starbucks fired woman cause she is white.

OKā€¦..this article makes clear the history of Starbucksā€˜ bathroom policy.

They had a closed bathroom policy (customers only) UNTIL the two black customers screamed ā€œracist!ā€ when told they couldnā€™t use it. Starbucks, being woke libs, CHANGED THEIR POLICY TO ā€œOPENā€ AFTER the blacks played the race card.

Now, though, it has become such a risk to allow any bum off the street to use their bathrooms that they are considering closing them again. And that would apply to blacks, as well, and has nothing to do with skin tone.

OKā€¦..this article makes clear the history of Starbucksā€˜ bathroom policy.

They had a closed bathroom policy (customers only) UNTIL the two black customers screamed ā€œracist!ā€ when told they couldnā€™t use it. Starbucks, being woke libs, CHANGED THEIR POLICY TO ā€œOPENā€ AFTER the blacks played the race card.

Now, though, it has become such a risk to allow any bum off the street to use their bathrooms that they are considering closing them again. And that would apply to blacks, as well, and has nothing to do with skin tone.

Iā€™ve seen plenty of retail establishments such as Starbucks post a policy stating that bathroom facilities are for paying customers only. If the Starbucks manager was observed not enforcing the policy with other races but only decided to enforce the policy with these black customers then she should be fired.
Iā€™ve seen plenty of retail establishments such as Starbucks post a policy stating that bathroom facilities are for paying customers only. If the Starbucks manager was observed not enforcing the policy with other races but only decided to enforce the policy with these black customers then she should be fired.
Except that didnā€™t happen, and thatā€™s why she wasnā€™t fired.
OKā€¦..this article makes clear the history of Starbucksā€˜ bathroom policy.

They had a closed bathroom policy (customers only) UNTIL the two black customers screamed ā€œracist!ā€ when told they couldnā€™t use it. Starbucks, being woke libs, CHANGED THEIR POLICY TO ā€œOPENā€ AFTER the blacks played the race card.

Now, though, it has become such a risk to allow any bum off the street to use their bathrooms that they are considering closing them again. And that would apply to blacks, as well, and has nothing to do with skin tone.

CNN reported that two black men asked to use the bathroom at a downtown Philadelphia Starbucks but were denied permission because they had not made a purchase.

Read More: Why Starbucks' Bathrooms May No Longer Be Open To The Public - Tasting Table

So do you usually buy a cup of coffee and take it to the bathroom with you?
CNN reported that two black men asked to use the bathroom at a downtown Philadelphia Starbucks but were denied permission because they had not made a purchase.

Read More: Why Starbucks' Bathrooms May No Longer Be Open To The Public - Tasting Table

So do you usually buy a cup of coffee and take it to the bathroom with you?
Noā€¦.I go to the bathroom after the coffee. If I need to go before, I tell someone Iā€™m using the bathroom and will be back to make a purchase - and then do so.

I donā€™t walk into private establishments and use the facilities intended for their customers. Only some entitled SOBs would do that after being told itā€™s not allowed.
Noā€¦.I go to the bathroom after the coffee. If I need to go before, I tell someone Iā€™m using the bathroom and will be back to make a purchase - and then do so.

I donā€™t walk into private establishments and use the facilities intended for their customers. Only some entitled SOBs would do that after being told itā€™s not allowed.
Bullshit, I go to a shop like that use the restroom if need be and then come back get in line and make my order. No one hollers to the clerk. "I going to use the restroom, I will be right back and order."
Bullshit, I go to a shop like that use the restroom if need be and then come back get in line and make my order. No one hollers to the clerk. "I going to use the restroom, I will be right back and order."
I donā€™t holler, but I say it quietly. Iā€™m polite.
Oh rightā€¦.youā€™re making this into a racist thing. Naturally. Stop thinking that because blacks are asked to observe a policy, itā€™s because theyā€™re black. Everyone is bending over BACKWARDS to give blacks advantages.

Itā€™s really getting old.
ā€œMaking it into a racist thingā€??

Thatā€™s how it BEGAN ya fucking retard.
We're they trying to get free coffee?
Now you are throwing bs against the wall to see what sticks

I was not there and neither were you

But its been examined in court and found that the white manager dod nothing wrong
They didn't have a chance to.
No, after the woman said they couldnā€™t use the bathroom unless they were customers, they plopped themselves down and didnā€™t buy anything - hogging a table. They needed to buy a damn coffee.

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