Surplus swells as Gov. Jerry Brown's last budget grows to $199 billion

BrokeLoser, post: 20002515
It’s quite fascinating that you would brag about Mexifornia’s surplus of cash reserves.
This can only be achieved through over taxation. I’m sure you’re a super productive positive contributing taxpayer because all taxpayers love to pay more taxes than they should.

You attack a donor state for being financially conservative and responsible in order to maintain its services during a recession.

So California won’t have to come crawling to the Federal Government the next time right wing tax cuts for the rich create another round of massive recession and unemployment losses like the one Bush gave us in 2008.

Governor Brown’s California blows the entire GOP trickle down economics theory to smitherines.

I am a financially conservative American. We own two homes (near DC) One, by paid off mortgage, and the second bought with cash starting with nothing 19 years ago.

We have a very strong rainy day fund mentality and unlike your beloved Trumpo we had to work for all we have.

We live a fun lifestyle as well. Just got back to work agtet ten days in the South of France.

More of that is needed in America than this Republican low low low taxes and bail outs for the next recession for the Trumpo rich crap.

I call bullshit on your self proclaimed success. NOBODY successful begs for and or appreciates being overtaxed by government....NOBODY. You’re a lying fool and probably the typical unproductive, begging Liberal.
Being fiscally responsible is one thing...running up reserves through overtaxation is just plain bullshit.
Your rainy day analogy is fucking all the cash you want on a personal level, that’s great....but you don’t force others to give you there cash for you to save for you. Do you think Mexifornia would rebate you your savings if that “rainy day” never came...FUCK NO they wouldn’t.
It’s simple shit...if .gov budgets to spend $100 billion they should tax for $100 billion....PERIOD. If a “rainy day” should arise .gov cuts’s that fucking simple.
So you’re good with Brown and Mexifornia pounding your ass with overtaxation...I’m guessing you’re real happy about Brown stealing from good, productive citizens to pay for all his filthy illegal wetbacks as well?
(Don’t get scared now, stay engaged...write back sucker)
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Maybe Call can start funding it's unfunded public debt that's nearing a trillion bucks.

If anyone knows about unfunded debt, it's the GOP.

Look at what they did after Bush became president.. Then they had all those tax cuts for the rich and not only handed Obama debt, they took away his revenue source.

Then Trump comes along and we have trillions in extra debt in just a year.

Do Republicans stumble from one disaster to the next or is it a plot to take down this country?
focus dean....this thread is about california....not trump.....
Gov. Jerry Brown is using a surging, $8.8 billion surplus in his 16th and final year leading the state to stash billions of dollars in reserves.

He wants to put almost all of the additional money — $7.6 billion of it — into two reserve funds that combined would hold $17 billion a year from now if trends hold.

He warned at a press conference Friday where he unveiled his final budget for the 2018-19 financial year that a recession could be just around the corner and the state should avoid long-term commitments that it might not be able to afford in a downturn.

Brown is making moves to keep those subsidies alive to balance other states budgets too!

Surplus swells as Gov. Jerry Brown's last budget grows to $199 billion

Brown's policies have also put California in the number one spot as the hottest job market in the nation.

If you want a good job that pays well with good benefits, go to California.

The city I live in is number 9 on that list.

If you look at that list you will see all but one of the cities on it are in blue states.

The nation’s hottest job markets are in this US state
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Just one of many reasons I left for New Mexico after more than 30 years in California. I grew up there, went to school there, had and raised my kids there... until I'd had too much. Finally reach a point where my wife and I looked at each other and said, "Anywhere but here."

Good of you to move from a top ranked donor state to a top ranked leech state.

. What the resulting map shows is that the most “dependent states,” as measured by the composite score, are Mississippi and New Mexico, each of which gets back about $3 in federal spending for every dollar they send to the federal treasury in taxes. Alabama and Louisiana are close behind.

2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Enjoy your Federal welfare to your state paid for by us hardworking taxpayers in the donor states.

You picked the number one leech state in the nation. I wouldn’t brag about it, And stop whining about California’s tax policy.

California drives 20 percent oh Anerica’s GDP.

Exactly. Most of the states that get the majority of their state budget from federal tax dollars are red states. Some get more than twice the amount they send to DC.

Meanwhile California gets a small fraction of their state budget from federal tax dollars. Just like my state. We blue states support ourselves and the red states don't. The red states are deadbeat leaches on us blue states.

I wish we could pass a law that forces those irresponsible red states to support themselves and stop leaching off us responsible blue states.

2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States
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California has a projected surplus every year. It just never has a real surplus.

It does have massive tent cities where people who can't find work live. It does have an infrastructure that is crumbling. It's all good. These are gifts from democrats.
Gov. Jerry Brown is using a surging, $8.8 billion surplus in his 16th and final year leading the state to stash billions of dollars in reserves.

He wants to put almost all of the additional money — $7.6 billion of it — into two reserve funds that combined would hold $17 billion a year from now if trends hold.

