State aid emerges as major hurdle to reviving COVID-19 talks


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Federal money for state and local governments is a key sticking point to reviving negotiations over the next coronavirus relief package.

The White House and congressional Democrats are deeply divided over whether states should get more money — and if so, how much.

Before talks collapsed late last week, the two sides were hundreds of billions apart on how much they were willing to put on the table. Democrats want $915 billion, while Republicans are offering $150 billion, the same amount included in the CARES Act from late March.

There are no signs the impasse is thawing, underscoring how difficult it will be to clinch an agreement after negotiations went off the tracks.
A Treasury Department report found that through the end of June, state and local governments had spent roughly a quarter of the money previously appropriated by Congress.

But Democrats warn that without a significant influx of new money, state and local governments will have to seriously consider layoffs and cuts to essential services in the middle of a public health crisis and recession.
There are GOP outliers on both sides of the issue: Some GOP senators, such as Rick Scott of Florida, are opposed to both more money and more flexibility for the funds already appropriated by Congress. Others — such as Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Susan Collins (Maine), who is up for reelection — have pitched a bill that would provide state and local governments with an additional $500 billion.

Personally, I see this as a bailout to poorly managed state and local cities and counties, regardless of whether they are red or blue. And if the federal gov't gives them nearly a trillion dollars then they will not change their profligate ways. So we'll end up in the same place we are now a few years down the road; those same places will be crying for anther bailout, then another, and another. And frankly the Feds are just as bad, running up a huge national debt with no sign of slowing down. Repubs and Dems, Obama, Trump, and Bush and the rest of them are all guilty of fiscal mismanagement IMHO. And sooner or later the bill will come due as interest rates will eventually rise and just the interest payments alone will become the largest budget item that future generatons will have to pay.

So, when are we going to get our finances in order at every level of gov't?
Federal money for state and local governments is a key sticking point to reviving negotiations over the next coronavirus relief package.

The White House and congressional Democrats are deeply divided over whether states should get more money — and if so, how much.

Before talks collapsed late last week, the two sides were hundreds of billions apart on how much they were willing to put on the table. Democrats want $915 billion, while Republicans are offering $150 billion, the same amount included in the CARES Act from late March.

There are no signs the impasse is thawing, underscoring how difficult it will be to clinch an agreement after negotiations went off the tracks.
A Treasury Department report found that through the end of June, state and local governments had spent roughly a quarter of the money previously appropriated by Congress.

But Democrats warn that without a significant influx of new money, state and local governments will have to seriously consider layoffs and cuts to essential services in the middle of a public health crisis and recession.
There are GOP outliers on both sides of the issue: Some GOP senators, such as Rick Scott of Florida, are opposed to both more money and more flexibility for the funds already appropriated by Congress. Others — such as Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Susan Collins (Maine), who is up for reelection — have pitched a bill that would provide state and local governments with an additional $500 billion.

Personally, I see this as a bailout to poorly managed state and local cities and counties, regardless of whether they are red or blue. And if the federal gov't gives them nearly a trillion dollars then they will not change their profligate ways. So we'll end up in the same place we are now a few years down the road; those same places will be crying for anther bailout, then another, and another. And frankly the Feds are just as bad, running up a huge national debt with no sign of slowing down. Repubs and Dems, Obama, Trump, and Bush and the rest of them are all guilty of fiscal mismanagement IMHO. And sooner or later the bill will come due as interest rates will eventually rise and just the interest payments alone will become the largest budget item that future generatons will have to pay.

So, when are we going to get our finances in order at every level of gov't?
FUNNY how the Democrats criticize Trump for spending, then want to throw around a trillion dollars like it is nothing.

The thing is, the states which would benefit the most from the Democrat's state spending plan are all Democrat Blue states who fucked everything up in the first place!

Now they want Trump to bail them out, make them happy. Trump wants these people unhappy before the election seeing how their democrat leadership has really screwed them!
Federal money for state and local governments is a key sticking point to reviving negotiations over the next coronavirus relief package.

