Student Leaders Ask Hillary To Return 'Outrageous' $225,000 School Speaking Fee

Lots of woman hate in this thread.

Lots of woman hate in this thread.

This is now the established end all to any civil discussion with Dims. After 8 years of Obama where any and all disagreement = racism, any and all disagreement with a woman = misogyny. Then they'll run a Hispanic and yep, you guessed it. Any and all disagreement with Juan or Juanita will be based on some sort of prejudice. Then they'll run a LGBT candidate and if you disagree with it, you're homophobic. Ad infinitum.

So simple and effective. No thought required. Perfect Dim strategy. And with our dumbed down country fed by our slathering left wing media, it will work. Keep moving the masses forward toward that bright collectivist utopian dream world without those reactionary conservatives blocking the way. It will be a workers' paradise. Hey, that's a snappy title for our brave new world. Workers' Paradise. I need to write that down. I'm on to something new.

We are within half a generation of one party rule. Dims may think that's what they want and Progressives dream for the day but when it comes most Dims will wake up and see history staring right back at them. When they have second thoughts, their Progressive bosses will put them in line.
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I don't care what they want. If they agreed to pay the fee, and Clinton fulfilled the terms by speaking, then they can go pound sand.

She may not be worth listening to, but that isn't the issue.

The issue is paying for an agreed upon service.

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