Study: Extramarital sex and divorce more common among veterans


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
I do have experience in this arena and infedility is pretty high amongst service members but I don't think its that much worse than our civilian counter parts, what say you?

Study: Extramarital sex and divorce more common among veterans

Veterans were significantly more likely to have ever engaged in extramarital sex and ever gotten divorced than people who were never in the military, according to new research to be presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association.

The study, based on data from a 1992 national survey, found that more than 32 percent of ever-married veterans reported extramarital sex, which is about twice the rate among ever-married non-veterans (16.8 percent).

"To the extent that the patterns observed in these data hold for our current veteran population, the results of this study provide evidence that the concerns about infidelity among spouses of persons who have served in the military are to a considerable degree valid," said Andrew S. London, chair of the sociology department and a sociology professor at Syracuse University. "However, even though the reported rates of infidelity were significantly higher for veterans than non-veterans, extramarital sex was only reported by one-third of ever-married veteran respondents."

Titled, "Veteran Status, Marital Infidelity, and Divorce," the study also found that among those who had ever married, veterans were almost 10 percent more likely to have gotten divorced (38.5 percent compared to 28.9 percent). There was also a strong association between extramarital sex and divorce both for veterans and non-veterans. Overall, even after taking into account veteran status and other factors that influence divorce, those who reported extramarital sex were 2.3 times more likely to have ever divorced than those who reported no extramarital sex.

While the study considered both men and women, London and his co-authors Elizabeth Allen, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Colorado-Denver, and Janet M. Wilmoth, a sociology professor at Syracuse University, said their data set included too few female veterans to draw definitive conclusions about them as a separate group.

"The results of this study provide robust evidence that veteran status was strongly associated with an increased likelihood of extramarital sex and divorce—at least among men—and suggest that the odds of extramarital sex and divorce might also be elevated among female veterans," London said. "But, further research that uses larger, representative samples of female veterans is needed to confirm those female-specific associations."

The study relied on data from the 1992 National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS), and focused on the 2,308 18-60-year-old respondents who comprised the ever-married subset of the sample. "Although it is now two decades old, the NHSLS is one of the few national data sets that includes questions about whether respondents have ever served in the military, extramarital sex, and marital and divorce history," London said.

As valuable as the NHSLS data are, London and his co-authors believe that their findings raise important new questions that can only be addressed with new data collection. "We do not know from these data whether the extramarital sex occurred prior to, during, or after the conclusion of the respondent's military service, and we do not know the military service status of spouses," London said. "New, relatively large-scale data collection initiatives that follow people over time, examine different stages of life, and collect state-of-the-science measurements of military service experiences, sexual behavior, and marriage and family outcomes from husbands and wives are desperately needed."

In terms of the study's policy implications, London said, "This research can increase our understanding of some of the problems faced by military and veteran families, and can inform the development of interventions used to help them."

Study: Extramarital sex and divorce more common among veterans
Peer pressure among young horomally driven males and long seperations from spouse will cause many problems.
In any case most men will fool around if given the chance and feel they will not get caught.

With many today getting caught is the problem not doing the act.
Piss poor morals.
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Peer pressure among young horomally driven males and long seperations from spouse will cause many problems.
In any case most men will fool around if given the chance and feel they will not get caught.

With many today getting caught is the problem not doing the act.
Piss poor morals.

Aren't we always told that only conservatives serve in the military?

There's your piss poor morals.

its the human sexual libedo.

We are designed to spread our genes.

Love the one you are with is pretty much designed into human kind.

Far fewer people can stay faithful than we want to pretend.

Its why society had such harsh punishments for infidelity in the past.
It's probably true for a variety of reasons. Men desire more partners, science and biology confirm this. Women prefer to have just one provider. Trying to get those two to match up 100% all the time is impossible. Dictating and regulation human behavior is impossible. I do not cheat on my and wife and she does not cheat on me. That is the best you can do.

This study should not surprise anyone. And more to the point, it's should not be that disconcerting either.
It's probably true for a variety of reasons. Men desire more partners, science and biology confirm this. Women prefer to have just one provider. Trying to get those two to match up 100% all the time is impossible. Dictating and regulation human behavior is impossible. I do not cheat on my and wife and she does not cheat on me. That is the best you can do.

This study should not surprise anyone. And more to the point, it's should not be that disconcerting either.

