Sweden SM curator combats Rumpian fake news


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
>> Before President Trump’s reference on Saturday to a terror attack in Sweden, the biggest story in Stockholm was this one: a report about the so-called “fake news” industry published by Dagens Nyheter, a Swedish newspaper.

But Trump’s remark was met with a collective “What did he just say?” in Sweden, a country recognized by most Americans as largely peaceful, except in, say, Stieg Larsson novels.

In response, Swedish officials from the prime minister on down have taken to social media to debunk those claims. And leading the defense is Sweden’s official Twitter handle, @Sweden, an unusual account that is curated by a different Swedish citizen each week.

This week, that suddenly important job fell to Max Karlsson, a 22-year-old paralegal and trumpet player from Stockholm who found out he would be @Sweden’s curator earlier this month.

Karlsson has spent the past two days firing off tweets correcting the assertions made by Trump and others by “dumping” facts.

We have around 100 murders per year. Thats like two days in the US. Two. Days.
— @sweden / Max (@sweden) February 20, 2017

During the time Sweden received 250.000 refugees, unemployment has fallen with 1,2%-points.Arbetslöshet - Ekonomifakta
— @sweden / Max (@sweden) February 20, 2017​

... Karlsson told Yahoo News that he’s had a mostly positive experience conversing with both pro- and anti-Trump Twitter users.
<< --- Meet the 22-year-old fighting Trump’s terror talk about Sweden from the country’s official Twitter feed
Love this part:

>> “I’ve had great conversations with both Trump opponents and Trump voters about how we can have discussions based on facts, and why polarization is hurting the truth,” Karlsson said. “But I have also learned and relearned that some people are unwilling to face facts, ready to threaten others for their agenda and willing to smear opponents with degrading remarks just to prove a point. I can’t believe some adults are allowed online.” <<

:lol: Yeah how well we know. Hey Max, check out the message board echobubble.
Trump fucked up.
Why is that guy comparing murder count to US when they have 1/30th of the population we do? I would think rate would be more relevant.
I like that more people are seeing the muslim crime problem in Sweden

Thanks to Trump
Leftards want to bring this to America but their women have nothing to fear...their wimpy partners will toss them a pillow for comfort while they are being sexually assaulted.

I like that more people are seeing the muslim crime problem in Sweden

Thanks to Trump

Seems to be the same crowd seeing the biggliest electoral college victory since Reagan, the horrible terrorist attacks in Atlanta and Bowling Green, and "three million illegals". Same reason.
Leftards want to bring this to America but their women have nothing to fear...their wimpy partners will toss them a pillow for comfort while they are being sexually assaulted.

Uhhhh yyyyyeah that's a fake story from a hack pseudo-journalist who edited his interviewees' answers onto questions he never asked them. They described him as a "madman". Ex-Prime Minister asked 'what has Rump been smoking?'. So uh, no.

Far more problematic is when Rump says "look what happened in Sweden last night", what he really means is "look what Fox Noise told me last night happened in Sweden". Which means we have a CinC who's friggin' lost in space.
Leftards want to bring this to America but their women have nothing to fear...their wimpy partners will toss them a pillow for comfort while they are being sexually assaulted.

Uhhhh yyyyyeah that's a fake story from a hack pseudo-journalist who edited his interviewees' answers onto questions he never asked them. They described him as a "madman". Ex-Prime Minister asked 'what has Rump been smoking?'. So uh, no.

Far more problematic is when Rump says "look what happened in Sweden last night", what he really means is "look what Fox Noise told me last night happened in Sweden". Which means we have a CinC who's friggin' lost in space.[/QUOT

Dude, you are a fucking idiot if you REALLY believe that Sweden and all the other E.U countries that have had this flood of filth invade their countries are thriving and that there hasn't been a HUGE rise in violent crimes sexual assaults and "no go" zones. Stay stupid because it fits you perfectly. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what the real agenda is nor the endgame. You lack the intellect and the ability to even wrap your mind around it. Stupidity and ignorance is a deadly combination in this day and age....good luck, dude...you are gonna need it.
Leftards want to bring this to America but their women have nothing to fear...their wimpy partners will toss them a pillow for comfort while they are being sexually assaulted.

Uhhhh yyyyyeah that's a fake story from a hack pseudo-journalist who edited his interviewees' answers onto questions he never asked them. They described him as a "madman". Ex-Prime Minister asked 'what has Rump been smoking?'. So uh, no.

