Syria: Civil War or Imperialist Terror?

Not bad. Point 4 seems to relativize the other points, though. If you aren´t in the region, the region can´t attack your interests.

when 19 of you shitheads flew planes into some of our buildings, you were attacking our interests that weren't in your region.

gee joe------You have made a comment with which I can agree-------A REAL RED LETTER EVENT
Take your meds.

Naw, man, the problem with our efforts in Syria was that Obama pussyfooted around. Assad should have been worm food the minute he crossed the red line.

Bashar Assad should have never existed------his daddy (hafez) should have been shot 45 years ago-------and Bashar---placed in loving home with normal parents
Its always "funny" how you demand other peoples´ death while you talk of human rights and democracy and bla bla bla.
Take your meds.

Naw, man, the problem with our efforts in Syria was that Obama pussyfooted around. Assad should have been worm food the minute he crossed the red line.

Bashar Assad should have never existed------his daddy (hafez) should have been shot 45 years ago-------and Bashar---placed in loving home with normal parents
Its always "funny" how you demand other peoples´ death while you talk of human rights and democracy and bla bla bla.

I have said the same of STALIN and ADOLF and SADDAM ---your other heroes You have an odd sense of humor
Take your meds.

Naw, man, the problem with our efforts in Syria was that Obama pussyfooted around. Assad should have been worm food the minute he crossed the red line.

Bashar Assad should have never existed------his daddy (hafez) should have been shot 45 years ago-------and Bashar---placed in loving home with normal parents
Its always "funny" how you demand other peoples´ death while you talk of human rights and democracy and bla bla bla.

I have said the same of STALIN and ADOLF and SADDAM ---your other heroes You have an odd sense of humor
And of everyone?

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