Surprise! It's a Muslim!

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Do you really believe the "compassionate" Coyote actually cares about any of that?

I have seen Coyote on different boards and it is always the same thing -- the creature makes false claims about what he or she supports in a general sense while actually supporting something completely different in the specific. You are sure to get lots of self-aggrandizing talk with grandiose boasts about this and that, but when it comes time to actually apply any of the claimed principles, what is actually supported is completely the opposite.

There is only one thing Coyote cares about and that is his or her role in furthering the Ummah while trying to appear as something else. The agenda is so patently obvious, and the creature's rhetoric stinks to high heaven in its duplicity, weaseling, attempted manipulation and very telltale strains of Islamic turnspeak that I have a difficult time understanding how anybody could fail to see right through it.

I'm just glad to see a few people here willing to stand up to the onslaught of agitprop.
How many what? Sept. 11 they murdered 3000. If they can kill more they would. They certainly haven't shown any mercy to those they threatened to behead, did they? Do you think these same animals will "hold back" if they get their hands on a WMD? These Islamists are lining up Kurds, Christians, and all those that stand in their way and mowing them down and then burying them in mass graves...
Do you really believe the "compassionate" Coyote actually cares about any of that?

I believe that unfortunately it's going to take another mass killing in the West by Islamic savages, that is going to stop these apologist arguments in their tracks. Civilized nations will then realize they will have to do what's necessary to survive and call the enemy by its name and identify it clearly in order to defeat it. There is no other way.

You may be kidding yourself. Nothing short of a dirty bomb detonated by our Islamist brethren will silence most of these bleeding heart hand-wringers and some won't even stop then. They are far too committed to their holier-than-thou view of themselves or, in the case of at least one, much enjoy bending over and spreading cheeks.
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You may be kidding yourself. Nothing short of a dirty bomb detonation by our Islamist brethren will silence most of these bleeding heart hand-wringers and some won't even stop then. They are far too committed to their holier-than-thou view of themselves or, in the case of at least one, much enjoy bending over and spreading cheeks.

Yep. Just look at Great Britain where the sense of cultural self loathing is such that they would even offer up their children to be gang raped by Islamist predators in order to prop up this view of themselves as "tolerant".

The most destructive meme in western society is that all the world's ills are the result of Western culture, and people incorporate this so thoroughly that they become committed racists against anything they perceive as "white" and elevate any sort of action or attitude from non-whites to an inviolate status even if the actions or attitudes in question are revoltingly primitive in nature.
The Supreme International Crime meme:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'[2]

"Article 39 of the United Nations Charter provides that the UN Security Council shall determine the existence of any act of aggression and 'shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security'

War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Supreme International Crime meme:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'[2]

"Article 39 of the United Nations Charter provides that the UN Security Council shall determine the existence of any act of aggression and 'shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security'

War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So, you creatures should take the hint and desist with your aggressive Jihad.
The Supreme International Crime meme:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'[2]

"Article 39 of the United Nations Charter provides that the UN Security Council shall determine the existence of any act of aggression and 'shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security'

War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So, you creatures should take the hint and desist with your aggressive Jihad.
What hint? The one about maiming, murdering, displacing, and incarcerating millions of innocent civilians for control of their oil and gas resources?
The Supreme International Crime meme:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'[2]

"Article 39 of the United Nations Charter provides that the UN Security Council shall determine the existence of any act of aggression and 'shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security'

War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WTF has that to do with the most recent Islamist terror attacks on civilians WORLDWIDE?
Are you attempting to derail another thread?
The Supreme International Crime meme:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'[2]

"Article 39 of the United Nations Charter provides that the UN Security Council shall determine the existence of any act of aggression and 'shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security'

War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WTF has that to do with the most recent Islamist terror attacks on civilians WORLDWIDE?
Are you attempting to derail another thread?
Are you still trying to ignore the illegal US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and their contributions to global Islamist terror attacks?
The Supreme International Crime meme:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'[2]

"Article 39 of the United Nations Charter provides that the UN Security Council shall determine the existence of any act of aggression and 'shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security'

War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WTF has that to do with the most recent Islamist terror attacks on civilians WORLDWIDE?
Are you attempting to derail another thread?
Are you still trying to ignore the illegal US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and their contributions to global Islamist terror attacks?

