Syria truce mockery: set stage for Osama resurrection at Jerusalem on Easter Sunday 2016 crucifed


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Apr 26, 2014
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Feb 27, 2016: mockery "USA and Russia confirm Syria truce" sets the stage for the ultimate mockery, the show to end all shows.

Will Osama Bin Laden resurrect Easter Sunday 2016 at Jerusalem, crucified to a Boeing 777? In one word:
If the illuminati Grand Master thinks that the Syrian "truce" was enough to neutralize the Syrian rebels then YES.

Simulated reality to end all shows, or in other words to start the ultimate real blood:
The ultimate example is ongoing since 2011 and will end in Jerusalem.
It will still spawn "shocking" acts of simulated reality such as
- Obama Bi(nla)den presidency arrested.
- Obama, Pope Francis, evil jews of Federal Reserve, Putin: confess most sophisticated conspiracies in the History of Politics, Religion, Finance, Sports.
But any of these reasons is enough to explain why Jerusalem's fake resurrection is the real trigger to put an end to the world as the human cattle knows it
- it puts an end to fake blood
- it starts the ultimate real blood, GLOBAL GENOCIDE.

Jerusalem's resurrection of Osama is a remake of New York 9/11 2011
Jerusalem, the city where the remake swas originally and still is scripted to end, illustrates the same simulated reality in another city in another day.
In other words: a main impact at the Temple Mount, originally scripted for 2012, 11 years after the WTC towers, New York.
The orginal script was also supposed to illustrate a remake with reversed details:
- arilners of different countries,
- crashes on different days, different countries and even diffferent types of impact: not only on solids but also on liquids (Jerusalem's Temple Mount and Indian Ocean).
In other words: the remake of the 9/11 Shanksville airliner crash was originally scripted for the Indian Ocean, 3 months before the final crash at Jerusalem, on Easter Sunday.

The Jerusalem script - when and what was exposed by Last Prophet
The same Prophet who first exposed the full story of 9/11, the ultimate example of mixinng real and fake blood in the same city in the same day, also exposed first each and every chapter of the remake.
Not only the original but also the modified script. Here the six major moments:

2011 Sep - The basic script line
Shortly after the "death of Osama Bin Laden": "Obama Bin Laden will resurrecti from the Indian Ocean".

2014 March - when and how, the second basic script line:
Days after missing Malaysian airliner: "Obama's resurrection willt take place Easter Sunday at Jerusalem, crucified to the missing Boeing 777".
Originally scripted for 2012 and postponed before the "missing Boeing 777" would have been staged early 2012.
Reason: the start of the Arab Spring and foremost Syria.
Remider: Syria's Assad and treasonous Israel goverment, all nazi agents after the 1975 coup, have the leading roles in "Destruction of Israel", a key chapter of the illuminati anti-bible.

2014 May - why again postponed (to 2015)
Reason: start of the armed revolt in Novorussia, that nazi agent "Putin" calls Ukraine.

29 Dec 2015 - script for the second missing indonesian airliner
The remake of 9/11 Shanksville, but this time not the same day and not against a solid body as the core crash.

Jan 18 2015 - why the Shanksville remake had to be aborted,
Reason: the nazi forces were defeated in final assault on Donetsk, one day earlier. This against all odds, starting with having as political leaders treasonous nazi infiltrators sent by "Putin" to suppress the revolt.
In other words: the act "black box reveals passengers tried to resist terrorists forcing plane to crash in the Indian Ocean" had to be not only canceled but deleted from script, because the act "black bozes found" had already been announced.

April 2015 - why resurrection again postponed.
Reason: syrian rebels armed with self made weapons, resist
- air bombings by "US led coalition" that had officially started Sep 2014
- IV Reich ground troops, including 40,000 iranian and lebanese shock troops armed with some of the most modern weapons.

Feb 22, 2016 - The United States and Russia announced plans for a "cessation of hostilities" in Syria that would take effect on Saturday but exclude groups such as Islamic State and al Qaeda's Nusra Front, a loophole Syrian rebels immediately highlighted as a problem.
Syrian rebels see flaws in U.S.-Russian truce plan

In two words: BIG BANG
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: BIG BANG 2016 for dummies

Reminder: Last Prophet also exposed worldwide firs the FULL STORY (HOW and WHY it was staged) of countless acts of these types of the very same simulated reality now being terminated:
1. Simulated reality of type fake blood
Example: Taiwan: Taipei TransAsia Airways plane crash: joke about ongoing 9/11 remake, Malaysia to Indonesia, Taiwan to Jerusalem.
Jokes by the Illuminati - mock the human cattle: Taipei Taiwan TransAsia Airways plane crash: mockery of ongoing 9/11 remake, Malaysia to Indonesia

