Stupid Racist Claims

"You are using racism to blame whites for your failures."

The ranks right up there with the earth is flat in the hall of fame of dumb ass comments. Oprah Winfrey is by no means a failure, yet she will tell you about racism.

9 clueless things white people say when confronted with racism​

1) ā€œYouā€™re racist for making this an issue of race.ā€

More often than not, when a person of color brings up racism, chances are thereā€™s something problematic happening. Itā€™d be naive to assume that people of color simply exist as opportunists who pounce on any single chance to make a big deal about racism. If youā€™re tired of hearing about racism, how tired do you think people of color are from having to live surrounded by racism in the first place?

2) ā€œI donā€™t see race. I only see the human race.ā€

While this may sound revolutionary, so-called color-blindness is actually part of the problem. Not ā€œseeing raceā€ is simply a lazy coded phrase for deliberately ignoring the lingering elements of racism that actually need to be fixed and reinforces the privilege of being able to bypass the negative effects of racism in the first place. As the saying goes, ā€œYou canā€™t erase what you cannot face.ā€

3) ā€œTalking about issues in terms of ā€˜white peopleā€™ and ā€˜white privilegeā€™ is reverse racism.ā€

About that reverse racism thingā€¦ it doesnā€™t exist. Itā€™s no secret that it is humanly possible for a person of color to be prejudiced against whites. Sometimes, itā€™s an attitude that develops over time because their experience with racism has drawn them to the conclusion that no ā€œgoodā€ white people exist in the world. And although thereā€™s a lot of healing that needs to happen in that much more seldom instance of prejudice, the attitude itself doesnā€™t come with an entire system of benefits and institutional power that being white affords in America. Thatā€™s the difference between racism and prejudice, because racism at its root is about supremacy.

4) ā€œYou [person of color] clearly donā€™t know what racism is. According to Websterā€™s Dictionaryā€¦ā€

Donā€™t do it. Step away from this infantilizing situation to avoid being a white person dictating how racism works to a person of color, despite their actual lived experiences with it. As for how Websterā€™s and other dictionaries defines the issue? The oversimplification is a topic that merits an entire thesis.

5) ā€œYou [person of color] said something about white people doing racist things, so I demand you explain this to me right now.ā€

People of color are not on-demand racial justice educators, especially if they have no relationship or affinity with someone seeking the knowledge. In the age of the Internet, if you donā€™t know someone from a particular community you can speak with, you can likely find those voices on blogs, on Twitter, or even in columns and news articles, talking about the very things youā€™re seeking to understand. Instead of taxing the already tapped reserves of people of color when dealing with racism, try self-educating before knocking on someoneā€™s door.

6) ā€œBut my [person of color] friend said it was OK if I did it [racially problematic thing].ā€

Still, itā€™s not the best idea to apply that relational dynamic with one friend to an entire group of people, many of whom have a different relationship with certain words, phrases or actions. Would you touch the hair of a black female stranger just because your black female friend allows you to touch hers?

7) ā€œStop attacking me for having privileges just because Iā€™m white. Itā€™s racist and hurtful.ā€

When people critique racism and white privilege in America, theyā€™re speaking generally about a system and not the individual. Unless, that is, an individual instance merits the person being held accountable for their actions (i.e. Donald Sterling, Paula Deen, Iggy Azalea).

8) ā€œIā€™m sick of pretending that [people of color] need special rights and programs just because they arenā€™t white. We have problems too, you know.ā€

To have problems in life is an inherent part of the human condition. But it takes humility, grace and empathy to take the time and space for reflection and self-examination to truly understand that some of us have it much better than othersā€”despite our often half-hearted efforts to ensure equal opportunities for everyone, especially blacks and people of color. Yes, whites can be poor, or female, or LGBT, or immigrants, or have white skin but actually be multi-ethnic, the list goes on. Thatā€™s why intersectionality matters, and it includes an interrogation of racial privilege.

9) [Insert tear-filled expression of white privilege guilt or denial here.]