Women fuck around too they are just slicker, don't get caught and don't own up to the number of sexual partners they really had.
It's probably true for a variety of reasons. Men desire more partners, science and biology confirm this. Women prefer to have just one provider. Trying to get those two to match up 100% all the time is impossible. Dictating and regulation human behavior is impossible. I do not cheat on my and wife and she does not cheat on me. That is the best you can do.

This study should not surprise anyone. And more to the point, it's should not be that disconcerting either.

Women fuck around too they are just slicker, don't get caught and don't own up to the number of sexual partners they really had.

Yep, we're dumbasses. A girl will cheat and tell NO ONE. A guy will cheat and tell EVERY ONE (and if he is a good friend - show pictures) :clap2:
part of it is -in my opinion- that military culture encourages young men and women to get married before they really should. they pay you more when you're married and there's that temptation to 'lock down' your mate before you deploy - even if they might not be the right one.
part of it is -in my opinion- that military culture encourages young men and women to get married before they really should. they pay you more when you're married and there's that temptation to 'lock down' your mate before you deploy - even if they might not be the right one.

Yep, saw this in the Marine Corps. We had a guy meet a woman online and he asked her to marry him within 2 weeks. We were about 1 month from a deployment. She was hot too, if you like women who try to cover up their acne by applying makeup with a paint roller.

They got married in a drive thru wedding service in Vegas and the preacher was an Elvis impersonator.

Pure. Awsomeness.:lol:
part of it is -in my opinion- that military culture encourages young men and women to get married before they really should. they pay you more when you're married and there's that temptation to 'lock down' your mate before you deploy - even if they might not be the right one.

Yep, saw this in the Marine Corps. We had a guy meet a woman online and he asked her to marry him within 2 weeks. We were about 1 month from a deployment. She was hot too, if you like women who try to cover up their acne by applying makeup with a paint roller.

They got married in a drive thru wedding service in Vegas and the preacher was an Elvis impersonator.

Pure. Awsomeness.:lol:

yeah - my wife's in the army guard - on her first deployment as a pl she had more than a few soldiers who left as a newly-wed and came back as a divorcee
part of it is -in my opinion- that military culture encourages young men and women to get married before they really should. they pay you more when you're married and there's that temptation to 'lock down' your mate before you deploy - even if they might not be the right one.

Yup and if you are stuck in the barracks getting married gives you the option to move to base housing or off base and collect BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing), I knew a couple who did just that.
Yep, saw this in the Marine Corps. We had a guy meet a woman online and he asked her to marry him within 2 weeks. We were about 1 month from a deployment. She was hot too, if you like women who try to cover up their acne by applying makeup with a paint roller.

They got married in a drive thru wedding service in Vegas and the preacher was an Elvis impersonator.

Pure. Awsomeness.:lol:

My niece just did this last week, as a matter of fact. She just married a marine she met in NYC a month ago. They got married at the courthouse and they are moving out to Camp Pendleton in California. He is about to be deployed overseas.

She is an idiot, but sometimes people have to do incredibly stupid things in life in order to learn.
It's probably true for a variety of reasons. Men desire more partners, science and biology confirm this. Women prefer to have just one provider. Trying to get those two to match up 100% all the time is impossible. Dictating and regulation human behavior is impossible. I do not cheat on my and wife and she does not cheat on me. That is the best you can do.

This study should not surprise anyone. And more to the point, it's should not be that disconcerting either.

Women fuck around too they are just slicker, don't get caught and don't own up to the number of sexual partners they really had.

Yep, we're dumbasses. A girl will cheat and tell NO ONE. A guy will cheat and tell EVERY ONE (and if he is a good friend - show pictures) :clap2:

Yup, women will take that shit to their graves for real. They won't tell their husband about the real number of partners she had and all the freaky stuff she did in the past because she doesn't want to look like a slut, and she doesn't want to be asked to repeat that stuff with him.:razz:
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Yep, saw this in the Marine Corps. We had a guy meet a woman online and he asked her to marry him within 2 weeks. We were about 1 month from a deployment. She was hot too, if you like women who try to cover up their acne by applying makeup with a paint roller.

They got married in a drive thru wedding service in Vegas and the preacher was an Elvis impersonator.

Pure. Awsomeness.:lol:

My niece just did this last week, as a matter of fact. She just married a marine she met in NYC a month ago. They got married at the courthouse and they are moving out to Camp Pendleton in California. He is about to be deployed overseas.

She is an idiot, but sometimes people have to do incredibly stupid things in life in order to learn.

Wow, hopefully it doesn't end up too bad.

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