Susan Rice Fomenting Sedition

Rice has yet to adequately explain why she wanted certain members of the Trump administration "unmasked" in intelligence reports. Her explanation that she wanted to "understand" the context in which they were mentioned is absolute b.s.. think that disagreeing with Obama's actions is Sedition.
We had tons of reasons to disagree....and we have the right to voice our opinions on it without being called racists.

Except racism was all you guys really had.

It was eight years of listening to you guys scream, "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!"

Sorry,your race card has been declined,apparently it has reached its limit.
Nobody said that, you lying POS.

Yeah, you kind of did.

Heck, you passed up 10 qualified guys to nominate the one who screamed it the loudest.

Kinda,maybe,possibly,if true,unconfirmed sources,heard it from a friends nephew's cousin who heard it from some dude in a this all you dipshits have these days?
Now Obama's former administration is not only making deals with our enemies, but they're sending them out to the corrupt media to foment Sedition. The way the media covers these criminal acts dictate how the public views it. Fox News showed the story this morning, but not the way they show every fake accusation by Democrats. They show the story and then move on. This is the pattern. No urgency. Nothing. Just report this and go on to talking about a puppy that saved the lives of 3 homeless people:

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice says attack on democracy "coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue"

The former national security adviser to President Obama told "CBS This Morning" that for the first time she can remember, "our democracy is under assault" and the attack is coming "from within."

"It's coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And for all of the security threats I saw as national security adviser, all the challenges we faced, I never thought I'd see that," said Rice, who also served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Rice, whose new book "Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For" is out next week, said she was stunned when President Trump publicly called on China to investigate Hunter Biden on Thursday despite no evidence of wrongdoing. The president tweeted that he has the "absolute right" to ask other countries to investigate corruption. Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice says attack on democracy "coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue" - CBS News

Yes.....the same woman who went on 5 Sunday morning talk shows after 4 Americans were murdered in Benghazi and said wasn't a planned attack. It was just a protest. We're supposed to listen to this woman lie to us again. Well, apparently CBS thinks so.
If that "fomenting sedition" then you conservitards did it every day of the week and twice on Sundays during the entire Obama Administration.
The difference, liar, is that we told the truth about black jesus.
Now Obama's former administration is not only making deals with our enemies, but they're sending them out to the corrupt media to foment Sedition. The way the media covers these criminal acts dictate how the public views it. Fox News showed the story this morning, but not the way they show every fake accusation by Democrats. They show the story and then move on. This is the pattern. No urgency. Nothing. Just report this and go on to talking about a puppy that saved the lives of 3 homeless people:

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice says attack on democracy "coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue"

The former national security adviser to President Obama told "CBS This Morning" that for the first time she can remember, "our democracy is under assault" and the attack is coming "from within."

"It's coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And for all of the security threats I saw as national security adviser, all the challenges we faced, I never thought I'd see that," said Rice, who also served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Rice, whose new book "Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For" is out next week, said she was stunned when President Trump publicly called on China to investigate Hunter Biden on Thursday despite no evidence of wrongdoing. The president tweeted that he has the "absolute right" to ask other countries to investigate corruption. Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice says attack on democracy "coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue" - CBS News

Yes.....the same woman who went on 5 Sunday morning talk shows after 4 Americans were murdered in Benghazi and said wasn't a planned attack. It was just a protest. We're supposed to listen to this woman lie to us again. Well, apparently CBS thinks so.
If that "fomenting sedition" then you conservitards did it every day of the week and twice on Sundays during the entire Obama Administration.
The difference, liar, is that we told the truth about black jesus.
That's a lie.
Now Obama's former administration is not only making deals with our enemies, but they're sending them out to the corrupt media to foment Sedition. The way the media covers these criminal acts dictate how the public views it. Fox News showed the story this morning, but not the way they show every fake accusation by Democrats. They show the story and then move on. This is the pattern. No urgency. Nothing. Just report this and go on to talking about a puppy that saved the lives of 3 homeless people:

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice says attack on democracy "coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue"

The former national security adviser to President Obama told "CBS This Morning" that for the first time she can remember, "our democracy is under assault" and the attack is coming "from within."

"It's coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And for all of the security threats I saw as national security adviser, all the challenges we faced, I never thought I'd see that," said Rice, who also served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Rice, whose new book "Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For" is out next week, said she was stunned when President Trump publicly called on China to investigate Hunter Biden on Thursday despite no evidence of wrongdoing. The president tweeted that he has the "absolute right" to ask other countries to investigate corruption. Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice says attack on democracy "coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue" - CBS News

Yes.....the same woman who went on 5 Sunday morning talk shows after 4 Americans were murdered in Benghazi and said it wasn't a planned attack. It was just a protest. We're supposed to listen to this woman lie to us again. Well, apparently CBS thinks so.
Here we go again. Dumbass Trumpettes lying about Benghazi. You assdfucks piss on their graves every time you lie about this.

Susan Rice knows more about foreign policy than your fast assed orange buddy.
.you think that disagreeing with Obama's actions is Sedition.
No, I don't. You can disagree all you want.

The Birther movement, the racism, the accusations of homosexuality and of being a muslim, the list goes on and on.

That's sedition by the standards set in the OP.
  • Obama is a US citizen because his mother was a citizen. Trump claimed that Obama's BC was a fake. Obama sealed his records to prevent discovery, so everyone has a right to be suspicious of it.
  • Obama hid his homosexual past because he felt that it would damage his chances of being elected or re-elected
  • Obama is well known to be a closet Muslim. Most of his family is Muslim and that means, according to his faith....he is a born Muslim. Whether he practiced it to the inth degree is a matter of opinion
Believing that all of this is true isn't Sedition. BTW, what country do you think this is? People used to be able to hold opinions. Are you saying having opinions is Sedition now?
Lol, why am I not surprised you've swallowed that whole load?

No, having conflicting opinions being sedition is what the OP is saying, I'm just applying the standard to the other side as well.
Now Obama's former administration is not only making deals with our enemies, but they're sending them out to the corrupt media to foment Sedition. The way the media covers these criminal acts dictate how the public views it. Fox News showed the story this morning, but not the way they show every fake accusation by Democrats. They show the story and then move on. This is the pattern. No urgency. Nothing. Just report this and go on to talking about a puppy that saved the lives of 3 homeless people:

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice says attack on democracy "coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue"

The former national security adviser to President Obama told "CBS This Morning" that for the first time she can remember, "our democracy is under assault" and the attack is coming "from within."

"It's coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And for all of the security threats I saw as national security adviser, all the challenges we faced, I never thought I'd see that," said Rice, who also served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Rice, whose new book "Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For" is out next week, said she was stunned when President Trump publicly called on China to investigate Hunter Biden on Thursday despite no evidence of wrongdoing. The president tweeted that he has the "absolute right" to ask other countries to investigate corruption. Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice says attack on democracy "coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue" - CBS News

Yes.....the same woman who went on 5 Sunday morning talk shows after 4 Americans were murdered in Benghazi and said wasn't a planned attack. It was just a protest. We're supposed to listen to this woman lie to us again. Well, apparently CBS thinks so.
If that "fomenting sedition" then you conservitards did it every day of the week and twice on Sundays during the entire Obama Administration.
When things get bad enough no one will listen to the sorority girls. Doesn't the poverty areas tell you anything? As long as some crumbs are kept on the table they get elected or have power. Pay attention to reality.

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