Stereotype or Slander????


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Why do we keep seeing stories like this????

“Muslim Convert Responsible for Bow and Arrow Killings Described as “Danish National” by Media”
Muslim Convert Responsible for Bow and Arrow Killings Described as “Danish National” by Media

1.One cannot help but feel for someone like Jesse Jackson, who felt forced to admit… “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”​

All of us understand that there are truths we’d wish we didn’t have to face.

Not all are capable of such an admission. Some find a way to defend or minimize iniquity.

“Ilhan Omar responded to the son of a 9/11 victim who criticized her in his speech at ground zero… Omar said. "CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something….” Ilhan Omar responded to the son of a 9/11 victim who criticized her in his speech at ground zero

2. Searching for a nomological explanation, Professor Gad Saad provides statistical evidence that supports stereotypes versus simply slander, for claims of Islam being more violent than peaceful.

“Most Westerners are confused about the nature of Islam. Is it a merciful, tolerant, and peaceful religion or is it a religion of violence, intolerance, and domination? Countless Western politicians including George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Justin Trudeau have repeatedly reassured us that Islam is indeed a religion of peace. Yet daily realities might suggest otherwise.”
Gad Saad, “The Parasitic Mind”

We should begin here:
“I have been commanded to wage war against mankind till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, …and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf ….”

Know whose quote that is?

Muhammad bin Abdullah (570-632)

From the start there is an indication of the answer to the title: “According to Islam, the world is divided into dar al-harb (the house of war) and dar al-Islam (the house of Islam). Peace will arrive when the entire world is united under the flag of Allah. Hence, it is imperative to Islamize the nations within dar al- harb.”

3. For those with a need to believe fantasy Democrat supporters, the first response to the above is that Islam must certainly have changed since the 7th century, gone through reformations as did the Judeo-Christian faith. So….lets get into some contemporary statistics that might shed some light on that view.
The FBI maintains a global list of its most wanted global terorists. Twenty-six out of the current twenty-eight members that compose this infamous group are connected to Islamic groups. Though Muslims make up roughly 25 percent of the world’s population, they comprise 92.9 percent of terrorists on the FBI list.”
“Most Wanted Terrorists,” Federal Bureau of Investigation, https://

4. “These individuals (terrorists) come from around the world, they are of different races, they speak different languages, and some are born in Western countries. If only there was a way to connect them under a common rubric. Apparently, we may never know their true motives, a position that has often been espoused non-satirically by Western police when Islamic terrorists commit a brutal attack.” Saad, Op. Cit.

5. According to Democrat, Muslim, Ilhan Omar, “in the aftermath of 9/11 "many Americans found themselves now having their civil rights stripped from them."

True, a closer eye may be cast on Muslims, but no….they have not had their civil rights stripped from them.

And, of course, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact" is a phrase in American political and legal discourse. The phrase expresses the belief that constitutional restrictions on governmental power must be balanced against the need for survival of the state and its people.” Wikipedia.
Why do we keep seeing stories like this????
Most likely for the same reason you keep seeing stories about Americans committing mass murder with their guns. It's something we might be able to explore further?

1.One cannot help but feel for someone like Jesse Jackson, who felt forced to admit… “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”​

All of us understand that there are truths we’d wish we didn’t have to face.

Not all are capable of such an admission. Some find a way to defend or minimize iniquity.
I've been saying for months on this board that America has a race problem and with that Jesse Jackson affirms it.
But white American refuses to take responsibility for what has been created on account of holding black people down in poverty.

The conversation must now turn to finding solutions to fix the problem, and the only suggestions we hear is to promote more and more police violence against black people. That won't work!

If you're honestly interested in the issue, let's lead this discussion in that direction. Tarring any entire religion with the same brush isn't productive discussion hon.
Why do we keep seeing stories like this????

“Muslim Convert Responsible for Bow and Arrow Killings Described as “Danish National” by Media”
Muslim Convert Responsible for Bow and Arrow Killings Described as “Danish National” by Media

1.One cannot help but feel for someone like Jesse Jackson, who felt forced to admit… “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”​

All of us understand that there are truths we’d wish we didn’t have to face.

Not all are capable of such an admission. Some find a way to defend or minimize iniquity.

“Ilhan Omar responded to the son of a 9/11 victim who criticized her in his speech at ground zero… Omar said. "CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something….” Ilhan Omar responded to the son of a 9/11 victim who criticized her in his speech at ground zero

2. Searching for a nomological explanation, Professor Gad Saad provides statistical evidence that supports stereotypes versus simply slander, for claims of Islam being more violent than peaceful.