First, itā€™s okay to have emotions and to feel genuinely remorseful when itā€™s clear that a cruelly reprehensible system has been perpetuated in a word or an action. Emotional policing isnā€™t cool, and people of color know it all too well. However, more often than not, when the tears flow, they correlate with an outright rejection of the idea that whiteness in America is privileged and normalized in virtually every social and institutional structure. In this instance, instead of centering the many, intensely hurtful experiences of people of color, the person has derailed the conversation and made it completely about them.

It not only shifts accountability in a way thatā€™s been historically dangerous, it also reinforces the very privilege being interrogated: Because these white tears and white feelings are often prioritized above the lived struggles of non-white people.

We raise our glasses to you who is a very stubborn progressive slave, who cant think other than victimhood. Your progressive masters must be proud of you.
View attachment 487857
Victimhood is something whites like you have done since the beginning of this country. When you start saying the same thing to whites who complain about a government made for them, let me know.
That may be true, but America has a history of laws and policies thad have made things more difficult for people who are not white.

Including Asians or no?
Why are you trying to call yourself defending people you mock? Blacks didn't get to come over here on the H1 Visa program.
"You are using racism to blame whites for your failures."

The ranks right up there with the earth is flat in the hall of fame of dumb ass comments. Oprah Winfrey is by no means a failure, yet she will tell you about racism.

9 clueless things white people say when confronted with racism​

1) ā€œYouā€™re racist for making this an issue of race.ā€

More often than not, when a person of color brings up racism, chances are thereā€™s something problematic happening. Itā€™d be naive to assume that people of color simply exist as opportunists who pounce on any single chance to make a big deal about racism. If youā€™re tired of hearing about racism, how tired do you think people of color are from having to live surrounded by racism in the first place?

2) ā€œI donā€™t see race. I only see the human race.ā€

While this may sound revolutionary, so-called color-blindness is actually part of the problem. Not ā€œseeing raceā€ is simply a lazy coded phrase for deliberately ignoring the lingering elements of racism that actually need to be fixed and reinforces the privilege of being able to bypass the negative effects of racism in the first place. As the saying goes, ā€œYou canā€™t erase what you cannot face.ā€

3) ā€œTalking about issues in terms of ā€˜white peopleā€™ and ā€˜white privilegeā€™ is reverse racism.ā€

About that reverse racism thingā€¦ it doesnā€™t exist. Itā€™s no secret that it is humanly possible for a person of color to be prejudiced against whites. Sometimes, itā€™s an attitude that develops over time because their experience with racism has drawn them to the conclusion that no ā€œgoodā€ white people exist in the world. And although thereā€™s a lot of healing that needs to happen in that much more seldom instance of prejudice, the attitude itself doesnā€™t come with an entire system of benefits and institutional power that being white affords in America. Thatā€™s the difference between racism and prejudice, because racism at its root is about supremacy.

4) ā€œYou [person of color] clearly donā€™t know what racism is. According to Websterā€™s Dictionaryā€¦ā€

Donā€™t do it. Step away from this infantilizing situation to avoid being a white person dictating how racism works to a person of color, despite their actual lived experiences with it. As for how Websterā€™s and other dictionaries defines the issue? The oversimplification is a topic that merits an entire thesis.

5) ā€œYou [person of color] said something about white people doing racist things, so I demand you explain this to me right now.ā€

People of color are not on-demand racial justice educators, especially if they have no relationship or affinity with someone seeking the knowledge. In the age of the Internet, if you donā€™t know someone from a particular community you can speak with, you can likely find those voices on blogs, on Twitter, or even in columns and news articles, talking about the very things youā€™re seeking to understand. Instead of taxing the already tapped reserves of people of color when dealing with racism, try self-educating before knocking on someoneā€™s door.

6) ā€œBut my [person of color] friend said it was OK if I did it [racially problematic thing].ā€

Still, itā€™s not the best idea to apply that relational dynamic with one friend to an entire group of people, many of whom have a different relationship with certain words, phrases or actions. Would you touch the hair of a black female stranger just because your black female friend allows you to touch hers?

