Study: Media Fact-Checker Says Republicans Lie More

politfact owned by Tampa Bay Times which is owned by Portner, a very left leaning institution. This was discussed yesterday.
I mean, we've known this already for the longest, now it's just substantiated by facts and numbers.

Republicans have taken the act of lying to an artform.

Read it and weep...

CMPA: Media Fact-Checker Says Republicans Lie More

so Marc do you think Democrats lie too?......
YEah, but it's just that the Republicans lie way more, like way, WAY more.

i don't agree Marc.....they have lied and exaggerated quite a few times to get the Hispanic vote out here i have said many a time....Republicans will tell you to your face you are an asshole.....Democrats will tell you to your face how great you are.....when you leave the room the laughing begins.....
Maybe the radical doesn't understand the difference between exaggerating facts figures and perjury. Do the words "it depends on what the difference of is-is" and "I did not have sexual relations with that woman Monica Lewinski" ring a bell? Those were lies. The president is a lawyer so he is careful to use legalistic jargon to camouflage his lies. The A.G. is so tangled in lies that sooner or later he would get caught.
so Marc do you think Democrats lie too?......
YEah, but it's just that the Republicans lie way more, like way, WAY more.

i don't agree Marc.....they have lied and exaggerated quite a few times to get the Hispanic vote out here i have said many a time....Republicans will tell you to your face you are an asshole.....Democrats will tell you to your face how great you are.....when you leave the room the laughing begins.....
Republicans will lie to your face and pretend it's true.
We'll have to agree to disagree.
No question fake-liberals lie, mostly about the value of human potential which has a real value close to zero; the reality is most liberal lies are idiocies children actually do see through. Public education, when it works as intended, gradually blinds people to liberal lies in pretty much the same way that what were once vices become habits.

Still, truth hasn't been the friend of the nutball since 1981. The primary difference is nutball lies are read in patriotic fervor while pharisees chant the amens. Weak minds really eat this kind of shit up, and even better, it's a gene pool that can't admit a mistake, so once the first glass of koolade is down the hatch, nutballism is like falling down a well for most true believers in koolade.
Does claiming Benghazi was inspired by a video on five different Sunday morning shows count as one lie because that was the one she told or five lies because she told it five different times on the same day?
Does claiming Benghazi was inspired by a video on five different Sunday morning shows count as one lie because that was the one she told or five lies because she told it five different times on the same day?
Apply that logic to the "death panel" mantra that was popular a few summers ago and derive your answer from that.
One thing the left has that the right doesn't have is an entire mobilization of tax exempt propaganda links almost entirely financed by George Soros. Media Matters is dedicated to monitoring ONLY conservative speech and Soros financed news hounds is dedicated to monitoring ONLY Fox "so you won't have to". The radical left is so desperate for "good news" in the face of wrenching scandals in the Hussein administration that Soros is willing to work overtime to come up with something, anything to distract the attention of the low information left.
Does claiming Benghazi was inspired by a video on five different Sunday morning shows count as one lie because that was the one she told or five lies because she told it five different times on the same day?
Apply that logic to the "death panel" mantra that was popular a few summers ago and derive your answer from that.

Apply it to answering I don't know or recall to every question about Benghazi, the I.R.S., AP, and James Rosen and try not to forget a lie of omission is still a lie.
One thing the left has that the right doesn't have is an entire mobilization of tax exempt propaganda links almost entirely financed by George Soros. Media Matters is dedicated to monitoring ONLY conservative speech and Soros financed news hounds is dedicated to monitoring ONLY Fox "so you won't have to". The radical left is so desperate for "good news" in the face of wrenching scandals in the Hussein administration that Soros is willing to work overtime to come up with something, anything to distract the attention of the low information left.

The IRS made sure of that......:cool:
Does claiming Benghazi was inspired by a video on five different Sunday morning shows count as one lie because that was the one she told or five lies because she told it five different times on the same day?
Apply that logic to the "death panel" mantra that was popular a few summers ago and derive your answer from that.