“Most Westerners are confused about the nature of Islam. Is it a merciful, tolerant, and peaceful religion or is it a religion of violence, intolerance, and domination? Countless Western politicians including George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Justin Trudeau have repeatedly reassured us that Islam is indeed a religion of peace. Yet daily realities might suggest otherwise.”
Gad Saad, “The Parasitic Mind”

We should begin here:
“I have been commanded to wage war against mankind till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, …and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf ….”

Know whose quote that is?

Muhammad bin Abdullah (570-632)

From the start there is an indication of the answer to the title: “According to Islam, the world is divided into dar al-harb (the house of war) and dar al-Islam (the house of Islam). Peace will arrive when the entire world is united under the flag of Allah. Hence, it is imperative to Islamize the nations within dar al- harb.”

3. For those with a need to believe fantasy Democrat supporters, the first response to the above is that Islam must certainly have changed since the 7th century, gone through reformations as did the Judeo-Christian faith. So….lets get into some contemporary statistics that might shed some light on that view.
The FBI maintains a global list of its most wanted global terorists. Twenty-six out of the current twenty-eight members that compose this infamous group are connected to Islamic groups. Though Muslims make up roughly 25 percent of the world’s population, they comprise 92.9 percent of terrorists on the FBI list.”
“Most Wanted Terrorists,” Federal Bureau of Investigation, https://

4. “These individuals (terrorists) come from around the world, they are of different races, they speak different languages, and some are born in Western countries. If only there was a way to connect them under a common rubric. Apparently, we may never know their true motives, a position that has often been espoused non-satirically by Western police when Islamic terrorists commit a brutal attack.” Saad, Op. Cit.

5. According to Democrat, Muslim, Ilhan Omar, “in the aftermath of 9/11 "many Americans found themselves now having their civil rights stripped from them."

True, a closer eye may be cast on Muslims, but no….they have not had their civil rights stripped from them.

And, of course, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact" is a phrase in American political and legal discourse. The phrase expresses the belief that constitutional restrictions on governmental power must be balanced against the need for survival of the state and its people.” Wikipedia.
Damn! First time, I have had to completely agree with your assessment in one of your threads in months. Nothing overstated, no data cherry picking, no BS.
Most likely for the same reason you keep seeing stories about Americans committing mass murder with their guns. It's something we might be able to explore further?

I've been saying for months on this board that America has a race problem and with that Jesse Jackson affirms it.
But white American refuses to take responsibility for what has been created on account of holding black people down in poverty.

The conversation must now turn to finding solutions to fix the problem, and the only suggestions we hear is to promote more and more police violence against black people. That won't work!

If you're honestly interested in the issue, let's lead this discussion in that direction. Tarring any entire religion with the same brush isn't productive discussion hon.

Would you mind repeating what you said here, that banning speech is freedom?

What Limits Should We Impose On Truth?

post 25

Just for you also believe (I almost said 'think') that freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength and war is peace???
Damn! First time, I have had to completely agree with your assessment in one of your threads in months. Nothing overstated, no data cherry picking, no BS.

Four most posts planned.....any you've finally recognized the sheer brilliance of my posts.

This may be your lucky day.
6. “Bill Warner, a former professor of physics and founder of the Center for the Study of Political Islam has conducted content analyses on the three canonical sources of Islam:

…the Qur’an (which represents the inerrant, universal, and eternal word of Allah),

…the hadith (the amalgamation of the traditions, deeds, and sayings of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam),

…and the Sira (the biography of Muhammad).

Warner has analyzed the percentages of the three texts that are devoted to the Kafir (pejorative term for non-Muslims), to Jew-hatred, to politics, and to Jihad (holy war against non-believers). The conclusions are striking. For example, 51 per- cent of the trilogy of texts is devoted to uncomplimentary and unloving portrayals of the Kafir, and there is more Jew-hatred in the trilogy (9.3 percent) than in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf (7 percent).”
Bill Warner, “Statistical Islam,” Center for the Study of Political Islam, http://

Any of those three sources reformed since the 7th century?

Any apply to Iran?

Did the Democrats demand any alteration before guaranteeing nuclear weapons to Iran?
Would you mind repeating what you said here, that banning speech is freedom?

What Limits Should We Impose On Truth?

post 25
This from post #25?
Hate speech in Canada is condemned and from a Canadian POV is one of the main reasons why Canada ranks so highly on freedom.

