Stewart KICKED Beck's ASS!! (215K vs. 87K)

I wouldn't be surprised if Stewart got 215K. Though I know Him and Colbert were saying 150K on saturday.

Still doesn't compared to Becks 500K.

I've yet to see a reliable souce that puts Beck at 87k, or at 500k. Most of the stuff I've been seeing has the two rallies as about equal.

I'd put Stewart as the more influential person over Beck because Stewart's been at this a good long time and has a reputation better than almost anyone else out there. He's definitely the least partisan voice out there, and has taken both sides out to the woodshed many many many times.

Beck's actual Rally seems to me to be preaching to the choir.
Kinda doesn't matter. Comparing numbers is missing the point of what Stewart was trying to say, namely: We're tired of fear mongering.

It's nice Stewart had more folks turn out (which is what estimates this morning are showing), but Stewart's event was less rally, more free concert/stand up.

This whole 'them and us' thing is media created hysteria. Idiots like Mr Stupid and TPS do neither side any favors. Their ranting and repetitious garbage is tiresome and boring.​

Consistent, much??


I am actually, yea. I singled out two posters - one from each side. You and TeaPartySamurai. You two are part of the hysterical ranting that the media creates and you two follow mindlessly.

Many of us.... liberals and conservatives.... are smarter than you. We are smarter than the media. We are smarter than the Democrats. We are smarter than the Republicans. We don't buy the shit. You do.
This whole 'them and us' thing is media created hysteria. I'm tired of it. I don't 'hate' liberals, Muslims, or anyone else. Nor am I afraid of any individual or group. Idiots like Mr Stupid and TPS do neither side any favors. Their ranting and repetitious garbage is tiresome and boring.

There is no question that the 'them v us' thing is exacerbated by certain parts of the media... they make money from it; they achieve political advantage from it and they play people like the old snake oil salesmen.

one of the reasons i love jon stewart and joe scarborough is that they have particular pov's, but don't encourage people to hate those they disagree with.

i think the loons are dangerous... and i think when people start talking about 'second amendment remedies' if they lose an election, it's disgusting. no, i think it's evil.

I didn't watch either this one or Becks. But I did listen to both Stewart and Beck's words. Strangely similar messages - in very different ways, of course.

I thought Stewart summed it up brilliantly - on my sig!
Beck's actual Rally seems to me to be preaching to the choir.

Yep or more accurately to the congregation.
In any case it was preaching.
I wouldn't be surprised if Stewart got 215K. Though I know Him and Colbert were saying 150K on saturday.

Still doesn't compared to Becks 500K. But I suppose if we live in a fantasy world where only 87K people can be person to person from the Lincold Memorial to the WW2 memorial, in the overflow areas, among the trees, and then be nicely packed from the WW2 memorial to the Washington Monument.....
Welcome to Fantasyland.

I wouldn't be surprised if Stewart got 215K. Though I know Him and Colbert were saying 150K on saturday.

Still doesn't compared to Becks 500K.

I've yet to see a reliable souce that puts Beck at 87k, or at 500k. Most of the stuff I've been seeing has the two rallies as about equal.

I'd put Stewart as the more influential person over Beck because Stewart's been at this a good long time and has a reputation better than almost anyone else out there. He's definitely the least partisan voice out there, and has taken both sides out to the woodshed many many many times.

Beck's actual Rally seems to me to be preaching to the choir.

You are aware that comparing Stewart to Beck is like comparing an apple to an orangutan, right? One is a satirist, the other is a political commentator. They are not comparable - at least not to anyone with an IQ over 50.
I didn't watch either this one or Becks. But I did listen to both Stewart and Beck's words. Strangely similar messages - in very different ways, of course.

I thought Stewart summed it up brilliantly - on my sig!

i can promise you they weren't similar messages. they aren't even iin the same stratoshere.

jon stewarts always brilliant. :)

and yet he never gave staging an event like this a single thought until Beck did so and drew half a million people. Yep Yep Yep, he's brilliant all right.
This whole 'them and us' thing is media created hysteria. I'm tired of it. I don't 'hate' liberals, Muslims, or anyone else. Nor am I afraid of any individual or group. Idiots like Mr Stupid and TPS do neither side any favors. Their ranting and repetitious garbage is tiresome and boring.

There is no question that the 'them v us' thing is exacerbated by certain parts of the media... they make money from it; they achieve political advantage from it and they play people like the old snake oil salesmen.

one of the reasons i love jon stewart and joe scarborough is that they have particular pov's, but don't encourage people to hate those they disagree with.
Joe Scarborough is a loud-mouthed chump; typical '70s-style Florida-White-Trash!!!

