Superb forum !!!! The best.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Before I joined , I went to a few other ones and if anyone has strong trump views they get suspended or banned
I gave up on all forums ...only by odd chance did I find this one

This board has so many diverse folks and topics
You can support Trump
You can condemn Antifa and Blm
You can call someone an ignoramus lol

Thank you
Before I joined , I went to a few other ones and if anyone has strong trump views they get suspended or banned
I gave up on all forums ...only by odd chance did I find this one

This board has so many diverse folks and topics
You can support Trump
You can condemn Antifa and Blm
You can call someone an ignoramus lol

Thank you
Welcome to USMB, Quasar44. I've been enjoying reading your posts. There seem to be two introductory threads, and on the one started on the 21st of June, you said you liked Trump but not the GOP. That's the only disappointing thing I've read, because I joined the GOP in 1971 after being an independent for several years. I did so that I wouldn't cancel out my new husband's vote, as he'd been a lifelong Republican since his college years at U of I in Champaign, Ill. I've been one ever since, and I especially liked their approach to keeping the size of Government under control in favor of states' rights, which seems to now be the nation's Achilles' heel, with Democrats demanding their demands to rule each and every state, county, city, and individual. That truly fits control freak communism to a T, and I'm not sure that goes hand in hand with American people's DNA for self-rule. Not by a long shot. But for whatever your reasons be, welcome to the best forum/boards on the internet, USMB. We have the very best of moderators, from all political perspectives, and if you have a problem late at night or early in the day, any one of them will give you the best help there is in my experience, because they set aside their political beliefs and will help you fix it if suddenly the size of the fonts are too small or too large or any other technical problem.
Before I joined , I went to a few other ones and if anyone has strong trump views they get suspended or banned
I gave up on all forums ...only by odd chance did I find this one

This board has so many diverse folks and topics
You can support Trump
You can condemn Antifa and Blm
You can call someone an ignoramus lol

Thank you
This is a great place to destroy progressive idiots. There are plenty of them here.

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