Stop all benefits for one year.

So since I paid into a program my entire adult life in your eye the government is providing for me...Not the money I paid into the system for all those years but the government.

Now you're getting it. We've all been paying taxes our entire life. I'm paying taxes right now. But is the government going to pay anything for me to retire on? Of course not. Hell, I'm paying Social Security taxes that are never going to give me any kind of retirement benefit. By the time I get to that age, Social Security is going to be a thing of the past. You're perfectly okay with that. As long as you get yours, that's all that matters. We can continue to sink down the rabbit hole of massive debt for YOUR entire life. The next generation will pay it off.

I don't expect the younger generation to do anything other than be smarter than my generation.

Yeah, you do.

But since most young people these days are liberals I don't see that happening....But why wouldn't SS be available? Are you advocating the destruction of the program?

Oh, I guess you're not aware. Social Security is going bankrupt and the federal government currently is in debt by $17 trillion dollars. How long do you think we can go before we can't borrow any more money to pay for your government hand out?

Child, I'm not stupid, I know exactly what is going on, I've been fighting it on the boards and with my vote for years. You must be under the impression that I'm some sort of liberal. SS and medicare are broken, they need fixed. it is not to late to get intelligent people into congress to come up with the solutions. You don't even come close.

Now would you like to doubt my credentials in public? Please?
So all you have are complaints? No alternatives on how we can reduce spending while also helping those in need?

I have an idea. Cut the military budget in half. We'd still have the largest, most capable military on the planet, and wouldn't have to worry about throwing our sick and elderly into the streets, as you are suggesting.

As I noted before, we could cut defense spending by 100% and we would still have a deficit. Whether we like it or not, we need to address the biggest parts of our spending, which is entitlements.

I never said that it was going to address the deficit. There are only three
ways to address the deficit - cut taxes, raise taxes, and create jobs that pay taxes back into the system. I prefer the latter, but I also prefer closing tax loopholes for the rich and for corporations. Why should a corporation get a tax break to locate in a community and then pay workers at best, minimum wage? Why should a major corporation like GE get to pay virtually no tax at all? Since the rich stay rich because the bulk of their richness is in assets, not income, get rid of all capital gains tax cuts except for those involved with inheritance of family monies. Make companies that move their labor force out of country pay a major premium for doing so while offering incentives for companies to move their highest paying jobs here to the states. Offer financial incentives for corporations to move their money back to the states, and reinvest in the U.S. There is plenty we can do without giving our most vulnerable the royal shaft yet again. If we are going to compete in a global market, we have to stop thinking parochially.
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I repeat, if we stop paying Social Security then the TAX FOR Social Security goes away too.

That's why I say we need to cut the payroll tax by 50%. The thing we have to remember is that Social Security is not only retirement benefits. I think there are around 70 different benefits Social Security pays out. One that we probably need to maintain is disability. Can't do much about people who are disabled and unable to work because of it. But it does need to be reformed in the long run. There's no reason why that idiot Jesse Jackson Jr. needs to be collecting $100k a year in disability while he sits in prison.

Got to remember, also, I'm only talking about doing this for a year.
I have an idea. Cut the military budget in half. We'd still have the largest, most capable military on the planet, and wouldn't have to worry about throwing our sick and elderly into the streets, as you are suggesting.

As I noted before, we could cut defense spending by 100% and we would still have a deficit. Whether we like it or not, we need to address the biggest parts of our spending, which is entitlements.

I never said that it was going to address the deficit. There are only three
ways to address the deficit - cut taxes, raise taxes, and create jobs that pay taxes back into the system. I prefer the latter, but I also prefer closing tax loopholes for the rich and for corporations. Why should a corporation get a tax break to locate in a community and then pay workers at best, minimum wage? Why should a major corporation like GE get to pay virtually no tax at all? Since the rich stay rich because the bulk of their richness is in assets, not income, get rid of all capital gains tax cuts except for those involved with inheritance of family monies. Make companies that move their labor force out of country pay a major premium for doing so while offering incentives for companies to move their highest paying jobs here to the states. Offer financial incentives for corporations to move their money back to the states, and reinvest in the U.S. There is plenty we can do without giving our most vulnerable the royal shaft yet again. If we are going to compete in a global market, we have to stop thinking parochially.

Because those are the deals they have worked out (and paid for) with our elected officials. Maybe we should all think twice, or thrice, before casting ballots for incumbents.
But, you see, the money I paid into a fund should have been "earmarked" for my promised.

