Stay the fuck off tweeter

...when the worst thing we had to worry about was whether the president lied about getting a beej.
Really? Clinton was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court for giving false / misleading testimony during the lawsuit against him (only sitting President to ever have to testify in a court / law suit), an attempt to strip a US citizen of their Constitutional Right to a fair trial ... after having taken an oath to defend and up-hold the Constitution.

For his crime Clinton was stripped of his license to practice law in Arkansas... but you're oe of those intellectually dishonest snowflakes who tries to claim Bubba was Impeached for his WH BJ instead of his criminal, Constitution-violating performances in court for which he was punished. :p

And you skip right over issues like how Bubba, in a grand act of appeasement, gave North Korea its nuclear reactors, starting it in the path to become the nuclear threat to the US it is today.

And lets not forget how he pardoned terrorists - some who initially refused to accept his pardon - in order to help secure votes to help Hillary win her Senate race. (Funny - even back then she could not win without help. :p )
You insinuated earlier that I hate women...and then in your defense of sexual deviant Bill Clinton you use the same sexist / sexually degrading line he used to demonize his sexual harassment victim ("drag a $100 bill through a trailer park').

Right. she was a 'victim". Forget the fact she was a proven liar. (Claimed Clinton's weiner had a "distinguishing characteristic", when his doctors said it didn't.)

I don't demonize Jones... the woman was a tool and always was a tool. She was used by the Right Wing Conspiracy and didn't get any money out of the deal, so she was taking off her clothes for Penthouse to pay off her legal bills.
Really? Clinton was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court for giving false / misleading testimony during the lawsuit against him (only sitting President to ever have to testify in a court / law suit), an attempt to strip a US citizen of their Constitutional Right to a fair trial ... after having taken an oath to defend and up-hold the Constitution.

And that effected you, how?

The same judge ruled that anything related to Lewinsky was completely irrelevant to whether or not Jones was sexually harassed. And she also threw out Jones' case as having no merit under the federal statue she was suing under.

And you skip right over issues like how Bubba, in a grand act of appeasement, gave North Korea its nuclear reactors, starting it in the path to become the nuclear threat to the US it is today.

North Korea was given reactors that produce power, not weapons grade material. that was the whole point. What caused them to be a Nuclear Power was your boy Bush lumping them in with the Axis of Evil, even though they had nothing to do with terrorism.

And lets not forget how he pardoned terrorists - some who initially refused to accept his pardon - in order to help secure votes to help Hillary win her Senate race. (Funny - even back then she could not win without help

I think you are a little confused. He didn't pardon the guy, he commuted his sentence from 55 years to 36 years.
Ah, the mythical 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' that forced Bill Clinton to give North Korea nuclear reactors, to drop his pants in an act of adultry to get a BJ, to assault and rape women...

...the mythical 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' that left 4 American dead in Benghazi, that 'planted' more than 15,000 illegal documents on Hillary's server that were non-compliant with the FOIA and Federal Records Act...

...definitely worthy of its own chapter in Hillary' 'This Is Who I Blame For Losing The Election' fairytale. :p
Really? Clinton was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court for giving false / misleading testimony during the lawsuit against him (only sitting President to ever have to testify in a court / law suit), an attempt to strip a US citizen of their Constitutional Right to a fair trial ... after having taken an oath to defend and up-hold the Constitution.

And that effected you, how?

The same judge ruled that anything related to Lewinsky was completely irrelevant to whether or not Jones was sexually harassed. And she also threw out Jones' case as having no merit under the federal statue she was suing under.

And you skip right over issues like how Bubba, in a grand act of appeasement, gave North Korea its nuclear reactors, starting it in the path to become the nuclear threat to the US it is today.

North Korea was given reactors that produce power, not weapons grade material. that was the whole point. What caused them to be a Nuclear Power was your boy Bush lumping them in with the Axis of Evil, even though they had nothing to do with terrorism.

And lets not forget how he pardoned terrorists - some who initially refused to accept his pardon - in order to help secure votes to help Hillary win her Senate race. (Funny - even back then she could not win without help

I think you are a little confused. He didn't pardon the guy, he commuted his sentence from 55 years to 36 years.
1. Clinton was gound guilty of contempt if court, lost his law license, and ended up paying Kones a lot of money to go away. He was then Impeached. He was a complete embarrassment to this country. When you say 'Bill Clinton' the 1st thing people think of is his lie - 'I did not have sex with that woman.'

2. Bubba appeased N. Korea by giving them nuclear reactors, starting them down the path to where they are now, capable of striking the US with Nukes.