He goes the "coded"-route, no-differently than Porky Limbaugh....with that Bush-style smirk, of his....who's arguments are limited to "WAIT!! WAIT!! WAIT!!"

When someone goes toe-to-toe, with him, he the little-bitch he is!!


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I didn't watch either this one or Becks. But I did listen to both Stewart and Beck's words. Strangely similar messages - in very different ways, of course.

I thought Stewart summed it up brilliantly - on my sig!

i can promise you they weren't similar messages. they aren't even iin the same stratoshere.

jon stewarts always brilliant. :)

What did you object to in Glenn's message?
I suspect a Mod will move this to where it belongs.... merged into one of the threads on the same topic... there are several to choose from.


I do not like this thread please put it somewhere embaressing to diminsh it's value.

English isn't your first language? I said because there are a plethora of threads on the same subject. Perhaps you're just not smart enough to understand me.
Kinda doesn't matter. Comparing numbers is missing the point of what Stewart was trying to say, namely: We're tired of fear mongering.

It's nice Stewart had more folks turn out (which is what estimates this morning are showing), but Stewart's event was less rally, more free concert/stand up.

Your so right.

A friend of mine went to that rally. Dave said he had a great time.

He also said that he met folks from all parties at the rally and left or right wasn't even on the agenda. It was just a great day to enjoy the performers and have a good time.
This is exactly the kind of silly & ignorant rhetoric Stewart & Colbert were trying to rally against over the weekend. The state of politics in America really is grim. No one kicked anyone's ass. The two rallies really weren't comparable. One was two comedians throwing a party while the other was more of a serious discussion on issues facing Americans. Comparing the two rallies is like comparing Apples with Oranges. I'm sure most who attended both rallies had a good time. Lets just leave it there.
Kinda doesn't matter. Comparing numbers is missing the point of what Stewart was trying to say, namely: We're tired of fear mongering.

It's nice Stewart had more folks turn out (which is what estimates this morning are showing), but Stewart's event was less rally, more free concert/stand up.

Your so right.

A friend of mine went to that rally. Dave said he had a great time.

He also said that he met folks from all parties at the rally and left or right wasn't even on the agenda. It was just a great day to enjoy the performers and have a good time.

My son was there. He said the crowd went almost to the Washington Monument. He was over by the Air and Space Museum and complained that the accoustics were not that good
I wouldn't be surprised if Stewart got 215K. Though I know Him and Colbert were saying 150K on saturday.

Still doesn't compared to Becks 500K.

I've yet to see a reliable souce that puts Beck at 87k, or at 500k. Most of the stuff I've been seeing has the two rallies as about equal.

I'd put Stewart as the more influential person over Beck because Stewart's been at this a good long time and has a reputation better than almost anyone else out there. He's definitely the least partisan voice out there, and has taken both sides out to the woodshed many many many times.

Beck's actual Rally seems to me to be preaching to the choir.

You are aware that comparing Stewart to Beck is like comparing an apple to an orangutan, right? One is a satirist, the other is a political commentator. They are not comparable - at least not to anyone with an IQ over 50.

They're definitely not playing the game the same way, but they are both playing the game. Stewart's tool is political satire and he wields it with deft skill.

Beck is a harder enigma to get at. I actually liked Beck when I heard him on the Radio back around 2003 or 2004. I was driving through Oklahoma and he was having a field day with The Day After Tomorrow and pitching his site It was a hoot. Any time I drove through Texas or Oklahoma I'd try to find him on the Radio.

When he first started working out the deal with CNN though you could hear things changing. Since he's gone on to the TV he's just not been the same. I wish I had screen captures of his website when he was discussing looney conspiracy theories. He was clearly having a blast lampooning them. That angle of Beck dissapeared though, and he's much the worse for it. Early Beck and Stewart were almost the same guy. He's since let his fame go to his head and has taken on a kind of "Prophet" vibe that weirds me out.
Stewart's rally


Beck's rally
I didn't know it was a competition. Like i said,the two rallies really aren't comparable. One was all about two comedians throwing a party while the other was more about discussing serious issues facing Americans. It's really is Apples & Oranges in the end. Looks like both rallies were a success. Nuff said.
I wouldn't be surprised if Stewart got 215K. Though I know Him and Colbert were saying 150K on saturday.

Still doesn't compared to Becks 500K.

I've yet to see a reliable souce that puts Beck at 87k, or at 500k. Most of the stuff I've been seeing has the two rallies as about equal.
No comparison!!!


Stewart's crowd nearly-filled the area between The Capitol & the Washington Monument.

Beck's was wrapped-around the Reflection Pool, on the other-side o' the Washignton Monument.​

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