Sweet Victory For Earth Is The Destruction Of Religion.

Interesting. Everyone I know wants their beliefs validated.

Accepting the truth is difficult for Monkeys, especially when doing so contradicts the status quo.
Considering that the truth is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs. fact every time, only a fool would further search for the truth.

Garbage in garbage out, Bud... you still have nothing more than your opinion that you're hawking as fact.
It's amusing to watch. He argues the bible is false because creation ex nihilo is not true. But the bible doesn't teach creation ex nihilo.

his argument is based on a completely incorrect understanding of the bible. Rather than learn what it actually says he attacks a straw man and wonders why educated people think he is uncredible
Hi Taz:
Well, I don't see how that is necessary to agree on all the floods and evolution stuff unless science comes up with a way to prove it where all peole agree it isn't propaganda.

What I do find universal is to agree there is a spiritual process
of forgiving and breaking the cycles of wrongs from the past,
and recovering to reach a higher level of awareness and peace -- so we PREVENT
future wrongs by understanding "cause and effect" and working to correct problems faster before they escalate.

So that's what I see as the CENTRAL message in the Bible,
how that process works in stages,
and working one by one to resolve problems, make peace, and establish truth and justice by agreement.

TAZ If you are truly curious about the flood and evolution
by all means
I totally support a scientific consensus on all things that can be asked and answered.

I don't want to Discourage you from asking
but I believe the first step is to resolve conflicts so we CAN work together in teams.

Once everyone agrees to help each other,
I think it will be MUCH easier to research and resolve these other questions.

But it's hard to get the answers while everyone is so divided and fearful of each other.
Let's get the people organized first, and then when we agree how to approach
these questions it will be easier to find answers and resolve issues without fighting.
Let's get people organized around a book we all agree is full of bullshit stories? Um... no. :D

What I do find amusing is the Bible is a history book. It also contains parables and creation tales because that's what primitive people do with their time. They try to figure out "how did we get here?" Which is closely akin to the modern mans question "why are we here?" One thing is not deniable about the Bible though...archeologists have confirmed more stories in the Bible than they have discounted.
Places and battles... are easy to write about, even several generations later. Quoting Jesus is bullshit. Every "miracle" has no basis in fact, therefore are bullshit as well. No virgin Mary. No worldwide flood...
Wrong. That is satans influence on you. Good luck.
Then prove to me that there was a worldwide flood, it should show in sediments from around the world. Plus, how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again?
You believe in science right? You ever hear of a little thing called continental shift? When the land masses were one? Read the Bible instead of just saying it is not true. Bible is truth, God is the only way.
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!



I just adore how the Anti-theists all declare their adherence to logic, then summarily launch into straw reasoning... it never fails to be HYSTERICAL!
Religion is an attempt to answer the unprovable questions of where we come from, and what happens to the software that drives our flesh when we die.

For an opinion on the subject to be present, faith is required because those questions are, by definition, unprovable.

The closer we get to a reasonable explanation for how we came to exist, the easier it is to put religions, especially those religions that are based on ancient texts, in to proper perspective.

Says you.

But you are by no means the Grand Poobah of Eternity. In other words, who cares what your musings on the topic are?

Joe, while man may use religion in an attempt to prove something. That's not what God had in mind. He had nothing to prove and didn't create us to prove it. What did your mother giving life to you have to prove?
Faith is not required, but Faith is preferred. Prophecy proves God.
As for those fables, looking for proof of them outside of the Bible has made modern archeology the Bible's best friend. They are proving the "fables" were a reality.
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Some religions don't find anything spiritually relevant about how the Universe, Earth or humanity was formed.

That is SO true...

But in fairness... Judea/Christianity set the origins of the Universe in more accurate terms than did the "Physicists" who came along 5000 years later. Wherein the Scriptures set the origin in light, with the sacrosanct 'knowledge' of science setting it in sound, the distinction found readily in the "Light" found in the outset of Genesis, compared to the 'Big Bang'. In point of fact, there was no BANG. It's not even a debatable point.
Says you.

But you are by no means the Grand Poobah of Eternity. In other words, who cares what your musings on the topic are?

Says everybody, including you. It's just my humble opinion, Sister.

