'Supreme Court Sharply Divided Over Trump DACA Repeal' - WHY?

Problem for them is …. if Obama did it, it's wrong ….. but wait, Trumpy wants to do it to. It's an intellectual death spiral for them.
Trump is doing the exact same thing Obama did. He is not prosecuting Dreamers.

I wonder why the tard herd isn't whining about that.

Hmmm ....

What do you even participate in the thread? Should you not be hosting your "open borders for USA" thread?
You can't handle the truth, can you.

It's a fact Trump is exercising prosecutorial discretion with the Dreamers. Just. Like. Obama.

I wonder why you aren't whining about that.

"It's Okay When Trump Does It!"™

Stop it with that bullshit...you sound like a fool.
Trump is not excercising “prosecutorial discretion” with the DACA pukes as they are still protected under the Kenyans directive.

September 2017: Trump Ends DACA, Calls On Congress To Act

The Trump administration Tuesday formally announced it will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — also called DACA — putting an expiration date on the legal protections granted to roughly 800,000 people known as "DREAMers," who entered the country illegally as children.

You didn’t know that lower courts rejected Trumps petition to end the DACA program?
Chief Justice John Roberts indicated that he saw DACA as illegal when it was implemented by President Obama, saying it covers more people than prior deferred deportation programs, according to Bloomberg News.

The other conservative justices suggested that they would not second-guess the Trump administration’s reasoning and thought its explanations were sufficient.

Supreme Court Appears Ready to Let Trump End DACA Program

Supreme Court Justices Appear Inclined to Allow Trump to Terminate DACA
Problem for them is …. if Obama did it, it's wrong ….. but wait, Trumpy wants to do it to. It's an intellectual death spiral for them.
Trump is doing the exact same thing Obama did. He is not prosecuting Dreamers.

I wonder why the tard herd isn't whining about that.

Hmmm ....

What do you even participate in the thread? Should you not be hosting your "open borders for USA" thread?
You can't handle the truth, can you.

It's a fact Trump is exercising prosecutorial discretion with the Dreamers. Just. Like. Obama.

I wonder why you aren't whining about that.

"It's Okay When Trump Does It!"™

Stop it with that bullshit...you sound like a fool.
Trump is not excercising “prosecutorial discretion” with the DACA pukes as they are still protected under the Kenyans directive.

September 2017: Trump Ends DACA, Calls On Congress To Act

The Trump administration Tuesday formally announced it will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — also called DACA — putting an expiration date on the legal protections granted to roughly 800,000 people known as "DREAMers," who entered the country illegally as children.
Ah ha! That's the question. Did Trump say before the Obama lacked the POWER to defer prosecution?
Hint: "Prosecutorial discretion".
Problem for them is …. if Obama did it, it's wrong ….. but wait, Trumpy wants to do it to. It's an intellectual death spiral for them.
Trump is doing the exact same thing Obama did. He is not prosecuting Dreamers.

I wonder why the tard herd isn't whining about that.

Hmmm ....

What do you even participate in the thread? Should you not be hosting your "open borders for USA" thread?
You can't handle the truth, can you.

It's a fact Trump is exercising prosecutorial discretion with the Dreamers. Just. Like. Obama.

I wonder why you aren't whining about that.

"It's Okay When Trump Does It!"™
What's funny is that by following Obama's lead, Trump does mercy. Normally, that would be admirable in both men.

The quality of mercy (Shakespeare quote) - Wikipedia

But as the quote and play illustrated, "mercy" is often uneven and favors the attractive over the less attractive, and leaves the unworthy blessed and punishes the innocent. One of the great conundrums of Christianity …. and in the play of anti-Semitism.

But here, the Dreamers get to stay, but a woman who was gangraped in El Salvador or Guatamala or some place may not get to stay, because she is merely the victim of a lawless society rather than some political oppression, and unlucky enough not to have gotten here as a child before being gang raped.

I don't have a moral answer, but the only "consistency" is Trump doing what Obama did before.

There will be no mercy in dealing with the leftists, no compromise.

That's what their rules say regarding other people, that is what comes to pass.