The White House and congressional Democrats are deeply divided over whether states should get more money — and if so, how much.

Before talks collapsed late last week, the two sides were hundreds of billions apart on how much they were willing to put on the table. Democrats want $915 billion, while Republicans are offering $150 billion, the same amount included in the CARES Act from late March.

There are no signs the impasse is thawing, underscoring how difficult it will be to clinch an agreement after negotiations went off the tracks.
A Treasury Department report found that through the end of June, state and local governments had spent roughly a quarter of the money previously appropriated by Congress.

But Democrats warn that without a significant influx of new money, state and local governments will have to seriously consider layoffs and cuts to essential services in the middle of a public health crisis and recession.
There are GOP outliers on both sides of the issue: Some GOP senators, such as Rick Scott of Florida, are opposed to both more money and more flexibility for the funds already appropriated by Congress. Others — such as Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Susan Collins (Maine), who is up for reelection — have pitched a bill that would provide state and local governments with an additional $500 billion.

Personally, I see this as a bailout to poorly managed state and local cities and counties, regardless of whether they are red or blue. And if the federal gov't gives them nearly a trillion dollars then they will not change their profligate ways. So we'll end up in the same place we are now a few years down the road; those same places will be crying for anther bailout, then another, and another. And frankly the Feds are just as bad, running up a huge national debt with no sign of slowing down. Repubs and Dems, Obama, Trump, and Bush and the rest of them are all guilty of fiscal mismanagement IMHO. And sooner or later the bill will come due as interest rates will eventually rise and just the interest payments alone will become the largest budget item that future generatons will have to pay.

So, when are we going to get our finances in order at every level of gov't?
if we keep bailing them out there is no penalty for failure and they will just go fail and cry til you fix it for them to fuck up again.

stop the bailouts. this is taking away from people who are not FUCKING STUPID and making them pay for other peoples mismanagement.
Federal money for state and local governments is a key sticking point to reviving negotiations over the next coronavirus relief package.

The White House and congressional Democrats are deeply divided over whether states should get more money — and if so, how much.

Before talks collapsed late last week, the two sides were hundreds of billions apart on how much they were willing to put on the table. Democrats want $915 billion, while Republicans are offering $150 billion, the same amount included in the CARES Act from late March.

There are no signs the impasse is thawing, underscoring how difficult it will be to clinch an agreement after negotiations went off the tracks.
A Treasury Department report found that through the end of June, state and local governments had spent roughly a quarter of the money previously appropriated by Congress.

But Democrats warn that without a significant influx of new money, state and local governments will have to seriously consider layoffs and cuts to essential services in the middle of a public health crisis and recession.
There are GOP outliers on both sides of the issue: Some GOP senators, such as Rick Scott of Florida, are opposed to both more money and more flexibility for the funds already appropriated by Congress. Others — such as Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Susan Collins (Maine), who is up for reelection — have pitched a bill that would provide state and local governments with an additional $500 billion.

Personally, I see this as a bailout to poorly managed state and local cities and counties, regardless of whether they are red or blue. And if the federal gov't gives them nearly a trillion dollars then they will not change their profligate ways. So we'll end up in the same place we are now a few years down the road; those same places will be crying for anther bailout, then another, and another. And frankly the Feds are just as bad, running up a huge national debt with no sign of slowing down. Repubs and Dems, Obama, Trump, and Bush and the rest of them are all guilty of fiscal mismanagement IMHO. And sooner or later the bill will come due as interest rates will eventually rise and just the interest payments alone will become the largest budget item that future generatons will have to pay.

So, when are we going to get our finances in order at every level of gov't?
State aid my ass. It's bailout money for idiotic irresponsibility run democratic shithole states. Why should people in other states have to bail the morons out for their irresponsible, insane, vote buying bullshit?
As usual democrats are trying to buy their way out of the jam they put themselves into with other people's money. Can I hear a big FUCK YOU!
Federal money for state and local governments is a key sticking point to reviving negotiations over the next coronavirus relief package.