He warned at a press conference Friday where he unveiled his final budget for the 2018-19 financial year that a recession could be just around the corner and the state should avoid long-term commitments that it might not be able to afford in a downturn.

Brown is making moves to keep those subsidies alive to balance other states budgets too!

Surplus swells as Gov. Jerry Brown's last budget grows to $199 billion

Brown's policies have also put California in the number one spot as the hottest job market in the nation.

If you want a good job that pays well with good benefits, go to California.

The city I live in is number 9 on that list.

If you look at that list you will see all but of the cities on it are in blue states.

The nation’s hottest job markets are in this US state

Just one of many reasons I left for New Mexico after more than 30 years in California. I grew up there, went to school there, had and raised my kids there... until I'd had too much. Finally reach a point where my wife and I looked at each other and said, "Anywhere but here."

Good of you to move from a top ranked donor state to a top ranked leech state.

. What the resulting map shows is that the most “dependent states,” as measured by the composite score, are Mississippi and New Mexico, each of which gets back about $3 in federal spending for every dollar they send to the federal treasury in taxes. Alabama and Louisiana are close behind.

2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Enjoy your Federal welfare to your state paid for by us hardworking taxpayers in the donor states.

You picked the number one leech state in the nation. I wouldn’t brag about it, And stop whining about California’s tax policy.

California drives 20 percent oh Anerica’s GDP.

Exactly. Most of the states that get the majority of their state budget from federal tax dollars are red states. Some get more than twice the amount they send to DC.

Meanwhile California gets a small fraction of their state budget from federal tax dollars. Just like my state. We blue states support ourselves and the red states. The red states are deadbeat leaches on us blue states.

I wish we could pass a law that forces those irresponsible red states to support themselves and stop leaching off us responsible blue states.

2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

You ignorant lowlifes have lost your fucking minds. What’s with all the “we” shit?
Why live vicariously through the success of Hollyweird and Silicon Valley?
You make no mention of all the filthy illegal wetbacks, Mexifornia ranked last in quality of life for its citizens, 33% of the nations welfare filth, 30% of citizens living in poverty, the highest in the nation, infrastructure gone to shit, violent criminality on the rise.
How do you fools self manipulate to the point where nothing that should matter to you matters at all while you hide behind everything that makes no difference to you.
It’s like that filthy broke piece of shit bragging about how awesome and rich his neighbor is as if he’s the one enjoying his neighbors success.
WTF is wrong with you weirdos?
It’s called over taxation

It’s called balancing capitalism with state government fiscal responsibility coupled with providing services for all its citizens instead of providing an easier path to increased wealth for the most economically advantaged citizens as a political priority.

It's called over taxation if you have billions in surplus you don't need. Furthermore, California is seeing the highest exodus of population after Illinois because the poor and middle class can't afford to live in your banana republic anymore.

Roughly 5 million people left California in the last decade. See where they went
I wish we could pass a law that forces those irresponsible red states to support themselves and stop leaching off us responsible blue states.

You can. It's called stop voting in politicians who redistribute wealth, but then, that would go against the very core of your political beliefs, wouldn't it, Komrade?
California is definitely a mixed bag. If you look at the numbers, you'd think it were nirvana. It can be an amazing place to live (I did, for the first 23 years of my life). There's simply nowhere else like it.

On the other hand, the numbers are badly skewed by the state's socio-economic stratification, the huge differences between the haves and the have nots. The wealth disparity there is breathtaking, perhaps more so than any other state.

Taken as a whole, yes, the state is fucking amazing. Broken down, though, you see a different story. I guess the question is, then, if that's a predictable result of its policies.
As usual, and as I have stated thousands of times. Socialism is only beneficial to the rich. It always morphs into FEUDALISM and it is designed to price out the middle class.

The Pravda media is glossing over the great divide between the wealthy and poor.

In the end, there are only two classs. The rich and the thoroughly screwed. Screwed because ALL OPPORTUNITY is gone for the ambitious in the serf class.

Hence the reason so many from these socialist utopias are so desperate to get to America, and not the other way around.

The OP is a piece of shit propagandist and any American that agrees with socialism over a free market are ignorant as all fuck. Most of them are rich elitist snobs and so therefore they have no fucking clue how valuable opportunity is to the ambitious.

They, are ALL virtue signaling hypocritical losers.
On the other hand, the numbers are badly skewed by the state's socio-economic stratification, the huge differences between the haves and the have nots. The wealth disparity there is breathtaking, perhaps more so than any other state.

And the irony in that is these same clowns defending California's economy simultaneously decry the growing wealth inequalities between the rich and the poor throughout the country.
On the other hand, the numbers are badly skewed by the state's socio-economic stratification, the huge differences between the haves and the have nots. The wealth disparity there is breathtaking, perhaps more so than any other state.

And the irony in that is these same clowns defending California's economy simultaneously decry the growing wealth inequalities between the rich and the poor throughout the country.
I'd be fascinated to see a mental schematic of how they do that. Hard to imagine.
It's more than comical, people that have some need to try to paint CA with some colossal financial burden and how bad it is but these very same people voted gleefully for Lying Trump who with the Republicans passed a tax bill that drove the yearly deficit to $1.5 trillion dollars, will drive the national debt through $30 trillion dollars with no end in sight.