Mercy is for decent people who made an error.
Problem for them is …. if Obama did it, it's wrong ….. but wait, Trumpy wants to do it to. It's an intellectual death spiral for them.
Except the DEMOCRATS are the ones proven to have done it, the Democrats are accusing Trump of doing it, yet they have zero evidence to present because it never happened.
Trump has been exercising, and is still exercising, prosecutorial discretion with the Dreamers.

EXACTLY like Obama did.

How is it possible you are completely ignorant of this???
How is it that you are completely ignorant of Trump's purpose? He isn't against DACA and never has been. He understands that Obama's action was illegal and on shaky ground....just as Obama admitted. What Trump did was attempt to force a lazy do nothing Congress to do their fucking job and actually put DACA to put it into law formally. Congress on both sides have zero desire to take an election red meat item off the table and that is why we are where we are.
President Obama ADMITTED he did not have the Constitutional authority to alter / amend / change existing US Immigration Law
Then it's a good thing Obama did not alter, amend, or change existing US immigration law.

Have you ever even bothered to read Obama's EO?

Didn't think so.

Hint: It's not an EO.

Whether it was an EO or not is irrelevant, he authorized work permits for people that were not eligible for them by law. End of story.

President Obama ADMITTED he did not have the Constitutional authority to alter / amend / change existing US Immigration Law
Then it's a good thing Obama did not alter, amend, or change existing US immigration law.

Have you ever even bothered to read Obama's EO?

Didn't think so.

Hint: It's not an EO.

Whether it was an EO or not is irrelevant, he authorized work permits for people that were not eligible for them by law. End of story.

The story is whether Trump lets them stay. And if he does, where did he get the power.
"At issue is the fate of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which grants deferral from deportation to nearly 700,000 undocumented young adult immigrants."

WHY is the fact that these illegals were dragged as children into the US illegally and have been here for years 'at issue'...WHY does it matter?

1. Sucks to be them. Blame their parents.

2. Living here illegally for decades does not change their illegal status. At any point they could have made an effort to adhere to existing US Immigration law.

3. Obama's own admitted Un-Constitutional act of personally imposing 'DACA' does not change their legal status because DACA is Un-Constitutional / is not LAW.

The USSC is responsible for enforcing / upholding the Constitution / Constitutional Law, NOT to attempt to infuse 'social justice' into the Constitution, NOT reward illegals in this country - illegals whose education / healthcare / etc... legal American citizens were forced to pay for...

'Empathy', what is 'fair' or not, has NOTHING to do with the LIBERAL 'NON-LEGAL' / 'NON-Constitutional' concern for how Illegals will 'FEEL' or what 'hardships' they may face if US Immigration Law was ACTUALLY enforced for a change.
I cannot imagine even a liberal of conscience (if there are any left) ruling against the White House on this.

Do not be surprised if Gorsuch does and maybe even Kav

The attorney for the plaintiffs admitted Trump has the authority to end the program, in a response to a question from Kavanaugh.

"The Supreme Court on Tuesday appeared sharply divided over President Trump's move to end Obama-era protections for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children, as the justices heard oral arguments in one of the most closely watched cases of the term."


The division is obviously along POLIICALLY PARTISAN and IDEOLOGICAL lines, not anything to do with the CONSTITUTION or actual LAW.

"The justices’ questions during oral arguments suggested that the court may break down along familiar ideological lines in the case."

President Obama ADMITTED he did not have the Constitutional authority to alter / amend / change existing US Immigration Law, that frustration over the difference in opinion between the 2 parties and their inability to pass proposed DACA was NOT - NOT - justification for him to impose it on his own....then the SOB did it anyway.

Much like his personal TREATY with Iran, 'DACA' was a product of Obama's own personal Presidential pen with which he used to violate the Constitution's Separation of Powers to impose his own personal law pushing his own personal ideology that was not supported by actual existing law.

President Trump took an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution, uphold and enforce the Law and EXISTING LAWS. He did not take an oath to uphold and enforce a former President's Un-Constitutional Presidential Edict. Unlike actual laws passed by Congress, the former President's own personal 'edicts' created and imposed by him and his personal Presidential pen can be voided / wiped away by the new President's own Presidential pen. (President Trump has all but wiped out President Obama's 'Legacy' 'edicts' without this level of epic liberal butt-hurt and whining.)