The White House and congressional Democrats are deeply divided over whether states should get more money — and if so, how much.

Before talks collapsed late last week, the two sides were hundreds of billions apart on how much they were willing to put on the table. Democrats want $915 billion, while Republicans are offering $150 billion, the same amount included in the CARES Act from late March.

There are no signs the impasse is thawing, underscoring how difficult it will be to clinch an agreement after negotiations went off the tracks.
A Treasury Department report found that through the end of June, state and local governments had spent roughly a quarter of the money previously appropriated by Congress.

But Democrats warn that without a significant influx of new money, state and local governments will have to seriously consider layoffs and cuts to essential services in the middle of a public health crisis and recession.
There are GOP outliers on both sides of the issue: Some GOP senators, such as Rick Scott of Florida, are opposed to both more money and more flexibility for the funds already appropriated by Congress. Others — such as Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Susan Collins (Maine), who is up for reelection — have pitched a bill that would provide state and local governments with an additional $500 billion.

Personally, I see this as a bailout to poorly managed state and local cities and counties, regardless of whether they are red or blue. And if the federal gov't gives them nearly a trillion dollars then they will not change their profligate ways. So we'll end up in the same place we are now a few years down the road; those same places will be crying for anther bailout, then another, and another. And frankly the Feds are just as bad, running up a huge national debt with no sign of slowing down. Repubs and Dems, Obama, Trump, and Bush and the rest of them are all guilty of fiscal mismanagement IMHO. And sooner or later the bill will come due as interest rates will eventually rise and just the interest payments alone will become the largest budget item that future generatons will have to pay.

So, when are we going to get our finances in order at every level of gov't?
State aid my ass. It's bailout money for idiotic irresponsibility run democratic shithole states. Why should people in other states have to bail the morons out for their irresponsible, insane, vote buying bullshit?
As usual democrats are trying to buy their way out of the jam they put themselves into with other people's money. Can I hear a big FUCK YOU!

That's good let us see your hate for your fellow Americans it's only natural.
Federal money for state and local governments is a key sticking point to reviving negotiations over the next coronavirus relief package.

The White House and congressional Democrats are deeply divided over whether states should get more money — and if so, how much.

Before talks collapsed late last week, the two sides were hundreds of billions apart on how much they were willing to put on the table. Democrats want $915 billion, while Republicans are offering $150 billion, the same amount included in the CARES Act from late March.

There are no signs the impasse is thawing, underscoring how difficult it will be to clinch an agreement after negotiations went off the tracks.
A Treasury Department report found that through the end of June, state and local governments had spent roughly a quarter of the money previously appropriated by Congress.

But Democrats warn that without a significant influx of new money, state and local governments will have to seriously consider layoffs and cuts to essential services in the middle of a public health crisis and recession.
There are GOP outliers on both sides of the issue: Some GOP senators, such as Rick Scott of Florida, are opposed to both more money and more flexibility for the funds already appropriated by Congress. Others — such as Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Susan Collins (Maine), who is up for reelection — have pitched a bill that would provide state and local governments with an additional $500 billion.

Personally, I see this as a bailout to poorly managed state and local cities and counties, regardless of whether they are red or blue. And if the federal gov't gives them nearly a trillion dollars then they will not change their profligate ways. So we'll end up in the same place we are now a few years down the road; those same places will be crying for anther bailout, then another, and another. And frankly the Feds are just as bad, running up a huge national debt with no sign of slowing down. Repubs and Dems, Obama, Trump, and Bush and the rest of them are all guilty of fiscal mismanagement IMHO. And sooner or later the bill will come due as interest rates will eventually rise and just the interest payments alone will become the largest budget item that future generatons will have to pay.

So, when are we going to get our finances in order at every level of gov't?
FUNNY how the Democrats criticize Trump for spending, then want to throw around a trillion dollars like it is nothing.

The thing is, the states which would benefit the most from the Democrat's state spending plan are all Democrat Blue states who fucked everything up in the first place!

