Stimulous creates jobs!

Was just in my local Mall the other day and wow what a Ghost Town. I actually felt bad for the employees who were just standing around praying for a possible sale. Many of the stores that used to be in this Mall are now closed and gone forever. These stores will never be coming back. The "Stimulus" was just one big sad scam in the end. It worked out great for the corrupt Corporate Fat Cats but hasn't done much for average American Citizens. Just because the corrupt Corporate Bankers are now happy making bundles of cash again,doesn't mean that average American Citizens are happy. So while Wall Street celebrates,most Americans continue to suffer.

Wall street is not celebrating the stimulus. I dont get where you come up with that. Wall street is doing well for one reason...people like me are buying stocks based on the great deals out there...and the market is rising.

It has nothing to do with recovery. This increase in the market was ALWAYS expected...and will ALWAYS occur after a dramatic fall. My broker started buying on my behalf months ago.....

The stimulus went to special interests...not wall street.....special interests.
Was just in my local Mall the other day and wow what a Ghost Town. I actually felt bad for the employees who were just standing around praying for a possible sale. Many of the stores that used to be in this Mall are now closed and gone forever. These stores will never be coming back. The "Stimulus" was just one big sad scam in the end. It worked out great for the corrupt Corporate Fat Cats but hasn't done much for average American Citizens. Just because the corrupt Corporate Bankers are now happy making bundles of cash again,doesn't mean that average American Citizens are happy. So while Wall Street celebrates,most Americans continue to suffer.
And then continue to grow even more powerful and more taxing on every average citizen.
Wall Street benefited greatly from the numerous Corporate Bailouts. I don't know how you don't see this. The Corporate Fat Cat Bankers have only gotten richer and the people will be paying for that for a very very long time. There has been no real "Bailout" or "Stimulus" for average American Citizens. Corporate Welfare is the only reason Wall Street is now celebrating their new winnings. Most average Americans are doing anything but celebrating at this point.
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Well, I know it's working around me. Lot of roadwork going on because of it.

About time, too.

So you are OKAY with the idea of redoing your bathroom at a cost of 10,000 even though you are broke?

I am glad to see we will have pretty streets to drive on next we drive to the unemployment office and continue to pay 500 million dollars a day in intertest to those that lent us the money for pretty streets.


Really dumb. Roads represent investments. Just as the buildings and improvements built by the WPA and CCC in the last depression are still in use, those roads will be there and making money for all of us as the market comes back.

I traveled through Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah this summer, and saw needed work going on in all of those states. People working at jobs that created infrastructure that will be used by all of us for many decades to come.
Well, I know it's working around me. Lot of roadwork going on because of it.

About time, too.

So you are OKAY with the idea of redoing your bathroom at a cost of 10,000 even though you are broke?

I am glad to see we will have pretty streets to drive on next we drive to the unemployment office and continue to pay 500 million dollars a day in intertest to those that lent us the money for pretty streets.


Really dumb. Roads represent investments. Just as the buildings and improvements built by the WPA and CCC in the last depression are still in use, those roads will be there and making money for all of us as the market comes back.

I traveled through Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah this summer, and saw needed work going on in all of those states. People working at jobs that created infrastructure that will be used by all of us for many decades to come.

Dumb? You actually believe roads are investments? You fell for that rhetoric?
Roads are in constant need of repair...constant......fixing them this year will simply mean having to fix them next year as well. In times of recession, putting a dime into fixing roads is rediculous.
You cling to the last recession recovery that took decades as a success....IT WASNT A SUCCESS.......
And roads from back then that are still around have been repaved dozens of times.

30,000 jobs in all created.....and not one iota of GDP increase resulted......300 billion dollars and we have paved roads as the only thing people can show for it...roads that wer poaved already, but needed some repair......and so we put 300 billion dollars into repaving them for 30K jobs as millions are unemplyed.

And you say what I said was dumb?
If you work in the unemployment office maybe.

Back in the real world it has massivily failed, 49 out of 50 states have lost jobs.

House Committee on Ways & Means - Republican

Rush to judgement. It hasn't massively failed, it just isn't working yet.

The focus has been healthcare. Business can't come back strong enough without healthcare reform, everyone knows this. Let's get that done then we can sort out the rest.

Given the administraiton's predictions for 9 months out, and we are at that point, yes it has masssively failed. It had to. You cannot create wealth by taking a dollar from one person and giving it to another.
Every economic policy Obama has pushed has failed. He pushed for foreclosure relief for mortgages. That failed. He pushed the bailout of GM and Chrysler. While those haven't failed yet, it did not address the structural problems in those companies so failure is only a matter of time.
Healthcare will be an even bigger failure. WIth the WH having lost a huge vote yesterday in the Senate it looks like they will fall back and punt. Imposing massive mandates on even small employers is no way to increase employment.
Really none of this is that complicated.

