Still think fracking is a good idea?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Because if you do, I guess you're gonna have to go vegan (or, at least eat something other than beef), because apparently, it's not only lighting people's water on fire, it's now creeping into the food source.

In the midst of the domestic energy boom, livestock on farms near oil- and gas-drilling operations nationwide have been quietly falling sick and dying. While scientists have yet to isolate cause and effect, many suspect chemicals used in drilling and hydrofracking (or “fracking”) operations are poisoning animals through the air, water or soil.

Earlier this year, Michelle Bamberger, an Ithaca, N.Y., veterinarian, and Robert Oswald, a professor of molecular medicine at Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine, published the first and only peer-reviewed report to suggest a link between fracking and illness in food animals.

The authors compiled 24 case studies of farmers in six shale-gas states whose livestock experienced neurological, reproductive and acute gastrointestinal problems after being exposed — either accidentally or incidentally — to fracking chemicals in the water or air. The article, published in “New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health,” describes how scores of animals died over the course of several years. Fracking industry proponents challenged the study, since the authors neither identified the farmers nor ran controlled experiments to determine how specific fracking compounds might affect livestock.

The death toll is insignificant when measured against the nation’s livestock population (some 97 million beef cattle go to market each year), but environmental advocates believe these animals constitute an early warning.

Exposed livestock “are making their way into the food system, and it’s very worrisome to us,” Bamberger said. “They live in areas that have tested positive for air, water and soil contamination. Some of these chemicals could appear in milk and meat products made from these animals.”

In Louisiana, 17 cows died after an hour’s exposure to spilled fracking fluid, which is injected miles underground to crack open and release pockets of natural gas. The most likely cause of death: respiratory failure.

In New Mexico, hair testing of sick cattle that grazed near well pads found petroleum residues in 54 of 56 animals.

Livestock falling ill in fracking regions - Open Channel

Yep..............keep getting rid of the regs...........seems to help business, but not the people.
Actually, if you check out the earthquakes that are 3.0 or less, you'll find that most of them are nowhere around fault lines.


They ARE around fracking wells.
Because if you do, I guess you're gonna have to go vegan (or, at least eat something other than beef), because apparently, it's not only lighting people's water on fire, it's now creeping into the food source.

In the midst of the domestic energy boom, livestock on farms near oil- and gas-drilling operations nationwide have been quietly falling sick and dying. While scientists have yet to isolate cause and effect, many suspect chemicals used in drilling and hydrofracking (or “fracking”) operations are poisoning animals through the air, water or soil.

Earlier this year, Michelle Bamberger, an Ithaca, N.Y., veterinarian, and Robert Oswald, a professor of molecular medicine at Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine, published the first and only peer-reviewed report to suggest a link between fracking and illness in food animals.

The authors compiled 24 case studies of farmers in six shale-gas states whose livestock experienced neurological, reproductive and acute gastrointestinal problems after being exposed — either accidentally or incidentally — to fracking chemicals in the water or air. The article, published in “New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health,” describes how scores of animals died over the course of several years. Fracking industry proponents challenged the study, since the authors neither identified the farmers nor ran controlled experiments to determine how specific fracking compounds might affect livestock.

The death toll is insignificant when measured against the nation’s livestock population (some 97 million beef cattle go to market each year), but environmental advocates believe these animals constitute an early warning.

Exposed livestock “are making their way into the food system, and it’s very worrisome to us,” Bamberger said. “They live in areas that have tested positive for air, water and soil contamination. Some of these chemicals could appear in milk and meat products made from these animals.”

In Louisiana, 17 cows died after an hour’s exposure to spilled fracking fluid, which is injected miles underground to crack open and release pockets of natural gas. The most likely cause of death: respiratory failure.

In New Mexico, hair testing of sick cattle that grazed near well pads found petroleum residues in 54 of 56 animals.

Livestock falling ill in fracking regions - Open Channel

Yep..............keep getting rid of the regs...........seems to help business, but not the people.

I guess we better shut down all the oil refineries in the country since a cow might graze near one and consume a few drops of oil. While were at it we can shut down all the mines, all the oil rigs, all the gas rigs and all the chemical plants - the later would include all fertilizer plants and all pesticide plants.

Yeah, that will do wonders for our food production. It may drop to 10% of current production, but at least we won't experience a 0.00000001% chance of eating a cow that grazed near one of these things.
Actually, if you check out the earthquakes that are 3.0 or less, you'll find that most of them are nowhere around fault lines.


They ARE around fracking wells.