7) ā€œStop attacking me for having privileges just because Iā€™m white. Itā€™s racist and hurtful.ā€

When people critique racism and white privilege in America, theyā€™re speaking generally about a system and not the individual. Unless, that is, an individual instance merits the person being held accountable for their actions (i.e. Donald Sterling, Paula Deen, Iggy Azalea).

8) ā€œIā€™m sick of pretending that [people of color] need special rights and programs just because they arenā€™t white. We have problems too, you know.ā€

To have problems in life is an inherent part of the human condition. But it takes humility, grace and empathy to take the time and space for reflection and self-examination to truly understand that some of us have it much better than othersā€”despite our often half-hearted efforts to ensure equal opportunities for everyone, especially blacks and people of color. Yes, whites can be poor, or female, or LGBT, or immigrants, or have white skin but actually be multi-ethnic, the list goes on. Thatā€™s why intersectionality matters, and it includes an interrogation of racial privilege.

9) [Insert tear-filled expression of white privilege guilt or denial here.]

First, itā€™s okay to have emotions and to feel genuinely remorseful when itā€™s clear that a cruelly reprehensible system has been perpetuated in a word or an action. Emotional policing isnā€™t cool, and people of color know it all too well. However, more often than not, when the tears flow, they correlate with an outright rejection of the idea that whiteness in America is privileged and normalized in virtually every social and institutional structure. In this instance, instead of centering the many, intensely hurtful experiences of people of color, the person has derailed the conversation and made it completely about them.

It not only shifts accountability in a way thatā€™s been historically dangerous, it also reinforces the very privilege being interrogated: Because these white tears and white feelings are often prioritized above the lived struggles of non-white people.

We raise our glasses to you who is a very stubborn progressive slave, who cant think other than victimhood. Your progressive masters must be proud of you.
View attachment 487857
Victimhood is something whites like you have done since the beginning of this country. When you start saying the same thing to whites who complain about a government made for them, let me know.
You dont hear me bitching about some person keeping me from my American Dream..Or this guy either..Why do you never listen to what Morgan Freeman said about America?

That may be true, but America has a history of laws and policies thad have made things more difficult for people who are not white.

Including Asians or no?
Why are you trying to call yourself defending people you mock? Blacks didn't get to come over here on the H1 Visa program.
Do you think the Irish who came over before the blacks had a wonderful time?

If blacks would only clean up their act. Why canā€™t they stop killing each other and destroying neighborhoods? We need to stop coddling the black community and demand they start acting civilized.

But alas, Iā€™m a racist for merely stating the obvious.
Racists of all stripes use racism to cover their inabilities to succeed on their own.

And the irony is you thanked the OP
That's because he understands that the very reason you are a racist is because you blame blacks for your failures. "I can't get a job because they hired some affirmative action black dude !" "I can't go to college, because they admitted some affirmative action black dude!" "I can't get what I am entitled to as a white man, because blacks are getting what should be mine!" Nothing but whining and white victimhood.
Racists of all stripes use racism to cover their inabilities to succeed on their own.

And the irony is you thanked the OP
That's because he understands that the very reason you are a racist is because you blame blacks for your failures. "I can't get a job because they hired some affirmative action black dude !" "I can't go to college, because they admitted some affirmative action black dude!" "I can't get what I am entitled to as a white man, because blacks are getting what should be mine!" Nothing but whining and white victimhood.
Did Morgan Freeman or Oprah not get a job? And yes, with quotas some people who should of received college acceptance had to step aside so some black who didnt do as well, could take that place. I saw it where i worked, because the supervisors were too afraid to promote someone with better skills.
If blacks would only clean up their act. Why canā€™t they stop killing each other and destroying neighborhoods? We need to stop coddling the black community and demand they start acting civilized.

But alas, Iā€™m a racist for merely stating the obvious.
Since 85 percent of all whites are killed by other whites in the last UCR showed that whites committed more murders than blacks, given the history of uncivilzed white male behavior, perhaps you should STFU.
Racists of all stripes use racism to cover their inabilities to succeed on their own.

