Starving People Into Getting the Jab

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Starving People Into Getting the Jab

Well into the second year of Covid, the tyranny continues to escalate. French authorities are trying to starve the public into submission by refusing access to grocery stores to those who don’t have their Covid papers in order.
Via Summit News:
A video out of France shows irate shoppers being blocked from entering a supermarket by police because they don’t have COVID passports.
Many of the would-be shoppers wore masks, but masks alone aren’t good enough. First, they were blocked by security; then the gendarmes came into it.
A number of police officers then begin manhandling the frustrated shoppers, presumably not too concerned in that moment about social distancing.
Not exactly the Storming of the Bastille, but it’s a start:

It is unclear why the shoppers were not allowed in the store:
Although France’s COVID passport law mandates proof of vaccination to enter larger shopping malls, those with a surface area of less than 20,000 square meters are supposed to be exempt.
Under the draconian law, people in France who enter a bar or restaurant without a COVID pass face 6 months in jail, while business owners who fail to check their status face a 1 year prison sentence and a €45,000 fine.
Many stores, needing customers to stay in business, have been ignoring the requirement to check for vaccine passports, despite the penalties. But sometimes Big Government is there to make a show of force.

In the moonbat dystopia that was once New York City, you are required to show proof of vaccination to get served in a restaurant, as if Covid tyrants had not already made survival difficult enough for small businesses.

Unless pushback begins, it won’t be long before only the vaccinated are allowed to buy food. Then it will be only those who have been vaccinated three times, then four times…
On a tip from Wiggins.

Starving People nice !cause they care !....shut up bigots and get your experimental gene therapy shot !
You start blockin Americans from the grocery store things may get real ugly real fast ..

Turn off the food stamps and the atms and shut the piggy wiggle Walmarts for 2 days and watch how fast shit turns

Derp keep it local baby
I remain absolutely mystified that EVERYONE ignores the Elephant

The vaccines do not prevent transmission

So what's the point
Denying people medical care in the USA
Denying people access to food in France
Canada ...totally bonkers
Australia and New Zealand are just about concentration camps
UK....uh boy

Seems to be a theme across the west .....Golly gee whiz shocking ain't it
It's only gonna get worse ...the tyranny that is
This is child's play compared to what they want to do ...
Americans gotta push back....they gotta push hard ...normies ,righties ,libertarians ....piss on the leftwing establishment...theyre not gonna stop ...

Many of us have been carrying on for years ...what's coming is pure blackness
I remain absolutely mystified that EVERYONE ignores the Elephant

The vaccines do not prevent transmission

So what's the point
Correct, but they do: a) dramatically reduce the chances of getting infected and, b) dramatically reduce the chances of hospitalisation and dramatically increase the chances of survival. That's the point.

Starving People Into Getting the Jab

Well into the second year of Covid, the tyranny continues to escalate. French authorities are trying to starve the public into submission by refusing access to grocery stores to those who don’t have their Covid papers in order.
Via Summit News:

Many of the would-be shoppers wore masks, but masks alone aren’t good enough. First, they were blocked by security; then the gendarmes came into it.

Not exactly the Storming of the Bastille, but it’s a start:

It is unclear why the shoppers were not allowed in the store:

Many stores, needing customers to stay in business, have been ignoring the requirement to check for vaccine passports, despite the penalties. But sometimes Big Government is there to make a show of force.

In the moonbat dystopia that was once New York City, you are required to show proof of vaccination to get served in a restaurant, as if Covid tyrants had not already made survival difficult enough for small businesses.

Unless pushback begins, it won’t be long before only the vaccinated are allowed to buy food. Then it will be only those who have been vaccinated three times, then four times…
On a tip from Wiggins.

Starving People nice !cause they care !....shut up bigots and get your experimental gene therapy shot !
You start blockin Americans from the grocery store things may get real ugly real fast ..