2. Mix of simulated reality and reality, mixing fake and real blood
Talk of fake airliner crashes
First and Ultimate Example: 9/11 2001 illustrates how illuminati stage real and fake blood in the same day in the same city, New York.
9/11 for dummies - The Five Basic Facts, by Matt M: 9/11 puzzle was completed worldwide first by Matt Marriott

3. Mass ritual sacrifices alias real blood staged as accidents
Talk of New York and Taipeh, Taiwan:
Example: Taipeh illustrates fake blood and mass ritual sacrifice staged not as part of the same act but within months at the same city:
Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts: Confederate flag banned from stores - "Gay marriage" legalized - Taiwan waterpark fire

Simulated reality terminated NOW: Syria truce before Osama resurrection Jerusalem
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The Jerusalem script - when and what was exposed by Last Prophet
Revised source for this section:
After 1,000 articles in 100 blogs, this was the first and so far only one to include an exclamation mark.
Explanation for Easter Sunday 2016 added together with the second one.

Show to end all shows: Introduction: First act was scripted for one year before the last!!
"Abbottabad, the compound where the al-Qaeda leader lived and died, had the same shape as the Israeli-occupied territories".
"Within 24 Hours of Death: Osama Bin Laden Buried at Sea, in the Paciic Ocean, one week after Easter Sunday 2011".
One year later, the homosexual ethnic indonesian actor casted as "Obamessiah of the Obamanation of Desolation" in his secondary role, Osama:
- "ressurects on Easter Sunday in Jerusalem curcified to the missing Boeing 777".

Why start of BIG BANG postponed, modified
Explanation reads like a chronicle of how illuminati overtime was again extended after the script's original end date, Easter Sunday 2012.

Anti-bible: mock resurrection, a 9/11 remake
The show to end all shows that was originally scripted for Easter Sunday 2012

Contrast how 9/11 was exposed with its remake
Last Prophet was the first to exposed the full story of 9/11.
It took five years to explain ALL the basic facts about the ultimate example mixing real and fake blood in the same city in the same day.
Contrast with the remake:
- it started in 2011 and Last Prophet almost immediately exposed the basic line, almost one year before the date for which it was originally scripeted.
- 5 years later (as of Easter 2016) it's still unfolding. Yet the FULL story (three lines) has already been explained by Last Prophet still in 2014.

What Last Prophet exposed worldwide first
Every chapter of the 9/11 remake, both original and modified script:
1. The basic script lines, which were originally three, the first two being the absolute minimum.
2. Why it was postponed each year.
As of Easter Monday 2016, this happened now five times, each Easter Sunday from 2012 to 2016, as implied by the script's title.
3. Why the script was reduced to the absolute minimum. In other words why Jan 2015, the third script line, the Shanksville remake, had to be aborted 3 weeks after the start.

The basic script lines - when was each one exposed:
1. What will happen: "Obama Bin Laden will resurrect from the Indian Ocean".
Exposed: 2011 Sep, days after "death of Osama Bin Laden".

2. When and how will it happen: "it will take place Easter Sunday at Jerusalem, crucified to the missing Boeing 777". This was originally scripted for 2012.
Exposed: 2014 March, days after "missing Malaysian airliner over the Pacific Ocean":

3. What will additionally and previously happen: remake of 9/11 Shanksville, with some reversed details.
Exposed: 29 Dec 2014, hours after the "second missing airliner over the Pacific Ocean", this time indonesian.

Script changes - Why Easter Sunday resurrection postponed again and again, remake of Shanksville aborted
Easter Sunday 2012 and 2013
Each time postponed even before "missing Boeing 777" would be staged, originally scripted for early 2012.
Reason: the start of the Arab Spring and foremost the armed revolt in Syria.
Remider: Syria's Assad and treasonous Israel goverment, all nazi agents after the 1975 coup, have the leading roles in "Destruction of Israel", a key chapter of the illuminati anti-bible.

