Study Shows Huge Wheat Crop Yields with Increased CO2

This whole environmental thing is satanically inspired in my opinion. If you read the Book of Revelation you can see the connection. Satan is using man to try to delay or prevent (which cannot happen) the judgement to come. BUT, during the time of God's judgement, Tribulation and Great Tribulation, the antichrist and his followers will use the effects of judgement to blame christians and anti climate change folk during those times. Many will die because they do. not. comply. (that sounds familiar). and who knows......hospitals may become the centers for disposing of the non compliant. hmmm.
Only mentally ill Warmist/alarmists thinks CO2 is a satanic gas which is why they go into panic mode when the planets biota loves the increase of it in the atmosphere:


Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds​

From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States.



I doubt warmists ever saw this one,


Greening of the Earth Mitigates Surface Warming​

A new study reports that increased vegetation growth during the recent decades, known as the “Greening Earth”, has a strong cooling effect on the land due to increased efficiency of heat and water vapor transfer to the atmosphere.​

A new study published in the journal Science Advances titled “Biophysical impacts of Earth greening largely controlled by aerodynamic resistance” reports that the entire land surface would have been much warmer without the cooling effect of increased green cover during the recent decades. The study used high-quality satellite data from NASA’s MODIS sensors and NCAR’s state-of-the-art numerical earth system model.

Is it possible that the call for decreasing CO2 is for the purpose of crop reduction =famine = depopulation.
The Green New Deal Is a Dead Man's Hand

Now will people finally connect that with all the evidence that auto-emission "pollution" has wiped out all deadly viruses since it wiped out the Spanish Influenza. The Unabomber Cult's lethal lockdown cost the world six million lives.
Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Psalm 37:7

Pray as always for the LORD's to act.

Do not participate in the useless deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; Ephesians 5:11
The Green New Deal Is a Dead Man's Hand

+10 points for another excellent title to a post.

Now will people finally connect that with all the evidence that auto-emission

Normally in English we don't hyphenate "auto emission". But that might be a "style" discussion.

"pollution" has wiped out all deadly viruses since it wiped out the Spanish Influenza.

I don't believe that the 1918 Flu Pandemic was ended due to auto emission pollution. You might want to check your facts.

The Unabomber Cult's lethal lockdown

Not to nitpick your erudition but I don't believe the world's governments consulted Ted Kaczynski in terms of how to deal with a global pandemic.

cost the world six million lives.

That sounds like an interesting claim. But given the general unhinged nature of your "rant" here I think we can all safely ignore it.

Just like you ignore science when someone uses "data" in the singular sense.

Overall Score: 5 points (See, you squandered half of the initial points you got for your title. Sad.)
Only mentally ill Warmist/alarmists thinks CO2 is a satanic gas which is why they go into panic mode when the planets biota loves the increase of it in the atmosphere:


Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds​

From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States.



I doubt warmists ever saw this one,


Greening of the Earth Mitigates Surface Warming​

A new study reports that increased vegetation growth during the recent decades, known as the “Greening Earth”, has a strong cooling effect on the land due to increased efficiency of heat and water vapor transfer to the atmosphere.​

A new study published in the journal Science Advances titled “Biophysical impacts of Earth greening largely controlled by aerodynamic resistance” reports that the entire land surface would have been much warmer without the cooling effect of increased green cover during the recent decades. The study used high-quality satellite data from NASA’s MODIS sensors and NCAR’s state-of-the-art numerical earth system model.


Couple points here about added CO2 as a "fertilizer" for plants.

Yes, added CO2 ceteris paribus would be a good fertilizer for plants. BUT added CO2 will (and already is) affect the climate. Meaning that a local climate may become DRIER overall due to changing precipitation patterns. Or it may become WETTER. Not all plants thrive under drier or wetter conditions uniformly. Just ask any gardner.

The myth of added CO2 being a net benefit is a gross oversimplification and requires that literally nothing else change. Unfortunately that isn't how any of this works.

You don't have to believe me. You can read this:

Couple points here about added CO2 as a "fertilizer" for plants.