Now they want Trump to bail them out, make them happy. Trump wants these people unhappy before the election seeing how their democrat leadership has really screwed them!
FUNNY how the Republicans criticized Obama for spending and the the Republicans do it and it's ok by Republicans....
FUNNY how the Republicans criticized Obama for spending and the the Republicans do it and it's ok by Republicans....

Republicans had a REASON to criticize Obama: He spent more than all previous presidents COMBINED, after helping to CREATE the recession.

Then gave it all to Solyndra and none to our own military.
Republican states are the ones who have their hands out for the money!
Kansas economy was TOTALLY destroyed by Republican policies!
People moved out because things were so bad, and they voted in a new Democrat Governor.
Of course, NOW they have to fix it.
Same thing is happening in Texas.
Gov Abbott is slowly starving the schools of money and Texas education now ranks as one of the lowest.
Yet he thinks we are doing just great!

The October surprise will come a week early as everyone sees all the new cases of COVID-19 and realizes
opening the schools was a totally idiotic idea.
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Abbott has to sign off on the Budgets every two years.
30 years ago the Texas state govt paid 70% of local school budgets.
After Republicans cut backs, the state ONLY pays 35%, which has
meant that Local Property taxes ahve soared!

Texas is one of the fastest growing education populations in the country,
and the state kept cutting back and cutting back, even as the schools'
needs grew and grew...

When Texas schools needed another $5 billion just to keep even with growth,
the state sent them $1 billion. When they needed $7 billion next time the
state sent them $2 billion. And in 2011, when cutbacks, growth and reduction
in tax revenue created a need for $24 billion just to break even, the state slashed
funding by $5 billion!

THAT's Republican policies for you. Every year teachers are told to make do with
less and less. And then they wonder why so few want to get into the profession.
  • Disagree
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Abbott has to sign off on the Budgets every two years.
30 years ago the Texas state govt paid 70% of local school budgets.
After Republicans cut backs, the state ONLY pays 35%, which has
meant that Local Property taxes ahve soared!

Texas is one of the fastest growing education populations in the country,
and the state kept cutting back and cutting back, even as the schools'
needs grew and grew...

When Texas schools needed another $5 billion just to keep even with growth,
the state sent them $1 billion. When they needed $7 billion next time the
state sent them $2 billion. And in 2011, when cutbacks, growth and reduction
in tax revenue created a need for $24 billion just to break even, the state slashed
funding by $5 billion!

THAT's Republican policies for you. Every year teachers are told to make do with
less and less. And then they wonder why so few want to get into the profession.
What are the education policies in Chicago?
Federal money for state and local governments is a key sticking point to reviving negotiations over the next coronavirus relief package.

The White House and congressional Democrats are deeply divided over whether states should get more money — and if so, how much.

Before talks collapsed late last week, the two sides were hundreds of billions apart on how much they were willing to put on the table. Democrats want $915 billion, while Republicans are offering $150 billion, the same amount included in the CARES Act from late March.

There are no signs the impasse is thawing, underscoring how difficult it will be to clinch an agreement after negotiations went off the tracks.
A Treasury Department report found that through the end of June, state and local governments had spent roughly a quarter of the money previously appropriated by Congress.

But Democrats warn that without a significant influx of new money, state and local governments will have to seriously consider layoffs and cuts to essential services in the middle of a public health crisis and recession.
There are GOP outliers on both sides of the issue: Some GOP senators, such as Rick Scott of Florida, are opposed to both more money and more flexibility for the funds already appropriated by Congress. Others — such as Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Susan Collins (Maine), who is up for reelection — have pitched a bill that would provide state and local governments with an additional $500 billion.

Personally, I see this as a bailout to poorly managed state and local cities and counties, regardless of whether they are red or blue. And if the federal gov't gives them nearly a trillion dollars then they will not change their profligate ways. So we'll end up in the same place we are now a few years down the road; those same places will be crying for anther bailout, then another, and another. And frankly the Feds are just as bad, running up a huge national debt with no sign of slowing down. Repubs and Dems, Obama, Trump, and Bush and the rest of them are all guilty of fiscal mismanagement IMHO. And sooner or later the bill will come due as interest rates will eventually rise and just the interest payments alone will become the largest budget item that future generatons will have to pay.

