Spy accused of helping teens join ISIS claims he worked for Canadian intelligence


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Precisely why noone trusts Canada. Canadian police spread hatred for our allies, enter American corporations and undermine them de facto control them, and, then they cry that Trump is responsible for all of the asylum seekers coming across the border! LOL. Do as I say, not as I do, the RCMP way.

The same RCMP who were so willing to help these asylum seekers into Canada, the same nation which has publicly stated we are open for business are now seeing their resources stretched and are rejecting so many of these seekers after telling the world we want more immigrants. This isn't good for business for these cops who would prefer working covertly and steal American jobs.

RCMP, CSIS, TPS, OPP. Don't trust these agencies with a 20 foot pole and when Trump negotiates NAFTA and brings jobs back from Canada, don't shed a tear. These agencies have been stabbing America in the back for some time, to the point they tried to silence me, even if it came to the point that America would fight back once they had so much more information about this exploitation.

Spy accused of helping teens join ISIS claims he worked for Canadian intelligence

An accused spy detained in Turkey for allegedly helping three British girls join ISIS claims he worked for a Canadian intelligence agency, according to a Turkish intelligence report obtained by CBC News.

Mohammad Al Rashed, a Syrian who purportedly went by the alias Dr. Mehmet Resit, allegedly helped the girls cross from Turkey into Syria shortly after they flew from London to Istanbul on Feb. 17.

According to the intelligence report, Rashed accompanied the three teens — two aged 15 and one 16 — on a bus to Gaziantep, a town near the Turkey-Syria border often used as a staging point by those looking to join ISIS. Rashed allegedly left the girls with "individuals involved in human trafficking" with the understanding they would be taken to Syria.

In a witness statement included in the report, Rashed claims he worked for Canadian intelligence and travelled occasionally to the Canadian Embassy in Jordan to share information he had gathered.

He claims he relayed information about his trip with the three British teens to Canadian intelligence on Feb. 21, and told Turkish authorities his ultimate goal was to obtain Canadian citizenship.

Rashed was detained on Feb. 28. According to the intelligence report, plane and bus tickets in the girls' names were found in his possession, as well as video of the girls meeting the human traffickers and setting off for the Syrian border. Similarly, photos of passports and images of passport stamps for at least 20 other people were found in his possession.

The report also says Turkish authorities have screen shots of text messages Rashed sent to Canadian intelligence officials.

A Turkish news channel on Friday released a video, reportedly filmed by the man in question, in the border town of Gaziantep. The video shows a man with three girls.

"At points, you can hear the Syrian suspect telling the girls not to forget their bags. You can see him on camera, at points, as well," CBC's Nil Koksal reported from Istanbul.

The Turkish media outlet Dogan quoted Rashad as saying he had accompanied at least 25 foreign fighters so far to Gaziantep.

Syrian passport
Rashed purportedly entered Turkey 33 times using his Syrian passport and received multiple money wire transfers from people in England "with Arab names." According to the report, there is no evidence that Canadian intelligence officials sent Rashed money at any point.

Yesterday, CBC News learned that Rashed is not an employee of CSIS. Turkish intelligence said they couldn't find evidence that cash was exchanged between CSIS and Rashed, Koksal reported.

Earlier today, the Turkish foreign minister said Rashed is a Syrian national working for a country in the U.S.-led coalition fighting ISIS, but did not elaborate further.

"The person who helped the three British girls into Syria is a Syrian national working for another country within the coalition. The situation is so complicated," Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters in Ankara.

Rashed appeared in a Turkish court on March 4 and remains in custody
a very creative person. I have an ANSWER------it is a game invented by ERDOGAN AND ASSAD AND POOTIN------like a parlor game-----they were bored. They all got tired of playing shesh-besh
Cool, another country to occupy and colonize.

colonize? where do we have colonies?
Economic colonies? All over the globe babe, in Afghanistan for the uranium, in the middle east for oil. Come on, you're not THAT slow, you merely comnsider the US entitled.

I call colonies, "COLONIES" and not colonies "NOT COLONIES" Economic interests do not
equal colonies
Honey, that is all colonies have ever been about; wealth extraction, land occupation and resources.

Over nearly two hours in the situation room, according to the officials, Trump complained about NATO allies, inquired about the United States getting a piece of Afghan’s mineral wealth and repeatedly said the top U.S. general there should be fired. He also startled the room with a story that seemed to compare their advice to that of a paid consultant who cost a tony New York restaurateur profits by offering bad advice.