And the irony is you thanked the OP
That's because he understands that the very reason you are a racist is because you blame blacks for your failures. "I can't get a job because they hired some affirmative action black dude !" "I can't go to college, because they admitted some affirmative action black dude!" "I can't get what I am entitled to as a white man, because blacks are getting what should be mine!" Nothing but whining and white victimhood.
Did Morgan Freeman or Oprah not get a job?

There are about 48 million blaks. So pointing out 2 really makes no sense.
Racists of all stripes use racism to cover their inabilities to succeed on their own.

And the irony is you thanked the OP
That's because he understands that the very reason you are a racist is because you blame blacks for your failures. "I can't get a job because they hired some affirmative action black dude !" "I can't go to college, because they admitted some affirmative action black dude!" "I can't get what I am entitled to as a white man, because blacks are getting what should be mine!" Nothing but whining and white victimhood.
Did Morgan Freeman or Oprah not get a job?

There are about 48 million blaks. So pointing out 2 really makes no sense.
How about the professional athlete, who makes millions, do they not have a job? I dont think they used black victimhood or quotas to get where they are today, but their God given skills which they use to the best of their abilities, unlike you who is a racist shill...

20 Successful Black-Owned Businesses
  1. World Wide Technology. David L. ...
  2. North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Company founder John C. ...
  3. Blavity. Blavity founder Morgan DeBaun. ...
  4. Dangote Group. As promised, weā€™re not sticking to the U.S. ...
  5. Gardner Rich & Co. Gardner Rich founder Chris Gardner. ...
  6. Millennium Steel Service. ...
  7. Johnson Publishing Company. ...
  8. Harpo Inc. ...
  9. Atlanta Life. ...
  10. Voluptuous Clothing. ...
More items...
If blacks would only clean up their act. Why canā€™t they stop killing each other and destroying neighborhoods? We need to stop coddling the black community and demand they start acting civilized.

But alas, Iā€™m a racist for merely stating the obvious.
Since 85 percent of all whites are killed by other whites in the last UCR showed that whites committed more murders than blacks, given the history of uncivilzed white male behavior, perhaps you should STFU.
Now again you post absurdity. Why must you do this? You lose all credibility.

Blacks are a tiny segment of the population, yet they commit a huge percentage of crimes. Young black men are only roughly 5% of the population, but are responsible for much of the crime in America.
"You are using racism to blame whites for your failures."

The ranks right up there with the earth is flat in the hall of fame of dumb ass comments. Oprah Winfrey is by no means a failure, yet she will tell you about racism.

9 clueless things white people say when confronted with racism​

1) ā€œYouā€™re racist for making this an issue of race.ā€

More often than not, when a person of color brings up racism, chances are thereā€™s something problematic happening. Itā€™d be naive to assume that people of color simply exist as opportunists who pounce on any single chance to make a big deal about racism. If youā€™re tired of hearing about racism, how tired do you think people of color are from having to live surrounded by racism in the first place?

2) ā€œI donā€™t see race. I only see the human race.ā€

While this may sound revolutionary, so-called color-blindness is actually part of the problem. Not ā€œseeing raceā€ is simply a lazy coded phrase for deliberately ignoring the lingering elements of racism that actually need to be fixed and reinforces the privilege of being able to bypass the negative effects of racism in the first place. As the saying goes, ā€œYou canā€™t erase what you cannot face.ā€

3) ā€œTalking about issues in terms of ā€˜white peopleā€™ and ā€˜white privilegeā€™ is reverse racism.ā€

About that reverse racism thingā€¦ it doesnā€™t exist. Itā€™s no secret that it is humanly possible for a person of color to be prejudiced against whites. Sometimes, itā€™s an attitude that develops over time because their experience with racism has drawn them to the conclusion that no ā€œgoodā€ white people exist in the world. And although thereā€™s a lot of healing that needs to happen in that much more seldom instance of prejudice, the attitude itself doesnā€™t come with an entire system of benefits and institutional power that being white affords in America. Thatā€™s the difference between racism and prejudice, because racism at its root is about supremacy.