Unless the USSC is going to set precedence by declaring ALL such Presidential 'edicts' penciled into existence by a Temp (4/8 years) President can NOT be edited or repealed / deleted, they are declaring political parties / Presidents can cherry-pick specific 'edicts' penned into law by a 'Temp President' that support / push their own specific ideology and declare THESE can NOT be eliminated...AND that the next President / country is BOUND by them...forever.

Divided Supreme Court leans toward allowing Trump to end DACA
Once again, the country will be indebted to McConnell's mastery in blocking the Garland nomination.
Hint: "Prosecutorial discretion".
Problem for them is …. if Obama did it, it's wrong ….. but wait, Trumpy wants to do it to. It's an intellectual death spiral for them.
Trump is doing the exact same thing Obama did. He is not prosecuting Dreamers.

I wonder why the tard herd isn't whining about that.

Hmmm ....

What do you even participate in the thread? Should you not be hosting your "open borders for USA" thread?
You can't handle the truth, can you.

It's a fact Trump is exercising prosecutorial discretion with the Dreamers. Just. Like. Obama.

I wonder why you aren't whining about that.

"It's Okay When Trump Does It!"™

Only because a court ordered him to do so. The fact is the courts have no authority in this matter.

The story is whether Trump lets them stay. And if he does, where did he get the power.
The story is whether a President is allowed to rescind / eliminate a previous President's admitted UN-Constitutional...and illegal...EO / 'edict',

The story is if the USSC will declare DEMOCRAT-Only Executive Orders / such CHERRY-PICKED DEMOCRAT-ONLY 'Social Justice/Empathy' EOs / Separation-of-Powers 'Work-Arounds' will be declared permanent cuffs future President's will shackled by....

The story is if the USSC is going to reject the Founding Fathers' Separation of Powers, creating a defined boundary between the 3 branches of govt and defining what power each has, and will allow (Democrat) Presidents to by-pass Congress to create and impose their own laws based on their own personal ideological beliefs / agendas. .
Problem for them is …. if Obama did it, it's wrong ….. but wait, Trumpy wants to do it to. It's an intellectual death spiral for them.
Trump is doing the exact same thing Obama did. He is not prosecuting Dreamers.

I wonder why the tard herd isn't whining about that.

Hmmm ....

What do you even participate in the thread? Should you not be hosting your "open borders for USA" thread?
You can't handle the truth, can you.

It's a fact Trump is exercising prosecutorial discretion with the Dreamers. Just. Like. Obama.

I wonder why you aren't whining about that.

"It's Okay When Trump Does It!"™

Stop it with that bullshit...you sound like a fool.
Trump is not excercising “prosecutorial discretion” with the DACA pukes as they are still protected under the Kenyans directive.

September 2017: Trump Ends DACA, Calls On Congress To Act

The Trump administration Tuesday formally announced it will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — also called DACA — putting an expiration date on the legal protections granted to roughly 800,000 people known as "DREAMers," who entered the country illegally as children.

Appeals Court Stops Trump From Immediately Ending DACA

Trump is doing the exact same thing Obama did. He is not prosecuting Dreamers.

I wonder why the tard herd isn't whining about that.

Hmmm ....

What do you even participate in the thread? Should you not be hosting your "open borders for USA" thread?
You can't handle the truth, can you.

It's a fact Trump is exercising prosecutorial discretion with the Dreamers. Just. Like. Obama.

I wonder why you aren't whining about that.

"It's Okay When Trump Does It!"™

Stop it with that bullshit...you sound like a fool.
Trump is not excercising “prosecutorial discretion” with the DACA pukes as they are still protected under the Kenyans directive.

September 2017: Trump Ends DACA, Calls On Congress To Act

The Trump administration Tuesday formally announced it will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — also called DACA — putting an expiration date on the legal protections granted to roughly 800,000 people known as "DREAMers," who entered the country illegally as children.