Yes, added CO2 ceteris paribus would be a good fertilizer for plants. BUT added CO2 will (and already is) affect the climate. Meaning that a local climate may become DRIER overall due to changing precipitation patterns. Or it may become WETTER. Not all plants thrive under drier or wetter conditions uniformly. Just ask any gardner.

The myth of added CO2 being a net benefit is a gross oversimplification and requires that literally nothing else change. Unfortunately that isn't how any of this works.

You don't have to believe me. You can read this:

Your link doesn't help you because it doesn't account from numerous published papers (Your link had just 3 papers about plant growth rate on it with two of them laced with the usual modeling fearmongering warming delusions) showing enhanced CO2 increased growth and production greenhouse growers commonly have CO2 generators to around the 1250- 1750 ppm range with good results.


First link actually made clear that enhanced CO2 increased the plants water use efficiency which is good for plant health and increase heat tolerance.

"About twenty-seven years ago, free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) technology was developed that enabled the air above open-field plots to be enriched with CO2 for entire growing seasons. Since then, FACE experiments have been conducted on cotton, wheat, ryegrass, clover, potato, grape, rice, barley, sugar beet, soybean, cassava, rape, mustard, coffee (C3 crops), and sorghum and maize (C4 crops). Elevated CO2 (550 ppm from an ambient concentration of about 353 ppm in 1990) decreased evapotranspiration about 10% on average and increased canopy temperatures about 0.7 °C. Biomass and yield were increased by FACE in all C3 species, but not in C4 species except when water was limiting. Yields of C3 grain crops were increased on average about 19%."


Increased yields on less water.

Nothing alarming at all.

Not going to bother with the other two.


Meanwhile there are 428 published papers on Rice alone showing increased grain yields many at 300 ppm some at 600 ppm and a few at 900 ppm



You completely ignored what NASA said about the Greening of Earth and that the greening is helping to keep the planets surface cooler.

That is called a dodge and you do it a lot.

The sound of settled science.
Who woulda thunk more plant food means more plants and more warm means longer growing seasons.
Further proof the climate fascists want us dead.

Not news.

It has been (relatively) common knowledge that grasslands are better CO2 sinks than forests.....As an added benefit, thriving grasslands can feed all the people on the planet.

But environmental wack-o-ism and warmerism are about misanthropy and nihilism, not sound science.
Couple points here about added CO2 as a "fertilizer" for plants.

Yes, added CO2 ceteris paribus would be a good fertilizer for plants. BUT added CO2 will (and already is) affect the climate. Meaning that a local climate may become DRIER overall due to changing precipitation patterns. Or it may become WETTER. Not all plants thrive under drier or wetter conditions uniformly. Just ask any gardner.

The myth of added CO2 being a net benefit is a gross oversimplification and requires that literally nothing else change. Unfortunately that isn't how any of this works.

You don't have to believe me. You can read this:

Envirowhackos can’t keep their bullshit straight.

Pollen seasons are getting longer, driven by climate change​

Since 1990, pollen seasons have gotten longer and more pollen-filled, and climate change is responsible, according to a new study.

Not news.

It has been (relatively) common knowledge that grasslands are better CO2 sinks than forests.....As an added benefit, thriving grasslands can feed all the people on the planet.

But environmental wack-o-ism and warmerism are about misanthropy and nihilism, not sound science.
How about you explain to us why you think PV's link isn't sound science.
Couple points here about added CO2 as a "fertilizer" for plants.

Yes, added CO2 ceteris paribus would be a good fertilizer for plants. BUT added CO2 will (and already is) affect the climate. Meaning that a local climate may become DRIER overall due to changing precipitation patterns. Or it may become WETTER. Not all plants thrive under drier or wetter conditions uniformly. Just ask any gardner.

The myth of added CO2 being a net benefit is a gross oversimplification and requires that literally nothing else change. Unfortunately that isn't how any of this works.

You don't have to believe me. You can read this:

which is irrelevant since"
Bushels per acre are going up
Tons per acre are going up
And sacks per acre on going up

The 2 bit gardener that you mention does little to feed the world

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