That's my perception on why Canada is ranked so far above America on freedom, and I'll stand with it. What point are you trying to make?
How does that relate to imposing limits on truth? How about we get this out of the way so we can return to your issue you raised on Jesse Jackson's words?
Most likely for the same reason you keep seeing stories about Americans committing mass murder with their guns. It's something we might be able to explore further?

I've been saying for months on this board that America has a race problem and with that Jesse Jackson affirms it.
But white American refuses to take responsibility for what has been created on account of holding black people down in poverty.

The conversation must now turn to finding solutions to fix the problem, and the only suggestions we hear is to promote more and more police violence against black people. That won't work!

If you're honestly interested in the issue, let's lead this discussion in that direction. Tarring any entire religion with the same brush isn't productive discussion hon.

Agreed...........White liberals have been holding minority peoples down in poverty for decades. Its called white guilt and the very programs they espouse are nothing other than the transmission that strangles minorities by not allowing them to assimilate into the true spirit of American Culture.

Truth: Its the condescending white liberal snobs with their arrogant, superior pretentious intellectual sounding talk, the majority of which have never had dirt under their nails......speaking about how the blacks and other minorities in this nation have a right to be angry in racist American and must be pampered because of the crimes of our fathers.

These elite white liberals espouse the nonsense that the Black population simply can't make it without help from Big Brother declaring the Blacks are not capable of following the same road map to success in this nation as other races of people.....and its RACIST to suggest they can find success without help from a control freak central government.

Any person of color should be repulsed by this attitude of telling Blacks they should not assimilate into society, they must keep their roots, because they have a SPECIAL HISTORY.....they can't find success void of "affirmative action", with the implication that the bar must be lowered for Blacks in order to find success. The obvious conclusion: Blacks are intellectually inferior to the elite white liberals of this nation.

At every turn the signal being sent out by White Liberals is that Blacks are lesser Americans than they. They declare that its racist to expect everyone of every race to SPEAK ENGLISH that is understandable and legible. Its racist to demand an ID in order to exercise one's equal rights, with the conclusion being Blacks are not smart enough to register and do the paper work necessary to ID themselves.

White Liberals openly support and promote Single Parenthood and fatherless families by rewarding the practice of having children in exchange for more money and food support from Big Brother........The White Liberals declare that its racist to promote a traditional family unit that includes Father, Mother and Child.......they deny that single parenthood and unwed births contribute to gang membership, black on black crime, (as there are more blacks killed or injured by gun violence every year than all the MASS SHOOTINGS combined over the past century).

Politically? White Liberals pander to blacks in order to maintain a black voting base (a base they know votes democrat 92% of the time).......producing a never ending cycle of poverty and crime in the inner city slums that White Liberals have trapped the majority of black into. They declare a vote for conservative principles will only end up in losing your food stamps, ss checks, welfare checks, housing, etc.

In reality..........the blacks in this nation are still living in a democrat controlled PLANTATION with a political fence holding them in.
In reality..........the blacks in this nation are still living in a democrat controlled PLANTATION with a political fence holding them in.
You've at least acknowledged the truth on blacks still living in a plantation, rhetorically speaking.
I'm not with you on attaching blame for your political purposes, but I won't defend the Democrats.
I'll stick with my point of blaming white Americans in general, regardless of their political loyalties.

The coin does have another side on which black racism against whites is equally prominent in your country.
Most likely for the same reason you keep seeing stories about Americans committing mass murder with their guns. It's something we might be able to explore further?

I've been saying for months on this board that America has a race problem and with that Jesse Jackson affirms it.
But white American refuses to take responsibility for what has been created on account of holding black people down in poverty.

The conversation must now turn to finding solutions to fix the problem, and the only suggestions we hear is to promote more and more police violence against black people. That won't work!

If you're honestly interested in the issue, let's lead this discussion in that direction. Tarring any entire religion with the same brush isn't productive discussion hon.
Christ, you are a moron. I certainly hope you don't live in America.
This from post #25?

That's my perception on why Canada is ranked so far above America on freedom, and I'll stand with it. What point are you trying to make?
How does that relate to imposing limits on truth? How about we get this out of the way so we can return to your issue you raised on Jesse Jackson's words?


Any speech.

You totalitarians oppose it.

You demand the right to criminalize any verbiage with which you disagree.

Which are you like.....Nazis?

All of 'em???
You've at least acknowledged the truth on blacks still living in a plantation, rhetorically speaking.
I'm not with you on attaching blame for your political purposes, but I won't defend the Democrats.
I'll stick with my point of blaming white Americans in general, regardless of their political loyalties.