Trump says U.S. losing war, compares Afghanistan to NYC restaurant consultant

Despite recently closing hundreds of bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States still maintains nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad—from giant “Little Americas” to small radar facilities. Britain, France and Russia, by contrast, have about 30 foreign bases combined.

Where in the World Is the U.S. Military?

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Cool, another country to occupy and colonize.

colonize? where do we have colonies?
Economic colonies? All over the globe babe, in Afghanistan for the uranium, in the middle east for oil. Come on, you're not THAT slow, you merely comnsider the US entitled.

I call colonies, "COLONIES" and not colonies "NOT COLONIES" Economic interests do not
equal colonies
Honey, that is all colonies have ever been about; wealth extraction, land occupation and resources.

Over nearly two hours in the situation room, according to the officials, Trump complained about NATO allies, inquired about the United States getting a piece of Afghan’s mineral wealth and repeatedly said the top U.S. general there should be fired. He also startled the room with a story that seemed to compare their advice to that of a paid consultant who cost a tony New York restaurateur profits by offering bad advice.

Trump says U.S. losing war, compares Afghanistan to NYC restaurant consultant

Despite recently closing hundreds of bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States still maintains nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad—from giant “Little Americas” to small radar facilities. Britain, France and Russia, by contrast, have about 30 foreign bases combined.

Where in the World Is the U.S. Military?

that was "talking business" ----not colonization
Cool, another country to occupy and colonize.

colonize? where do we have colonies?
Economic colonies? All over the globe babe, in Afghanistan for the uranium, in the middle east for oil. Come on, you're not THAT slow, you merely comnsider the US entitled.

I call colonies, "COLONIES" and not colonies "NOT COLONIES" Economic interests do not
equal colonies
Honey, that is all colonies have ever been about; wealth extraction, land occupation and resources.

Over nearly two hours in the situation room, according to the officials, Trump complained about NATO allies, inquired about the United States getting a piece of Afghan’s mineral wealth and repeatedly said the top U.S. general there should be fired. He also startled the room with a story that seemed to compare their advice to that of a paid consultant who cost a tony New York restaurateur profits by offering bad advice.

Trump says U.S. losing war, compares Afghanistan to NYC restaurant consultant

Despite recently closing hundreds of bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States still maintains nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad—from giant “Little Americas” to small radar facilities. Britain, France and Russia, by contrast, have about 30 foreign bases combined.

Where in the World Is the U.S. Military?

that was "talking business" ----not colonization
Yes, of course, the business of colonial plunder; the real reason we went in in the first place.
colonize? where do we have colonies?
Economic colonies? All over the globe babe, in Afghanistan for the uranium, in the middle east for oil. Come on, you're not THAT slow, you merely comnsider the US entitled.

I call colonies, "COLONIES" and not colonies "NOT COLONIES" Economic interests do not
equal colonies
Honey, that is all colonies have ever been about; wealth extraction, land occupation and resources.

Over nearly two hours in the situation room, according to the officials, Trump complained about NATO allies, inquired about the United States getting a piece of Afghan’s mineral wealth and repeatedly said the top U.S. general there should be fired. He also startled the room with a story that seemed to compare their advice to that of a paid consultant who cost a tony New York restaurateur profits by offering bad advice.

Trump says U.S. losing war, compares Afghanistan to NYC restaurant consultant

Despite recently closing hundreds of bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States still maintains nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad—from giant “Little Americas” to small radar facilities. Britain, France and Russia, by contrast, have about 30 foreign bases combined.

Where in the World Is the U.S. Military?

that was "talking business" ----not colonization
Yes, of course, the business of colonial plunder; the real reason we went in in the first place.

oh------ok you came of age in the 60s
I'm not sure how colonies became a part of this issue. If Canada is using agencies to recruit foreign ally citizens to a terror group, there are some serious issues to address.

Email your local politicians and federal agencies and ask them what they think about these activities, above and beyond the direct interference into U.S corporations.
Economic colonies? All over the globe babe, in Afghanistan for the uranium, in the middle east for oil. Come on, you're not THAT slow, you merely comnsider the US entitled.

I call colonies, "COLONIES" and not colonies "NOT COLONIES" Economic interests do not
equal colonies
Honey, that is all colonies have ever been about; wealth extraction, land occupation and resources.

Over nearly two hours in the situation room, according to the officials, Trump complained about NATO allies, inquired about the United States getting a piece of Afghan’s mineral wealth and repeatedly said the top U.S. general there should be fired. He also startled the room with a story that seemed to compare their advice to that of a paid consultant who cost a tony New York restaurateur profits by offering bad advice.

