Star Wars, the culture wars, and the New Star Wars, the Left Strikes Back...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This column explains why Star Wars is important.......and it explains why the new one sucks as more than just a mediocre movie....

The Force Awakens and Hits the Snooze Button | John C. Wright's Journal

Myths, not facts, rule mankind.

That is why the Elite are desperate, as desperate as puling drunk for one more mouthful of rotgut, desperate as a cokehead for another noseful of blow, to infuse political correctness into each new corner of pop culture, no matter how small. If they fail to destroy our dream and myths, they fail to reproduce to the next generation, and they are done for.

Likewise, this is why the Sons of Liberty, the Table Round, and the Rebel Alliance of Awesome — that would be us, dear readers, the Good Guys — are vehement to reject political correctness, and get on with the serious business of having fun.

Now, STAR WARS is special, STAR WAR is cyclopean, STAR WARS is Brobdingnagian, STAR WARS is larger than life.

Whoever controls STAR WARS controls the window into the imagination of an entire generation.

I should not need to explain to you why that is, but I will, for otherwise I cannot explain my review of THE FORCE AWAKENS.
As she leads into the review of The Force Awakens...he has to go back and look at the first three.....and he does well too....

STAR WARS and EMPIRE STRIKES BACK were basically healthy, that is, conservative in moral outlook, as are all dramatic dramas, even the simplest. Conservatism is about taking responsibility for actions, earning, working, fighting, and doing. Conservatives believe in free will.

Leftism is about evading responsibility. It is unhealthy. It is about blaming someone else, the Capitalist conspiracy, the Jewish conspiracy, the Patriarchal conspiracy, for any shortcomings. It is about worrying about things where no one has any control, like the weather, and ignoring things where something needs to and can be done, like a war. Leftism believes in free emotions, but not free will.

Hence in RETURN, we had the absurdity of being told that anger, and anger alone, regardless of the provocation or object, was the definition of evil. If Luke has lost his temper even for one second, so the plot told us, he would suddenly change from good to evil like flipping a lightswitch. And he would be Lawful Evil, too, immediately vowing eternal fealty to the Emperor.

It was supposed to be a scene where Luke was tempted by the Dark Side, but at no point was there any temptation involved: the Emperor did not offer anything whatsoever that Luke wanted, not even “I will spare your friends and let them escape if you bow and serve me.”

The scene was painfully shallow and painful to watch, written by someone who had correctly and accurately boiled Leftism down to its clearest expression: a world where results mean nothing, and only intentions matter. It was a scene written by someone who has no idea what prompts men either to resist or to surrender to temptation, someone who does not know the difference between good and evil. There is more to moral righteousness than keeping one’s temper.
"Leftism is about evading responsibility. It is unhealthy."

Conservatism is about fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty; it's also about contriving and attempting to propagate ridiculous lies such as the quoted above.

The truth is that liberalism embraces change and diversity, encourages expressions of individual liberty, and respects the rights of all Americans – including the right of conservatives to contrive and express their ridiculous lies.

I agree with the author of the opinion piece. I was both thrilled and disappointed by the new Star Wars movie. When it was over I felt it was simply a rehash of leftover mashed potatoes, without the gravy, of episode IV A New Hope.. Sad! I expected a new experience in what is really a short lived series.


To me, the whole series sucked....The original was so full of technical cliches it seemed it was a movie created by film students....
Years of feminist propaganda has given girls the belief that they can be just as good as boys, or better, in anything they want to do. Girls only need to "believe in yourself" and they will get magical powers to defeat the most dangerous foes. It works even better if girls work together as a team to accomplish their goals, i.e. "the power of friendship.

This propaganda campaign to turn girls into boys, has resulted in the character of Rae, who shoots better than a strormtrooper, flies better than Han Solo, wields a light saber better than Luke Skywalker, and can control minds better than Obi-Wan Kenobi.

All this, without any training. Rae does not get her powers from the Force, she gets it from "girl power" i.e. unearned praise from parents and teachers.
Six hours without a response? Maybe the liberals haven't heard about the "war on boys."

Basically, if a boy acts like a boy, and pretends to shoot other boys, or tackles them, or fights with them, then they will be diagnosed as ADHD and medicated until he's docile.
"Leftism is about evading responsibility. It is unhealthy."

Conservatism is about fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty; it's also about contriving and attempting to propagate ridiculous lies such as the quoted above.

The truth is that liberalism embraces change and diversity, encourages expressions of individual liberty, and respects the rights of all Americans – including the right of conservatives to contrive and express their ridiculous lies.

You really believe that crap...and that is sad......the left are totalitarians.......and believe nothing that you say they believe...that you can't see the truth is sad.....and pathetic.....
As she leads into the review of The Force Awakens...he has to go back and look at the first three.....and he does well too....

STAR WARS and EMPIRE STRIKES BACK were basically healthy, that is, conservative in moral outlook, as are all dramatic dramas, even the simplest. Conservatism is about taking responsibility for actions, earning, working, fighting, and doing. Conservatives believe in free will.

Leftism is about evading responsibility. It is unhealthy. It is about blaming someone else, the Capitalist conspiracy, the Jewish conspiracy, the Patriarchal conspiracy, for any shortcomings. It is about worrying about things where no one has any control, like the weather, and ignoring things where something needs to and can be done, like a war. Leftism believes in free emotions, but not free will.

Hence in RETURN, we had the absurdity of being told that anger, and anger alone, regardless of the provocation or object, was the definition of evil. If Luke has lost his temper even for one second, so the plot told us, he would suddenly change from good to evil like flipping a lightswitch. And he would be Lawful Evil, too, immediately vowing eternal fealty to the Emperor.

It was supposed to be a scene where Luke was tempted by the Dark Side, but at no point was there any temptation involved: the Emperor did not offer anything whatsoever that Luke wanted, not even “I will spare your friends and let them escape if you bow and serve me.”

The scene was painfully shallow and painful to watch, written by someone who had correctly and accurately boiled Leftism down to its clearest expression: a world where results mean nothing, and only intentions matter. It was a scene written by someone who has no idea what prompts men either to resist or to surrender to temptation, someone who does not know the difference between good and evil. There is more to moral righteousness than keeping one’s temper.
'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' makes $1 billion in a record 12 days
This thread is absolutely proof the OP has way too much fucking time on his hands!

The OP isn't the only one. Star Wars is just a fairy tale set in space. There's simply no need for identity politics in A Galaxy Far, Far Away.
This thread is absolutely proof the OP has way too much fucking time on his hands!

The OP isn't the only one. Star Wars is just a fairy tale set in space. There's simply no need for identity politics in A Galaxy Far, Far Away.

Tell that to the left.......they make whole movies to highlight identity politics......
This thread is absolutely proof the OP has way too much fucking time on his hands!

The OP isn't the only one. Star Wars is just a fairy tale set in space. There's simply no need for identity politics in A Galaxy Far, Far Away.

Tell that to the left.......they make whole movies to highlight identity politics......
Well it's their money to throw away....Do you also go down to the water treatment plant and complain about the liberal turds there also?
Yes- Stars Wars embodies liberalism.

Which is why it is such a financial and cultural success.
Yes- Stars Wars embodies liberalism.

Which is why it is such a financial and cultural success.

Nope...the First Star wars was a conservative movie.......and people keep going back on that feeling.

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