Spineless Oblabber

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Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
As usual we saw the Spineless, Gutless Oblabber's style of leadership (Leading from Behind) who waited doe the parade of candidates to end before he jumped in to endorse anyoe. Now that there isn't anyone else left standing, he decided to endorse Gropin Biden. One more in the thousands or reasons why that man has no spine whatever ! Just like we always thought.
As usual we saw the Spineless, Gutless Obama's style of leadership (Leading from Behind) who waited the parade of candidates to end before he jumped in to endorse anyoe. . Now that there isn't anyone else left standing, he decided to endorse Gropin Biden. One more in thousands or reasons why that man has no spine whatever ! Just like we always thought.
Pretty smart. Joe got there on his own. Now watch as trump tries to run against Obama. He would rather run against the hill, but she wouldn't play.
As usual we saw the Spineless, Gutless Obama's style of leadership (Leading from Behind) who waited the parade of candidates to end before he jumped in to endorse anyoe. . Now that there isn't anyone else left standing, he decided to endorse Gropin Biden. One more in thousands or reasons why that man has no spine whatever ! Just like we always thought.
Pretty smart. Joe got there on his own. Now watch as trump tries to run against Obama. He would rather run against the hill, but she wouldn't play.
got there on his own? Lol
The DNC made pete quit the day before super Tuesday when he was in second!
It only makes sense he waited.
What did he have to lose? Everyone already knows he is a partisan hack, so that wasnt an issue. But if he picked someone and the voters said no, it would reflect bad on him.
Its crazy how similar trump and obama are.. The biggest difference is obama is subtle because stupid people fall for it.
As usual we saw the Spineless, Gutless Obama's style of leadership (Leading from Behind) who waited the parade of candidates to end before he jumped in to endorse anyoe. . Now that there isn't anyone else left standing, he decided to endorse Gropin Biden. One more in thousands or reasons why that man has no spine whatever ! Just like we always thought.
Pretty smart. Joe got there on his own. Now watch as trump tries to run against Obama. He would rather run against the hill, but she wouldn't play.
got there on his own? Lol
The DNC made pete quit the day before super Tuesday when he was in second!
I liked Pet OK, but he was not going to find national acceptance and no support from black community. He's smart, but this was never his time, if his time ever comes.
It only makes sense he waited.
What did he have to lose? Everyone already knows he is a partisan hack, so that wasnt an issue. But if he picked someone and the voters said no, it would reflect bad on him.
Its crazy how similar trump and obama are.. The biggest difference is obama is subtle because stupid people fall for it.
O and many of the elite Ds may want Donnie re-elected. It’s just a theory that’s been put out there. What better way to keep your supporters inflamed, but you don’t have to do anything?
As usual we saw the Spineless, Gutless Obama's style of leadership (Leading from Behind) who waited the parade of candidates to end before he jumped in to endorse anyoe. . Now that there isn't anyone else left standing, he decided to endorse Gropin Biden. One more in thousands or reasons why that man has no spine whatever ! Just like we always thought.
Pretty smart. Joe got there on his own. Now watch as trump tries to run against Obama. He would rather run against the hill, but she wouldn't play.

Obama is the most popular president ever. Among Democrats.

His presidency was a joke, and now even that is gone. Trump will have no trouble with him, and it's doubtful Obama will be of any help to Biden.
As usual we saw the Spineless, Gutless Obama's style of leadership (Leading from Behind) who waited the parade of candidates to end before he jumped in to endorse anyoe. . Now that there isn't anyone else left standing, he decided to endorse Gropin Biden. One more in thousands or reasons why that man has no spine whatever ! Just like we always thought.
Pretty smart. Joe got there on his own. Now watch as trump tries to run against Obama. He would rather run against the hill, but she wouldn't play.
got there on his own? Lol
The DNC made pete quit the day before super Tuesday when he was in second!
I liked Pet OK, but he was not going to find national acceptance and no support from black community. He's smart, but this was never his time, if his time ever comes.
Blacks are homophobes, i guess? He was the most level headed. Clean. Articulate. And wasnt a cuck like the rest.
But it still remains biden didnt do this on his own. He cant even remember he is running for president.. Lol
I watched his entire speech: Obama only said "I" 15 times, "me" 3 times, and "my" 2 times. He's improving.

Much of it was bullshit, though. He accused Republicans of being "mean and ignorant", and conservative media of spreading "propaganda."

He also didn't present a convincing reason to vote for Biden, except to remove Trump from office.
As usual we saw the Spineless, Gutless Obama's style of leadership (Leading from Behind) who waited the parade of candidates to end before he jumped in to endorse anyoe. . Now that there isn't anyone else left standing, he decided to endorse Gropin Biden. One more in thousands or reasons why that man has no spine whatever ! Just like we always thought.
Pretty smart. Joe got there on his own. Now watch as trump tries to run against Obama. He would rather run against the hill, but she wouldn't play.

Obama is the most popular president ever. Among Democrats.

His presidency was a joke, and now even that is gone. Trump will have no trouble with him, and it's doubtful Obama will be of any help to Biden.
Yah, right.
Obama already endorsed Bloomberg in earlier commercials but that doesn't matter. We already knew he would go for the money first and then settle for whatever. Jug ears is full of shit if he says anything other than "There's nothing left to do than hold my nose and endorse the sniffer".
I watched his entire speech: Obama only said "I" 15 times, "me" 3 times, and "my" 2 times. He's improving.

Much of it was bullshit, though. He accused Republicans of being "mean and ignorant", and conservative media of spreading "propaganda."

He also didn't present a convincing reason to vote for Biden, except to remove Trump from office.

He looked stoned. I wonder if his old "Choom Gang" is back.
As usual we saw the Spineless, Gutless Obama's style of leadership (Leading from Behind) who waited the parade of candidates to end before he jumped in to endorse anyoe. . Now that there isn't anyone else left standing, he decided to endorse Gropin Biden. One more in thousands or reasons why that man has no spine whatever ! Just like we always thought.
Pretty smart. Joe got there on his own. Now watch as trump tries to run against Obama. He would rather run against the hill, but she wouldn't play.

Obama is the most popular president ever. Among Democrats.

His presidency was a joke, and now even that is gone. Trump will have no trouble with him, and it's doubtful Obama will be of any help to Biden.

A joke? That must be news to Donald Trump. Because Trump's main mission since he took office was to try and undo as much of Obama's legacy as he could. But two years of a Republican controlled Senate and House....and got nothing done. And no, the tax cut was McConnell and Ryan's baby. Trump is absolutely obsessed with Obama. Mostly because Trump (and his supporters) know deep down he'll never be as popular or well respected as Obama was. But, Trump isn't running against Obama. He'll be running against Biden. If he is smart and doesn't get on a debate stage with Biden, he might have a shot. If he has to explain any policy position, he's toast. All he has now are his pep rallies.

Barack Obama will be remembered as a good president. Trump will be remembered as a punch line, a joke, something for your grandkids to point and laugh at you about. :)
I watched his entire speech: Obama only said "I" 15 times, "me" 3 times, and "my" 2 times. He's improving.

Much of it was bullshit, though. He accused Republicans of being "mean and ignorant", and conservative media of spreading "propaganda."

He also didn't present a convincing reason to vote for Biden, except to remove Trump from office.

But Republicans are "mean and ignorant", and conservative media does spread propaganda.
There are already several threads on Obama endorsing Biden. Please select one of them for your comments rather than starting another. Closed.
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