There was nothing illegal about our actions in either country and neither you nor I nor anyone else knows what global Islamist terror attacks would have transpired without our intervention. Have you forgotten what a "paradise" Iraq was before we got there:

Human rights in Saddam Hussein s Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
What hint? The one about maiming, murdering, displacing, and incarcerating millions of innocent civilians for control of their oil and gas resources?

It's always the same tired crap with you people, isn't it?

You people follow a political doctrine that says you are so superior to everybody else, but are so far behind the western world, it isn't even funny. Instead of doing anything about improving yourselves, you just wallow in that hatred of yours. Everywhere you people go, you ball up your fists and demand everybody else submit to your every tantrum.

It's time for Muslims to grow the fuck up and stop blaming everybody else for their shortcomings.
The Supreme International Crime meme:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'[2]

"Article 39 of the United Nations Charter provides that the UN Security Council shall determine the existence of any act of aggression and 'shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security'

War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WTF has that to do with the most recent Islamist terror attacks on civilians WORLDWIDE?
Are you attempting to derail another thread?
Are you still trying to ignore the illegal US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and their contributions to global Islamist terror attacks?

There was nothing illegal about our actions in either country and neither you nor I nor anyone else knows what global Islamist terror attacks would have transpired without our intervention. Have you forgotten what a "paradise" Iraq was before we got there:

Human rights in Saddam Hussein s Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
A war of aggression is the supreme international crime, and the US invasion of Iraq proves beyond all doubt how it "contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."

Evil like IS, for example, or hatchet attacks in NY.

War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It isn't the religion of Islam but rather the bloodlust culture it has spawned.
When adherents to that culture exhibit no tolerance for "the other" or even others within their own culture...

Maybe the problem you guys are having understanding this issue is the same Fox-brainrot problem that we see causing you guys trouble on so many issues... Fox only shows you Muslims in the context of terrorism, and you don't have much exposure to the real world, so you just start to think Muslim=terrorist or something... In real life, of course, Muslims are no more prone to violence than anybody else. If you meet a particular Muslim person, they're just like anybody else you would meet. Terrorists are like 0.001% of Muslims just like they're 0.001% of Christians or whatever the percentage is... The problem is your lack of exposure skewing your perception.

If Islam doesn't make people prone to violence then why do we keep seeing people who converted to Islam or joined an Islamist group get infected with sudden Jihad syndrome, and go out and slaughter complete strangers who are totally innocent? There has to be something in the ideology that makes them think they are doing the right thing. Period.

In terms of real numbers many is it? Is it really so many? Is it media? Are the numbers any different than those of Christian anti-goverment survivalist types who stockpile weapons and eventually go postal?

How many what? Sept. 11 they murdered 3000. If they can kill more they would. They certainly haven't shown any mercy to those they threatened to behead, did they? Do you think these same animals will "hold back" if they get their hands on a WMD? These Islamists are lining up Kurds, Christians, and all those that stand in their way and mowing them down and then burying them in mass graves.

Also. your hypothetical is a false comparison that just doesn't exist. The Christian world has for the most part reformed. Even the Christian fringe groups you and others keep referring to aren't really doing anything, and are considered outcasts and ostracized by everybody. In fact Christianity in the whole is in decline in the West.

Islam on the other hand is clearly on a backwards trajectory to the 7th century, and it's followers are currently projecting the worst evil, violence and intolerance that humanity has seen for a long time. It is obvious that Islam and Western ideals of freedom, democracy, free speech, equality, human rights, dialogue etc. are just not compatible. It's not going to work. Can't mix oil and water.
Ultimately it comes down to people involved, do they believe in violence and discrimination towards those following another belief system?

Places like Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and parts of Turkey, UAE and Malaysia are mostly tolerant and non violent. But Iran, Saudi Arabia, and so on are obvious theocracies - so it is very difficult to be a Christian or non-Muslim in those countries.

If you want to see a bad example of 'Islamic democracy' though, then visit Turkey. Basically a tyranny of the majority, where Christians are still persecuted. The massacres and genocides may have ended, but ancient churches are still bulldozed and ancient graves are still desecrated.

Also ethnic Turkish Christians and non-ethnic Turkish Christians struggle to worship without being hounded or denied the right to set up a place of worship. Muslims there however get everything their way and can build Mosques pretty much everywhere, 'secularism' there is a sham.