They act as if all of THEIR actions are hidden and no one can see their galactic hypocrisy. We see you ignorant sycophants.
It's more than comical, people that have some need to try to paint CA with some colossal financial burden and how bad it is but these very same people voted gleefully for Lying Trump who with the Republicans passed a tax bill that drove the yearly deficit to $1.5 trillion dollars, will drive the national debt through $30 trillion dollars with no end in sight.

They act as if all of THEIR actions are hidden and no one can see their galactic hypocrisy. We see you ignorant sycophants.

False dichotomy. You point to one extreme and then to the other. The $1.5 trillion added debt from the tax legislation was fiscally irresponsible. It's also irresponsible to not return billions in surplus to the people the state stole it from in the first place considering how unaffordable it already is for so many people living there. As has been pointed out multiple times and you apologists continue to ignore, your state is only paradise for a select portion of the population. You have a massive wealth disparity between your elite and working class and you have a massive exodus of population leaving your state.

And you have the nerve to call others ignorant.
California is definitely a mixed bag. If you look at the numbers, you'd think it were nirvana. It can be an amazing place to live (I did, for the first 23 years of my life). There's simply nowhere else like it.

On the other hand, the numbers are badly skewed by the state's socio-economic stratification, the huge differences between the haves and the have nots. The wealth disparity there is breathtaking, perhaps more so than any other state.

Taken as a whole, yes, the state is fucking amazing. Broken down, though, you see a different story. I guess the question is, then, if that's a predictable result of its policies.

Taken as a whole, yes, the state is fucking amazing”
The truth is; the immediate coastal areas and much of the northern part of the state is amazing while ANYWHERE populated by illegals and Brown people are hands-down, 100% total, super shitholes. Yep, I said’s no coincidence...the browner the state becomes the more of a shithole it becomes....the homeless population grows and the place becomes more disgusting.
Sorry if the truth hurts some bleeding heart fools busting their asses to keep their heads in the sand.
California is definitely a mixed bag. If you look at the numbers, you'd think it were nirvana. It can be an amazing place to live (I did, for the first 23 years of my life). There's simply nowhere else like it.

On the other hand, the numbers are badly skewed by the state's socio-economic stratification, the huge differences between the haves and the have nots. The wealth disparity there is breathtaking, perhaps more so than any other state.

Taken as a whole, yes, the state is fucking amazing. Broken down, though, you see a different story. I guess the question is, then, if that's a predictable result of its policies.
The stratification is complete. It just has to continue growth. The proof is in the recent fires in Bel Air. Multimillion dollar mansions were reduced to ashes. No matter how wealthy, the homeowners had to evacuate.

The fires were caused by the cooking fire from one of the homeless. Just like a beautiful structure can have its foundation and walls infested with vermin that no one ever sees, these rich neighborhoods are infested with the vermin of mankind.

The rich are leaving even the rich neighborhoods.
On the other hand, the numbers are badly skewed by the state's socio-economic stratification, the huge differences between the haves and the have nots. The wealth disparity there is breathtaking, perhaps more so than any other state.

And the irony in that is these same clowns defending California's economy simultaneously decry the growing wealth inequalities between the rich and the poor throughout the country.

California: The nation's most unequal state
It's more than comical, people that have some need to try to paint CA with some colossal financial burden and how bad it is but these very same people voted gleefully for Lying Trump who with the Republicans passed a tax bill that drove the yearly deficit to $1.5 trillion dollars, will drive the national debt through $30 trillion dollars with no end in sight.

They act as if all of THEIR actions are hidden and no one can see their galactic hypocrisy. We see you ignorant sycophants.

False dichotomy. You point to one extreme and then to the other. The $1.5 trillion added debt from the tax legislation was fiscally irresponsible. It's also irresponsible to not return billions in surplus to the people the state stole it from in the first place considering how unaffordable it already is for so many people living there. As has been pointed out multiple times and you apologists continue to ignore, your state is only paradise for a select portion of the population. You have a massive wealth disparity between your elite and working class and you have a massive exodus of population leaving your state.

And you have the nerve to call others ignorant.
More likely standard partisan intellectual dishonesty than ignorance.
Gov. Jerry Brown is using a surging, $8.8 billion surplus in his 16th and final year leading the state to stash billions of dollars in reserves.

He wants to put almost all of the additional money — $7.6 billion of it — into two reserve funds that combined would hold $17 billion a year from now if trends hold.

He warned at a press conference Friday where he unveiled his final budget for the 2018-19 financial year that a recession could be just around the corner and the state should avoid long-term commitments that it might not be able to afford in a downturn.

Brown is making moves to keep those subsidies alive to balance other states budgets too!

Surplus swells as Gov. Jerry Brown's last budget grows to $199 billion

Thanks for the propaganda Moonbeam.

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