Stone Files Motion: Alleges Special Counsel’s Office Released Unsealed Indictment To CNN

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Say what you want about Roger Stone. He fights back, and a lot of people don’t. LOVE to see him win this might get the bastards slightly find the one PERSON that did it sue him for millions and they might think twice!

CNN obtained Roger Stone’s indictment from someone allegedly in the Special Counsel’s office hours before it had been unsealed by the court, thus allowing the news outlet to stage a camera crew outside his home and lie in wait until armed FBI agents arrested him, according to a motion filed by Stone’s lawyers Wednesday morning.

The evidence appears to rest on when the indictment was unsealed by the court.

According to the motion, the clerk’s office “informed counsel for Mr. Stone that the Indictment’s entry into the docket was made on January 25 at 8:55 a.m., more than two- and-a-half-hours after the news reporter sent the “draft” Indictment to counsel, and four hours after the news organization’s camera crew arrived at Mr. Stone’s house to film his arrest on the sealed Indictment.”

Stone could not be immediately reached for comment. Special Counsel’s office could not be immediately reached for comment.

Based on this new evidence, Stone’s attorney’s contend his arrest on Jan. 25, was staged for the CNN crew, which was ready to film the arrest and that someone in the Special Counsel’s office leaked the information.

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Oh look,the professional liar is lying again.

Not news, Russian troll.
Someone leaked it.
Says the liar's lying lawyer. You will have to excuse me if I don't buy it.
No, by the timing of what occurred. Only idiots don’t see it.
Except you're wrong and clearly haven't read any news about it outside the wingnut bubble. Go read up. Step outside the bubble.
No other media got word of it in time to be there. Pretty obvious to those that actually do think.
No other media got word of it in time to be there.
No media got word of it at all. It was just good detective work and patience. I can see you haven't even bothered to go read up.
“According to Stone’s filing, a CNN news crew arrived at his home at 4:58 a.m. that morning and set up a camera in the street. The FBI arrested him at 6:06 a.m., and a reporter for CNN called Stone’s attorney and informed him of the arrest. The reporter sent the attorney a text message at 6:22 a.m. with a “draft copy of the still sealed indictment.”
Stone contends that the indictment was not to be unsealed until after he was arrested, taken into custody, and the court notified. They noted that the indictment was not posted to PACER, the federal court database, until about two and a half hours later.”

No, they were tipped off. They set up their cameras over an hour before the fbi got there and arrested him. And they sent his attorney a draft copy at 6:22, before it was released.
No, they were tipped off. They set up their cameras over an hour before the fbi got there and arrested him. And they sent his attorney a draft copy at 6:22, before it was released.
Wrong. Dude...this is literally the very next paragraph of the article you copy/pasted that from:

"But shortly after Stone’s legal team filed the motion, a number of reporters noted that the indictment was posted to the Justice Department website around 6:13 a.m."
So here's how stone's "big day" in court will go:

Stone's attorney: "The indictment was clearly leaked, as a reporter texted it to me at 6:22 am."

Gov't lawyer: "The indictment was posted on the DOJ website at 6:13 am and became public knowledge"

Judge: "get the fuck out of my courtroom"
No other media got word of it in time to be there.
No media got word of it at all. It was just good detective work and patience. I can see you haven't even bothered to go read up.
“According to Stone’s filing, a CNN news crew arrived at his home at 4:58 a.m. that morning and set up a camera in the street. The FBI arrested him at 6:06 a.m., and a reporter for CNN called Stone’s attorney and informed him of the arrest. The reporter sent the attorney a text message at 6:22 a.m. with a “draft copy of the still sealed indictment.”
Stone contends that the indictment was not to be unsealed until after he was arrested, taken into custody, and the court notified. They noted that the indictment was not posted to PACER, the federal court database, until about two and a half hours later.”

No, they were tipped off. They set up their cameras over an hour before the fbi got there and arrested him. And they sent his attorney a draft copy at 6:22, before it was released.
We'll see if your contention has any legs.... if there was a leak, it certainly DID NOT come from Mueller's team...

-because they do not leak, have not leaked and certainly would not leak and risk their own credibility in a case given such scrutiny and negative publicity by Trump and his team of minions.... that is flat out STUPID, and one thing Mueller is not, or his expert team is not, is stupid.

- CNN's educated guess of the arrest, can be easily explained.

One, a few weeks earlier Mueller requested the testimony of Michael Cohen before Congress, and shortly afterwards Cohen was charged by them for lying before Congress. In order for the special counsel to charge him with lying, they needed the Congressional testimony.

At the same time that Mueller requested Michael Cohen's testimony, his team also requested the congressional testimony of Roger Stone's....

this has lead everyone in the Main Stream Media, and us left wingers reading it, :), that Roger Stone would be the one getting the next arrest warrant served by the Mueller team.

Well, we have been waiting and pacing and wondering when is Roger Stone going to be charged? And every Thursday and Friday, (and every day of the week)CNN and other media outlets too like the wall street journal, Washington Post, the Daily Beast, etc...take turns.... has had a reporter sitting in the court in DC where the grand jury for Mueller resides... so that as soon as the Mueller team files any kind of court action, they could be on top of it....

Mueller usually does all of his actions with the court, on Fridays.... draft filings on Thursday, always sealed and a Friday official release... at least this is 90% of all of his team's filings.

The Thursday evening, before Roger Stone's search warrant and charges/arrest on Friday, the Special Counsel made a sealed court filing.

UH OH, something is about to go down in the Mueller Investigation... sealed filings says so.

According to CNN, their staking out of the Court used by Mueller paid off.... an indictment is getting ready to come down, and the only person they believe waiting to be indicted, is Roger Stone..... it was finally coming down.... they've been waiting several weeks for it.

both Cohen and Manafort raids were sealed search warrants, and done right before and at, the crack of dawn... it was protocol....

So CNN reached one of their peripheral reporters who lived down there in Miami, with his cameraman set up, to get to Stone's house and stake it out, before dawn... that's what they claimed happened.

I've said this before, IF someone did leak this information to CNN, it would not be anyone from Mueller's team, but maybe from the clerks office, of the court.... but that too is unlikely.... people care about their good jobs and likely would not risk losing this job, or ever holding a job of trust again, for being a leaker.
Oh look,the professional liar is lying again.

Not news, Russian troll.
then how did they know? simple question. the court received a sealed indictment, how would they know what it was for? dude, you like to be stupid all the time? I'd be embarrassed.
Says the liar's lying lawyer. You will have to excuse me if I don't buy it.
You'll have to excuse me if I find your opinion on the matter to be totally irrelevant. CNN was obviously tipped off to Mueller's grotesquely over blown arrest of Stone.
Let's see in court the relationship between The Inquisitor's office and his friendly lap dogs in the media unfold.

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