St. Louis Couple Who Waved Guns At BLM Protesters Face Suspension Of Their Law Licenses

You've been duped by the Media again. They suppressed the video showing the mob breaking through their gates and threatening the couple in front of THEIR HOME. If a mob of people show up at my door, I will have my Henry at the ready. What would you do, bring out cookies?
You're beyond retarded. Videos of that crowd opening the gate and marching through, only to be confronted by Bonnie & Clyde McClownsky, were all over the Internet. The crowd didn't step foot on their property and at least one of the McClownsky's had already pulled a gun before they entered the gate. And the crowd made no threats until a gun was pointed at them. Had the McClownsky's done nothing at all, that crowd would have marched right past their house.
So the mob first crowds through the gate intended to keep such people OUT, and then they actually break down the gate??? And in the meantime this smart couple pull out their guns?? Well, darn, I should hope so! If people have guns at all, this is definitely what they are for. The more you describe all this turmoil, the worse and worse it sounds. Where was government during all this? Where were the police? Migod, what depths this country has sunk to under Leftists.
They saw them coming from down the street and already had at least one gun drawn.
The 4th guy through the gate was recording and after entering, turns to his right where McClownskey is standing on his porch holding his gun and yelling at them to get out.
The mob broke into private property

And they were looking for trouble

Where were the cops?
Nine people out of that mob were cited for trespassing. "I had a gun waved in my face!!!" Well that means you were standing on THEIR LAWN CONFRONTING THEM. They are lucky the Mcloskeys showed restraint. What if one of those BLM retards had made a move for her gun and got killed? For what? Fucking losers disrupting peaceful neighborhoods so they can shout hateful divisive slogans.
Nine people out of that mob were cited for trespassing. "I had a gun waved in my face!!!" Well that means you were standing on THEIR LAWN CONFRONTING THEM. They are lucky the Mcloskeys showed restraint. What if one of those BLM retards had made a move for her gun and got killed? For what? Fucking losers disrupting peaceful neighborhoods so they can shout hateful divisive slogans.

How was she going to shoot them when her gun was non-functional. It was actually rather stupid of her, on top of pulling a gun on them, one that couldn't actually protect her had they attacked, which they would have had every right to do.
Wow, none of you guys seem to grasp the simple concept: They were fine, until they recklessly waved their guns at the people. That's not legal. Get it through your heads.
Nothing wreckless at all about them getting their guns as the swarm of criminals broke down the gates and invaded their home owners association to commit crime and harass the homeowners.
Doesn't matter as they didn't trespass on the McClownskey's property.
They broke and entered-------then they trespassed in their attempts to harass and terrorize the home owners all likely for a shake down which the Blm thugs are so repeatedly known to do ......lest they burn down the property as well. The guns were warranted...
They broke and entered-------then they trespassed in their attempts to harass and terrorize the home owners all likely for a shake down which the Blm thugs are so repeatedly known to do ......lest they burn down the property as well. The guns were warranted...
That's a neat attempt at a defense. Only problem is, you are a year late, and they already pled guilty to harassment and assault.

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