The coin does have another side on which black racism against whites is equally prominent in your country.

But you're simply an anti-free speech Nazi.

Who needs your approval?????
Agreed...........White liberals have been holding minority peoples down in poverty for decades. Its called white guilt and the very programs they espouse are nothing other than the transmission that strangles minorities by not allowing them to assimilate into the true spirit of American Culture.

Truth: Its the condescending white liberal snobs with their arrogant, superior pretentious intellectual sounding talk, the majority of which have never had dirt under their nails......speaking about how the blacks and other minorities in this nation have a right to be angry in racist American and must be pampered because of the crimes of our fathers.

These elite white liberals espouse the nonsense that the Black population simply can't make it without help from Big Brother declaring the Blacks are not capable of following the same road map to success in this nation as other races of people.....and its RACIST to suggest they can find success without help from a control freak central government.

Any person of color should be repulsed by this attitude of telling Blacks they should not assimilate into society, they must keep their roots, because they have a SPECIAL HISTORY.....they can't find success void of "affirmative action", with the implication that the bar must be lowered for Blacks in order to find success. The obvious conclusion: Blacks are intellectually inferior to the elite white liberals of this nation.

At every turn the signal being sent out by White Liberals is that Blacks are lesser Americans than they. They declare that its racist to expect everyone of every race to SPEAK ENGLISH that is understandable and legible. Its racist to demand an ID in order to exercise one's equal rights, with the conclusion being Blacks are not smart enough to register and do the paper work necessary to ID themselves.

White Liberals openly support and promote Single Parenthood and fatherless families by rewarding the practice of having children in exchange for more money and food support from Big Brother........The White Liberals declare that its racist to promote a traditional family unit that includes Father, Mother and Child.......they deny that single parenthood and unwed births contribute to gang membership, black on black crime, (as there are more blacks killed or injured by gun violence every year than all the MASS SHOOTINGS combined over the past century).

Politically? White Liberals pander to blacks in order to maintain a black voting base (a base they know votes democrat 92% of the time).......producing a never ending cycle of poverty and crime in the inner city slums that White Liberals have trapped the majority of black into. They declare a vote for conservative principles will only end up in losing your food stamps, ss checks, welfare checks, housing, etc.

In reality..........the blacks in this nation are still living in a democrat controlled PLANTATION with a political fence holding them in.

Perhaps you've already read Star Parker's book:

As with other Americans, when they turn to childish insults the discussion with me is over.
I'm a Canadian.


The nation that has a law against free speech???
C-16 the law opposed to free speech

"Canadian Bill C-16 Becomes Law, Enforcing Compelled Use Of Preferred Gender Pronouns"​


Any speech.

You totalitarians oppose it.

You demand the right to criminalize any verbiage with which you disagree.
You mean Canada? If you provide some example I'll give you my personal opinion on whether or not I agree with my country's position.
Which are you like.....Nazis?

All of 'em???
You're unable to discuss anything without you having to 'go off' with the childish insults hon. There's no reason why I need to tolerate that kind of behaviour. Let's just stop it right now, OR ELSE! I'm just not willing to have my image tarnished by any association with that kind of behaviour. If you're a highly educated debater then act like you are.
Final warning!
You mean Canada? If you provide some example I'll give you my personal opinion on whether or not I agree with my country's position.

You're unable to discuss anything without you having to 'go off' with the childish insults hon. There's no reason why I need to tolerate that kind of behaviour. Let's just stop it right now, OR ELSE! I'm just not willing to have my image tarnished by any association with that kind of behaviour. If you're a highly educated debater then act like you are.
Final warning!


Nah.....perfect descriptions of you.

If I I have offended you in any way.....

....please believe me.

The nation that has a law against free speech???
C-16 the law opposed to free speech

"Canadian Bill C-16 Becomes Law, Enforcing Compelled Use Of Preferred Gender Pronouns"​

C-16 contributes to Canada's standing on 'freedom', as opposed to America's intolerance of others and thus much lower rating among countries as pertains to 'freedom'.
I understand very well that this is a concept that many Americans don't accept.

We are much more aware that individual freedoms are conditional on 'freedoms' for all.

I think that has a lot to do with our failure to connect on just about anything. I suggest we could turn back to Jesse Jackson's words as an issue on which we might be able to agree.

Thank you for laying the personal insults aside. We're both going to have to work to keep it that way!

edit: back to the same old again. We're finished for today.

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