Stock Market Smashes Record On New NAFTA News, As Dems Continue Coup Against Success Source

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There is nothing to impeach President Trump on. This investigation is the real election manipulation by influencing the mid term elections by functioning to keep the MSM hysteria active.
There is nothing to impeach President Trump on. This investigation is the real election manipulation by influencing the mid term elections by functioning to keep the MSM hysteria active.
Its what they have to run on...
And by 'coup', you mean your batshit 'deep state' fantasies?
The investigation is being headed by the former FBI Director who hid evidence of Russian crimes associated with their effort to obtain Uranium One...

The investigation is being headed by former FBI Director Comey's mentor and friend...

The investigation is being headed by a criminal who has committed the crime of Obstruction by refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena...

The investigation is being headed by a Probama/Pro-Hillary co-conspirator who has refused to follow-up on the recommendation by the US IG to indict former FBI Deputy Director McCabe and investigate former FBI agent Strzok....

The investigation is being headed by the man who has refused to look at any of the concrete existing evidence of proven Democrat crime related to the reason he was appointed Special Counsel while wasting tax dollars trying a case that has nothing to do with why he was appointed or what he was tasked to investigate...

The investigation is being headed by a co-conspirator who claims to be investigating Russian collusion but refuses to look at when it started, the conditions under which it started, or the President who knew about it, did nothing, and allowed it to continue for 2 years..

The investigation is being headed by the co-conspirator who, after 2 years, still has no evidence of any crime of illegal collusion involving the President.....

You’re repeating these lies endlessly doesn’t make them true.
You’re repeating these 'lies' endlessly doesn’t make them true.
No, but the evidence - that has been reported, recorded, and re-posted over and over again proving all of this to be true - does.

Does 'Polly' want a tissue?
And by 'coup', you mean your batshit 'deep state' fantasies?
The investigation is being headed by the former FBI Director who hid evidence of Russian crimes associated with their effort to obtain Uranium One...

The investigation is being headed by former FBI Director Comey's mentor and friend...

The investigation is being headed by a criminal who has committed the crime of Obstruction by refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena...

The investigation is being headed by a Probama/Pro-Hillary co-conspirator who has refused to follow-up on the recommendation by the US IG to indict former FBI Deputy Director McCabe and investigate former FBI agent Strzok....

The investigation is being headed by the man who has refused to look at any of the concrete existing evidence of proven Democrat crime related to the reason he was appointed Special Counsel while wasting tax dollars trying a case that has nothing to do with why he was appointed or what he was tasked to investigate...

The investigation is being headed by a co-conspirator who claims to be investigating Russian collusion but refuses to look at when it started, the conditions under which it started, or the President who knew about it, did nothing, and allowed it to continue for 2 years..

The investigation is being headed by the co-conspirator who, after 2 years, still has no evidence of any crime of illegal collusion involving the President.....

You’re repeating these lies endlessly doesn’t make them true.

Naked Denial and fantastically elaborate conspiracy theories are all they have left.
Says one half of the dynamic dumbo twins who cling to Mueller's lack of evidence while rejecting the only real existing evidence seen / presented to date. :p
"Impeach Trump, Impeach Trump, squawk....."

Meanwhile, here in REALITY....

Stock Market Smashes Record On New NAFTA News

...what ever happened to Obama's declaration that US manufacturing jobs were GONE, that they were NEVER COMING BACK, and that 'this' was the 'new norm'?!

How about that? Obama didn't know what the f* he was talking about.....

And by 'coup', you mean your batshit 'deep state' fantasies?
The investigation is being headed by the former FBI Director who hid evidence of Russian crimes associated with their effort to obtain Uranium One...
And is this imaginary evidence, like your batshit 'deep state' conspiracy theory?

The investigation is being headed by a Probama/Pro-Hillary co-conspirator who has refused to follow-up on the recommendation by the US IG to indict former FBI Deputy Director McCabe and investigate former FBI agent Strzok....
The same IG that did investigate Strzok....and found no evidence that political bias influenced investigative decisions? Not just for Strzok....but the entire FBI investigation into Hillary's emails?

And poof, your entire batshit conspiracy theory collapses yet again. Oh, and the person who chose not to prosecute McCabe? Jeff Sessions.