Easter Sunday 2014, May 4
Early Jan 2015 - Aleppo, largest syrian city: rebels expell ISIS, a major blow to the illuminati.
And yet the illuminati Grand Master decides to no longer postpone the Easter resurrection.
The main reason: the Ukraine Maidan "revolution" and "Putin reacts by entering Crimea" was unfolding exactly as scripted.
First week of March, as illuminati set a miestone for endless deceptiion in Crimea, Illuminati Grand Master gives the green light for "missing malaysian Boeing 777".
It starts March 7, two years later as planned.
Mid April - a few brave men in Slavyansk, Donetsk, force the Illuminati Grand Master to postpone it once again, for the first time a decision taken at the last minute, just days before Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday 2015, April 5
Same as 2012 and 2013, syrian rebels force the script to be postponed for 2016.
Illuminati Grand Master will have to resort to have "Putin" entering the war.
That HAS TO BE enough to finally be able to stage the resurrection in 2016, the last Easter Sunday with Obama still playing "Obamessiah of the Obamanation of Desolation"
What happened:
Dec 28, 2014 - The start of the Shanksville remake is all it takes to show that despite major military defeats in Iraq in summer 2014, Easter 2015 was still the new scripted date.
January 18, 2015 - Illuminati forced to abort the Shanksville script because of freedom loving people of Novorussia, more precisely the failed final assault on Donetsk.
This again against all odds, starting with having as political leaders treasonous nazi infiltrators sent by "Putin" to suppress the revolt.
In other words: the act "black box reveals passengers tried to resist terrorists forcing plane to crash in the Indian Ocean" had to be not only canceled but deleted from script, because the act "black bozes found" had already been announced.

Feb 2015 - nazi forces in total disarray at the Debaltseve cauldron, Lugansk.
Yet thanks to treasonous leaders, total nazi defeat could be not only averted but also the rebel victory could soon start to become a defeat, thanks to yet another "truce".

Mar 2015 - again against all odds, the situation in Syria became desperate for the illuminati. THis is why the script was again postponed at the last minute:
Syrian rebels armed with self made weapons:
1. After resisting
- air bombings by "US led coalition" that had officially started Sep 2014
- IV Reich ground troops, including 40,000 iranian and lebanese shock troops armed with some of the most modern weapons.
2. are now about to defeat Assad, with the first regional capital entirely liberated (Idlib) and Latakia about to fall.

Easter Sunday 2016, March 27 - Added
Russian jets and cruise missiles for the first time ever together with the "US led coalition" over the same skies since Sept 2015.
Feb 28, 2016 - "truce", "peace talks", but unlike Minsk 2015, without the real military commanders.
And, against all odds, the script is not only postponed but now another chapter is lost: it was the last Easter Sunday with the Obamessiah still at the White House.

ALL: Illuminati Overtime: Jerusalem Osama resurrects 2012 postponed why missing Boeing 777 script reads like chronicle
The Jerusalem script - when and what was exposed by Last Prophet
Revised source for this section:
After 1,000 articles in 100 blogs, this was the first and so far only one to include an exclamation mark.
Explanation for Easter Sunday 2016 added together with the second one.

Show to end all shows: Introduction: First act was scripted for one year before the last!!
"Abbottabad, the compound where the al-Qaeda leader lived and died, had the same shape as the Israeli-occupied territories".
"Within 24 Hours of Death: Osama Bin Laden Buried at Sea, in the Paciic Ocean, one week after Easter Sunday 2011".
One year later, the homosexual ethnic indonesian actor casted as "Obamessiah of the Obamanation of Desolation" in his secondary role, Osama:
- "ressurects on Easter Sunday in Jerusalem curcified to the missing Boeing 777".

Why start of BIG BANG postponed, modified
Explanation reads like a chronicle of how illuminati overtime was again extended after the script's original end date, Easter Sunday 2012.

Anti-bible: mock resurrection, a 9/11 remake
The show to end all shows that was originally scripted for Easter Sunday 2012

Contrast how 9/11 was exposed with its remake
Last Prophet was the first to exposed the full story of 9/11.
It took five years to explain ALL the basic facts about the ultimate example mixing real and fake blood in the same city in the same day.
Contrast with the remake:
- it started in 2011 and Last Prophet almost immediately exposed the basic line, almost one year before the date for which it was originally scripeted.
- 5 years later (as of Easter 2016) it's still unfolding. Yet the FULL story (three lines) has already been explained by Last Prophet still in 2014.

What Last Prophet exposed worldwide first
Every chapter of the 9/11 remake, both original and modified script:
1. The basic script lines, which were originally three, the first two being the absolute minimum.
2. Why it was postponed each year.
As of Easter Monday 2016, this happened now five times, each Easter Sunday from 2012 to 2016, as implied by the script's title.
3. Why the script was reduced to the absolute minimum. In other words why Jan 2015, the third script line, the Shanksville remake, had to be aborted 3 weeks after the start.

The basic script lines - when was each one exposed:
1. What will happen: "Obama Bin Laden will resurrect from the Indian Ocean".
Exposed: 2011 Sep, days after "death of Osama Bin Laden".