4) ā€œYou [person of color] clearly donā€™t know what racism is. According to Websterā€™s Dictionaryā€¦ā€

Donā€™t do it. Step away from this infantilizing situation to avoid being a white person dictating how racism works to a person of color, despite their actual lived experiences with it. As for how Websterā€™s and other dictionaries defines the issue? The oversimplification is a topic that merits an entire thesis.

5) ā€œYou [person of color] said something about white people doing racist things, so I demand you explain this to me right now.ā€

People of color are not on-demand racial justice educators, especially if they have no relationship or affinity with someone seeking the knowledge. In the age of the Internet, if you donā€™t know someone from a particular community you can speak with, you can likely find those voices on blogs, on Twitter, or even in columns and news articles, talking about the very things youā€™re seeking to understand. Instead of taxing the already tapped reserves of people of color when dealing with racism, try self-educating before knocking on someoneā€™s door.

6) ā€œBut my [person of color] friend said it was OK if I did it [racially problematic thing].ā€

Still, itā€™s not the best idea to apply that relational dynamic with one friend to an entire group of people, many of whom have a different relationship with certain words, phrases or actions. Would you touch the hair of a black female stranger just because your black female friend allows you to touch hers?

7) ā€œStop attacking me for having privileges just because Iā€™m white. Itā€™s racist and hurtful.ā€

When people critique racism and white privilege in America, theyā€™re speaking generally about a system and not the individual. Unless, that is, an individual instance merits the person being held accountable for their actions (i.e. Donald Sterling, Paula Deen, Iggy Azalea).

8) ā€œIā€™m sick of pretending that [people of color] need special rights and programs just because they arenā€™t white. We have problems too, you know.ā€

To have problems in life is an inherent part of the human condition. But it takes humility, grace and empathy to take the time and space for reflection and self-examination to truly understand that some of us have it much better than othersā€”despite our often half-hearted efforts to ensure equal opportunities for everyone, especially blacks and people of color. Yes, whites can be poor, or female, or LGBT, or immigrants, or have white skin but actually be multi-ethnic, the list goes on. Thatā€™s why intersectionality matters, and it includes an interrogation of racial privilege.

9) [Insert tear-filled expression of white privilege guilt or denial here.]

First, itā€™s okay to have emotions and to feel genuinely remorseful when itā€™s clear that a cruelly reprehensible system has been perpetuated in a word or an action. Emotional policing isnā€™t cool, and people of color know it all too well. However, more often than not, when the tears flow, they correlate with an outright rejection of the idea that whiteness in America is privileged and normalized in virtually every social and institutional structure. In this instance, instead of centering the many, intensely hurtful experiences of people of color, the person has derailed the conversation and made it completely about them.

It not only shifts accountability in a way thatā€™s been historically dangerous, it also reinforces the very privilege being interrogated: Because these white tears and white feelings are often prioritized above the lived struggles of non-white people.

1. The racism you "live surrounded by" is Affirmative Action discrimination, against whites & Asians. By far the #1 largest racism in America, against the largest number of people.

2. I see race everyday in my Social Security payment, which is a fraction of what it could/should be due to the lower paying jobs I had for 35 years due to Affirmative Action discrimination.

3. There is no such thing as "white privilege". As long as Affirmative Action discrimination, against whites exists, the only privilege is minority race privilege, which always benefits blacks (sometimes benefits other non-white races.)

4. Your "actual lived experiences with" racism are being the BENEFICIARY of Affirmative Action discrimination. First shot at jobs, job promotion, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc.

5. I don't demand you explain anything.

6. I decide for myself what is or isn't proper. I don't need coaching.

7. The "system" of racism in America is Affirmative Action discrimination - the OPPOSITE of "white privilege. There IS NO "white privilege.

8. Some of us have it much better than others. Like the black guys in my apartment complex, who are driving nice, shiny brand new SUVs (one of them a Cadillac), while the rest of us don't have a car at all.