In 2009, Sarah Palin’s rant about death panels even forced elimination from the bill of a provision to offer end-of-life consultations.

What does the NYT report?? THERE WERE DEATH PANELS in original legislation... but BECAUSE of Palin there aren't now!!!
I mean, we've known this already for the longest, now it's just substantiated by facts and numbers.

Republicans have taken the act of lying to an artform.

Read it and weep...

CMPA: Media Fact-Checker Says Republicans Lie More

Once again low information people like your self have NO IDEA who is!
This is part of a newspaper known as "Pravda WEST"... the St. Petersburg Times!

I know because I live there!

This paper is so far left it is up Obama/Democrat they have NO idea what the facts are and their name is a sham!
So right off the bat, I find this so totally biased it is discarded!

BUT read another point of view...
Selection Bias? PolitiFact Rates Republican Statements as False at 3 Times the Rate of Democrats - Smart Politics

When PolitiFact Editor Bill Adair was on C-SPAN's Washington Journal in August of 2009, he explained how statements are picked:

"We choose to check things we are curious about. If we look at something and we think that an elected official or talk show host is wrong, then we will fact-check it."

If that is the methodology, then why is it that PolitiFact takes Republicans to the woodshed much more frequently than Democrats?

One could theoretically argue that one political party has made a disproportionately higher number of false claims than the other, and that this is subsequently reflected in the distribution of ratings on the PolitiFact site.

However, there is no evidence offered by PolitiFact that this is their calculus in decision-making.

Nor does PolitiFact claim on its site to present a 'fair and balanced' selection of statements, or that the statements rated are representative of the general truthfulness of the nation's political parties or the elected officials involved.

In his August 2009 C-SPAN interview, Adair explained how the Pants on Fire rating was the site's most popular feature, and the rationale for its inclusion on the Truth-O-Meter scale:

"We don't take this stuff too seriously. It's politics, but it's a sport too."

By levying 23 Pants on Fire ratings to Republicans over the past year compared to just 4 to Democrats, it appears the sport of choice is game hunting - and the game is elephants.

The truth is Liberal.

YEah, but it's just that the Republicans lie way more, like way, WAY more.

i don't agree Marc.....they have lied and exaggerated quite a few times to get the Hispanic vote out here i have said many a time....Republicans will tell you to your face you are an asshole.....Democrats will tell you to your face how great you are.....when you leave the room the laughing begins.....
Republicans will lie to your face and pretend it's true.
We'll have to agree to disagree.

your right....but Democrats will tell you to your face they are with ya.....then when it comes time to produce they dont show the gay marriage thing here in Ca......twice....
Does claiming Benghazi was inspired by a video on five different Sunday morning shows count as one lie because that was the one she told or five lies because she told it five different times on the same day?
Apply that logic to the "death panel" mantra that was popular a few summers ago and derive your answer from that.

Remember when Obama said that some people should not get life saving surgeries?

Jane asks the President if her 100 year old mother (now 105) would have gotten a pacemaker under his plan. Well now that's a tough one ... that costs a lot and maybe we will have to say, just take a pill.

[ame=]Obama to Jane Sturm: Hey, take a pill - YouTube[/ame]

Sounds like Obama was saying that there needs to be a panel to decide who gets life saving treatments and who just gets a pain pill.

This is like asking Chuck-u Schumer if he dislikes republicans, with the same amount of objective validity.
Why? Just because you say so? Or because you don't like the results of the study? Which one...?
Because the methodology is like a big oil company using a sponge to mop up an oil spill and saying that we're taken steps to clean up our mess.

The reason it is insignificant is because the people there already either dislike or hate republicans. I can point to the people on this forum (you included) that will defend and deny any lie by any Democrat, and yet call everything a Republican says a lie.

That is the methodology of your link, that is the mentality of the people you linked to. That is what is so funny.. Your blinders are so large you cannot even see it.

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