Turn off the food stamps and the atms and shut the piggy wiggle Walmarts for 2 days and watch how fast shit turns

Derp keep it local baby

Why should they have the right to spread the disease in the name of their freedom? They don't have a right to infect anyone. It's simple. Get the jab and buy your food. It can't be that hard to understand. Although it might be with the recalcitrant anti vaxxers.
Even leftards are questioning the whole scam



This is gonna be fuckin fantastic....for me anyway
Why should they have the right to spread the disease in the name of their freedom? They don't have a right to infect anyone. It's simple. Get the jab and buy your food. It can't be that hard to understand. Although it might be with the recalcitrant anti vaxxers.
You need your Trump fauci boosters ..before you die
Get all the boosters that ya can get

Take 5 they're totally safe and effective

Try to control your excessive compulsion to fire back with silly comments . I never mentioned survival rates. I'm talking about I fecting people. Try to keep up.
We've heard it 18000 times here on usmb alone

You're a simplistic idiot and a Filthy fat Walmart shopping hick parrot

You're memes roflmao

Why are vaccinated spreading it ?what about illegals? What about the people trapped in Afghanistan with no masks

Correct, but they do: a) dramatically reduce the chances of getting infected and, b) dramatically reduce the chances of hospitalisation and dramatically increase the chances of survival. That's the point.
Your chance of survival is already huge unless you are old or fat.......other than that vax has almost no improvement in your chances of living
But while the frustration with the unvaccinated and fear for one's safety are understandable, administering booster shots to every American adult will deepen what global health officials are referring to as the rising "vaccine apartheid" between rich and poor countries. It is predicted that by the end of 2021 rich countries will have an estimated one billion unused doses while the 50 least developed countries in the world, home to 20% of the global population, have so far received just 2% of all vaccines. The inequality in vaccine distribution is not just a moral failure on the part of Western nations – it is also bad health policy that risks prolonging the pandemic by giving the virus fertile ground to spread and mutate. The West is hoarding the vaccine at its own peril
Why is Joe killing so many poor across the world cause he is hoarding vax

Starving People Into Getting the Jab

Well into the second year of Covid, the tyranny continues to escalate. French authorities are trying to starve the public into submission by refusing access to grocery stores to those who don’t have their Covid papers in order.
Via Summit News:

Many of the would-be shoppers wore masks, but masks alone aren’t good enough. First, they were blocked by security; then the gendarmes came into it.

Not exactly the Storming of the Bastille, but it’s a start:

It is unclear why the shoppers were not allowed in the store:

Many stores, needing customers to stay in business, have been ignoring the requirement to check for vaccine passports, despite the penalties. But sometimes Big Government is there to make a show of force.

In the moonbat dystopia that was once New York City, you are required to show proof of vaccination to get served in a restaurant, as if Covid tyrants had not already made survival difficult enough for small businesses.

Unless pushback begins, it won’t be long before only the vaccinated are allowed to buy food. Then it will be only those who have been vaccinated three times, then four times…
On a tip from Wiggins.

Starving People nice !cause they care !....shut up bigots and get your experimental gene therapy shot !
You start blockin Americans from the grocery store things may get real ugly real fast ..

Turn off the food stamps and the atms and shut the piggy wiggle Walmarts for 2 days and watch how fast shit turns

Derp keep it local baby

The Covid 'jab' is a biological weapon and vehicle of satanic depopulation agenda.
Satanists will kill and starve to death anyone who refuses to accept 'freely' Jewish 666 'jab'
Denying people food is a ok
Just get the jab bigot

Go derail somewhere else simplistic rat. Nazi subhuman animal

Don't forget in few time fooled vaccinated morons will grasp they're gonna die.
Guess what happens with plandemic 'politicians, cops, doctors, supermarket owners, securities and another fascists when they get alive to the revenge demanding mob.
Chinese lingchi and scaphism would be still human execution methods for those who became 'walking dead' and mourn their murdered by the Covid-Mafia loved ones.
Where will hide themselves liars when relatives of cops or troops start to die due to the -jab'
It's very difficult to believe this trash of humanity will continue to support the Corona gang
Deplorable Yankee arent you the one who posted a link sometime back like a month ago of all these doctors around the country and the world that prescribe Ivermectim? let me know,thanks.
Make no mistake about it. When people get hungry enough, those government goons blocking the path through the grocery store doors and demanding paperz pleez with their little chests pushed out will die where they stand.

Gare awn teed.
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I remain absolutely mystified that EVERYONE ignores the Elephant

The vaccines do not prevent transmission

So what's the point

If you assume that the motive behind all this bullshit is to protect people from a dangerous and contagious disease, then much of what is being done under the guise of the #CoronaHoax2020 fails to make consistent sense; and often seems very much contrary to common sense.

If you assume that the true motives behind all of this have to do with controlling people, and with unjustly empowering and enriching those who are responsible for enacting these measures, then it all makes almost perfect sense.

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