Unfortunately, some Muslims aren't coming with a tolerant attitude to the west, let alone an appreciation of human rights. Some of my ancestors would have learned the hard way how terrible 'Muslims' could be, after living under Sharia Law and the constant massacres under Ottoman rule, though most of the family fortunately left in the early 1900s, before the Young Turks did their genocides in 1918.

When I see protests of Turks denying the past, I see their ancestors proclaiming from Mosques 'Kill the Christians and you will go to paradise', and the rivers running red with blood from the dead bodies of men, women and children - who trusted in their tyrant Sultan to protect them.

Certainly I hope that Muslims have learned, but with ISIS massacring people in Iraq and Syria, it has to feel like they haven't. When people fail to learn from the horrors of the past, they are doomed to repeat them.
Who is a racist? The Muslim dude, for actually acting like a hateful RACIAL/RELIGIOUS stereotype or the rest of us for passively just presuming? Wow, the burden is on US, funny how that works.

:laugh: It's a JOKE.....Roadrunner is my slightly younger brother.
Who is shocked that the terrorist in today's terror attack in Canada turned out to be a Muslim convert? I was totally shocked.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Gunman killed in Parliament attack named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian convert to Islam born in 1982,


(CNN) -- Michael Zehaf-Bibeau has been identified by Canadian officials to their American counterparts as the suspected gunman in Wednesday's shooting in Ottawa, multiple U.S. officials told CNN.

The gunman was killed after two shooting incidents -- one at the Canada War Memorial, which is near the Parliament building, and another round of shooting inside Parliament -- in Ottawa, where this kind of violence is extremely rare.

Bibeau, who was born in 1982, was a convert to Islam and had a history of drug use before he converted, two sources said.

Canadian broadcaster CBC reported that Bibeau has a record of drug arrests going back 10 years.

So, a guy kills someone and because he's a Muslim, it gets one of your stupid "surprise!" threads.

Seriously, shut it.
It isn't the religion of Islam but rather the bloodlust culture it has spawned.
When adherents to that culture exhibit no tolerance for "the other" or even others within their own culture...

Maybe the problem you guys are having understanding this issue is the same Fox-brainrot problem that we see causing you guys trouble on so many issues... Fox only shows you Muslims in the context of terrorism, and you don't have much exposure to the real world, so you just start to think Muslim=terrorist or something... In real life, of course, Muslims are no more prone to violence than anybody else. If you meet a particular Muslim person, they're just like anybody else you would meet. Terrorists are like 0.001% of Muslims just like they're 0.001% of Christians or whatever the percentage is... The problem is your lack of exposure skewing your perception.

If Islam doesn't make people prone to violence then why do we keep seeing people who converted to Islam or joined an Islamist group get infected with sudden Jihad syndrome, and go out and slaughter complete strangers who are totally innocent? There has to be something in the ideology that makes them think they are doing the right thing. Period.

In terms of real numbers many is it? Is it really so many? Is it media? Are the numbers any different than those of Christian anti-goverment survivalist types who stockpile weapons and eventually go postal?

How many what? Sept. 11 they murdered 3000. If they can kill more they would. They certainly haven't shown any mercy to those they threatened to behead, did they? Do you think these same animals will "hold back" if they get their hands on a WMD? These Islamists are lining up Kurds, Christians, and all those that stand in their way and mowing them down and then burying them in mass graves.

Also. your hypothetical is a false comparison that just doesn't exist. The Christian world has for the most part reformed. Even the Christian fringe groups you and others keep referring to aren't really doing anything, and are considered outcasts and ostracized by everybody. In fact Christianity in the whole is in decline in the West.

Islam on the other hand is clearly on a backwards trajectory to the 7th century, and it's followers are currently projecting the worst evil, violence and intolerance that humanity has seen for a long time. It is obvious that Islam and Western ideals of freedom, democracy, free speech, equality, human rights, dialogue etc. are just not compatible. It's not going to work. Can't mix oil and water.

The fact is that so called Christians on here, many of them, are as violent in their hearts as they believe Muslims are.

Hmmm...I think I will take a Christian who is "violent in his heart," but doesn't act on it because he is a Christian...vs. a muslim who is both violent in his heart and also violent in his actions...against innocent men, women and children...