Which is just as valid, and just as worthless, as yours.

Ain't life in a reasonably free society grand? :thup:
Joe, while man may use religion in an attempt to prove something. That's not what God had in mind. He had nothing to prove and didn't create us to prove it.
What did your mother giving life to you have to prove?

Which Mother...? My personal, flesh and blood, DNA sharing, connection to the living Timeline Mommy, or Mother Earth?

Mother Earth giving Life to me proves that it's possible....

My Mother giving life to me proves my connection to the rest of you fuckers and all the fuckers who spawned us.​
No, that is what proves your connection. God had children, not to prove His existence, but to have children. Probably the same reason your mom had you. God's not attempting to prove where we came from and where we are going by having a relationship with us. God isn't a religion, He is a relationship.

And if you think we are getting there, moving in the right direction, no fables, no God, just the goodness of man's heart, let your child or grandchild go out and play alone, like you and I did.
I love the way you anthropomorphize God right there!

Mankind in His image indeed!

The reasons my mother had for having a family are hers alone, as are the reasons for all the personal decisions made by all of us.

None of which has anything to do with what the fact of Monkeys occupying a planet they call Mother proves, or what the fact of my birth in particular proves.

Your question was
What did your mother giving life to you have to prove?
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!



I just adore how the Anti-theists all declare their adherence to logic, then summarily launch into straw reasoning... it never fails to be HYSTERICAL!

to be fair our society isn't trained in logic. So unless you've received formal training or taught yourself you wouldn't recognize logic, fallacies, or the limits of logic.
I love the way you anthropomorphize God right there!

Mankind in His image indeed!

The reasons my mother had for having a family are hers alone, as are the reasons for all the personal decisions made by all of us.

None of which has anything to do with what the fact of Monkeys occupying a planet they call Mother proves, or what the fact of my birth in particular proves.

Your question was
What did your mother giving life to you have to prove?

how do you think God was seen if He doesn't have a body. In fact the entire new testament is about the good news that God condescended to become mortal and atoned for our sins. When you see Him you will see that we are like Him. We are the same species. We are just mortal and flawed while He is immortal and perfect.
That's the point. I don't think God was seen. I think that The New Testament is bullshit and that if God is, He/She/It will commune and relate to you and I personally and intimately, just like She/He/It related to and communed with Abraham back in the day.

If God is, do you really think that He needs dusty old Arab stories to relate to Her creation?

Bury The God of Abraham with Abraham and celebrate The God of (insert your name here).

Ass-U-Me-ing God is, that is.​

That's the point. I don't think God was seen. I think that The New Testament is bullshit and that if God is, He/She/It will commune and relate to you and I personally and intimately, just like She/He/It related to and communed with Abraham back in the day.

If God is, do you really think that He needs dusty old Arab stories to relate to Her creation?

Bury The God of Abraham with Abraham and celebrate The God of (insert your name here).

Ass-U-Me-ing God is, that is.​

In Abraham's day, everyone did have their own God. As the story goes, Abraham's family made their living by selling totems, or images of gods. Those who had good fortune were said to have a powerful god. Abraham's revelation was that there are not millions of individual gods--but one God of all. Christ brought back the concept that while there is One God, it is not the impersonal God of a nation, but a very loving and personal God who cares about each individual--not nations.

I would advise against burying, but instead, to remember the revelations we have been given of God.
Hi Taz:
Well, I don't see how that is necessary to agree on all the floods and evolution stuff unless science comes up with a way to prove it where all peole agree it isn't propaganda.

What I do find universal is to agree there is a spiritual process
of forgiving and breaking the cycles of wrongs from the past,
and recovering to reach a higher level of awareness and peace -- so we PREVENT
future wrongs by understanding "cause and effect" and working to correct problems faster before they escalate.

So that's what I see as the CENTRAL message in the Bible,
how that process works in stages,
and working one by one to resolve problems, make peace, and establish truth and justice by agreement.

TAZ If you are truly curious about the flood and evolution
by all means
I totally support a scientific consensus on all things that can be asked and answered.

I don't want to Discourage you from asking
but I believe the first step is to resolve conflicts so we CAN work together in teams.

