Stimulus hit targets as designed, but because of GW Bush's misrepresentation..


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
It wasn't enough.

Stimulus added jobs, just not enough - Sep. 8, 2011

According to some third-party estimates, the White House may have come close to hitting that target, especially if you factor in the administration's bailout of the auto industry.

But the job losses in late 2008 and early 2009 ended up being much worse than expected. A total of 3.8 million jobs were lost from December 2008 through April 2009, an average of just over 750,000 a month.

By the time the job losses stopped a year after Obama took office, the Great Recession had cost the economy 8.8 million jobs, and the unemployment rate was stuck in the 9% to 10% range.

The economy was screwed up far worse by Conservatives then they let on. They fucked things up and lied about how badly they screwed the pooch.

Good job boys! :clap2:

As planned, right?
Just so we know our terms here..

fail·ure   /ˈfeɪlyər/ Show Spelled[feyl-yer] Show IPA
1. an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success: His effort ended in failure. The campaign was a failure.
2. nonperformance of something due, required, or expected: a failure to do what one has promised; a failure to appear.
3. a subnormal quantity or quality; an insufficiency: the failure of crops.
4. deterioration or decay, especially of vigor, strength, etc.: The failure of her health made retirement necessary.
5. a condition of being bankrupt by reason of insolvency.

suc·cess   /səkˈsɛs/ Show Spelled[suhk-ses] Show IPA
1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
3. a successful performance or achievement: The play was an instant success.
4. a person or thing that is successful: She was a great success on the talk show.

The stimulus did what it was suppose to do. It met it's targets. It was a success.
The economy was screwed up far worse by Conservatives then they let on. They fucked things up and lied about how badly they screwed the pooch.
It's because you Liberals are so easily lead astray:

Bush: "Ok Barack, the economy is humming along just fine, you don't need to do anything".
Obama reading from a Teleprompter: "Ok. George. That's. Good. To. Know. Thanks!"
The economy was screwed up far worse by Conservatives then they let on. They fucked things up and lied about how badly they screwed the pooch.
It's because you Liberals are so easily lead astray:

Bush: "Ok Barack, the economy is humming along just fine, you don't need to do anything".
Obama reading from a Teleprompter: "Ok. George. That's. Good. To. Know. Thanks!"


[ame=]McCain: Fundamentals of Economy Are Strong - YouTube[/ame]

If I take a caddy, can I say that's a "job created or saved"?

Maybe more tobaccy checks would have been nice..right on the congressional floor!

[ame=]Republican Minority Leader John Boehner explains why he handed out bribes on the House floor - YouTube[/ame]
Party line:

1. Bush is a stupid failure.

2. Obama is a brilliant success.

3. The reason Obama can't get anything done is because Bush keeps doing really sneaky things that thwart every move Obama makes.

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