iwth yout iodeologival view to the world.

(2) A team around Prof. Kentaro Terada, Japan, found out that about 720-635 million years ago some asteroids hit the Earth, which together had about 30-60 times the power of the object, which is said to be a main reason for the extinction of the dinosauri about 66 million years ago. I was perpelexed beuase a shirt tiem later teh forets multi-cellular organisms entered "die Bretter die, die Welt bedeuten" (Friedrich Schiller) , entered the theatre of the world, which means life for us. An astonmishing coincidence. And for nearly all Christians all over the world is it not any big problem to dicuss about such a phenomenon. But you have self-made problems to do so, becsude of the brainwashing indoctrinaiont of an absurde anti-Christian US-American sect, which lost every feeling for the catholicity of the Christian faith and the universality of logic and love.
I would have liked to be able to follow this.

Okay you are an atheist, who tries to misuse the Christian religion - the Christian rebound in god - for a totally absurde nonsense. Why do you do this?

Do you think I am an atheist because I discuss how science proves that the universe was created from nothing? Because that is an entirely Judaeo-Christian belief. One might even say THE foundational belief of the Judaeo-Christian faiths.

Did you know that in 1190 Maimonides wrote in "The Guide for the Perplexed" that God created the universe from nothing? He goes into great detail on the subject and explains the importance of that belief. But he wasn't stating anything new, right? That was always his people's belief, right?

In 1215 the Catholic church promulgated temporal creatio ex nihilo as official church doctrine at the Fourth Lateran Council, declaring God to be "Creator of all things, visible and invisible, . . . who, by His almighty power, from the beginning of time has created both orders in the same way out of nothing." This remarkable declaration not only affirms that God created everything extra se without any material cause, but even that time itself had a beginning. The doctrine of creation is thus inherently bound up with temporal considerations and entails that God brought the universe into being at some point in the past without any antecedent or contemporaneous material cause.

Ex nihilo is Latin for "out of nothing": when phrased as ex nihilo nihil fit, "nothing comes from nothing", it means that the universe was formed from eternal matter; as creatio ex nihilo, "creation out of nothing", it means that matter is not eternal but had to be created by some eternal uncaused cause, frequently defined as God.[1]


Do you think I am an atheist because I discuss how science proves that the universe was created from nothing? Because that is an entirely Judaeo-Christian belief. One might even say THE foundational belief of the Judaeo-Christian faiths.

(1) If you write a fairy tale and you create a kind of Alkuim (or Merlin) for a kind of king Karl or Charles (or king Arthur) of another species and this spider Merlin for example gives this a spider Arthur rational reasons for to organzie the life of a spider species under the given circinmstacnes of life then thsi relsuts aer oftne ot afr away from the results the natural power evolution is doing. Arte yobzu abeto discsce abitsuch a therme? No! Why not? Because you take away yoru woni freedom iwth yout iodeologival view to the world.

(2) A team around Prof. Kentaro Terada, Japan, found out that about 720-635 million years ago some asteroids hit the Earth, which together had about 30-60 times the power of the object, which is said to be a main reason for the extinction of the dinosauri about 66 million years ago. I was perpelexed beuase a shirt tiem later teh forets multi-cellular organisms entered "die Bretter die, die Welt bedeuten" (Friedrich Schiller) , entered the theatre of the world, which means life for us. An astonmishing coincidence. And for nearly all Christians all over the world is it not any big problem to dicuss about such a phenomenon. But you have self-made problems to do so, becsude of the brainwashing indoctrinaiont of an absurde anti-Christian US-American sect, which lost every feeling for the catholicity of the Christian faith and the universality of logic and love.
I would have liked to be able to follow this.

Okay you are an atheist, who tries to misuse the Christian religion - the Christian rebound in god - for a totally absurde nonsense. Why do you do this?

I'm not an atheist. I'm a cradle Catholic. I confirmed my faith.

no comment

Why do you think I am an atheist?

Who denies truth, denies god, because god is truth. So why do you deny facts like the evolution? Why do you deny what you are able to see with your own eyes - what you are able to think with your own thoughts - what you are able to feel with your own heart? Why are you a marionette of strange ideologists?