Once everyone agrees to help each other,
I think it will be MUCH easier to research and resolve these other questions.

But it's hard to get the answers while everyone is so divided and fearful of each other.
Let's get the people organized first, and then when we agree how to approach
these questions it will be easier to find answers and resolve issues without fighting.
Let's get people organized around a book we all agree is full of bullshit stories? Um... no. :D

What I do find amusing is the Bible is a history book. It also contains parables and creation tales because that's what primitive people do with their time. They try to figure out "how did we get here?" Which is closely akin to the modern mans question "why are we here?" One thing is not deniable about the Bible though...archeologists have confirmed more stories in the Bible than they have discounted.
Places and battles... are easy to write about, even several generations later. Quoting Jesus is bullshit. Every "miracle" has no basis in fact, therefore are bullshit as well. No virgin Mary. No worldwide flood...
Wrong. That is satans influence on you. Good luck.
Then prove to me that there was a worldwide flood, it should show in sediments from around the world. Plus, how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again?
Dear TAZ and AmericanFirst:
Instead of trying to prove something in the past that can't be recreated, why not use science to prove something in the present that can be replicated to show it is universal to all ppl?

Spiritual healing can be demonstrated and explained by science, with greater imPact on world health, economy and social justice and peace.

The one thing that appears to be the holdup is that Spiritual Healingis based on Forgiveness.

So maybe people arent ready to proves forgiveness heals on multiple levels, from individual illness to broken abusive relations to collective problems in society.

The Forgiveness it takes to drop endless arguments, and to focus on proving something with far greater benefits and implicaions,
Would already solve half the problem itself.

Maybe that's why the answers are avoided, because they would end the need to argue. People may be more comfortable arguing in circles back and forth instead of solving the problems on a sustainable permanent basis. Maybe we aren't ready to take that step!
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That's the point. I don't think God was seen. I think that The New Testament is bullshit and that if God is, He/She/It will commune and relate to you and I personally and intimately, just like She/He/It related to and communed with Abraham back in the day.

If God is, do you really think that He needs dusty old Arab stories to relate to Her creation?

Bury The God of Abraham with Abraham and celebrate The God of (insert your name here).

Ass-U-Me-ing God is, that is.​

Just because the Biblical approach does notspeak to you as true, does not mean to abolish it for those ppl and tribes under those laws.

The same spirit of Restorative Justice, which Christ Jesus represents in the NT, equally fulfills ALL laws and authorities whether spiritual/sacred laws or natural/secular laws.

What laws do you believe in as Universal?
Natural or Constitutional laws?

Why can't the same spirit of Justice or Jesus fulfill those, too, in order to establish Universal Truth or God's will/ laws in all forms? Why the unnecessary conflict or rejection when all ways are part of the fulfilment process of becoming one complete body of knowledge including all ppl and ways. Why can't all be joined and made one in harmony in Christ or by conscience collectively for all humanity restored in peace.

The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran may indeed be THE God of The Universe and The New Testament may indeed be God's plan in action.

If He is, there is a special place in hell waiting for me because I specifically preach against the plausibility of those particular ancient stories being worthy of the title 'Divinely Inspired Texts', and I know it.

Plausibly speaking though, I'm comfortable enough with my beliefs.

Possibilities! :beer:

:beer: Plausibilities!!​
AVG-JOE post: 10385562 said:

The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran may indeed be THE God of The Universe and The New Testament may indeed be God's plan in action.

If He is, there is a special place in hell waiting for me because I specifically preach against the plausibility of those particular ancient stories being worthy of the title 'Divinely Inspired Texts', and I know it.

Plausibly speaking though, I'm comfortable enough with my beliefs.

Possibilities! :beer:

:beer: Plausibilities!!​
Was this reply to my last post?
If you are open to the possibility
That may be enough to work with.

As for divinely inspired text
What about Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, the writings of Jefferson and the Constitution.

Do you believe natural laws are authored by God or the Universe
so any texts based on such universal concepts are inspired by
Nature or God?

You may be a righteous Gentile like me who just relates to natural laws like Jefferson who didnt relate to miracles as mythical and not necessary for the core principles. Are you a Jeffersonian type, secular type believer in Justice and Truth without the religious hype?

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