So, when are we going to get our finances in order at every level of gov't?
State aid my ass. It's bailout money for idiotic irresponsibility run democratic shithole states. Why should people in other states have to bail the morons out for their irresponsible, insane, vote buying bullshit?
As usual democrats are trying to buy their way out of the jam they put themselves into with other people's money. Can I hear a big FUCK YOU!

That's good let us see your hate for your fellow Americans it's only natural.
I only hate irresponsible fools and assholes like you.
FUNNY how the Republicans criticized Obama for spending and the the Republicans do it and it's ok by Republicans....

Republicans had a REASON to criticize Obama: He spent more than all previous presidents COMBINED, after helping to CREATE the recession.

Then gave it all to Solyndra and none to our own military.
Not to mention the plane loads of cash to the Islamic terriorist assholes trying their level best to destroy us.
FUNNY how the Republicans criticized Obama for spending and the the Republicans do it and it's ok by Republicans....

Republicans had a REASON to criticize Obama: He spent more than all previous presidents COMBINED, after helping to CREATE the recession.

Then gave it all to Solyndra and none to our own military.
And now Trump has spent more than Oblama...But you knew that.
Federal money for state and local governments is a key sticking point to reviving negotiations over the next coronavirus relief package.

The White House and congressional Democrats are deeply divided over whether states should get more money — and if so, how much.

Before talks collapsed late last week, the two sides were hundreds of billions apart on how much they were willing to put on the table. Democrats want $915 billion, while Republicans are offering $150 billion, the same amount included in the CARES Act from late March.

There are no signs the impasse is thawing, underscoring how difficult it will be to clinch an agreement after negotiations went off the tracks.
A Treasury Department report found that through the end of June, state and local governments had spent roughly a quarter of the money previously appropriated by Congress.

But Democrats warn that without a significant influx of new money, state and local governments will have to seriously consider layoffs and cuts to essential services in the middle of a public health crisis and recession.
There are GOP outliers on both sides of the issue: Some GOP senators, such as Rick Scott of Florida, are opposed to both more money and more flexibility for the funds already appropriated by Congress. Others — such as Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Susan Collins (Maine), who is up for reelection — have pitched a bill that would provide state and local governments with an additional $500 billion.

Personally, I see this as a bailout to poorly managed state and local cities and counties, regardless of whether they are red or blue. And if the federal gov't gives them nearly a trillion dollars then they will not change their profligate ways. So we'll end up in the same place we are now a few years down the road; those same places will be crying for anther bailout, then another, and another. And frankly the Feds are just as bad, running up a huge national debt with no sign of slowing down. Repubs and Dems, Obama, Trump, and Bush and the rest of them are all guilty of fiscal mismanagement IMHO. And sooner or later the bill will come due as interest rates will eventually rise and just the interest payments alone will become the largest budget item that future generatons will have to pay.

So, when are we going to get our finances in order at every level of gov't?
State aid my ass. It's bailout money for idiotic irresponsibility run democratic shithole states. Why should people in other states have to bail the morons out for their irresponsible, insane, vote buying bullshit?
As usual democrats are trying to buy their way out of the jam they put themselves into with other people's money. Can I hear a big FUCK YOU!

That's good let us see your hate for your fellow Americans it's only natural.
Every rational American hates BLM and Antifa thugs.
Federal money for state and local governments is a key sticking point to reviving negotiations over the next coronavirus relief package.

The White House and congressional Democrats are deeply divided over whether states should get more money — and if so, how much.

Before talks collapsed late last week, the two sides were hundreds of billions apart on how much they were willing to put on the table. Democrats want $915 billion, while Republicans are offering $150 billion, the same amount included in the CARES Act from late March.