(1) If you write a fairy tale and you create a kind of Alkuim (or Merlin) for a kind of king Karl or Charles (or king Arthur) of another species and this spider Merlin for example gives this a spider Arthur rational reasons for to organzie the life of a spider species under the given circinmstacnes of life then thsi relsuts aer oftne ot afr away from the results the natural power evolution is doing. Arte yobzu abeto discsce abitsuch a therme? No! Why not? Because you take away yoru woni freedom iwth yout iodeologival view to the world.

(2) A team around Prof. Kentaro Terada, Japan, found out that about 720-635 million years ago some asteroids hit the Earth, which together had about 30-60 times the power of the object, which is said to be a main reason for the extinction of the dinosauri about 66 million years ago. I was perpelexed beuase a shirt tiem later teh forets multi-cellular organisms entered "die Bretter die, die Welt bedeuten" (Friedrich Schiller) , entered the theatre of the world, which means life for us. An astonmishing coincidence. And for nearly all Christians all over the world is it not any big problem to dicuss about such a phenomenon. But you have self-made problems to do so, becsude of the brainwashing indoctrinaiont of an absurde anti-Christian US-American sect, which lost every feeling for the catholicity of the Christian faith and the universality of logic and love.
I would have liked to be able to follow this.

Okay you are an atheist, who tries to misuse the Christian religion - the Christian rebound in god - for a totally absurde nonsense. Why do you do this?

I'm not an atheist. I'm a cradle Catholic. I confirmed my faith.

no comment

Why do you think I am an atheist?

Who denies truth, denies god, because god is truth. So why do you deny facts like the evolution? Why do you deny what you are able to see with your own eyes - what you are able to think with your own thoughts - what you are able to feel with your own heart? Why are you a marionette of strange ideologists?

You are either confusing me with James Bond or trying to troll me.

Why don't you show me a post of mine that shows what you are saying?
Who denies truth, denies god, because god is truth.
But you are wrong. For any given thing there will be a final state of fact. When discovered it is realized that it was always that way and will always be that way. In other words truth is eternal and unchanging. Which are the exact attributes that the solution to the first cause conundrum must possess. Final state of fact or objective truth is reality. Ergo God is reality. Ergo God is existence.
Yes, truth is revealed by God because God is truth. Be careful about worshiping a book instead of the Creator.
How many more quotes of mine do you need to see before you apologize for bearing false witness against me, brother?
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what you are able to feel with your own heart?
Jesus said, " Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him. This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent. Most assuredly, I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh. Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me.”
Partaking of the blood and body of Christ makes many different people into one body. It is how we participate in Christ's life and death. It is magical. There is nothing like it on the face of the earth. There is no experience that is more joyous. Participating in His suffering and death humbles the soul. Participating in His love for us makes the soul burst at its seams.
How many more quotes of mine do you need to see before you apologize for bearing false witness against me, brother?

(1) If you write a fairy tale and you create a kind of Alkuim (or Merlin) for a kind of king Karl or Charles (or king Arthur) of another species and this spider Merlin for example gives this a spider Arthur rational reasons for to organzie the life of a spider species under the given circinmstacnes of life then thsi relsuts aer oftne ot afr away from the results the natural power evolution is doing. Arte yobzu abeto discsce abitsuch a therme? No! Why not? Because you take away yoru woni freedom iwth yout iodeologival view to the world.

(2) A team around Prof. Kentaro Terada, Japan, found out that about 720-635 million years ago some asteroids hit the Earth, which together had about 30-60 times the power of the object, which is said to be a main reason for the extinction of the dinosauri about 66 million years ago. I was perpelexed beuase a shirt tiem later teh forets multi-cellular organisms entered "die Bretter die, die Welt bedeuten" (Friedrich Schiller) , entered the theatre of the world, which means life for us. An astonmishing coincidence. And for nearly all Christians all over the world is it not any big problem to dicuss about such a phenomenon. But you have self-made problems to do so, becsude of the brainwashing indoctrinaiont of an absurde anti-Christian US-American sect, which lost every feeling for the catholicity of the Christian faith and the universality of logic and love.
I would have liked to be able to follow this.

Okay you are an atheist, who tries to misuse the Christian religion - the Christian rebound in god - for a totally absurde nonsense. Why do you do this?

I'm not an atheist. I'm a cradle Catholic. I confirmed my faith.

no comment

Why do you think I am an atheist?

