State Senator, 7 Other Women Accuse Trump-Backed Nebraska Gov. Candidate Charles Herbster Of Groping

Get back to me, when you libs take down one of your own,

Bite me. I am not responsible for what others do. I fully supported booting Cuomo. I have never supported anyone legitimately accused of something like this. Because you have no morals don't use your weak arguments to condemn others.

"Three of the women interviewed by the Examiner said they no longer follow politics because of what happened. Two said they have sought counseling. Two others said they just want to forget about what happened. One said she now carries a gun to protect herself."
I don't usually judge a book by its cover but this guy just looks like a creep.
How many blonde haired men have you groped bro?
All I can think of is the big hullabaloo that happened with Booker attacking a young man in the restroom and actually grabbing his genitals. The mainstream media gave it the good ignore treatment and it all went away most likely with a very large financial settlement.
If booker is that aggressive you know he has a long history behind him.... Apparently he gets even more aggressive after he's had a few drinks. But all that is okay because number one he's queer like BB the top poster... And of course number two he's a progressive. So I guess we'll come up with a new category on this one aggressive progressive.
The world we know live in, a man can grope a women and as long as he belongs to the "right" party nobody from that party will give a flying fuck. This is how important partisanship has become in our country. It is the most important thing in the lives of many people
You have that completely backwards. Sexual promiscuity is the stock and trade of progressivism. Having said that all of your DC animals of any stripe tend to become corrupted by Sodom on the Potomac. Any of them down there for any length of time who still have their values intact are truly impressive people and that puts them in a very small minority.
Bite me. I am not responsible for what others do. I fully supported booting Cuomo. I have never supported anyone legitimately accused of something like this. Because you have no morals don't use your weak arguments to condemn others.

You are responsible for yourself. ANd right now, you are supporting the rigging of the game.

That is on you. That is YOUR sin.
You are responsible for yourself. ANd right now, you are supporting the rigging of the game.

That is on you. That is YOUR sin.

So as I suspected it's all about politics. Morals mean nothing to you as long as you win. That is incredibly sad. The Republicans surely have other candidates.
So as I suspected it's all about politics. Morals mean nothing to you as long as you win. That is incredibly sad. The Republicans surely have other candidates.

Oh, really? You act as though having your front runner destroyed and having to find another candidate halfway though the race is a minor matter?

That is you revealing that this is about politics TO YOU.

You just want to undermine your enemies so that your side can win. And you are prepared to talk shit to get it done. As you just did.

I am laughing at you and your pretensions of morals.
It was relevant to what I replied to.

A single example does nothing to disprove a rule. That you pretend it does, is you talking more shit. Thus proving my point, about you lefties being shit talkers.
Because I pay attention to what people like you do and say, when it is one of yours. AND more importantly, I noted that your side made it stick. You got the nation as a whole to side with you.

So, that set the rules. Now I know that when people like you, talk about this shit, you are just talking shit.


Well, I will laugh at you. That is why I am here. In this thread. To laugh at the idea that you expect to be taken seriously, at this late date.

So, because of "people like me" you think it is ok for men to grope women.

Talk about some weak ass excuses.
Oh, really? You act as though having your front runner destroyed and having to find another candidate halfway though the race is a minor matter?

That is you revealing that this is about politics TO YOU.

You just want to undermine your enemies so that your side can win. And you are prepared to talk shit to get it done. As you just did.

I am laughing at you and your pretensions of morals.

I've argued this over and over. If a party wants to win, they need to pick better candidates. I've not supported politicians of EITHER party with valid claims against them.
So as I suspected it's all about politics. Morals mean nothing to you as long as you win. That is incredibly sad. The Republicans surely have other candidates.
The Accusations appear to be credible. However given the recent atmosphere for the production of wild and unsubstantiated stories like the dodgy dossier for instance I would like to wait a little while before I pass final judgment on this situation to make sure it's not being funded by one of his opponents. Having said that the guy just looks like a creep. And it's even one of these things is true they should throw him out on his ass and move on.
Because politics matter. ANd I refuse to let you people make us play by one set of rules while you play by another.

That is called a rigged game.

Your side made the rules. I don't like them, but I don't have the power to change them.

I can laugh at you, when you want us to play be a different set of rules.

How very sad for you that politics matter more to you than morals.

But again, it is good you can openly admit to such
So, because of "people like me" you think it is ok for men to grope women.

Talk about some weak ass excuses.
No he doesn't think that he thinks you're a silly ass moron for having such a very obvious double standard. I mean it just doesn't get any more obvious.

As for the guy being discussed in this thread not only does he look like a creep the allegations against him appear to be credible though I would like to reserve judgment for a few days to make sure it's not another dodgy dossier being funded by one of his opponents. It doesn't appear to be that however and if that's the case they should throw this piece of shit out on his ass immediately.
You have that completely backwards. Sexual promiscuity is the stock and trade of progressivism. Having said that all of your DC animals of any stripe tend to become corrupted by Sodom on the Potomac. Any of them down there for any length of time who still have their values intact are truly impressive people and that puts them in a very small minority.
Hebster is a born again Christian. Try this. Take your hands off of me or you won't believe what happens next. It's not political.

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