Stop With the Silly 'Centrist' Labels for DemonRATS!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Read SO MUCH MORE at ^ | January 15, 2020 | Brent Bozell and Tim Graham

The most abused adjective in political reporting is the label "centrist." It should tell you everything about the politician. Unfortunately, it tells us far more about those applying the label. The American Conservative Union ratings system has been widely accepted as the voting compass from the perspective of the right. According to the ACU, a centrist would look like Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who has a lifetime ACU score of 44.8%. Reporters could call her a "liberal Republican," and they should, except that term simply doesn't exist. (Don't believe us? Check it out.)

Or take Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who is considered a "conservative Democrat," but that animal doesn't exist in the Senate. His lifetime ACU rating is 26.7%, putting him in lockstep with the left almost three-quarters of the time.

Where this all gets ridiculous is the presidential field. In 2016, Hillary Clinton was regularly pitched as a centrist by the press. Her ACU score from her Senate years, ending in 2009, was 8.1%. But that wasn't the worst of it. When she picked Sen. Tim Kaine as her running mate, even The Wall Street Journal oozed that Kaine's "centrist policies" could help Clinton. His ACU score at the time was 1%. (He's now up to 2.2%.)

It's happening again in this cycle, to the point of absurdity. With extreme socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders in the race, anyone who isn't endorsing a socialist position -- like redistributing wealth, abolishing private health insurance and shredding the fossil fuel industry -- is categorized as a centrist. Defending the leftist lurch that was Obamacare is now the centrist position in this daffy media dictionary.

When Joe Biden left the Senate in 2008 to be then-presidential candidate Barack Obama's running mate, his lifetime ACU score was 12.7%. He's only lurched further left ever since. But now, suddenly, he's a "centrist" candidate........


Today’s leading demonRATS are “centrists” only in the sense that they are midway between their mass murdering soviet socialist predecessors and their mass murdering national socialist role models. We are facing pure evil.

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