

Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
I remember back in the early 80's, when I was a one stripper in the Air Force, our mainframe computer (IBM can't remember the number) had a bunch of huge platter drives in the computer room.....A room that was designed to keep the environment as a very specific temp and humidity...The two techs who operated the mainframe used to boast that each 20 platter drive held a half a terabyte of data.....they had four of them for 2 terabytes of storage....I remember being impressed...

I just installed My latest expansion drive of 5 terabytes bringing my total storage up to 7. I may need to add an additional 10 by the end of the year.....All in two tiny little

So, how much storage do you carry?
Not near enough! Gonna get another 100 cases of beer in Thursday and may have to build an addition.

Oh computers.... 2 TB on this laptop with a 5 TB external with music and karaoke.
Adding cloud storage, 1.5TB
I use to have more actually, with all of the subscription music and video services that are getting better every year - I do not feel the need to store as much. Not when all I have to do is watch/listen to it again any time I want on their storage space
This one has 1T which is twice what I needed but only $10 more than 500gigs. I have backup usb drives to. Don't trust cloud stuff at all!
I can't tell. :dunno:

Okay, a good question to ask then is who is using the cloud for backup? It makes sense to use the cloud for data that can be shared between devices, like music or movies.....Anyone do backups to the cloud?

I plan on setting a folder on the smaller drive to do My backups to and just rewrite over them after six months...
Okay, a good question to ask then is who is using the cloud for backup? It makes sense to use the cloud for data that can be shared between devices, like music or movies.....Anyone do backups to the cloud?

I plan on setting a folder on the smaller drive to do My backups to and just rewrite over them after six months...
I like the Western Digital cloud.

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