Do you sorta see the difference there...?
We are over there killing thousand of their people, not just in battle but innocent children and civilians die or have died. We cannot with any honesty say we are not violent: we are very violent.
What hint? The one about maiming, murdering, displacing, and incarcerating millions of innocent civilians for control of their oil and gas resources?

It's always the same tired crap with you people, isn't it?

You people follow a political doctrine that says you are so superior to everybody else, but are so far behind the western world, it isn't even funny. Instead of doing anything about improving yourselves, you just wallow in that hatred of yours. Everywhere you people go, you ball up your fists and demand everybody else submit to your every tantrum.

It's time for Muslims to grow the fuck up and stop blaming everybody else for their shortcomings.

Spoken like a true "grown-up."

Oh that's right, it was white Christians working for Jewish billionaires who planted explosives in the WTC's, and who fired the missile into the Pentagon.
Damn! I thought you were going to say, "Mr. White with the candlestick in the study".

Did you go to school in a long bus, or a short bus?

please note---guno agreed with the above idiotic post
It isn't the religion of Islam but rather the bloodlust culture it has spawned.
When adherents to that culture exhibit no tolerance for "the other" or even others within their own culture...

Maybe the problem you guys are having understanding this issue is the same Fox-brainrot problem that we see causing you guys trouble on so many issues... Fox only shows you Muslims in the context of terrorism, and you don't have much exposure to the real world, so you just start to think Muslim=terrorist or something... In real life, of course, Muslims are no more prone to violence than anybody else. If you meet a particular Muslim person, they're just like anybody else you would meet. Terrorists are like 0.001% of Muslims just like they're 0.001% of Christians or whatever the percentage is... The problem is your lack of exposure skewing your perception.

If Islam doesn't make people prone to violence then why do we keep seeing people who converted to Islam or joined an Islamist group get infected with sudden Jihad syndrome, and go out and slaughter complete strangers who are totally innocent? There has to be something in the ideology that makes them think they are doing the right thing. Period.

In terms of real numbers many is it? Is it really so many? Is it media? Are the numbers any different than those of Christian anti-goverment survivalist types who stockpile weapons and eventually go postal?

How many what? Sept. 11 they murdered 3000. If they can kill more they would. They certainly haven't shown any mercy to those they threatened to behead, did they? Do you think these same animals will "hold back" if they get their hands on a WMD? These Islamists are lining up Kurds, Christians, and all those that stand in their way and mowing them down and then burying them in mass graves.

Also. your hypothetical is a false comparison that just doesn't exist. The Christian world has for the most part reformed. Even the Christian fringe groups you and others keep referring to aren't really doing anything, and are considered outcasts and ostracized by everybody. In fact Christianity in the whole is in decline in the West.

Islam on the other hand is clearly on a backwards trajectory to the 7th century, and it's followers are currently projecting the worst evil, violence and intolerance that humanity has seen for a long time. It is obvious that Islam and Western ideals of freedom, democracy, free speech, equality, human rights, dialogue etc. are just not compatible. It's not going to work. Can't mix oil and water.

The fact is that so called Christians on here, many of them, are as violent in their hearts as they believe Muslims are.

Hmmm...I think I will take a Christian who is "violent in his heart," but doesn't act on it because he is a Christian...vs. a muslim who is both violent in his heart and also violent in his actions...against innocent men, women and children...

Do you sorta see the difference there...?
We are over there killing thousand of their people, not just in battle but innocent children and civilians die or have died. We cannot with any honesty say we are not violent: we are very violent.

Did anyone suggest that americans are not violent in war?------unlike your group americans do not sneak into buildings to PREFERENTIALLY blow the brains out of children----nor do americans girls dance like meccaist sluts when infants are murdered just for the pleasure of your "god"
No, we are most certainly not at war with Muslims.

Get your head out of your ass.

We ain't? So how come these raghead bitches are screaming ALLAHU AKBAR before they pull the cord on their sucide vests? :eusa_doh:

We ain't at war with BUDDHISTS this time around like happened in Vietnam. Or Shintoists like with Japan. Or the godless dogma of Lenin like in Korea.

And it's about time the Kenyan admits we ARE at war with ISLAM before that war comes home....because it's coming home and it will be a bloodbath for "moderate" muslims when we retaliate in kind
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