Supporters of Lebanon protest outside the Israeli consulate in New York

That's unreal. Those Focking Terrorists from Lebanon ATTACK Islrael, Israel starts kicking their asses, and idiots protest ISRAEL?




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dmp there is alot non Lebanese caught in the fire and not many of them would like to be caled terrorists thanks. And Israel is doing same things as US done against Iraq and Afghanistan.
Relay said:
dmp there is alot non Lebanese caught in the fire and not many of them would like to be caled terrorists thanks. And Israel is doing same things as US done against Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yes, there are Lebanese civilians caught in the crossfire. But no country should allow missiles to be fired into it and not respond. I know this country wouldn't stand by in that fashion.

This isn't like Iraq at all.
Relay said:
dmp there is alot non Lebanese caught in the fire and not many of them would like to be caled terrorists thanks. And Israel is doing same things as US done against Iraq and Afghanistan.

The people protesting? They are supportors of terrorists IF they think the Lebonese Gov't is doing the RIGHT thing by allowing terrorists to attack Israel from Lebonese land. And the Israel/Islamic Terrorists situation is NOTHING like Iraq or Afghanistan. How old are you? Most kids can understand how the situations are nothing alike.
jillian said:
Yes, there are Lebanese civilians caught in the crossfire. But no country should allow missiles to be fired into it and not respond. I know this country wouldn't stand by in that fashion.

This isn't like Iraq at all.
I suspect that both sides maybe try to use the Civilians and non Lebanese as bricks in this conflict. I cant see it any other way when i hear that buses arent allowed to leave, and boats are not allowed to leave the harbours.
dmp said:
The people protesting? They are supportors of terrorists IF they think the Lebonese Gov't is doing the RIGHT thing by allowing terrorists to attack Israel from Lebonese land. And the Israel/Islamic Terrorists situation is NOTHING like Iraq or Afghanistan. How old are you? Most kids can understand how the situations are nothing alike.
The Lebanese Govt might be too weak and Hezbollah too strong in the region. Lebanon have been someone elses playinground for a long time, so it is not easy to build up something after such short time.

And this conflict is not new i am old enought to remember the seiz fire in 1990 and the massacre at Tianem square in China.
Relay said:
The Lebanese Govt might be too weak and Hezbollah too strong in the region. Lebanon have been someone elses playinground for a long time, so it is not easy to build up something after such short time.

That is a piss-poor excuse. But if it's an excuse, the Lebanese Govt should be THANKING Israel :)

And this conflict is not new i am old enought to remember the seiz fire in 1990 and the massacre at Tianem square in China.

Of course it's not new - Islamic Terrorists have been wanting to kill Jews for Centuries - Remember reading about the Crusades? Each time they try, Israel kicks their asses. History repeats itself, doesn't it? :)

I ask your age because of how naive I feel you are, based on your posts.
dmp said:
That is a piss-poor excuse. But if it's an excuse, the Lebanese Govt should be THANKING Israel :)

Of course it's not new - Islamic Terrorists have been wanting to kill Jews for Centuries - Remember reading about the Crusades? Each time they try, Israel kicks their asses. History repeats itself, doesn't it? :)

I ask your age because of how naive I feel you are, based on your posts.
Why do you think i am naive? Is it beacuse i dont go on straightforward as you do?
Each time they try, Israel kicks their asses.
I do not see the world in black and white. A conflict who looks simple could be more difficult than you think.

I have reading about the crusades yes but not very much about it. i am born in the 70s is that enought for you??
dmp said:
That is a piss-poor excuse. But if it's an excuse, the Lebanese Govt should be THANKING Israel :)

Of course it's not new - Islamic Terrorists have been wanting to kill Jews for Centuries - Remember reading about the Crusades? Each time they try, Israel kicks their asses. History repeats itself, doesn't it? :)

I ask your age because of how naive I feel you are, based on your posts.

Crusaders massacred jews.
dmp said:
That is a piss-poor excuse. But if it's an excuse, the Lebanese Govt should be THANKING Israel :)

Yes the Lebanese should be thankful to Israel for destroying a large portion of their infrastructure, for taking their country to the brink of civil war, for killing hundreds of innocent civilians etc etc.

Don't get me wrong. Hezbollah needs to be held accountable for their actions, but holding the Lebanese accountable for Hezbollahs actions is borderline in terms of acceptability. The lebanese would undoubtedly step in and disarm Hezbollah if they could, but again... Doing so would force the country into civil war again. The Lebanese are indeed between a rock and a hard place.

Of course it's not new - Islamic Terrorists have been wanting to kill Jews for Centuries - Remember reading about the Crusades? Each time they try, Israel kicks their asses. History repeats itself, doesn't it? :)

I ask your age because of how naive I feel you are, based on your posts.

Last time I checked it was Christians/Catholics destroying everything between them and the Holy Land.
PsuedoGhost said:
Yes the Lebanese should be thankful to Israel for destroying a large portion of their infrastructure, for taking their country to the brink of civil war, for killing hundreds of innocent civilians etc etc.

Don't get me wrong. Hezbollah needs to be held accountable for their actions, but holding the Lebanese accountable for Hezbollahs actions is borderline in terms of acceptability. The lebanese would undoubtedly step in and disarm Hezbollah if they could, but again... Doing so would force the country into civil war again. The Lebanese are indeed between a rock and a hard place.

Last time I checked it was Christians/Catholics destroying everything between them and the Holy Land.

The middle east has been a battleground for years--long before the state of Israel even existed. Lebanon AND Gaza have been taken over by thugs. The common people can't do a damn thing about it. If they try to take thier "countries" back they will most likely be killed by militant militias of Hamas of Hezbollah. To expect them to be responsible for the actions of thier "governments", thier nations would have to provide them with money and weaponry. How can they be expected to do the job when even Israel,armed to the teeth by America, can't dislodge them?

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