9. How is being the BENEFICIARY of racial discrimination (AA) >> "intensely hurtful experiences of people of color" ? The intensely hurtful experiences belong to whites and Asians, for living whole lifetimes at for below their potential having been deprived of the opportunities they could/should have had, anti-white, anti-Asian racists (of any color) have set up and enacted racist AA discrimination against them.
Although I am half Hispanic, and speak fluent Spanish, for 44 years, I never filled out an Affirmative Action questionnaire, and can truthfully say that I never participated in that racist abomination, and would not lower myself to that level.
For those whites or Asians so pathetically brainwashed to feel guilt (over nothing), I have only pity.
How about the professional athlete, who makes millions, do they not have a job? I dont think they used black victimhood or quotas to get where they are today, but their God given skills which they use to the best of their abilities, unlike you who is a racist shill...
I think most black athletes ARE beneficiaries of Affirmative Action. This is why there are so many of them in the NFL and NBA.
"You are using racism to blame whites for your failures."

The ranks right up there with the earth is flat in the hall of fame of dumb ass comments. Oprah Winfrey is by no means a failure, yet she will tell you about racism.

9 clueless things white people say when confronted with racism​

1) ā€œYouā€™re racist for making this an issue of race.ā€

More often than not, when a person of color brings up racism, chances are thereā€™s something problematic happening. Itā€™d be naive to assume that people of color simply exist as opportunists who pounce on any single chance to make a big deal about racism. If youā€™re tired of hearing about racism, how tired do you think people of color are from having to live surrounded by racism in the first place?

2) ā€œI donā€™t see race. I only see the human race.ā€

While this may sound revolutionary, so-called color-blindness is actually part of the problem. Not ā€œseeing raceā€ is simply a lazy coded phrase for deliberately ignoring the lingering elements of racism that actually need to be fixed and reinforces the privilege of being able to bypass the negative effects of racism in the first place. As the saying goes, ā€œYou canā€™t erase what you cannot face.ā€

3) ā€œTalking about issues in terms of ā€˜white peopleā€™ and ā€˜white privilegeā€™ is reverse racism.ā€

About that reverse racism thingā€¦ it doesnā€™t exist. Itā€™s no secret that it is humanly possible for a person of color to be prejudiced against whites. Sometimes, itā€™s an attitude that develops over time because their experience with racism has drawn them to the conclusion that no ā€œgoodā€ white people exist in the world. And although thereā€™s a lot of healing that needs to happen in that much more seldom instance of prejudice, the attitude itself doesnā€™t come with an entire system of benefits and institutional power that being white affords in America. Thatā€™s the difference between racism and prejudice, because racism at its root is about supremacy.

4) ā€œYou [person of color] clearly donā€™t know what racism is. According to Websterā€™s Dictionaryā€¦ā€

Donā€™t do it. Step away from this infantilizing situation to avoid being a white person dictating how racism works to a person of color, despite their actual lived experiences with it. As for how Websterā€™s and other dictionaries defines the issue? The oversimplification is a topic that merits an entire thesis.

5) ā€œYou [person of color] said something about white people doing racist things, so I demand you explain this to me right now.ā€

People of color are not on-demand racial justice educators, especially if they have no relationship or affinity with someone seeking the knowledge. In the age of the Internet, if you donā€™t know someone from a particular community you can speak with, you can likely find those voices on blogs, on Twitter, or even in columns and news articles, talking about the very things youā€™re seeking to understand. Instead of taxing the already tapped reserves of people of color when dealing with racism, try self-educating before knocking on someoneā€™s door.

6) ā€œBut my [person of color] friend said it was OK if I did it [racially problematic thing].ā€

Still, itā€™s not the best idea to apply that relational dynamic with one friend to an entire group of people, many of whom have a different relationship with certain words, phrases or actions. Would you touch the hair of a black female stranger just because your black female friend allows you to touch hers?

7) ā€œStop attacking me for having privileges just because Iā€™m white. Itā€™s racist and hurtful.ā€

When people critique racism and white privilege in America, theyā€™re speaking generally about a system and not the individual. Unless, that is, an individual instance merits the person being held accountable for their actions (i.e. Donald Sterling, Paula Deen, Iggy Azalea).