That's the thing, it was never promised to be earmarked for you. For the past 60 years, Social Security has been about taxing those of us who work, to pay those who aren't working. The money people pay into Social Security has always been far more than what you'll ever get back in retirement benefits. People have been assuming for years that the idea was that you'll get back what you put into it. But that's not true. The only way you'll get back what you paid in is if you become disabled during your working years. It's the only way you'll have a chance to collect the payments long enough to equal what you paid in.
As I noted before, we could cut defense spending by 100% and we would still have a deficit. Whether we like it or not, we need to address the biggest parts of our spending, which is entitlements.

I never said that it was going to address the deficit. There are only three
ways to address the deficit - cut taxes, raise taxes, and create jobs that pay taxes back into the system. I prefer the latter, but I also prefer closing tax loopholes for the rich and for corporations. Why should a corporation get a tax break to locate in a community and then pay workers at best, minimum wage? Why should a major corporation like GE get to pay virtually no tax at all? Since the rich stay rich because the bulk of their richness is in assets, not income, get rid of all capital gains tax cuts except for those involved with inheritance of family monies. Make companies that move their labor force out of country pay a major premium for doing so while offering incentives for companies to move their highest paying jobs here to the states. Offer financial incentives for corporations to move their money back to the states, and reinvest in the U.S. There is plenty we can do without giving our most vulnerable the royal shaft yet again. If we are going to compete in a global market, we have to stop thinking parochially.

Because those are the deals they have worked out (and paid for) with our elected officials. Maybe we should all think twice, or thrice, before casting ballots for incumbents.

I haven't voted for an incumbent in nearly 10 years.
I know exactly what is going on, I've been fighting it on the boards and with my vote for years.

I see. So you just don't care, then.

You must be under the impression that I'm some sort of liberal.

You're the one who wants the government to pay you, without regard to the fact that the money ain't there without going deeper into debt. Don't blame me that you're abandoning your conservative principles.

SS and medicare are broken, they need fixed.

Just as long as the fix negatively impacts someone else other than you.
As I noted before, we could cut defense spending by 100% and we would still have a deficit. Whether we like it or not, we need to address the biggest parts of our spending, which is entitlements.

I never said that it was going to address the deficit. There are only three
ways to address the deficit - cut taxes, raise taxes, and create jobs that pay taxes back into the system. I prefer the latter, but I also prefer closing tax loopholes for the rich and for corporations. Why should a corporation get a tax break to locate in a community and then pay workers at best, minimum wage? Why should a major corporation like GE get to pay virtually no tax at all? Since the rich stay rich because the bulk of their richness is in assets, not income, get rid of all capital gains tax cuts except for those involved with inheritance of family monies. Make companies that move their labor force out of country pay a major premium for doing so while offering incentives for companies to move their highest paying jobs here to the states. Offer financial incentives for corporations to move their money back to the states, and reinvest in the U.S. There is plenty we can do without giving our most vulnerable the royal shaft yet again. If we are going to compete in a global market, we have to stop thinking parochially.

Because those are the deals they have worked out (and paid for) with our elected officials. Maybe we should all think twice, or thrice, before casting ballots for incumbents.

At the least, we need to more carefully look at who our politicians are advocating for?
But, you see, the money I paid into a fund should have been "earmarked" for my promised.

That's the thing, it was never promised to be earmarked for you. For the past 60 years, Social Security has been about taxing those of us who work, to pay those who aren't working. The money people pay into Social Security has always been far more than what you'll ever get back in retirement benefits. People have been assuming for years that the idea was that you'll get back what you put into it. But that's not true. The only way you'll get back what you paid in is if you become disabled during your working years. It's the only way you'll have a chance to collect the payments long enough to equal what you paid in.

You're good with that?
I know exactly what is going on, I've been fighting it on the boards and with my vote for years.

I see. So you just don't care, then.

You must be under the impression that I'm some sort of liberal.

You're the one who wants the government to pay you, without regard to the fact that the money ain't there without going deeper into debt. Don't blame me that you're abandoning your conservative principles.

SS and medicare are broken, they need fixed.

Just as long as the fix negatively impacts someone else other than you.

You are OK with the theft and fraud perpetrated on the American worker for the many years? But you're OK with coughing up someone's hard-earned cash to finance those unwilling to work to support themselves. Or to bail out corporations "too big to fail"?
I never said that it was going to address the deficit.