Far more problematic is when Rump says "look what happened in Sweden last night", what he really means is "look what Fox Noise told me last night happened in Sweden". Which means we have a CinC who's friggin' lost in space.[/QUOT

Dude, you are a fucking idiot... Stay stupid because it fits you perfectly. You don't have the slightest fucking clue .... You lack the intellect and the ability to even wrap your mind around it. Stupidity and ignorance is a deadly combination in this day and age....good luck, dude...you are gonna need it.

:lol: That's your rebuttal, is it?

>> Before President Trump’s reference on Saturday to a terror attack in Sweden, the biggest story in Stockholm was this one: a report about the so-called “fake news” industry published by Dagens Nyheter, a Swedish newspaper.

But Trump’s remark was met with a collective “What did he just say?” in Sweden, a country recognized by most Americans as largely peaceful, except in, say, Stieg Larsson novels.

In response, Swedish officials from the prime minister on down have taken to social media to debunk those claims. And leading the defense is Sweden’s official Twitter handle, @Sweden, an unusual account that is curated by a different Swedish citizen each week.

This week, that suddenly important job fell to Max Karlsson, a 22-year-old paralegal and trumpet player from Stockholm who found out he would be @Sweden’s curator earlier this month.

Karlsson has spent the past two days firing off tweets correcting the assertions made by Trump and others by “dumping” facts.

We have around 100 murders per year. Thats like two days in the US. Two. Days.
— @sweden / Max (@sweden) February 20, 2017

During the time Sweden received 250.000 refugees, unemployment has fallen with 1,2%-points.Arbetslöshet - Ekonomifakta
— @sweden / Max (@sweden) February 20, 2017​
... Karlsson told Yahoo News that he’s had a mostly positive experience conversing with both pro- and anti-Trump Twitter users.
<< --- Meet the 22-year-old fighting Trump’s terror talk about Sweden from the country’s official Twitter feed
Love this part:

>> “I’ve had great conversations with both Trump opponents and Trump voters about how we can have discussions based on facts, and why polarization is hurting the truth,” Karlsson said. “But I have also learned and relearned that some people are unwilling to face facts, ready to threaten others for their agenda and willing to smear opponents with degrading remarks just to prove a point. I can’t believe some adults are allowed online.” <<

:lol: Yeah how well we know. Hey Max, check out the message board echobubble.

The Dagens Nyheter article linked is instructive in itself ----

>> A church in Kristianstad, Sweden, is desecrated. An unknown party has been masturbating in the nave. On the floor are faeces and used syringes.

The parish thinks drug addicts are to blame – but in the US a different explanation has reached millions through Facebook.

Måns Mosesson tells the story of how one piece of fake news went global, all from a shabby basement room in Macedonia.
A church in Kristianstad, Sweden, is desecrated. An unknown party has been masturbating in the nave. On the floor are faeces and used syringes.

The parish thinks drug addicts are to blame – but in the US a different explanation has reached millions through Facebook.

Måns Mosesson tells the story of how one piece of fake news went global, all from a shabby basement room in Macedonia.

He doesn’t trust CNN, nor CBS or NBC any more. On Facebook though he can fill up on his favourite sources. That morning, the site Focus News has posted a frightening report.

The article concerns a church on the other side of the Atlantic.

”When the Church of the Holy Trinity in Kristianstad, Sweden embraced a group of Muslim asylum seekers, they were shocked to find that the Islamists took advantage of their generosity in the sickest ways”, it reads. The piece tells the story of a gullible parish that lets refugees stay in their church until they discover that ”the Muslims they gave food, shelter, and love were not only destroying the church property but were relentlessly urinating, defecating, and masturbating in the pews.”

The story grew in popularity; soon shared on Facebook pages with over 10 million followers.

When I speak to Michael on the phone he can still recall how outraged he was.

“You do not desecrate a House of God”, he says. “The Muslims hate the Christians, OK? That's all Islam is, it's politics. It's not a religion, alright, although they want you to believe that. They have said they are going to take over the world. If you look in the Koran, I don't know where, but if you open the Koran you'll find that it's there too.”

Over 12.000 Americans saw the article from Focus News, many of them pitching in with social media comments

“Demons from hell”, reads one from a Texan with a puppy on her profile picture. “Send them back to their own country!!!!!”, adds Joan. Sandra, a mother of two comments: “Sickening if it is true, and like others have said, would not doubt it.”

But there were good reasons to doubt it.

It is September 2016 and Bengt Alvland is compiling all the incidents that have occurred in the last few years.

He recounts the most dramatic one, when a few years ago at a christening a drunk man ran up and tried to grab the baby. Other incidents included attempts to steal the altarware, people setting fire to service sheets in the candle holder, pushing their way forward to take all the biscuits after a service, and then the semen, excrement and syringes of course.