8) ā€œIā€™m sick of pretending that [people of color] need special rights and programs just because they arenā€™t white. We have problems too, you know.ā€

To have problems in life is an inherent part of the human condition. But it takes humility, grace and empathy to take the time and space for reflection and self-examination to truly understand that some of us have it much better than othersā€”despite our often half-hearted efforts to ensure equal opportunities for everyone, especially blacks and people of color. Yes, whites can be poor, or female, or LGBT, or immigrants, or have white skin but actually be multi-ethnic, the list goes on. Thatā€™s why intersectionality matters, and it includes an interrogation of racial privilege.

9) [Insert tear-filled expression of white privilege guilt or denial here.]

First, itā€™s okay to have emotions and to feel genuinely remorseful when itā€™s clear that a cruelly reprehensible system has been perpetuated in a word or an action. Emotional policing isnā€™t cool, and people of color know it all too well. However, more often than not, when the tears flow, they correlate with an outright rejection of the idea that whiteness in America is privileged and normalized in virtually every social and institutional structure. In this instance, instead of centering the many, intensely hurtful experiences of people of color, the person has derailed the conversation and made it completely about them.

It not only shifts accountability in a way thatā€™s been historically dangerous, it also reinforces the very privilege being interrogated: Because these white tears and white feelings are often prioritized above the lived struggles of non-white people.

Yes IM2----------I would consider you an opportunist race hustler trying to harass others and blame others for your own failures. I'm past tired of listening to racists (especially black racists) blame and attack everyone else for their own failures. Instead of obsessing with other races-------you should focus on fixing yourself and I do mean yourself. You are in here day in and day out...ā€¦..blaming whitey when I think we all know that your problems are created by yourself.

And yes, everyone understand druggies trying to use guilt and blame to manipulate others into giving them free chit..
You can't handle the truth. If what I have accomplished is failure, your white ass wishes you failed as badly as I have. The facts of American domestic policy are what they are. Whites like you would have nothing without the help you got from government . That's why you believe the dumb ass shit you do that caused you to post this nonsense.

I am here because I am retired dumb ass. I am talking about things I have faced and other blacks have faced. You can't dispute what we present so you create a delusion that allows you to put your head in the sand as to not face reality. You're in here everyday too dumb ass and you post volumes of untrue white racist bullshit. You're a loser who can't face truth.
I'm only part white moron. My indian ancestors fled the reservations and the government handouts long long ago realizing that moral intelligent people do not want to be relying on someone else especially a government to take care of them. You and your family obviously never figured this out so now sit around whinning that it is others fault that you are failures as you hope to guilt others into babying and supporting your bad life decisions. My ancestors figured out that respect is earned and not given and they were more than just the color of their skin and reservation Indians.
"You are using racism to blame whites for your failures."

The ranks right up there with the earth is flat in the hall of fame of dumb ass comments. Oprah Winfrey is by no means a failure, yet she will tell you about racism.

9 clueless things white people say when confronted with racism​

1) ā€œYouā€™re racist for making this an issue of race.ā€

More often than not, when a person of color brings up racism, chances are thereā€™s something problematic happening. Itā€™d be naive to assume that people of color simply exist as opportunists who pounce on any single chance to make a big deal about racism. If youā€™re tired of hearing about racism, how tired do you think people of color are from having to live surrounded by racism in the first place?

2) ā€œI donā€™t see race. I only see the human race.ā€

While this may sound revolutionary, so-called color-blindness is actually part of the problem. Not ā€œseeing raceā€ is simply a lazy coded phrase for deliberately ignoring the lingering elements of racism that actually need to be fixed and reinforces the privilege of being able to bypass the negative effects of racism in the first place. As the saying goes, ā€œYou canā€™t erase what you cannot face.ā€

3) ā€œTalking about issues in terms of ā€˜white peopleā€™ and ā€˜white privilegeā€™ is reverse racism.ā€

About that reverse racism thingā€¦ it doesnā€™t exist. Itā€™s no secret that it is humanly possible for a person of color to be prejudiced against whites. Sometimes, itā€™s an attitude that develops over time because their experience with racism has drawn them to the conclusion that no ā€œgoodā€ white people exist in the world. And although thereā€™s a lot of healing that needs to happen in that much more seldom instance of prejudice, the attitude itself doesnā€™t come with an entire system of benefits and institutional power that being white affords in America. Thatā€™s the difference between racism and prejudice, because racism at its root is about supremacy.

