starbucks employee suspended for putting monkey on black ladies cup


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

black ladies name was monique and the kid working the place heard monkey ,lol lol lol . can not miss hear a name with blacks . thier to sensative. tisk.
Starbucks says they investigated the incident and concluded it was a mistake, so was the employee who was suspended given back pay?
Anyone with a lick of sense would realize her name wasn't "Monkey".

Why would they think that?

There are numerous people named "Monkey" particularly in Nigeria and Ivory Coast- nations with BTW, have a large percentage of black people living there and this customer was a black chick.

Further, the barista may have thought that "Monkey" was the dame's nickname. I've known many people with names of animals as their official nicknames over the years- Moose, Oxen, Rabbit, Squirrel, Chipmunk, etc.
Again, how good of an attitude do you expect a barista making minimum wage to have?

Reading the story in depth, it was a busy day at the store, and this woman sounds like she was "that customer".
LOL. The problem is, you would think a rock that a black person tripped over was racist because it negatively affected a black person.

Your hyper racist thinking has no credibility here. The rest of us view her as just another customer.. you’re the one who thinks she can’t handle a misunderstanding and employ the common soft bigotry of “super white liberal” to come save the day for them.
I COULD have some sympathy for this woman, but after reading the article it is obvious she's all about LOOKING for excuses to be offended

Pugh says she left the store the day of the incident and immediately called customer service. She says the general manager of the local store first contacted her and mispronounced her first name, Monique, in a voicemail.

"This is not a small complaint, it’s not like my coffee was cold or I was missing my croissant," she says. "And you couldn’t even leave a message without mispronouncing my name."

She says the manager touted his staff's diversity and cited his own Hispanic heritage when saying he understood her frustrations.

Pugh says he offered to compensate her with a free drink from Starbucks and one free sandwich.

"I declined it … because that offer felt disrespectful," she says. "It was disrespectful that he’d say as a Hispanic male he understood and then offered me that."
LOL. The problem is, you would think a rock that a black person tripped over was racist because it negatively affected a black person.

Your hyper racist thinking has no credibility here. The rest of us view her as just another customer.. you’re the one who thinks she can’t handle a misunderstanding and employ the common soft bigotry of “super white liberal” to come save the day for them.

Actually, I think both the barista and the customer were in the wrong. The Barista for not showing the common sense to put the right name on the cup, and the customer for making a big deal out of a simple mistake.
Of course, I do NOT know the facts.

And, yes, "certain" people are often very touchy about any perceived slight.

But on the surface, it is inexcusable to write the word "monkey" on an African American's cup.

Maybe the word "Monique" was too difficult for the employee to pronounce, so he thought that "monkey" was the closest word that sounded like that. (As we all know, many Americans can barely speak standard English, let alone a foreign language!)

If her account is accurate, then the reaction of the employees was very bad. They know that many African Americans feel disrespected. So they should have shown greater sympathy. Something like: "We are so sorry for this misunderstanding. Of course, we are going to comp you a drink and a muffin of your choice. We are also going to comp you two muffins to take home. Please forgive us. And please return very soon."
Actually, I think both the barista and the customer were in the wrong. The Barista for not showing the common sense to put the right name on the cup, and the customer for making a big deal out of a simple mistake.
That’s not what you represented.. you said, with certainty, not having been there or known the person, that they viewed the customer as one of “those people”.

What a horrible thing to charge someone with when you know nothing about it.

Own your racism witch hunt.. it’s reckless and immoral to go around slinging such accusations around without evidence. You should aspire to be better than that.
That’s not what you represented.. you said, with certainty, not having been there or known the person, that they viewed the customer as one of “those people”.

What a horrible thing to charge someone with when you know nothing about it.

Own your racism witch hunt.. it’s reckless and immoral to go around slinging such accusations around without evidence. You should aspire to be better than that.

Go back and read my posts in this thread... then have someone explain the big words to you.

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