Stop Corporate Contributions From Buying Our Politicians

If working class Americans used their brains, they could have everything they want. They could run the country. Why they abandon the job to 'others' remains a mystery.
A lot of people do not want the job of running the country. Some are lazy but others willingly believe any propaganda that is passed around like candy. People tend to live for the pleasure of the moment and live to want they believe will be their own convenience without considering the consequences of their choices. There are a lot of aspects that bring that about so its not just one particular issue but a whole that needs to be looked at.
They have gone too far they are being bullies at this point

A company can bully the US government? Tell me more!!!

they simply buy off whoever needs to be buying judges etc

Buying judges is illegal. You want to pass another law to make it more illegal?
How would that work?
Yes buying judges altering certified court transcripts, bullying with illegal measures such as counterfeit docs, blowing up other peoples business equipment, designing equipment to fail as to sabotage private enterprise, etc. is illegal but the fact is your corps and bankers have more money and can pay off more people to do these illegal actions against private every day citizens, cover up their illegal actions and they are and have been getting away with it. They need a very tight lease and the people agree as demonstrated in the latest elections.

Yes, tight leash, like the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Teach those greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Sorry your bullshit "eh comrade" won't work on this end. I started working for myself and ran my own successful businesses for most of my life and it was your types of fascist and bolsheviks that insured through all of the above mentioned measures and much more that I would live in poverty if I refused to succumb to their blackmail attempts for the remainder of my days here on earth. For refusing to give in to their lies, illegal actions and threats I was called "a terrorist" years ago so you can go fuck yourself and that horse you ride on.

it was your types of fascist and Bolsheviks

You dealt with small government fascists and Bolsheviks? That's funny.

I would live in poverty if I refused to succumb to their blackmail attempts for the remainder of my days here on earth.

Someone blackmailed you? Naughty pictures?

so you can go fuck yourself and that horse you ride on.

Bestiality pictures? Just awful.
Your ignorance shows, thanks!

I hope those blackmailers are no longer under your bed.
Good luck!!!
Yes buying judges altering certified court transcripts, bullying with illegal measures such as counterfeit docs, blowing up other peoples business equipment, designing equipment to fail as to sabotage private enterprise, etc. is illegal but the fact is your corps and bankers have more money and can pay off more people to do these illegal actions against private every day citizens, cover up their illegal actions and they are and have been getting away with it. They need a very tight lease and the people agree as demonstrated in the latest elections.

Yes, tight leash, like the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Teach those greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Sorry your bullshit "eh comrade" won't work on this end. I started working for myself and ran my own successful businesses for most of my life and it was your types of fascist and bolsheviks that insured through all of the above mentioned measures and much more that I would live in poverty if I refused to succumb to their blackmail attempts for the remainder of my days here on earth. For refusing to give in to their lies, illegal actions and threats I was called "a terrorist" years ago so you can go fuck yourself and that horse you ride on.

it was your types of fascist and Bolsheviks

You dealt with small government fascists and Bolsheviks? That's funny.

I would live in poverty if I refused to succumb to their blackmail attempts for the remainder of my days here on earth.

Someone blackmailed you? Naughty pictures?

so you can go fuck yourself and that horse you ride on.

Bestiality pictures? Just awful.
Your ignorance shows, thanks!

I hope those blackmailers are no longer under your bed.
Good luck!!!
I hope that they rot in the hell they have created.
If working class Americans used their brains, they could have everything they want. They could run the country. Why they abandon the job to 'others' remains a mystery.
A lot of people do not want the job of running the country. Some are lazy but others willingly believe any propaganda that is passed around like candy. People tend to live for the pleasure of the moment and live to want they believe will be their own convenience without considering the consequences of their choices. There are a lot of aspects that bring that about so its not just one particular issue but a whole that needs to be looked at.
The problem with liberty is that it demands responsibility. Participatory governments fail when liberty is understood and/or becomes 'too much trouble'. Education should be able to compensate for this tendency, but evidence is not encouraging.
If working class Americans used their brains, they could have everything they want. They could run the country. Why they abandon the job to 'others' remains a mystery.
A lot of people do not want the job of running the country. Some are lazy but others willingly believe any propaganda that is passed around like candy. People tend to live for the pleasure of the moment and live to want they believe will be their own convenience without considering the consequences of their choices. There are a lot of aspects that bring that about so its not just one particular issue but a whole that needs to be looked at.
The problem with liberty is that it demands responsibility. Participatory governments fail when liberty is understood and/or becomes 'too much trouble'. Education should be able to compensate for this tendency, but evidence is not encouraging.
You cannot educate the brain damage out of people. Nor can formal education teach common sense.
If working class Americans used their brains, they could have everything they want. They could run the country. Why they abandon the job to 'others' remains a mystery.
A lot of people do not want the job of running the country. Some are lazy but others willingly believe any propaganda that is passed around like candy. People tend to live for the pleasure of the moment and live to want they believe will be their own convenience without considering the consequences of their choices. There are a lot of aspects that bring that about so its not just one particular issue but a whole that needs to be looked at.
The problem with liberty is that it demands responsibility. Participatory governments fail when liberty is understood and/or becomes 'too much trouble'. Education should be able to compensate for this tendency, but evidence is not encouraging.
You cannot educate the brain damage out of people. Nor can formal education teach common sense.
That would suggest there must be some filter to identify those qualified to participate.
If working class Americans used their brains, they could have everything they want. They could run the country. Why they abandon the job to 'others' remains a mystery.
A lot of people do not want the job of running the country. Some are lazy but others willingly believe any propaganda that is passed around like candy. People tend to live for the pleasure of the moment and live to want they believe will be their own convenience without considering the consequences of their choices. There are a lot of aspects that bring that about so its not just one particular issue but a whole that needs to be looked at.
The problem with liberty is that it demands responsibility. Participatory governments fail when liberty is understood and/or becomes 'too much trouble'. Education should be able to compensate for this tendency, but evidence is not encouraging.
You cannot educate the brain damage out of people. Nor can formal education teach common sense.
That would suggest there must be some filter to identify those qualified to participate.
Only if you take it that away. People have had tendencies to think that merely having a degree of some type creates a qualification for any certain given position when that is not true. Our political atmosphere is more show business than quality at this point. The people in the majority of the cities both small and large depend on what is handed to them as truths when in fact many are being lied to for gain or advantage of others that do not have what is in the best interest in their thoughts. i.e. You can't fluoridate water in the cities and expect to have mindful people at the same time. You can get a degree for something but that does not necessarily make you qualified to do a particular job that requires a degree. If you tell a lie long enough people tend to believe that is the gospel when in fact it may be totally different than what was originally lied about based on a few peoples precepts.

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