That's what I'm talking about here.

There are only three ways to address the deficit - cut taxes, raise taxes, and create jobs that pay taxes back into the system.

I assume you meant cut spending. Ultimately, that's what my idea does. All three at once. Cuts spending, raises receipts over outlays (even though I suggest cutting payroll taxes 50% that will be a net increase in conjunction with the reduced spending), and creates jobs (by putting money into people's hands that they can spend in the economy).

My plan does everything that everyone says they want. Funny though, nobody likes their own ideas when it affects them.
But, you see, the money I paid into a fund should have been "earmarked" for my promised.

That's the thing, it was never promised to be earmarked for you. For the past 60 years, Social Security has been about taxing those of us who work, to pay those who aren't working. The money people pay into Social Security has always been far more than what you'll ever get back in retirement benefits. People have been assuming for years that the idea was that you'll get back what you put into it. But that's not true. The only way you'll get back what you paid in is if you become disabled during your working years. It's the only way you'll have a chance to collect the payments long enough to equal what you paid in.

You're good with that?

Do I like it? No. But then again, I don't like the weather outside right now, either. But if we don't face the music now, our children and grandchildren will face our music later. And let's be honest, who ever liked the music of their parents and grandparents? They won't like it any better than we do.
So, have we figured-out yet that everybody is gonna give-up dozens of thousands of dollars worth of benefits this year for a paltry $7500 check the next?

"By Grabthar's Hammer... what a savings!"
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I know exactly what is going on, I've been fighting it on the boards and with my vote for years.

I see. So you just don't care, then.

You must be under the impression that I'm some sort of liberal.

You're the one who wants the government to pay you, without regard to the fact that the money ain't there without going deeper into debt. Don't blame me that you're abandoning your conservative principles.

SS and medicare are broken, they need fixed.

Just as long as the fix negatively impacts someone else other than you.

The moneys not there to pay me my military retirement either, you want that they should stop paying that for a year too?
I know exactly what is going on, I've been fighting it on the boards and with my vote for years.

I see. So you just don't care, then.

You're the one who wants the government to pay you, without regard to the fact that the money ain't there without going deeper into debt. Don't blame me that you're abandoning your conservative principles.

SS and medicare are broken, they need fixed.

Just as long as the fix negatively impacts someone else other than you.

You are OK with the theft and fraud perpetrated on the American worker for the many years? But you're OK with coughing up someone's hard-earned cash to finance those unwilling to work to support themselves. Or to bail out corporations "too big to fail"?

Actually this stupid fuck doesn't know who he is talking to. Knows nothing about me...I'd bet in the last 2 years alone I've repeated at least 20 times that i would be happy to give u 10% of my Military retirement as long as Washington cut every other check they made by that same 10%.
I'd bet in the last 2 years alone I've repeated at least 20 times that i would be happy to give u 10% of my Military retirement as long as Washington cut every other check they made by that same 10%.

Then why are you complaining? Good lord, you sound alot like this woman.

I'd bet in the last 2 years alone I've repeated at least 20 times that i would be happy to give u 10% of my Military retirement as long as Washington cut every other check they made by that same 10%.

Then why are you complaining? Good lord, you sound alot like this woman.


I'm not the one complaining or flooding PM;s. I am telling you that your plan sucks and won't work. You want to make private implications but don't have the guts to bring it out in public. that's a coward for you.

Once more. Your ideas are fucking stupid. It's not difficult to understand and that damned sure isn't complaining that's straight up fact.

DO not PM me again...............
Mate, you're the one who keeps PMing me. Don't be mad if I respond. Take some personal responsibility. You know, you really are a crummy conservative. You want to live off the government. You blame other people for your own actions. And your entire position is based on emotional bleeding heart junk.
Mate, you're the one who keeps PMing me. Don't be mad if I respond. Take some personal responsibility. You know, you really are a crummy conservative. You want to live off the government. You blame other people for your own actions. And your entire position is based on emotional bleeding heart junk.

Really, I keep Pm'ing you? Telling you to stop maybe. Go ahead give me permission to post it.

And no I don't take a dime from the government that I didn't earn. You have a problem with that? Too fucking bad. Had I chosen a different profession I would expect the same from which ever company I would have worked for. And I probably would have had more control over it. But someone has to protect your rights to be an idiot.

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