Stormy Daniels vs. Christine Blasey Ford: Who is the Bigger Liar?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I think it's time for another Celebrity Death Match between Stormy Daniels and Christine Blasey Ford. Stormy has the looks, but Christine has the more heart wrenching story. Who would you pick?
I think it's time for another Celebrity Death Match between Stormy Daniels and Christine Blasey Ford. Stormy has the looks, but Christine has the more heart wrenching story. Who would you pick?
Is it Dr. Stormy or the whore Ford?

Hard to say.
I believe that back when all this bullshit about Stormy Daniels came out that she eventually signed a document admitted that she never fucked Trump.
I believe that back when all this bullshit about Stormy Daniels came out that she eventually signed a document admitted that she never fucked Trump.
Please, no visuals.

Two can play at this game ya know

I believe that back when all this bullshit about Stormy Daniels came out that she eventually signed a document admitted that she never fucked Trump.
Stormy Daniels = He really did solicit her somehow, but not in any profoundly criminal way. She'd like to profit a little from the publicity.

Blasey-Ford=Totally owned DNC/CIA operative paid to totally lie through her teeth accusing a prospective conservative justice of rape with completely uncorroborated claims and lack of detail. It didn't end in any conviction. It served it's purpose to create distraction and sow some hate seeds for future psyops projects.

Wait I was thinking biggest tits......Celebrity Death Match Hahaha good....
I think it's time for another Celebrity Death Match between Stormy Daniels and Christine Blasey Ford. Stormy has the looks, but Christine has the more heart wrenching story. Who would you pick?
Ford by a mile. Trump probably did have relations with S.D, Kavanaugh definitely did not and it was a public flogging by the MSM while Ford bore False Witness against a man in front of the world and his family. Pure evil.

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