3. You show ypu have no clue what I am talking about but try to sound like you do. Clinton did not pardon INE GUY who wss a terrorist - it was several, all to get votes for Hillary to become Senator.

Funny how Bill Clinton 'loved' terrorists almost as much as Barry did (Bill Ayers, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS...)
Ah, the mythical 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' that forced Bill Clinton to give North Korea nuclear reactors, to drop his pants in an act of adultry to get a BJ, to assault and rape women...

see, he can't help himself.

...the mythical 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' that left 4 American dead in Benghazi, that 'planted' more than 15,000 illegal documents on Hillary's server that were non-compliant with the FOIA and Federal Records Act...

And then cleared her when it was investigated, but you leave that part out.

1. Clinton was gound guilty of contempt if court, lost his law license, and ended up paying Kones a lot of money to go away. He was then Impeached. He was a complete embarrassment to this country. When you say 'Bill Clinton' the 1st thing people think of is his lie - 'I did not have sex with that woman.'

I'm not sure who "Kones" is, but what you leave out of that equation is that Jones got a payday when she finally dropped her insistence that Clinton apologize to her AFTER Judge Weber-Wright dismissed her case. Paying off Jones' lawyers was cheaper than going through the appeals process.

2. Bubba appeased N. Korea by giving them nuclear reactors, starting them down the path to where they are now, capable of striking the US with Nukes.

A lot of problems with that. First, the nuclear reactors that NK was given by the six-nation group that negotiated the deal were the type that can't produce weapons grade materials. That was the whole point. However, once Bush lumped them in with Iran and Iraq, North Korea fired up their weapons program again because, shit, did you see what they did to Saddam?

3. You show ypu have no clue what I am talking about but try to sound like you do. Clinton did not pardon INE GUY who wss a terrorist - it was several, all to get votes for Hillary to become Senator.

All the other FALN types who got pardons had already served their jail sentences. And it had a lot more to do with the fact that a lot of these prosecutions were political, not criminal.

Funny how Bill Clinton 'loved' terrorists almost as much as Barry did (Bill Ayers, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS...)

What I seem to remember is that the only guy who loved terrorists was Ronald Reagan.

If President Trump would stay to fuck off tweeter he would be doing a ton better. Tweeter is built for impulse knee jerk reactions that are made with little thought of the consequences. Many people, both famous and not, have gotten in trouble.

Trump is the master of this. Even he most ardent supporters shake their heads at his tweets. Why can't he see it is ruining his Presidency and only gives fuel to his distractors!

A few numbnutz football players took a knee, the leader was out of football with a ton of lesser QBs getting jobs. But the impulsive child had to weigh in instead of ignoring it. Then it escalated! The NFL will be the loser, but it is another distractor caused by Trump's tweets!

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I love his tweets. He is the only reason I'm on Twitter at all. I like getting tweets directly from the POTUS, unfiltered through the fake news outlets. Also he pisses off lefties and that makes me happy.
I've been more concerned about the reaction from NK to his recent insults against Rocket Man. However, I was somewhat consoled this a.m. when an article in my local paper said that NK has declared war on the US twice before in recent history. I don't remember exactly when, but obviously nothing came of it.
NK scares me so much. We need to stop responding when they threaten us and just give them anything they want.
see, he can't help himself.

No, I can't help kickin' yur ass as you continue to try to spin and lie.

And then cleared her when it was investigated, but you leave that part out.

You're a LIAR. No one cleared Hillary of illegally being non-compliant with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - 15,000+ criminal counts. Comey declared her to have broken the law then lied/spun his ass off by stating he would not recommend her for Indictment because she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law. (What an endorsement for Hillary days before the election - 'The Democratic Party nominee is too stupid to know when she is breaking the law. Awesome!)

You are obviously too ignorant to know the difference between 'Cleared' and 'protected from Indictment'

...what you leave out of that equation is that Jones got a payday when she finally dropped her insistence that Clinton apologize to her AFTER Judge Weber-Wright dismissed her case.

Now WHY would Bubba APOLOGIZE to the 'trailer trash' (as Hillary called her) if the entire accusation was false? I could possibly see him paying her to make the whole thing go away, but you just admitted that Bubba admitted his guilt by apologizing for what he had done - sexually harassing her. Thank you for that.

2. Bubba appeased N. Korea by giving them nuclear reactors, starting them down the path to where they are now, capable of striking the US with Nukes.

And your continued defense of Liberals aiding, abetting, defending, and protecting terrorists is just 'special'.
Clinton Pardoned a terrorist so Hillary could get votes.

