Students for Obama: 'Obama Doesn't Deserve Four More Years'


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Much to the chagrin of the Obama campaign,* is not supporting Obama’s reelection efforts. Instead, the site greets visitors with a video message from a college student explaining why he supported Obama in 2008 but is opposing him in 2012. The site is now a project of Let Freedom Ring. issued this statement:
In the past four years, we have changed. We once supported President Obama. Obama made many good promises. Obama seemed non-partisan and willing to bring about change. He was charismatic. We were excited to see what would come of his administration. Sadly, Obama has failed us, instituting policies that have negatively affected us.

Because of this, Students For Obama has become Students No Longer For Obama. We have awakened to the President's failures, and we feel that it is time for a change. It's time to allow someone else a chance in the Oval Office. Obama doesn't deserve four more years of reckless behavior.
In an exclusive interview, John Cassil, a student activist heavily involved with, stated, “Being on campus for the last four years, I’ve seen student orientation take a turn from liberal leaning to libertarian leaning, with political affiliations more closely mirroring that of the Republican Party.” A senior at Clemson University majoring in management, John is troubled by the foreign policy stances of the Obama administration. As John noted, “our relationship with Israel has suffered greatly the last four years which is why I’ve become actively involved with the Young Jewish Conservatives and the Republican Jewish Coalition.”
John’s observations might not be unique to the Clemson University campus.* Numerous video testimonials of students no longer supporting Obama appear on a related site.

Students for Obama: 'Obama Doesn't Deserve Four More Years'

Obama took Student loans from the banks and saved 60 billion over ten years. Money now going to scholarships and grants. Romney says he wants fewer teachers.
Obama took Student loans from the banks and saved 60 billion over ten years. Money now going to scholarships and grants. Romney says he wants fewer teachers.

Which part of the COnstitution authorizes the Federal gov't to make student loans? The FedGov is the worst servicer of loans in history. And guess who is on the hook when they default.
Linked website said:
We once supported President Obama. Obama made many good promises. He was charismatic.
Dumb-asses vote for charisma.

I'd vote for Charisma anytime...


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