Trump says U.S. losing war, compares Afghanistan to NYC restaurant consultant

Despite recently closing hundreds of bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States still maintains nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad—from giant “Little Americas” to small radar facilities. Britain, France and Russia, by contrast, have about 30 foreign bases combined.

Where in the World Is the U.S. Military?

that was "talking business" ----not colonization
Yes, of course, the business of colonial plunder; the real reason we went in in the first place.

oh------ok you came of age in the 60s

Labels are for folks who can't handle the truth, cannot deal in ideas/concepts/facts (not the "alternative" kind mind you) and the beauty of it is, you can just make shit up.

Your empire has a shelf life, they always do, and this one is behaving as they all do when in decline.

I call colonies, "COLONIES" and not colonies "NOT COLONIES" Economic interests do not
equal colonies
Honey, that is all colonies have ever been about; wealth extraction, land occupation and resources.

Over nearly two hours in the situation room, according to the officials, Trump complained about NATO allies, inquired about the United States getting a piece of Afghan’s mineral wealth and repeatedly said the top U.S. general there should be fired. He also startled the room with a story that seemed to compare their advice to that of a paid consultant who cost a tony New York restaurateur profits by offering bad advice.

Trump says U.S. losing war, compares Afghanistan to NYC restaurant consultant

Despite recently closing hundreds of bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States still maintains nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad—from giant “Little Americas” to small radar facilities. Britain, France and Russia, by contrast, have about 30 foreign bases combined.

Where in the World Is the U.S. Military?

that was "talking business" ----not colonization
Yes, of course, the business of colonial plunder; the real reason we went in in the first place.

oh------ok you came of age in the 60s

Labels are for folks who can't handle the truth, cannot deal in ideas/concepts/facts (not the "alternative" kind mind you) and the beauty of it is, you can just make shit up.

Your empire has a shelf life, they always do, and this one is behaving as they all do when in decline.


America is the greatest nation on earth and will remain so as long as it is aware that many so-called allies, are not allies at all but economic and social adversaries.
Honey, that is all colonies have ever been about; wealth extraction, land occupation and resources.

Over nearly two hours in the situation room, according to the officials, Trump complained about NATO allies, inquired about the United States getting a piece of Afghan’s mineral wealth and repeatedly said the top U.S. general there should be fired. He also startled the room with a story that seemed to compare their advice to that of a paid consultant who cost a tony New York restaurateur profits by offering bad advice.

Trump says U.S. losing war, compares Afghanistan to NYC restaurant consultant

Despite recently closing hundreds of bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States still maintains nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad—from giant “Little Americas” to small radar facilities. Britain, France and Russia, by contrast, have about 30 foreign bases combined.

Where in the World Is the U.S. Military?

that was "talking business" ----not colonization
Yes, of course, the business of colonial plunder; the real reason we went in in the first place.

oh------ok you came of age in the 60s

Labels are for folks who can't handle the truth, cannot deal in ideas/concepts/facts (not the "alternative" kind mind you) and the beauty of it is, you can just make shit up.

Your empire has a shelf life, they always do, and this one is behaving as they all do when in decline.


America is the greatest nation on earth and will remain so as long as it is aware that many so-called allies, are not allies at all but economic and social adversaries.

so true-------but ( am itching as I type)------the new guy in the white house KNOWS BUSINESS.
He is being careful to MAKE THE BEST BUSINESS DECISIONS for the USA----<sum total of his
presidential philosophy (my personal opinion is that he is------underneath the bluster-----a moral
that was "talking business" ----not colonization
Yes, of course, the business of colonial plunder; the real reason we went in in the first place.

oh------ok you came of age in the 60s

Labels are for folks who can't handle the truth, cannot deal in ideas/concepts/facts (not the "alternative" kind mind you) and the beauty of it is, you can just make shit up.

Your empire has a shelf life, they always do, and this one is behaving as they all do when in decline.


America is the greatest nation on earth and will remain so as long as it is aware that many so-called allies, are not allies at all but economic and social adversaries.

so true-------but ( am itching as I type)------the new guy in the white house KNOWS BUSINESS.
He is being careful to MAKE THE BEST BUSINESS DECISIONS for the USA----<sum total of his
presidential philosophy (my personal opinion is that he is------underneath the bluster-----a moral
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha, yeah, he's perfect for the likes of you; swallow and follow.

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Same as it ever was, same as it was with Bush and Obama, same as it would have been with Hilary.

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