I have a far simpler explanation that is backed by overwhelming evidence adn doesn't require your elaborate, fantastically complex, 'deep state conspiracy theory:

Trump's campaign colluded with Russia. And directed and coordinated the commission of federal felonies with his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.

That's very interesting since the investigation by the IG into the Hillary emails has not been completed. I suppose you will tell me now that it was done and you have read it.
That's very interesting since the investigation by the IG into the Hillary emails has not been completed. I suppose you will tell me now that it was done and you have read it.

Don't you pay attention? Rosenstein and the IG already wrote Hillary' s exoneration 3 weeks ago. :p
So now we are celebrating NAFTA?

Good Lord.
well we will if it is indeed free trade, wouldn't you? Isn't that the objective, free trade with no tariffs?

Would you like to wager on if it removes all tariffs between the two countries or not?

The FT in NAFTA stands for the "FREE TRADE" doesn't it?

Would you like to wager on if it removes all tariffs between the two countries or not?

put your money where your mouth is.
That's very interesting since the investigation by the IG into the Hillary emails has not been completed. I suppose you will tell me now that it was done and you have read it.

Don't you pay attention? Rosenstein and the IG already wrote Hillary' s exoneration 3 weeks ago. :p

Laughing......the FBI found that there were no grounds for criminal prosecution of Hillary over the emails.

And Trump's IG found that there was no evidence that political bias affected investigative decisions.

But keep huffing your little batshit conspiracy while ignoring the actual evidence. My favorite part of your tin foil nonsense?

That a republican led investigation, seated by a republican, under a republican administration, initiated by testimony of a republican.... a 'dem coup'.

You can't fix stupid, I guess.

If you want living proof of that, go find the closest mirror.

The FBI doesn't get to determine prosecution, as that is the attorney general's job. Who was the attorney under Obama?

I find it funny that same FBI charged Flynn with lying to FBI agents who then came out publicly and said that he never lied.
That's very interesting since the investigation by the IG into the Hillary emails has not been completed. I suppose you will tell me now that it was done and you have read it.

Don't you pay attention? Rosenstein and the IG already wrote Hillary' s exoneration 3 weeks ago. :p

Laughing......the FBI found that there were no grounds for criminal prosecution of Hillary over the emails.

And Trump's IG found that there was no evidence that political bias affected investigative decisions.

But keep huffing your little batshit conspiracy while ignoring the actual evidence. My favorite part of your tin foil nonsense?

That a republican led investigation, seated by a republican, under a republican administration, initiated by testimony of a republican.... a 'dem coup'.

You can't fix stupid, I guess. mean the same FBI that wrote a reprieve before completing an investigation? Dumbass.
So now we are celebrating NAFTA?

Good Lord.
well we will if it is indeed free trade, wouldn't you? Isn't that the objective, free trade with no tariffs?

Would you like to wager on if it removes all tariffs between the two countries or not?

The FT in NAFTA stands for the "FREE TRADE" doesn't it?

Would you like to wager on if it removes all tariffs between the two countries or not?

put your money where your mouth is.

I would do that but your mouth is so big you couldn't afford to lose that much money.

You are such a joke!
Mueller's lack of evidence?

Trump has already admitted to Collusion, admitting that the purpose of the meeting with a Russian Operative in Trump tower before the election was to get dirt on Hillary.

Ahhhhh....So attempting to acquire Opposition Research on an opponent is 'ILLEGAL'?

So why isn't Mueller on the verge of Indicting Hillary for the same thing?

Trump Jr attended a meeting with a Russian lawyer for 7 minutes during which time ZERO information was passed.....

....yet Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in altering the election results of the 2016 election, specifically paying them for a Russian-authored false report which she and Obama's Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI illegally and knowingly presented as Legitimate Intel to deceive the FISA Court Judges and Congress to illegally obtain warrants and get their hand-picked Political Assassin appointed as Special Counsel.....

....but TRUMP JR, again, attended a meeting with a Russian Lawyer - which Obama made possible by overriding his Dept of Immigration's ban on the lawyer from entering the US - for 7 minutes in which no info was exchanged and is the criminal...

And by 'coup', you mean your batshit 'deep state' fantasies?
The investigation is being headed by the former FBI Director who hid evidence of Russian crimes associated with their effort to obtain Uranium One...

