Survey shows rapid rise in white leftists seeing violence as acceptable in politics. Who'da thunk?

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Let me break the chart down for you, because a heck of a lot of people got confused over what this actually says. This poll question is from the American National Elections Studies run by Stanford and University of Michigan, and funded by the National Science Foundation. It asked people if they consider violence acceptable in achieving political goals.

Among whites, 86.8% of moderates in 2016 said "not at all," meaning violence is never acceptable. This means 13.2% did think violence is sometimes okay.

In 2020, the number of moderates who believe violence is "not at all" justified went down, meaning the number of moderates who believe violence is acceptable went up (14.2%).

Now look to the right of the chart:

The number of "somewhat conservative" whites who believe political violence is never justified went six points down from 2016 to 2020. Only 5.8% now consider such violence acceptable.

"Very conservative" white people were the least likely to approve of political violence, with only 4.2% in that category.

Finally, look to the left of the chart:

"Somewhat liberal" whites had a slight decrease in people who tolerate political violence, while solidly "liberal" whites actually had more acceptance of violence – up to 17.2% in 2020 from 11.9% in 2016.

"Very liberal" whites had the biggest change, with 33.5% believing political violence is sometimes justified compared to only 13.1% in 2018.

Lefty progressive fags are violent subhuman animals and approve of violence ......geee no kidding

Let me break the chart down for you, because a heck of a lot of people got confused over what this actually says. This poll question is from the American National Elections Studies run by Stanford and University of Michigan, and funded by the National Science Foundation. It asked people if they consider violence acceptable in achieving political goals.

Among whites, 86.8% of moderates in 2016 said "not at all," meaning violence is never acceptable. This means 13.2% did think violence is sometimes okay.

In 2020, the number of moderates who believe violence is "not at all" justified went down, meaning the number of moderates who believe violence is acceptable went up (14.2%).

Now look to the right of the chart:

The number of "somewhat conservative" whites who believe political violence is never justified went six points down from 2016 to 2020. Only 5.8% now consider such violence acceptable.

"Very conservative" white people were the least likely to approve of political violence, with only 4.2% in that category.

Finally, look to the left of the chart:

"Somewhat liberal" whites had a slight decrease in people who tolerate political violence, while solidly "liberal" whites actually had more acceptance of violence – up to 17.2% in 2020 from 11.9% in 2016.

"Very liberal" whites had the biggest change, with 33.5% believing political violence is sometimes justified compared to only 13.1% in 2018.

Lefty progressive fags are violent subhuman animals and approve of violence ......geee no kidding

Last year's anarchy proved that many "liberals" believe in violence.

Look at the so-called Speaker kneeling in the Capitol and her brushing off toppling statues as "People will do things."
Survey shows rapid rise in white leftists seeing violence as acceptable in politics. Who'da thunk?
And double the number of white libertarians/conservatives praying they try.

Kill a commie for mommy.
Ohh yes. Last Summer I was frightened watching shit holes burn. Now I hope every GD one of them is violently violently destroyed. I can't wait to watch Grand Theft Auto live......lolol

Let me break the chart down for you, because a heck of a lot of people got confused over what this actually says. This poll question is from the American National Elections Studies run by Stanford and University of Michigan, and funded by the National Science Foundation. It asked people if they consider violence acceptable in achieving political goals.

Among whites, 86.8% of moderates in 2016 said "not at all," meaning violence is never acceptable. This means 13.2% did think violence is sometimes okay.

In 2020, the number of moderates who believe violence is "not at all" justified went down, meaning the number of moderates who believe violence is acceptable went up (14.2%).

Now look to the right of the chart:

The number of "somewhat conservative" whites who believe political violence is never justified went six points down from 2016 to 2020. Only 5.8% now consider such violence acceptable.

"Very conservative" white people were the least likely to approve of political violence, with only 4.2% in that category.

Finally, look to the left of the chart:

"Somewhat liberal" whites had a slight decrease in people who tolerate political violence, while solidly "liberal" whites actually had more acceptance of violence – up to 17.2% in 2020 from 11.9% in 2016.

"Very liberal" whites had the biggest change, with 33.5% believing political violence is sometimes justified compared to only 13.1% in 2018.

Lefty progressive fags are violent subhuman animals and approve of violence ......geee no kidding
Why should the left be any different than the right?

Let me break the chart down for you, because a heck of a lot of people got confused over what this actually says. This poll question is from the American National Elections Studies run by Stanford and University of Michigan, and funded by the National Science Foundation. It asked people if they consider violence acceptable in achieving political goals.

Among whites, 86.8% of moderates in 2016 said "not at all," meaning violence is never acceptable. This means 13.2% did think violence is sometimes okay.

In 2020, the number of moderates who believe violence is "not at all" justified went down, meaning the number of moderates who believe violence is acceptable went up (14.2%).

Now look to the right of the chart:

The number of "somewhat conservative" whites who believe political violence is never justified went six points down from 2016 to 2020. Only 5.8% now consider such violence acceptable.

"Very conservative" white people were the least likely to approve of political violence, with only 4.2% in that category.

Finally, look to the left of the chart:

"Somewhat liberal" whites had a slight decrease in people who tolerate political violence, while solidly "liberal" whites actually had more acceptance of violence – up to 17.2% in 2020 from 11.9% in 2016.

"Very liberal" whites had the biggest change, with 33.5% believing political violence is sometimes justified compared to only 13.1% in 2018.

Lefty progressive fags are violent subhuman animals and approve of violence ......geee no kidding
Why should the left be any different than the right?
The left is still stuck in the past making the same stupid mistakes..and as always violent as ever
Start with the French revolution
Seduced by promises of free shit and equity
Bat shit insane top down "collectivist "rule
Economic ruin /war or both

Piles of bodies.......viola

Soviet Russia
North Korea

What's new this time imbeciles?

znz. znznnznzzss.jpeg

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