Stock market will crash in 60 days...

Why don't women compete with men in strength or speed sports?

What is the fastest women's 100 meter in history?
How does it compare to the fastest men's 100 meter?

Chloe McCardel sets record for most England Channel swims 13 October 2021 PA Media Chloe McCardel's record breaking swim took 10 hours An Australian woman has set a new record for swimming the English Channel by completing her 44th crossing, the most ever by a single swimmer.
It figures that a failure like you is too stupid to compete!
Therefore, life is unfair to you, and you crave DEI to lay blame and absolve your lack of personal responsibility and self-discipline.
And unfortunately for America, you have alot of company.
You're a sorry sot.
My last word.
You seem upset for some reason ?
It figures that a failure like you is too stupid to compete!
Therefore, life is unfair to you, and you crave DEI to lay blame and absolve your lack of personal responsibility and self-discipline.
And unfortunately for America, you have alot of company.
You're a sorry sot.
My last word.
Not likely. You like the attention.
Buzz off ,ya commie. Operation Warp Speed was solely for the FAST development of Vaccines and treatments.
Operation warp speed had nothing to do with Trump. Trump down played the vaccine bozo. Covid will be gone by spring three years ago.

Trump and his dying deniers were obviously oblivious to the idea that a vaccine was necessary to more safely reach heard immunity. After all dufus, waiting for natural immunity to work for everyone costs over a million lives. You’re way to illiterate to understand shit.

It was the leader of the Operation Warp Speed project, Moncef Slaoui.
Chloe McCardel sets record for most England Channel swims 13 October 2021 PA Media Chloe McCardel's record breaking swim took 10 hours An Australian woman has set a new record for swimming the English Channel by completing her 44th crossing, the most ever by a single swimmer.

You found the one sport where higher body fat gives women an advantage, I guess it's ok for men to crush women in all the other sports now.
Operation warp speed had nothing to do with Trump. Trump down played the vaccine bozo. Covid will be gone by spring three years ago.

Trump and his dying deniers were obviously oblivious to the idea that a vaccine was necessary to more safely reach heard immunity. After all dufus, waiting for natural immunity to work for everyone costs over a million lives. You’re way to illiterate to understand shit.

It was the leader of the Operation Warp Speed project, Moncef Slaoui.
Buzz off. I see YOUR info all comes from CNN and Rachel MadCow. Fucknut Biden had NOTHING to do with the Vax. Except badmouthing it until he inherited it.
Buzz off. I see YOUR info all comes from CNN and Rachel MadCow. Fucknut Biden had NOTHING to do with the Vax. Except badmouthing it until he inherited it.
The base vaccine development was in the works for decades prior to covid foolish. The acceleration was in the testing protocols and redtape having nothing to do with Trump. He’s the idiot who disses science just as you fools do. The Biden admit excelled at the distribution of the vaccine for free to every breathing humanoid, necessary to Right the ship, develop herd immunity and get people back to work. Trump is a buffoon. He’s science and healthcare illiterate as are all of his followers.

You a-holes diss science every chance you get, always did and now you want to take credit for it.
It’s an elfin joke how incompetent Humpers are.
...says best selling author Larry McDonald.

"They're playing catch up, and while they were doing quantitative easing in 2021, inflation started to rage and now they're trying to catch up," The Bear Traps Report founder Larry McDonald said Wednesday on "Mornings with Maria."

"Our 21 Lehman systemic risk indicators that look at equity and credit point to one of the highest probabilities of a crash in the stock market looking out 60 days," McDonald, who is also known for writing a best-selling book on the Lehman Brothers collapse, cautioned.

Don't have anything to add to that...not a stock expert. It just feels very very Black Monday-esque.

The title of that article is a little misleading...McDonald actually says "best chance" if the S&P earning fail to meet expectations.

I wasn't around in 1929...but I was in 1987.

You experts can discuss the ins and outs of the article...I'm just going to read the replies.

Well, most of the replies.

Not the replies from those who know less than I do who will unfailingly post that everything is fine because hope and fairy dust and a potato in the White House.
I have been watching so called market gurus predicting stock crashes for over 50 years; that is losing more 20% of the market value in few days and I can't remember one that nailed it. Anyone that believes these guys should read A Random Walk Down Wall Street.
I have been watching so called market gurus predicting stock crashes for over 50 years; that is losing more 20% of the market value in few days and I can't remember one that nailed it. Anyone that believes these guys should read A Random Walk Down Wall Street.
Those who predict recessions in general during republican admins are spot on. 11 of 12 accuracy.
Those who predict recessions in general during republican admins are spot on. 11 of 12 accuracy.
I have seen recessions with only a moderate downturn in the and significant market falls and no recession.
The base vaccine development was in the works for decades prior to covid foolish. The acceleration was in the testing protocols and redtape having nothing to do with Trump. He’s the idiot who disses science just as you fools do. The Biden admit excelled at the distribution of the vaccine for free to every breathing humanoid, necessary to Right the ship, develop herd immunity and get people back to work. Trump is a buffoon. He’s science and healthcare illiterate as are all of his followers.

You a-holes diss science every chance you get, always did and now you want to take credit for it.
It’s an elfin joke how incompetent Humpers are.
Another Branch Covidian. What a waste of time. Cya on CNN ,Commie.
I have been watching so called market gurus predicting stock crashes for over 50 years; that is losing more 20% of the market value in few days and I can't remember one that nailed it. Anyone that believes these guys should read A Random Walk Down Wall Street.

there is something in accounting theory called the M number that predicted of few companies going south, like Enron.. It's sort of a corruption index that measures 8 factors, none of which by themselves are inherently bad but together make for bad news in the aggregate.

Beneish’s M-Score is a mathematical model that uses eight financial ratios weighted by coefficients to identify whether a company has manipulated its profits. It was created by Professor Messod Beneish who published a paper in June 1999 called The Detection of Earnings Manipulation. Beneish surmises that companies are incentivised to manipulate profits if they have high sales growth, deteriorating gross margins, rising operating expenses and rising leverage. They are likely to manipulate profits by accelerating sales recognition, increasing cost deferrals, raising accruals and reducing depreciation. These eight ratios are explained in greater detail as follows:

Haven't read anything recently on it though.

With the pattern of fewer and fewer large companies as players in most financial and industrial categories it is in fact making recessions a lot more likely as time goes on. We followed the same pattern as Great Britain did in financializing and then off-shoring industry, and yet are still allowing tens of millions of migrants in. That can't end well.
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I'm still reeling from being out of diesel fuel since Thanksgiving.

The market is actually up since 3/8.

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