It was a perfect little story, defecation and masturbation in the House of God.

Naturally the local paper were soon on it.

Who is behind the desecration of the church? asked reporters from local title Kristianstadsbladet.

Bengt Alvland cannot of course say for certain. There are no witnesses to many of the incidents, but he is still set on saying it as he sees it, linking it with the opening of the new methadone clinic. As is often the case when someone speculates or generalises, the details are slightly unclear.

It is at that moment of uncertainty that things are set in motion.

To understand why, it is helpful to quote the exact words from the piece that Kristianstadsbladet posted on its website on 7th December 2016.

“Bengt Alvland does not know who these disrupting persons are”, it says. “He says that they are not the usual homeless people, known to the staff, but ‘a new clientele’.”

The story is followed by the normal sequence of events when a piece of remarkable news travels. The article gets quoted by national news agency TT, as well as the evening papers Aftonbladet and Expressen. It appears on public service television SVT in the evening.

Some xenophobic sites also pick it up. They post quotes that are technically correct, but to many readers it is clear that “a new clientele” means something other than what Alvland intended.

“The mass invasion now appears in more grotesque forms than ever, disrespectful apes” is one of the comments on Nordfront, a campaigning organisation for the white power Nordic resistance movement. “Just as I thought that the gypsies couldn’t sink lower…” writes another. “If we take another Christian country, Poland for example, they would have dragged the gypsies out and given them a thorough beating.”

Right wing Swedish site Fria Tider runs it with the headline: “’New clientele’ crap and masturbate in church’”.

Ivan posted an article on his home page on the 8th December 2016. The piece was about how Muslims had defecated and masturbated in a church in Sweden.

“It was a real hit”, Ivan says. “The second I read the headline I knew that it was going to run like crazy. It hits people right in the head.”

Ivan waves his arms about, a caricature of an outraged American.

”'How can this shit be!? It's not possible!' It has become my job to figure out what people in the US want to read, topics that they want to share with their friends. Donald, Melania… Islam, Muslims. Everybody clicks on stuff like that.”

The headline of Ivan’s article read: Liberal church houses Muslim refugees, horrified by what they find in pews.

The numbers are pretty detailed:

The story reached 12,880 of those following Ivan’s page on Facebook.

The piece was shared 110 times.

Most importantly, there were 3,324 Americans who clicked through to Ivan’s site.

Around 11 per cent of those visitors also clicked on one of the ads.

Every American click is worth 0.06 US dollars, which means that Ivan earned almost 22 dollars from the one article.

That may sound like petty money to some, but it isn’t for the 25-year old Macedonian.

“I have been out of work for four years”, he says. “So this is perfect for me. I can sit at home and make money and even have a smoke at the same time.” <<​

Much more context at the link but that's what we have here --- a game of "telephone".

Gullible's Travels. Hard to believe.

I remember some USMB wags posting it here too. Not sure if they were the same ones who dutifully reposted the one about "three million Amish". :lol:
If these muslims are so great, why is nobody trying to move to there countries?
>> Before President Trump’s reference on Saturday to a terror attack in Sweden, the biggest story in Stockholm was this one: a report about the so-called “fake news” industry published by Dagens Nyheter, a Swedish newspaper.

But Trump’s remark was met with a collective “What did he just say?” in Sweden, a country recognized by most Americans as largely peaceful, except in, say, Stieg Larsson novels.

In response, Swedish officials from the prime minister on down have taken to social media to debunk those claims. And leading the defense is Sweden’s official Twitter handle, @Sweden, an unusual account that is curated by a different Swedish citizen each week.

This week, that suddenly important job fell to Max Karlsson, a 22-year-old paralegal and trumpet player from Stockholm who found out he would be @Sweden’s curator earlier this month.

Karlsson has spent the past two days firing off tweets correcting the assertions made by Trump and others by “dumping” facts.

We have around 100 murders per year. Thats like two days in the US. Two. Days.
— @sweden / Max (@sweden) February 20, 2017

During the time Sweden received 250.000 refugees, unemployment has fallen with 1,2%-points.Arbetslöshet - Ekonomifakta
— @sweden / Max (@sweden) February 20, 2017​
... Karlsson told Yahoo News that he’s had a mostly positive experience conversing with both pro- and anti-Trump Twitter users.
<< --- Meet the 22-year-old fighting Trump’s terror talk about Sweden from the country’s official Twitter feed
Love this part:

>> “I’ve had great conversations with both Trump opponents and Trump voters about how we can have discussions based on facts, and why polarization is hurting the truth,” Karlsson said. “But I have also learned and relearned that some people are unwilling to face facts, ready to threaten others for their agenda and willing to smear opponents with degrading remarks just to prove a point. I can’t believe some adults are allowed online.” <<

:lol: Yeah how well we know. Hey Max, check out the message board echobubble.