2. When and how will it happen: "it will take place Easter Sunday at Jerusalem, crucified to the missing Boeing 777". This was originally scripted for 2012.
Exposed: 2014 March, days after "missing Malaysian airliner over the Pacific Ocean":

3. What will additionally and previously happen: remake of 9/11 Shanksville, with some reversed details.
Exposed: 29 Dec 2014, hours after the "second missing airliner over the Pacific Ocean", this time indonesian.

Script changes - Why Easter Sunday resurrection postponed again and again, remake of Shanksville aborted
Easter Sunday 2012 and 2013
Each time postponed even before "missing Boeing 777" would be staged, originally scripted for early 2012.
Reason: the start of the Arab Spring and foremost the armed revolt in Syria.
Remider: Syria's Assad and treasonous Israel goverment, all nazi agents after the 1975 coup, have the leading roles in "Destruction of Israel", a key chapter of the illuminati anti-bible.

Easter Sunday 2014, May 4
Early Jan 2015 - Aleppo, largest syrian city: rebels expell ISIS, a major blow to the illuminati.
And yet the illuminati Grand Master decides to no longer postpone the Easter resurrection.
The main reason: the Ukraine Maidan "revolution" and "Putin reacts by entering Crimea" was unfolding exactly as scripted.
First week of March, as illuminati set a miestone for endless deceptiion in Crimea, Illuminati Grand Master gives the green light for "missing malaysian Boeing 777".
It starts March 7, two years later as planned.
Mid April - a few brave men in Slavyansk, Donetsk, force the Illuminati Grand Master to postpone it once again, for the first time a decision taken at the last minute, just days before Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday 2015, April 5
Same as 2012 and 2013, syrian rebels force the script to be postponed for 2016.
Illuminati Grand Master will have to resort to have "Putin" entering the war.
That HAS TO BE enough to finally be able to stage the resurrection in 2016, the last Easter Sunday with Obama still playing "Obamessiah of the Obamanation of Desolation"
What happened:
Dec 28, 2014 - The start of the Shanksville remake is all it takes to show that despite major military defeats in Iraq in summer 2014, Easter 2015 was still the new scripted date.
January 18, 2015 - Illuminati forced to abort the Shanksville script because of freedom loving people of Novorussia, more precisely the failed final assault on Donetsk.
This again against all odds, starting with having as political leaders treasonous nazi infiltrators sent by "Putin" to suppress the revolt.
In other words: the act "black box reveals passengers tried to resist terrorists forcing plane to crash in the Indian Ocean" had to be not only canceled but deleted from script, because the act "black bozes found" had already been announced.

Feb 2015 - nazi forces in total disarray at the Debaltseve cauldron, Lugansk.
Yet thanks to treasonous leaders, total nazi defeat could be not only averted but also the rebel victory could soon start to become a defeat, thanks to yet another "truce".

Mar 2015 - again against all odds, the situation in Syria became desperate for the illuminati. THis is why the script was again postponed at the last minute:
Syrian rebels armed with self made weapons:
1. After resisting
- air bombings by "US led coalition" that had officially started Sep 2014
- IV Reich ground troops, including 40,000 iranian and lebanese shock troops armed with some of the most modern weapons.
2. are now about to defeat Assad, with the first regional capital entirely liberated (Idlib) and Latakia about to fall.

Easter Sunday 2016, March 27 - Added
Russian jets and cruise missiles for the first time ever together with the "US led coalition" over the same skies since Sept 2015.
Feb 28, 2016 - "truce", "peace talks", but unlike Minsk 2015, without the real military commanders.
And, against all odds, the script is not only postponed but now another chapter is lost: it was the last Easter Sunday with the Obamessiah still at the White House.

ALL: Illuminati Overtime: Jerusalem Osama resurrects 2012 postponed why missing Boeing 777 script reads like chronicle
Seek help!
Obvious typo in previous post. Read: "Easter Sunday 2014, May 4 - Early Jan 2014 - Aleppo, largest syrian city:..."
Talk of Aleppo, reminder of Last Prophet's words:

The illuminati anti-bible denies Armageddon and calls for the extermination of the jews.
The fake Gaza bombings are part of this second agenda, where the treasonous government of Israel, all nazi agents since the 1975 coup, play the main role.

Drones appear only during Armageddon, a battle where only the satanists have air force.
Drones is al you need not only to show what does the IV Reich mean with humanitarian war and war on terror but also to expose the "Gaza air bombed by Israel" hoax.

