Spy Balloon

Should the Biden admin have shot down the wayward Chinese spy balloon currently traversing the US?

  • Yes, spy balloons should NOT be allowed in US airspace.

    Votes: 32 91.4%
  • No. (state your reason)

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
Who quickly called this thing a SPY balloon, and especially without any evidence of it being that ?

That needs to be looked back on big time, because if it wasn't a so called SPY balloon, then why immediately call it that ? Was it for merely propaganda consumption purposes aimed at the American citizen's, and if so was this some sort of distraction created, and if so for what reason ??
Yes, I'm thinking that it was for pure imagery purposes, and longer loitering time over it's target's of interest. Was probably data linked back to Beijing and instantly categorized for Intel purposes.

We must be aware that such Intel might be assessing the possibility of first strike scenario's, otherwise if such a thought or thinking is in play for the future.
Do your really think that balloon was not taking very precise pictures and sending them back to China?
Who quickly called this thing a SPY balloon, and especially without any evidence of it being that ?

That needs to be looked back on big time, because if it wasn't a so called SPY balloon, then why immediately call it that ? Was it for merely propaganda consumption purposes aimed at the American citizen's, and if so was this some sort of distraction created, and if so for what reason ??
the left wing media and the Biden admin called it a spy balloon, would they do that if it was something else?
the left wing media and the Biden admin called it a spy balloon, would they do that if it was something else?

I thought that to you all neither the LWM nor the Biden admin were trustworthy.

Has that now changed?
Assuming it was in fact a spy balloon, which we don’t know, which was the entire fucking argument that you lost track of.

Don’t forget the dislike rating.
Oh...now we're going in a whole new direction with the spy balloon thing since you've all been shown to just be useful idiots for the Gutter Media and Biden's lies. LOLOL (don't you feel stupid now? you look stupid. LOL)
I thought that to you all neither the LWM nor the Biden admin were trustworthy.

Has that now changed?
don't be trying to turn this around...y'all bought this crap as the truth even down to claiming balloons went over the US during Trump Admin. Face it. Biden is incompetent and our military is about as stupid after Obamao has managed to eliminate all patriots in its ranks for trannies and chinese and ukraine sympathizers.
Do your really think that balloon was not taking very precise pictures and sending them back to China?
What did I just say ? Yes I do.. lol

It also could have been sent by China on behalf of Biden in order to create an international incident that would possibly distract from the current political investigation's taking place against the Biden's in the U.S. hmmmmmm.
the left wing media and the Biden admin called it a spy balloon, would they do that if it was something else?
Yes, if were trying to use it for certain reason's, otherwise by knowing what it was if it wasn't a spy BALOON. All depends on what it actually was and my guess is that we'll never know.
Oh...now we're going in a whole new direction with the spy balloon thing since you've all been shown to just be useful idiots for the Gutter Media and Biden's lies. LOLOL (don't you feel stupid now? you look stupid. LOL)
I was the one who said we should just shoot it down, dumbass.

Tell us about your half-baked idea.
well. well...explosives on board.. but don't worry you little Biden Butt buddies....President Taterhead is gonna send a strongly worded letter to his chums the Chinese.

Totarree Fine.
Why did his advisors have to be from DC?

When he started he had a good number of outsiders in his admin, then within 2 years pretty much all were replaced by deep staters.

And you only defense of the man is he was too fucking stupid to know what pretty much everyone on this forum knew.

Meh.....all His picks were bailing over dem/LW legal BS.

And you talk pathetic....
Meh.....all His picks were bailing over dem/LW legal BS.

And you talk pathetic....

It is so much fun watching you spin this to avoid any responsibility on Trump at all.

You worshipers are so much fun!

Like it or not, that is what was happening.

What happened was Trump, the man that only hires the best and the brightest replaced outsiders with "deep staters". He personally made each and every pick.

Everything else is just spin
I don't give rat's ass what you have. Now go wash your mouth out with soap, knothead.

Eat Shit, Fuck Off and Die.

YOU do not Jack Shit about PTSD and attacked a member who said they suffered from it. I support that member. You support nothing but loud mouth 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Russian Loving Orange Shit Faced Gibbon.

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