There are no signs the impasse is thawing, underscoring how difficult it will be to clinch an agreement after negotiations went off the tracks.
A Treasury Department report found that through the end of June, state and local governments had spent roughly a quarter of the money previously appropriated by Congress.

But Democrats warn that without a significant influx of new money, state and local governments will have to seriously consider layoffs and cuts to essential services in the middle of a public health crisis and recession.
There are GOP outliers on both sides of the issue: Some GOP senators, such as Rick Scott of Florida, are opposed to both more money and more flexibility for the funds already appropriated by Congress. Others — such as Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Susan Collins (Maine), who is up for reelection — have pitched a bill that would provide state and local governments with an additional $500 billion.

Personally, I see this as a bailout to poorly managed state and local cities and counties, regardless of whether they are red or blue. And if the federal gov't gives them nearly a trillion dollars then they will not change their profligate ways. So we'll end up in the same place we are now a few years down the road; those same places will be crying for anther bailout, then another, and another. And frankly the Feds are just as bad, running up a huge national debt with no sign of slowing down. Repubs and Dems, Obama, Trump, and Bush and the rest of them are all guilty of fiscal mismanagement IMHO. And sooner or later the bill will come due as interest rates will eventually rise and just the interest payments alone will become the largest budget item that future generatons will have to pay.

So, when are we going to get our finances in order at every level of gov't?
FUNNY how the Democrats criticize Trump for spending, then want to throw around a trillion dollars like it is nothing.

The thing is, the states which would benefit the most from the Democrat's state spending plan are all Democrat Blue states who fucked everything up in the first place!

Now they want Trump to bail them out, make them happy. Trump wants these people unhappy before the election seeing how their democrat leadership has really screwed them!
FUNNY how the Republicans criticized Obama for spending and the the Republicans do it and it's ok by Republicans....
So you are opposed to the government bailing out anyone?
Federal money for state and local governments is a key sticking point to reviving negotiations over the next coronavirus relief package.

The White House and congressional Democrats are deeply divided over whether states should get more money — and if so, how much.

Before talks collapsed late last week, the two sides were hundreds of billions apart on how much they were willing to put on the table. Democrats want $915 billion, while Republicans are offering $150 billion, the same amount included in the CARES Act from late March.

There are no signs the impasse is thawing, underscoring how difficult it will be to clinch an agreement after negotiations went off the tracks.
A Treasury Department report found that through the end of June, state and local governments had spent roughly a quarter of the money previously appropriated by Congress.

But Democrats warn that without a significant influx of new money, state and local governments will have to seriously consider layoffs and cuts to essential services in the middle of a public health crisis and recession.
There are GOP outliers on both sides of the issue: Some GOP senators, such as Rick Scott of Florida, are opposed to both more money and more flexibility for the funds already appropriated by Congress. Others — such as Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Susan Collins (Maine), who is up for reelection — have pitched a bill that would provide state and local governments with an additional $500 billion.

Personally, I see this as a bailout to poorly managed state and local cities and counties, regardless of whether they are red or blue. And if the federal gov't gives them nearly a trillion dollars then they will not change their profligate ways. So we'll end up in the same place we are now a few years down the road; those same places will be crying for anther bailout, then another, and another. And frankly the Feds are just as bad, running up a huge national debt with no sign of slowing down. Repubs and Dems, Obama, Trump, and Bush and the rest of them are all guilty of fiscal mismanagement IMHO. And sooner or later the bill will come due as interest rates will eventually rise and just the interest payments alone will become the largest budget item that future generatons will have to pay.

So, when are we going to get our finances in order at every level of gov't?
State aid my ass. It's bailout money for idiotic irresponsibility run democratic shithole states. Why should people in other states have to bail the morons out for their irresponsible, insane, vote buying bullshit?
As usual democrats are trying to buy their way out of the jam they put themselves into with other people's money. Can I hear a big FUCK YOU!

That's good let us see your hate for your fellow Americans it's only natural.
Every rational American hates BLM and Antifa thugs.
I hate everyone so that way it's more equal.

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