LOL. Good lord, ol' Rabid thinks this administration has failed in only nine months. Your boy had eight years and gave us nothing but failure, incompetance, and corruption.

Simply by passing the new GI Bill, President Obama has achieved more, and done more for our servicemen and women, than Bush ever did.

Oh yeah, President Obama's Healthcare initiatives will be a failure. I mean our present system is such a success. We pay twice as much as every body else in terms of GDP and fail to cover 15% of our citizens. We have third world rank in longevity and infant mortality. Yeah, our present health care system is such a damned success.

Buy you people just keep up the rants. Quote your science and history out of your Conservapedia. Come on, 2010!
Wall Street benefited greatly from the numerous Corporate Bailouts. I don't know how you don't see this. The Corporate Fat Cat Bankers have only gotten richer and the people will be paying for that for a very very long time. There has been no real "Bailout" or "Stimulus" for average American Citizens. Corporate Welfare is the only reason Wall Street is now celebrating their new winnings. Most average Americans are doing anything but celebrating at this point.

Are you referring to TARP or to stimulus?

Yes, TARP was designed for the banking industry (not wall street)......stimulus did nothing for Wall Street.

BY the way.....Wall Street refers to the market players....Banking refers to the lenders....

Wall Street is dancing as they are able to sell at a cost for one and sell TO at a cost to another......and when the market is unusually low or unsuaully high, such buying and selling will always take place.
Wall Street benefited greatly from the numerous Corporate Bailouts. I don't know how you don't see this. The Corporate Fat Cat Bankers have only gotten richer and the people will be paying for that for a very very long time. There has been no real "Bailout" or "Stimulus" for average American Citizens. Corporate Welfare is the only reason Wall Street is now celebrating their new winnings. Most average Americans are doing anything but celebrating at this point.

A good point. A suggestion here. Limit salaries of companies that have taken bailout money to a top of $250,000 annually. If there are bonuses, then all employees, including temps, get the same per centage bonus, that includes the CEO and all management.

Now let's put the money down to the small banks that fund small businesses. Oh wait, the President has just done that. My, my, that must be another One Worlder Conspiracy if President Obama did it, correct?:lol:
Rush to judgement. It hasn't massively failed, it just isn't working yet.

The focus has been healthcare. Business can't come back strong enough without healthcare reform, everyone knows this. Let's get that done then we can sort out the rest.

Given the administraiton's predictions for 9 months out, and we are at that point, yes it has masssively failed. It had to. You cannot create wealth by taking a dollar from one person and giving it to another.
Every economic policy Obama has pushed has failed. He pushed for foreclosure relief for mortgages. That failed. He pushed the bailout of GM and Chrysler. While those haven't failed yet, it did not address the structural problems in those companies so failure is only a matter of time.
Healthcare will be an even bigger failure. WIth the WH having lost a huge vote yesterday in the Senate it looks like they will fall back and punt. Imposing massive mandates on even small employers is no way to increase employment.
Really none of this is that complicated.

LOL. Good lord, ol' Rabid thinks this administration has failed in only nine months. Your boy had eight years and gave us nothing but failure, incompetance, and corruption.

Simply by passing the new GI Bill, President Obama has achieved more, and done more for our servicemen and women, than Bush ever did.

Oh yeah, President Obama's Healthcare initiatives will be a failure. I mean our present system is such a success. We pay twice as much as every body else in terms of GDP and fail to cover 15% of our citizens. We have third world rank in longevity and infant mortality. Yeah, our present health care system is such a damned success.

Buy you people just keep up the rants. Quote your science and history out of your Conservapedia. Come on, 2010!

Try actually getting it right without some uber-leftist spin

We have expensive healthcare... for the most advanced medicine in the world... of the ones not covered, it is not that WE fail to cover anyone.. THEY fail to cover themselves or pay for their own coverage which is their own personal responsibility for their own personal well being

And as for what Obama has done for the military compared to other Presidents.. why not try asking soldiers and vets??
New data, released on the government-run Web site on Oct. 14, show the stimulus program has created or saved at least 30,383 jobs, though that covers only a sliver of the total aid package. Jared Bernstein, a senior economic advisor in the Obama administration, said in a White House blog post the data could be extrapolated to show at least one million jobs created or saved so far, based on the total amount spent.
Stimulus Bill Data Offer Glimpse of Effectiveness | Online NewsHour | October 21, 2009 | PBS
Rush to judgement. It hasn't massively failed, it just isn't working yet.

The focus has been healthcare. Business can't come back strong enough without healthcare reform, everyone knows this. Let's get that done then we can sort out the rest.