Appeals Court Stops Trump From Immediately Ending DACA

(Talking Points Memo?)

They're trying to overrule the SC? Which hasn't even made a deliberation yet?

You leftists are f'n insane.

The story is if the USSC is going to reject the Founding Fathers' Separation of Powers, creating a defined boundary between the 3 branches of govt and defining what power each has, and will allow (Democrat) Presidents to by-pass Congress to create and impose their own laws based on their own personal ideological beliefs / agendas. .

"The Supreme Court on Tuesday appeared sharply divided over President Trump's move to end Obama-era protections for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children, as the justices heard oral arguments in one of the most closely watched cases of the term."


The division is obviously along POLIICALLY PARTISAN and IDEOLOGICAL lines, not anything to do with the CONSTITUTION or actual LAW.

"The justices’ questions during oral arguments suggested that the court may break down along familiar ideological lines in the case."

President Obama ADMITTED he did not have the Constitutional authority to alter / amend / change existing US Immigration Law, that frustration over the difference in opinion between the 2 parties and their inability to pass proposed DACA was NOT - NOT - justification for him to impose it on his own....then the SOB did it anyway.

Much like his personal TREATY with Iran, 'DACA' was a product of Obama's own personal Presidential pen with which he used to violate the Constitution's Separation of Powers to impose his own personal law pushing his own personal ideology that was not supported by actual existing law.

President Trump took an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution, uphold and enforce the Law and EXISTING LAWS. He did not take an oath to uphold and enforce a former President's Un-Constitutional Presidential Edict. Unlike actual laws passed by Congress, the former President's own personal 'edicts' created and imposed by him and his personal Presidential pen can be voided / wiped away by the new President's own Presidential pen. (President Trump has all but wiped out President Obama's 'Legacy' 'edicts' without this level of epic liberal butt-hurt and whining.)


Unless the USSC is going to set precedence by declaring ALL such Presidential 'edicts' penciled into existence by a Temp (4/8 years) President can NOT be edited or repealed / deleted, they are declaring political parties / Presidents can cherry-pick specific 'edicts' penned into law by a 'Temp President' that support / push their own specific ideology and declare THESE can NOT be eliminated...AND that the next President / country is BOUND by them...forever.

Divided Supreme Court leans toward allowing Trump to end DACA

Because entrapment is illegal.

Much like the brazen jingo of chickenhawk fame,
With conquering pimps astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose fame
Is the imprisoned detainees, and her name
M’f*cker of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide wrath; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep to your own lands, you mooches!" cries she
With silent lips. "Get your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to mooch free,
The f*ck off our back door.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost back,
I loft my tear gas inside our boarder door!"

The court will allow it to end. That will solve absolutely nothing as no one is leaving which simply means more chaos and confusion which is good for the politicians and bad for the people but that is what we do unfortunately.

Trump will fail by doing nothing to address this problem but in the end this is a failure by Obama. He promised to address this at the start of his administration. He had the numbers to address this and did nothing. He let it drag out and rather than put in the effort to fight for and pass something he took the lazy way out.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he would be, there is no President Trump today.
An Obama-appointed Liberal Judge and political activist Judge uses ideological and partisan justification for preventing the President from rescinding the Un-Constitutional edict Obama imposed - after admitting he did not have the power to do so....

Go figure.

This reminds me of how a California douche-bag just green lighted peeing in public in Cali, declaring he will not enforce existing laws regarding decency, health and hygiene, etc....

Screw the actual laws....Social Justice / Empathy demands homeless, who do not have their own bathrooms, can pee & crap wherever they want.....which means YOU can, too.


'Son, why are you peeing in the middle of the sidewalk?'

The court will allow it to end. That will solve absolutely nothing
It completely destroys the Founding Fathers' Separation of Powers, imposes the precedent / ruling that SOME - not all - EOs / such personal and admitted Un-Constitutional 'Edicts' should be declared 'permanent', forcing future Presidents / Americans to abide by illegal 'NON-Laws' imposed on them based on that President's IDEOLOGICAL position/agenda, that rises above what is Constitutional / Legal.

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