4) ā€œYou [person of color] clearly donā€™t know what racism is. According to Websterā€™s Dictionaryā€¦ā€

Donā€™t do it. Step away from this infantilizing situation to avoid being a white person dictating how racism works to a person of color, despite their actual lived experiences with it. As for how Websterā€™s and other dictionaries defines the issue? The oversimplification is a topic that merits an entire thesis.

5) ā€œYou [person of color] said something about white people doing racist things, so I demand you explain this to me right now.ā€

People of color are not on-demand racial justice educators, especially if they have no relationship or affinity with someone seeking the knowledge. In the age of the Internet, if you donā€™t know someone from a particular community you can speak with, you can likely find those voices on blogs, on Twitter, or even in columns and news articles, talking about the very things youā€™re seeking to understand. Instead of taxing the already tapped reserves of people of color when dealing with racism, try self-educating before knocking on someoneā€™s door.

6) ā€œBut my [person of color] friend said it was OK if I did it [racially problematic thing].ā€

Still, itā€™s not the best idea to apply that relational dynamic with one friend to an entire group of people, many of whom have a different relationship with certain words, phrases or actions. Would you touch the hair of a black female stranger just because your black female friend allows you to touch hers?

7) ā€œStop attacking me for having privileges just because Iā€™m white. Itā€™s racist and hurtful.ā€

When people critique racism and white privilege in America, theyā€™re speaking generally about a system and not the individual. Unless, that is, an individual instance merits the person being held accountable for their actions (i.e. Donald Sterling, Paula Deen, Iggy Azalea).

8) ā€œIā€™m sick of pretending that [people of color] need special rights and programs just because they arenā€™t white. We have problems too, you know.ā€

To have problems in life is an inherent part of the human condition. But it takes humility, grace and empathy to take the time and space for reflection and self-examination to truly understand that some of us have it much better than othersā€”despite our often half-hearted efforts to ensure equal opportunities for everyone, especially blacks and people of color. Yes, whites can be poor, or female, or LGBT, or immigrants, or have white skin but actually be multi-ethnic, the list goes on. Thatā€™s why intersectionality matters, and it includes an interrogation of racial privilege.

9) [Insert tear-filled expression of white privilege guilt or denial here.]

First, itā€™s okay to have emotions and to feel genuinely remorseful when itā€™s clear that a cruelly reprehensible system has been perpetuated in a word or an action. Emotional policing isnā€™t cool, and people of color know it all too well. However, more often than not, when the tears flow, they correlate with an outright rejection of the idea that whiteness in America is privileged and normalized in virtually every social and institutional structure. In this instance, instead of centering the many, intensely hurtful experiences of people of color, the person has derailed the conversation and made it completely about them.

It not only shifts accountability in a way thatā€™s been historically dangerous, it also reinforces the very privilege being interrogated: Because these white tears and white feelings are often prioritized above the lived struggles of non-white people.

I agree with progressives blacks are to stupid and childish ....they desperately need white people to feed cloth and take care of them
Gaslighting won't work white boy. Nobody is saying that but you.
They say it all the time ...they think very little of you ...they can't wait to replace you with Mexicans....I like Mexicans
They force black people out of thier own neighborhoods and then invite the White people over to eat
Of course they are. Lol! Idiot, we aren't competing for approval from white progressives. Blacks or Mexicans. Blacks and Mexicans happen to be progressives too.
Not a very smart thing for them, when no US president since Lincoln has done more to help blacks. Biden doesn't care about them. he only cares about himself and his family, and the Chinese whose asses he ki$$es.
That may be true, but America has a history of laws and policies thad have made things more difficult for people who are not white.
America has a history of laws and policies that have made things more difficult for people who ARE white.

This includes not only Affirmative Action and its various types of discrimination, but also the favoritism given to black criminals, even to the extent of accusing white police of crime, despite them following proper police protocol - all to avoid rioting by mindless black idiots, brainwashed by liberal lunatics.

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