Given the administraiton's predictions for 9 months out, and we are at that point, yes it has masssively failed. It had to. You cannot create wealth by taking a dollar from one person and giving it to another.
Every economic policy Obama has pushed has failed. He pushed for foreclosure relief for mortgages. That failed. He pushed the bailout of GM and Chrysler. While those haven't failed yet, it did not address the structural problems in those companies so failure is only a matter of time.
Healthcare will be an even bigger failure. WIth the WH having lost a huge vote yesterday in the Senate it looks like they will fall back and punt. Imposing massive mandates on even small employers is no way to increase employment.
Really none of this is that complicated.

LOL. Good lord, ol' Rabid thinks this administration has failed in only nine months. Your boy had eight years and gave us nothing but failure, incompetance, and corruption.

Simply by passing the new GI Bill, President Obama has achieved more, and done more for our servicemen and women, than Bush ever did.

Oh yeah, President Obama's Healthcare initiatives will be a failure. I mean our present system is such a success. We pay twice as much as every body else in terms of GDP and fail to cover 15% of our citizens. We have third world rank in longevity and infant mortality. Yeah, our present health care system is such a damned success.

Buy you people just keep up the rants. Quote your science and history out of your Conservapedia. Come on, 2010!

Read this son...and get the hell off the bandwagon of followers......







Sounds like a plan.
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Well, I know it's working around me. Lot of roadwork going on because of it.

About time, too.

So you are OKAY with the idea of redoing your bathroom at a cost of 10,000 even though you are broke?

I am glad to see we will have pretty streets to drive on next we drive to the unemployment office and continue to pay 500 million dollars a day in intertest to those that lent us the money for pretty streets.


Really dumb. Roads represent investments. Just as the buildings and improvements built by the WPA and CCC in the last depression are still in use, those roads will be there and making money for all of us as the market comes back.

I traveled through Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah this summer, and saw needed work going on in all of those states. People working at jobs that created infrastructure that will be used by all of us for many decades to come.
Describing the $787 billion stimulus package, President Obama evokes the 1950s construction of the interstate system, conjuring images of highways, bridges, and orange cones. "Throughout our history, there have been times when a generation of Americans seized the chance to remake the face of this nation," he said last month. "And that's what we're doing today: building a 21st-century infrastructure.
But as projects are chosen, it's becoming clear that the program may amount to little more than an infrastructure face-lift. Owing to the need for speed and to institutional obstacles, most stimulus transportation projects are small and localized. "Here and there, people will notice things," says Robert Poole, director of transportation policy at the libertarian Reason Foundation. He cites repaired potholes and new streetlights. "But I don't think the country as a whole will say, 'Wow, transportation is so much better,' " Poole says.

This stems from the law's main purpose: creating jobs quickly. It prioritizes projects that will be completed within three years. Major highway construction typically takes 13 years from start to finish, reports the Federal Highway Administration.

So more than three quarters of the approved highway projects' funds will go to repaving and widening roads, while less than 6 percent will pay for new construction, according to the investigative nonprofit ProPublica. Other reports show that smaller, rural projects, like bridges, often receive funding priority over those that might get more traffic, largely because they can be launched more quickly.

That doesn't necessarily make the spending ineffective. One quarter of major urban roads, for example, are in poor condition and would benefit from repairs. But it does mean that few projects will have sweeping effects.

One project that experts say could be "transformational" is limited by a lack of funding. High-speed rail, which Obama says could benefit 10 major corridors between cities around the country, was slated for $8 billion in the stimulus, and Obama has asked Congress for $5 billion more over five years. But the Government Accountability Office estimates that constructing high-speed rail between Los Angeles and San Francisco alone will cost about $33 billion. Similarly, while the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials estimates that the nation's highways and bridges need an annual investment of $166 billion through 2015, the stimulus package has only $27.5 billion. Overall, the law allots $48.1 billion to the Department of Transportation, or just 6 percent of total stimulus funds.

Wow a major investment indeed, 6 percent of the total package. While a great part of the remaining 94 percent goes to expanding government and limiting the amount of capital in the private sector, where jobs are really created. Brilliant indeed...:cuckoo:
Wall Street benefited greatly from the numerous Corporate Bailouts. I don't know how you don't see this. The Corporate Fat Cat Bankers have only gotten richer and the people will be paying for that for a very very long time. There has been no real "Bailout" or "Stimulus" for average American Citizens. Corporate Welfare is the only reason Wall Street is now celebrating their new winnings. Most average Americans are doing anything but celebrating at this point.

A good point. A suggestion here. Limit salaries of companies that have taken bailout money to a top of $250,000 annually. If there are bonuses, then all employees, including temps, get the same per centage bonus, that includes the CEO and all management.