Gaza vs Syria's Aleppo, Homs, Al-Qusayr, Idlib and rebel held areas of Aleppo, Damascus and Daraa/ Novorussia's Donetsk, Lugansk
Gaza, world's largest stage obviously includes a tiny area in ruins, part of the real Truman show.
There are 2 million people in Gaza and one block was reduced to rubble for the camera, less than 0.5% of the population were relocated to create this hoax.
Contrast it with totally destroyed cities in Syria and partly destroyed in Novorussia.
To get the real picture one word is all it takes: DRONE.

The drone keeps showing the same destroyed houses. What the drone can't conceal is that beyond this block Gaza is untouched.
Drone flight over Gaza - Al Jazeera English

Drone Fly over Aleppo

Video of a Damascus neighborhood filmed by a Russian drone has provided a rare glimpse into the staggering scale of destruction that years of fighting has inflicted around the Syrian capital, seat of President Bashar Assad's power.
The video shot over the district of Jobar by RTR war correspondent Yevgeny Poddubny on Oct. 18 and obtained by The Associated Press on Thursday shows blocks of bombed-out residential buildings, most of them with gaping holes and others with their top floors collapsed.
Mushrooms of thick gray smoke billow out as targets are blasted, presumably by Syrian warplanes.
Thousands of Syrian army airstrikes and barrel bombs dropped from army helicopters throughout the country's civil war have reduced entire opposition-held neighborhoods in Syria to rubble.
Most are in central and northern Syria, and some are in the eastern suburbs of Damascus where the rebels have been entrenched for several years.
The video shows an elaborate network of long trenches used by rebels in the conflict. It also shows gunmen running from building to building as they try to dodge artillery and aerial bombardment.
On a bombed-out dusty street, two tanks are seen firing artillery almost simultaneously.
Jobar is part of the eastern suburbs of Damascus known as Eastern Ghouta, which has been held by rebels for years.
The video is the first imagery that shows the scale of destruction from the air.
An edited version, set to electronic dance music, has had more than one million views since it was posted to YouTube on October 19.
Drone video shows staggering destruction near Damascus

World's largest stage Gaza bombed other than for the camera is a HOAX
the REAL Truman Show: 1.8 million on World's largest stage; audience not aware that it's a REALITY SH
Simulated Reality, the world as we know it: World's largest stage audience not aware of SHOW

World War III: original script released 1943 was a remake of original WW2 script, two of the ultimate reductions of illuminati end times.
The first reduction is implicitly stated: again the same original script.
The second reduction is what the original script was: a totally fake war with real blood.
The ultimate reason for all this: proving the illuminati anti-bible true, in particular that "Armageddon is a lie".
At tne end of the day not only WW2 but also World War III started as a real war mixed with fake wars.
As expected from the Laws of End Times Reductionism some of these fake wars were additionally reduced to fake blood.
Illuminati World Wars - only two were scripted.: WW3 script 1943 remake of WW2 original stalin
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Missing EgyptAir flight = remake of 9/11 Shanksville after the first version (Indonesian airliner "missing" Dec 28 2014) had to be aborted in Jan 2015

"Osama resurrects in Jerusalem" - why missing Boeing 777 script postponed, modified
Show to end all shows: Introduction: First act was scripted for one year before the last!!
Explanation reads like a chronicle of how illuminati overtime was extended after the original end date, Easter Sunday 2012.
Published days after Easter Sunday 2015
After 1,000 articles in 100 blogs, this was the first and so far only one to include an exclamation mark.
Explanation for Easter Sunday 2016 added together with the second one.
Illuminati Overtime: Jerusalem Osama resurrects 2012 postponed why missing Boeing 777 script reads like chronicle
Missing EgyptAir flight = remake of 9/11 Shanksville after the first version (Indonesian airliner "missing" Dec 28 2014) had to be aborted in Jan 2015

Shanksville remake script unfolding as predicted by Last Prophet:
"Debris, lugagge and body parts just found",
Coming: "black boxes eveal that brave passengers resisted the terrorists lcausing the plane to crash".

Egyptair 804: The base script doesnn't have any numbers for days and flight
This is the base script line: days between first and last "crash" EXACTLY the same as the flight number of last crash.
The page exposing how the results for Clinton and Trump in the NY primaries were scripted with illustrates two more examples of the same type:
1. Clinton: real number multiplied by EXACTLY 100, last two digits irrelevant.
2. how Trump's votes were scripted - just under the generated Clinton's votes divided by two. The exact number used to implement "just under" is gain irrelevant,
Illuminati Milestones: Rigged elections Hillary Clinton multiplier 100 in New York primaries
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