I love watching progressives defend third world Muslims.


The more you people defend Islamic barbarians and refuse to see the problems they bring, the more the electorate will swing right.
>> Before President Trump’s reference on Saturday to a terror attack in Sweden, the biggest story in Stockholm was this one: a report about the so-called “fake news” industry published by Dagens Nyheter, a Swedish newspaper.

But Trump’s remark was met with a collective “What did he just say?” in Sweden, a country recognized by most Americans as largely peaceful, except in, say, Stieg Larsson novels.

In response, Swedish officials from the prime minister on down have taken to social media to debunk those claims. And leading the defense is Sweden’s official Twitter handle, @Sweden, an unusual account that is curated by a different Swedish citizen each week.

This week, that suddenly important job fell to Max Karlsson, a 22-year-old paralegal and trumpet player from Stockholm who found out he would be @Sweden’s curator earlier this month.

Karlsson has spent the past two days firing off tweets correcting the assertions made by Trump and others by “dumping” facts.

We have around 100 murders per year. Thats like two days in the US. Two. Days.
— @sweden / Max (@sweden) February 20, 2017

During the time Sweden received 250.000 refugees, unemployment has fallen with 1,2%-points.Arbetslöshet - Ekonomifakta
— @sweden / Max (@sweden) February 20, 2017​
... Karlsson told Yahoo News that he’s had a mostly positive experience conversing with both pro- and anti-Trump Twitter users.
<< --- Meet the 22-year-old fighting Trump’s terror talk about Sweden from the country’s official Twitter feed
Love this part:

>> “I’ve had great conversations with both Trump opponents and Trump voters about how we can have discussions based on facts, and why polarization is hurting the truth,” Karlsson said. “But I have also learned and relearned that some people are unwilling to face facts, ready to threaten others for their agenda and willing to smear opponents with degrading remarks just to prove a point. I can’t believe some adults are allowed online.” <<

:lol: Yeah how well we know. Hey Max, check out the message board echobubble.

I love watching progressives defend third world Muslims.


The more you people defend Islamic barbarians and refuse to see the problems they bring, the more the electorate will swing right.

This thread ain't about "Muslims", Dimbulb. Check the forum. If it were about Muslims it would be under "Religion".
This is about fake news and how the object of that fake news --- which in this case is the nation of Sweden --- counters it. I know it must suck to a rhetorical fascist that they get to respond. Tough shit.

Swedish politicians: Trump is right, Sweden’s embrace of Muslim migrants isn’t working


Swedish government spokespersons continually claim everything's sweetness and light and there's no problem with Muslim refugees. But, police officials and now their own politicians admit there are problems. The Left is gonna hate this.

Our nation’s culture hasn’t been spared either. Artists accused of insulting Islam live under death threats. Dance performances and art exhibitions have been called off for fear of angering Islamists. Schools have prohibited the singing of traditional Christian hymns because they don’t want to “insult” non-Christian immigrants. Yet reports made with hidden cameras by journalists from Swedish public media show mosques teaching fundamentalist interpretations of Islam….

Full story @ You are being redirected...

Sweden in Flames, Media Denies Truth, Trump was Right @ Political Pistachio: Sweden in Flames, Media Denies Truth, Trump was Right
Swedish politicians: Trump is right, Sweden’s embrace of Muslim migrants isn’t working


Swedish government spokespersons continually claim everything's sweetness and light and there's no problem with Muslim refugees. But, police officials and now their own politicians admit there are problems. The Left is gonna hate this.

Our nation’s culture hasn’t been spared either. Artists accused of insulting Islam live under death threats. Dance performances and art exhibitions have been called off for fear of angering Islamists. Schools have prohibited the singing of traditional Christian hymns because they don’t want to “insult” non-Christian immigrants. Yet reports made with hidden cameras by journalists from Swedish public media show mosques teaching fundamentalist interpretations of Islam….

Full story @ You are being redirected...

Sweden in Flames, Media Denies Truth, Trump was Right @ Political Pistachio: Sweden in Flames, Media Denies Truth, Trump was Right

The only thing funnier than a poster who links to "you are being redirected" as a source is finding out the redirection goes to "jihawatch", a notorious bigot hack site. :lol: No wonder he didn't want to name it.

Thought is a lost art.

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