Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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Nice rant if the polls didn't show differently, so stay tuned for when normalcy arrives back in DC power. That was your nemesis Biden's favorite words wasn't it ? Well those words aren't pattened or copyrighted. Both parties have a right to those words, and the people will be the final say. Scorched earth policy like Sadam and Hitler used might be the democrat's only hope, but even that will be fruitless in the end, just like it was for them. Right will overcome wrong Everytime. That's a fact.
What a hoot!
I'm a total supporter of people putting everyone on ignore that contribute nothing other then they hate you , think you are dumb and attack your spelling. My favorite reason for the big dump is the rights pitiful idea that its a response to the Trump subject of ya but Clinton , ya but Obama , ya but Biden, commie commie commie commie. All complete non answers only wasting bandwidth, everyone should dump this type of weaklings. Get rid of the waste.
They have rules on these sights but the top rule, the one that should be at the beginning of all the rules is to get rid of this crap.
So throw everything against the wall with no foundational context on how the country got into these situations over time eh ? You can't be serious oh wait that's your argument huh ? ROTFLMBO.
Well the Democrat's have been getting away with that forever, so when the so called war ends, it will be interesting to see who is left standing. Remember that your defining of the situation encompasses a large political spectrum of officials, so let he who is without guilt cast the first stone.

By the way, what happened to your race baiting president's unity stance taken when he was elected ?? It was all bull crap that's what.
My only concern at this point is that the charges these traitor to our country are found guilty of and the jail time is what it should be and it this point it looks quite clear who the people are that worked on this takeover for months before hand. This has to be timed perfectly for right before the next election. Then the truth and the guilty please and the deals and the jail sentences will reap their harvest. Mid term elections always goes against the power in office but this might make the difference.
So throw everything against the wall with no foundational context on how the country got into these situations over time eh ? You can't be serious oh wait that's your argument huh ? ROTFLMBO.
He is arguing against this himself because that literally is his every response, Never about scum bag but what the dems did or ya but Obama and ya but Clinton and ya but Biden. This is what he is for that I'm against , this is the comment of mine that this pup is responding to. "I'm a total supporter of people putting everyone on ignore that contribute nothing other then they hate you , think you are dumb and attack your spelling. My favorite reason for the big dump is the rights pitiful idea that its a response to the Trump subject of ya but Clinton , ya but Obama , ya but Biden, commie commie commie commie." He supports this waste,
My only concern at this point is that the charges these traitor to our country are found guilty of and the jail time is what it should be and it this point it looks quite clear who the people are that worked on this takeover for months before hand. This has to be timed perfectly for right before the next election. Then the truth and the guilty please and the deals and the jail sentences will reap their harvest. Mid term elections always goes against the power in office but this might make the difference.
Can't be done without hypocrisy being found in the process, otherwise by our supposed blind justice courts not also considering every other political official influenced act that was being played out over the course of 4+ years, otherwise that would also fall under the very definition of charges attempted to be levied against those who engaged in the alledged same things that were engaged in prior to 1/6th.
He is arguing against this himself because that literally is his every response, Never about scum bag but what the dems did or ya but Obama and ya but Clinton and ya but Biden. This is what he is for that I'm against , this is the comment of mine that this pup is responding to. "I'm a total supporter of people putting everyone on ignore that contribute nothing other then they hate you , think you are dumb and attack your spelling. My favorite reason for the big dump is the rights pitiful idea that its a response to the Trump subject of ya but Clinton , ya but Obama , ya but Biden, commie commie commie commie." He supports this waste,
Uh who are you talking too ? ROTFLMBO.

Calm down and take deep breaths, it'll be alright... LOL
For what your heard from donny boy and he never lies , you people are clowns, Q anon master of the earth.
No tard.....this comes from every attorney on TV...from CNN to FOX they all say sedition charges are normally laughed out of court....the level of proof and the definition of sedition are not a simple thing to fact its quite impossible unless the man led an armed force against the nation...the people that burned the church across from the white house while Trump was inside the Oval Office came closer to sedition than this man has....
This is NOT looking good for the treasonous criminals that preplanned this takeover.