The investigation is being headed by former FBI Director Comey's mentor and friend...

The investigation is being headed by a criminal who has committed the crime of Obstruction by refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena...

The investigation is being headed by a Probama/Pro-Hillary co-conspirator who has refused to follow-up on the recommendation by the US IG to indict former FBI Deputy Director McCabe and investigate former FBI agent Strzok....

The investigation is being headed by the man who has refused to look at any of the concrete existing evidence of proven Democrat crime related to the reason he was appointed Special Counsel while wasting tax dollars trying a case that has nothing to do with why he was appointed or what he was tasked to investigate...

The investigation is being headed by a co-conspirator who claims to be investigating Russian collusion but refuses to look at when it started, the conditions under which it started, or the President who knew about it, did nothing, and allowed it to continue for 2 years..

The investigation is being headed by the co-conspirator who, after 2 years, still has no evidence of any crime of illegal collusion involving the President.....

You’re repeating these lies endlessly doesn’t make them true.

Naked Denial and fantastically elaborate conspiracy theories are all they have left.
Says one half of the dynamic dumbo twins who cling to Mueller's lack of evidence while rejecting the only real existing evidence seen / presented to date. :p

Mueller's lack of evidence?

Trump has already admitted to Collusion, admitting that the purpose of the meeting with a Russian Operative in Trump tower before the election was to get dirt on Hillary. A meeting that his campaign knew was from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

With Cohen admitting that Trump not only knew about the meeting, but approved of it.

With Trump lying about the meeting between his campaign and a Russian Operative to try and cover it up. Laughably insisting that it was only about 'adoption'. And Trump compelling others to lie as part of his cover up, personally dictating a statement for Don Jr, propogating the same 'adoption lies'. With Trump attempting to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

And the Spanish government turning over to the FBI wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet another secret meeting, this time with....

Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin.

And that's just what we know about publicly. We have yet to see Comey's testimony to Mueller, McGahn's, Papodapolous, Flynn, or anyone else's. And Cohen admitted in court (with docs to back him up) that Trump directed and coordinated the commission of federal felonies.

And Mueller has all of that too.

You're desperate to believe that Mueller has nothing. So you imagine it must be so. Just like you imagine your entire batshit 'deep state' conspiracy theory.

Here's a much simpler explanation: Trump colluded with the Russians. And directed and coordinated the commission of federal felonies.
Wow....all of that....and still no evidence of illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians involving their 2 year Interference / Counter-Intelligence operation Obama knew about in 2014 but did nothing to stop......


So now we are celebrating NAFTA?

Good Lord.
well we will if it is indeed free trade, wouldn't you? Isn't that the objective, free trade with no tariffs?

Would you like to wager on if it removes all tariffs between the two countries or not?

The FT in NAFTA stands for the "FREE TRADE" doesn't it?

Would you like to wager on if it removes all tariffs between the two countries or not?

put your money where your mouth is.

I would do that but your mouth is so big you couldn't afford to lose that much money.

You are such a joke!

So, that is a no you do not have the balls to back up your words. Oh, what can one expect from some dipshit that calls himself admiral and but does not know the job of the US military is to defend this nation.
Mueller's lack of evidence?

Trump has already admitted to Collusion, admitting that the purpose of the meeting with a Russian Operative in Trump tower before the election was to get dirt on Hillary.

Ahhhhh....So attempting to acquire Opposition Research on an opponent is 'ILLEGAL'?

So why isn't Mueller on the verge of Indicting Hillary for the same thing?

Trump Jr attended a meeting with a Russian lawyer for 7 minutes during which time ZERO information was passed.....

....yet Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in altering the election results of the 2016 election, specifically paying them for a Russian-authored false report which she and Obama's Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI illegally and knowingly presented as Legitimate Intel to deceive the FISA Court Judges and Congress to illegally obtain warrants and get their hand-picked Political Assassin appointed as Special Counsel.....

....but TRUMP JR, again, attended a meeting with a Russian Lawyer - which Obama made possible by overriding his Dept of Immigration's ban on the lawyer from entering the US - for 7 minutes in which no info was exchanged and is the criminal...


Pardon me, but you quoted that one incorrectly. I didn't say that. :D
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