Were there earthquakes at 3.0 or less not on fault lines before fracking was ever even thought of? If they have, then there are a great many possible reasons for the earthquakes that you must first consider before you immediately rush to your particular political gripe.
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Actually, if you check out the earthquakes that are 3.0 or less, you'll find that most of them are nowhere around fault lines.


They ARE around fracking wells.

Were there earthquakes at 3.0 or less not on fault lines before fracking was ever even thought of? If they have, then there are a great many possible reasons for the earthquakes that you must first consider before you immediately rush to your particular political gripe.

There are thousands upon thousands of 3.0 earthquakes every year. Furthermore, the damage from such an earthquake is exactly zero.

Once again, the liberal turds are making much adoo about nothing.
There are thousands upon thousands of 3.0 earthquakes every year. Furthermore, the damage from such an earthquake is exactly zero.

Once again, the liberal turds are making much adoo about nothing.

They do like to blame everything on their political pets, don't they.
The fucking moron who made a thread praising His Lord and Savior Obama for finding oil and gas in the USA now makes a thread against the very technique responsible for the massive supplies found.

That's how fucking dumb you have to be in order to be a Liberal today
There are thousands upon thousands of 3.0 earthquakes every year. Furthermore, the damage from such an earthquake is exactly zero.

Once again, the liberal turds are making much adoo about nothing.

They do like to blame everything on their political pets, don't they.

They are no different that any other group of Progressives that took over a country: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc; they need their scapegoats because they never ever get anything wrong
Can't the anti-fracing crowd at least sign up 'Olestra' as a promotion? It is not like there is any substance contained in the argument.
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Because if you do, I guess you're gonna have to go vegan (or, at least eat something other than beef), because apparently, it's not only lighting people's water on fire, it's now creeping into the food source.

In the midst of the domestic energy boom, livestock on farms near oil- and gas-drilling operations nationwide have been quietly falling sick and dying. While scientists have yet to isolate cause and effect, many suspect chemicals used in drilling and hydrofracking (or “fracking”) operations are poisoning animals through the air, water or soil.

Earlier this year, Michelle Bamberger, an Ithaca, N.Y., veterinarian, and Robert Oswald, a professor of molecular medicine at Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine, published the first and only peer-reviewed report to suggest a link between fracking and illness in food animals.

The authors compiled 24 case studies of farmers in six shale-gas states whose livestock experienced neurological, reproductive and acute gastrointestinal problems after being exposed — either accidentally or incidentally — to fracking chemicals in the water or air. The article, published in “New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health,” describes how scores of animals died over the course of several years. Fracking industry proponents challenged the study, since the authors neither identified the farmers nor ran controlled experiments to determine how specific fracking compounds might affect livestock.

The death toll is insignificant when measured against the nation’s livestock population (some 97 million beef cattle go to market each year), but environmental advocates believe these animals constitute an early warning.

Exposed livestock “are making their way into the food system, and it’s very worrisome to us,” Bamberger said. “They live in areas that have tested positive for air, water and soil contamination. Some of these chemicals could appear in milk and meat products made from these animals.”

In Louisiana, 17 cows died after an hour’s exposure to spilled fracking fluid, which is injected miles underground to crack open and release pockets of natural gas. The most likely cause of death: respiratory failure.

In New Mexico, hair testing of sick cattle that grazed near well pads found petroleum residues in 54 of 56 animals.

Livestock falling ill in fracking regions - Open Channel

Yep..............keep getting rid of the regs...........seems to help business, but not the people.


You're an easily frightened child.
"Suggested links".

There are "proven links" and documented cases of agriculture poisoning our land, air, and water and it's been going on for a hundred years. Ag not only gets a pass, the entire industry is handed billions in federal tax dollars every year to keep on fucking up the environment.
It's a common misconception that oil and gas reside in giant pockets or caverns in the earth and is easy to extract. Nothing could be further from the truth. The oil has to be extracted somehow and Fracking is just another way to do it.

The PCN Network (Pennsylvania Cable Network) just ran an hour long "documentary" on how one company does it's Fracking, very interesting.

Anyway, those cows could have also died from GMO Corn:
Syngenta Charged Over Covering Up Animal Deaths from GM Corn
Fracking is useful only insofar as it can be used to end the coal industry. Once coal is gone, fracking will be destructive.

The goal is to end energy, not merely the means to achieving that energy.
Yeah..............keep up the denial. Those cows shown in the link definitely DO NOT look healthy.

Shit...................some of the ranchers are scared to sell their cows because they are afraid of poisoning people who eat it.
Yeah..............keep up the denial. Those cows shown in the link definitely DO NOT look healthy.

Shit...................some of the ranchers are scared to sell their cows because they are afraid of poisoning people who eat it.
Again, you could say those same things about Big Agra Feed Lot cows.

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