Yes, pre-planned, coordinated effort, to take over (retain/reinstate) the office of POTUS in favor of trump.

When you state on camera, these exact plans with members inside and outside, that is pretty obvious. It is a planned coup.
And many top (R) political figures were in on it too.

Who will be the 1st current member of Congress to be charged?
There are a lot to choose from. one was armed....
Who is this guy?
He was armed and on the grounds.

Federal prosecutors say that Christopher Michael Alberts of Maryland was arrested on Capitol grounds on the evening of Jan. 6 while carrying a Taurus G2c 9 mm handgun with one round in the chamber and a full 12-round magazine. He also allegedly had an extra magazine in his pocket and was carrying a gas mask, pocket knife and first-aid kit. one was armed....
In the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, a popular narrative has emerged: that because rioters did not fire guns that day, they were not really "armed."

Yup, not one of the rioters fire a gun that day, but that doesn't mean they were not packing guns. ie..... Christopher Michael Alberts ......who was charged.
Who is this guy?
He was armed and on the grounds.

Federal prosecutors say that Christopher Michael Alberts of Maryland was arrested on Capitol grounds on the evening of Jan. 6 while carrying a Taurus G2c 9 mm handgun with one round in the chamber and a full 12-round magazine. He also allegedly had an extra magazine in his pocket and was carrying a gas mask, pocket knife and first-aid kit.
At night after the whole thing was over...he was chased down by cops...he says he was not armed and does not know where the gun came from and that he did not participate in the events earlier that day...he has since been released pending a that guy is your army?....buuuaaahahahahahahahahaha there are more guns at a ANTIFA rally/riot....
This is NOT looking good for the treasonous criminals that preplanned this takeover.

Yes, pre-planned, coordinated effort, to take over (retain/reinstate) the office of POTUS in favor of trump.

When you state on camera, these exact plans with members inside and outside, that is pretty obvious. It is a planned coup.
And many top (R) political figures were in on it too.

Who will be the 1st current member of Congress to be charged?
There are a lot to choose from.
Good luck with that..... Both parties have had their corruption rise up over the years out of them, so neither of them can lift a gaval against the other without the ricochet affect coming back to haunt, but it appears one is going to attempt it anyways (nothing to lose).

He who is without guilt, let him cast the first stone. Judge not least ye be judged. Otherwise make sure your back porch is swept clean before sweeping others porches. Let the games begin.

Charges that were ignored for 4+ years is going to be looked at in conjunction with what will take place in these events going forward. No party has a monopoly on government power being abused for political purposes, and the dangers in it all are the people bulking at the unjust unequal government over reach that will be on display against citizen's that were led to believe that their country was under attack, and had been under attack for 4+ years. one was armed....
Guy Reffitt of Texas: Reffitt was charged with bringing a handgun onto Capitol grounds. Court documents showed that Reffitt, reported in court documents to be a member of the militia group Three Percenters, told his family he brought his gun with him and that he and others "stormed the Capitol."

Court records and news reports show that many insurrectionists were armed, and several were charged with having firearms on Capitol grounds or stashed nearby while in Washington D.C. In addition, rioters had weapons other than firearms and used them during the attack.
This is NOT looking good for the treasonous criminals that preplanned this takeover.

Yes, pre-planned, coordinated effort, to take over (retain/reinstate) the office of POTUS in favor of trump.

When you state on camera, these exact plans with members inside and outside, that is pretty obvious. It is a planned coup.
And many top (R) political figures were in on it too.

Who will be the 1st current member of Congress to be charged?
There are a lot to choose from.
This will occur in graduated steps. I believe the people of the far right posting on here are more affected by the instant gratification / instant results that the modern generation seems to expect. Government and the courts do not work that way. In due time all will be accounted for given the grave nature of this crime.
This will occur in graduated steps. I believe the people of the far right posting on here are more affected by the instant gratification / instant results that the modern generation seems to expect. Government and the courts do not work that way. In due time all will be accounted for given the grave nature of this crime.
1). Little fish charged with lesser crimes.
2). Bigger fish charged with more serious crimes.

3). The Leaders........... soon to be charged with more serious charges.

Who will be the first Leader to be charged?
Because it is coming.
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