Barry hung around and was pals with a domestic terrorist who killed 1st responders while bombing his own country and stated he wished he had done more bombings. Barry financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended terrorists, going as far as dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to aid Al Qaeda - murders of 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 and 4 more under his watch on 9/11/12. He released terrorists from Gitmo who were caught on the battlefield trying to kill Americans, released the Taliban 5 to try to keep a campaign promise, and quietly released the 'Benghazi Mastermind' after publicly declaring he had caught him..

And this only scratches the surface....

Your loyalty to sexual deviants and terrorist supporters is duly noted. Thanks for playing.
You're a LIAR. No one cleared Hillary of illegally being non-compliant with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - 15,000+ criminal counts.

Well, Comey did, but never mind.

Comey declared her to have broken the law then lied/spun his ass off by stating he would not recommend her for Indictment because she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

Right. It had nothing to do with the fact that a DC Jury would have never indicted her on the weak evidence he had.

Now WHY would Bubba APOLOGIZE to the 'trailer trash' (as Hillary called her) if the entire accusation was false? I could possibly see him paying her to make the whole thing go away, but you just admitted that Bubba admitted his guilt by apologizing for what he had done - sexually harassing her. Thank you for that.

Go back and read what I said. Jones dropped her insistence on an apology, and the Insurance companies figured it would be cheaper to settle than go through the appeals process and potentially further expand the definition of harassment.

No reason for him to apologize for something that wasn't harassment under the law as written at the time.

Barry hung around and was pals with a domestic terrorist who killed 1st responders while bombing his own country and stated he wished he had done more bombings.

Except Ayers didn't kill anyone. He blew up an ugly statue.

Barry financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended terrorists, going as far as dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to aid Al Qaeda

The thing was, these were wars the Republicans wanted just as much as the democrats.

He released terrorists from Gitmo who were caught on the battlefield trying to kill Americans, released the Taliban 5 to try to keep a campaign promise,

You mean the five guys that the Afghan Government insisted we release and we had no legal basis to hold?

and quietly released the 'Benghazi Mastermind' after publicly declaring he had caught him..

Do you have a link to that, or are you j ust repeating shit you heard on Hate Radio?
You're a LIAR. No one cleared Hillary of illegally being non-compliant with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - 15,000+ criminal counts.
Well, Comey did, but never mind.

Again, you are a LIAR...or stupid...or BOTH. The head of the FBI does not have the judicial authority to 'Clear' anyone. Comey testified that she DID break laws.

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing

"At that hearing, Clinton had claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified."

“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed



Clinton testified she turned in all work-related e-mails

“No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”



Chafetz summed it up the best:

'“It seems to a lot of us that the average Joe … if they had done what you laid out in your statement, that they’d be in handcuffs,” Chaffetz said. “And I think there is a legitimate concern that there is a double-standard -- if your name isn’t Clinton or you’re not part of the powerful elite, that lady justice will act differently.”

So, again, you either LIED just now, or you are STUPID. Which is it?
Except Ayers didn't kill anyone. He blew up an ugly statue.

So you think bombing your own country and being a part of a group that killed 1st responders but never personally killing someone yourself makes you 'NOT a terrorist'?


Thank you for demonstrating you are a TERRORIST APOLOGIZER, much like Barry.
Again, you are a LIAR...or stupid...or BOTH. The head of the FBI does not have the judicial authority to 'Clear' anyone. Comey testified that she DID break laws.

I guess that was his opinion, yes. He didn't feel strongly enough about it to press charges, though. PRobably because he didn't want to be laughed out of court by a judge...

So you think bombing your own country and being a part of a group that killed 1st responders but never personally killing someone yourself makes you 'NOT a terrorist'?

Again, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Point was, the government couldn't make a case against Ayers because all the evidence they had against him was illegally obtained. That's the kind of times people lived in back then, where the government was just as bad as the people they were fighting.
If President Trump would stay to fuck off tweeter he would be doing a ton better. Tweeter is built for impulse knee jerk reactions that are made with little thought of the consequences. Many people, both famous and not, have gotten in trouble.

Trump is the master of this. Even he most ardent supporters shake their heads at his tweets. Why can't he see it is ruining his Presidency and only gives fuel to his distractors!

A few numbnutz football players took a knee, the leader was out of football with a ton of lesser QBs getting jobs. But the impulsive child had to weigh in instead of ignoring it. Then it escalated! The NFL will be the loser, but it is another distractor caused by Trump's tweets!

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I like Trump on Twitter. It lets us know who he is.

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