Now let's put the money down to the small banks that fund small businesses. Oh wait, the President has just done that. My, my, that must be another One Worlder Conspiracy if President Obama did it, correct?:lol:

Spoken like a true "always an empoloyee, never an employer"

LMAO...all get equal percentage kow...the ones that work 6 days a week, 12 hours a day so they do not need to layoff the guy that works 4 dsays a week 6 hours a day should not be recognized for his dedication.

Clueless. Totally clueless.
I already said that the whole "Stimulus" thing was just one gargantuan Sham in the end. This President already gave $Trillions to the corrupt Corporate Fat Cats and now he's just covering for himself by claiming he now just hates those "Evil Corporations" and is going to limit their pay. It's just too late for that stuff. Now he's just trying to gain some political points by now railing against those "Evil Corporations." Just another part of the sham. Btw,i do not support limiting what these people make in pay. Those are Socialist/Communist policies which i will never support. Our nation was not founded on those principles. Those policies are not any better than Corporate Welfare policies. Hey just my take anyway.
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New data, released on the government-run Web site on Oct. 14, show the stimulus program has created or saved at least 30,383 jobs, though that covers only a sliver of the total aid package. Jared Bernstein, a senior economic advisor in the Obama administration, said in a White House blog post the data could be extrapolated to show at least one million jobs created or saved so far, based on the total amount spent.
Stimulus Bill Data Offer Glimpse of Effectiveness | Online NewsHour | October 21, 2009 | PBS

Wow! I wonder why so many are unemployed? ;)
Yea but Hopey Changey controls the Media no? So i wouldn't be so willing to believe everything coming from this administration or their MSM. Just how i feel anyway.
I already said that the whole "Stimulus" thing was just one gargantuan Sham in the end. This President already gave $Trillions to the corrupt Corporate Fat Cats and now he's just covering for himself by claiming he now just hates those "Evil Corporations" and is going to limit their pay. It's just too late for that stuff. Now he's just trying to gain some political points by now railing against those "Evil Corporations." Just another part of the sham. Btw,i do not support limiting what these people make in pay. Those are Socialist/Communist policies which i will never support. Our nation was not founded on those pronciples. Those policies are not any better than Corporate Welfare policies. Hey just my take anyway.

I was against TARP and I was against stimulus.

I do not mind, as an empoloyer, paying for unemployment and I do not mind my tax dollars helping those that can not help themselves, such as the physically challanged and the mentally challanged.

I do not mind my tax dollars being spent on infrastructure nor do I mind it being spent on innovation.

There is no company...and there never willbe a company...that is too big to fail. That is a farce. It is rhetoric. There will always be people like me, entrepneurs, that will take on the slack...fill the gap if you will.


Only the weak....and the blind followers....believe a stimulus and TARP was necessary.
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New data, released on the government-run Web site on Oct. 14, show the stimulus program has created or saved at least 30,383 jobs, though that covers only a sliver of the total aid package. Jared Bernstein, a senior economic advisor in the Obama administration, said in a White House blog post the data could be extrapolated to show at least one million jobs created or saved so far, based on the total amount spent.
Stimulus Bill Data Offer Glimpse of Effectiveness | Online NewsHour | October 21, 2009 | PBS

More proof of its effectiveness...
ABC’s Jonathan Karl Hits Stimulus Waste; Derides Murtha Airport as a 'Ghost Town' |
ABCÂ’s Jonathan Karl on Friday attacked wasteful government spending of stimulus money, even going to the John Murtha Airport in Western Pennsylvania, which he derided as a "ghost town." Providing some refreshing journalistic skepticism about the Obama legislation, Karl described the airport as a "monument to powerful Democratic Congressman John Murtha."

The House memberÂ’s portrait could be seen in the background as Karl reported for Good Morning America on the $17 million that the tiny airport has received. (Politico puts the total number at $150 million.) The reporter conducted a tour of the empty, quiet building: "When we visited Murtha Airport earlier this year, the place looked like a ghost town. We have rented a car. But the Hertz counter is as deserted as the rest of the airport." (Karl also traveled to other small town airports that recieved money.)
Well, I know it's working around me. Lot of roadwork going on because of it.

About time, too.

So you are OKAY with the idea of redoing your bathroom at a cost of 10,000 even though you are broke?

I am glad to see we will have pretty streets to drive on next we drive to the unemployment office and continue to pay 500 million dollars a day in intertest to those that lent us the money for pretty streets.


Really dumb. Roads represent investments. Just as the buildings and improvements built by the WPA and CCC in the last depression are still in use, those roads will be there and making money for all of us as the market comes back.

I traveled through Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah this summer, and saw needed work going on in all of those states. People working at jobs that created infrastructure that will be used by all of us for many decades to come.

hahaha....put up some road signs and idiotic liberals believe their messiah is the master job stimulator...what a crock...i puke every time i pass one of these paid-for-by-our-taxes propaganda signs...