Who denies truth, denies god, because god is truth. So why do you deny facts like the evolution? Why do you deny what you are able to see with your own eyes - what you are able to think with your own thoughts - what you are able to feel with your own heart? Why are you a marionette of strange ideologists?

Shame on you.

(1) If you write a fairy tale and you create a kind of Alkuim (or Merlin) for a kind of king Karl or Charles (or king Arthur) of another species and this spider Merlin for example gives this a spider Arthur rational reasons for to organzie the life of a spider species under the given circinmstacnes of life then thsi relsuts aer oftne ot afr away from the results the natural power evolution is doing. Arte yobzu abeto discsce abitsuch a therme? No! Why not? Because you take away yoru woni freedom iwth yout iodeologival view to the world.

(2) A team around Prof. Kentaro Terada, Japan, found out that about 720-635 million years ago some asteroids hit the Earth, which together had about 30-60 times the power of the object, which is said to be a main reason for the extinction of the dinosauri about 66 million years ago. I was perpelexed beuase a shirt tiem later teh forets multi-cellular organisms entered "die Bretter die, die Welt bedeuten" (Friedrich Schiller) , entered the theatre of the world, which means life for us. An astonmishing coincidence. And for nearly all Christians all over the world is it not any big problem to dicuss about such a phenomenon. But you have self-made problems to do so, becsude of the brainwashing indoctrinaiont of an absurde anti-Christian US-American sect, which lost every feeling for the catholicity of the Christian faith and the universality of logic and love.
I would have liked to be able to follow this.

Okay you are an atheist, who tries to misuse the Christian religion - the Christian rebound in god - for a totally absurde nonsense. Why do you do this?

I'm not an atheist. I'm a cradle Catholic. I confirmed my faith.

no comment

Why do you think I am an atheist?

Who denies truth, denies god, because god is truth. So why do you deny facts like the evolution? Why do you deny what you are able to see with your own eyes - what you are able to think with your own thoughts - what you are able to feel with your own heart? Why are you a marionette of strange ideologists?

Shame on you.

what you are able to feel with your own heart?

Jesus said, " Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him. This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent. Most assuredly, I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh. Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me.”
Partaking of the blood and body of Christ makes many different people into one body.

Jesus was crucified like a criminal.

It is how we participate in Christ's life and death.

You do what?

It is magical.

For sure you are not one of the three magi.

There is nothing like it on the face of the earth. There is no experience that is more joyous. Participating in His suffering and death humbles the soul. Participating in His love for us makes the soul burst at its seams.

Jesus changes hearts. That's true. He let's better live with frustrations for example. But what you say here are some empty phrases in your mouth. That's not authentic.

How many more quotes of mine do you need to see before you apologize for bearing false witness against me, brother?

I speak with you about the nonsense you say. One of the worst nonsense you said was to say you are a Catholic. I say you misuse the Christian religion, the Christian rebound in god. By the way: All "Christians" of the USA are very strange, who fight against facts in science and society with "alternative facts" and for free weapons for everyone. Normally Christians love science, accept facts (and change bad facts not with words but by changing the real reasons for this bad facts). And Christians hate weapons.

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what you are able to feel with your own heart?

Jesus said, " Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him. This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent. Most assuredly, I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh. Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me.”
Partaking of the blood and body of Christ makes many different people into one body.

Jesus was crucified like a criminal.

It is how we participate in Christ's life and death.

You do what?

It is magical.

For sure you are not one of the three magi.

There is nothing like it on the face of the earth. There is no experience that is more joyous. Participating in His suffering and death humbles the soul. Participating in His love for us makes the soul burst at its seams.

Jesus changes hearts. That's true. He let's better live with frustrations for example. But what you say here are some empty phrases in your mouth. That's not authentic.

How many more quotes of mine do you need to see before you apologize for bearing false witness against me, brother?

I speak with you about the nonsense you say. One of the worst nonsense you said was to say you are a Catholic. I say you misuse the Christian religion, the Christian rebound in god. By the way: All "Christians" of the USA are very strange, who fight against facts in science and society with "alternative facts" and for free weapons for everyone. Normally Christians love science, accept facts (and change bad facts not with words but by changing the real reasons for this bad facts). And Christians hate weapons.

Matthew 18:15
Matthew 7:1-5

Shame on you

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