Spielberg Remaking "West Side Story"

light sabers?


Spielberg doing a musical?

Well Starwars did a remake of A New Hope IV with Force Awakens but Luke goes to sleep VII. Why not reboot West Side Story where one group of whites, who didn't get privilege goes after another group of whites who did have privilege. Cant use Blacks and Latinos as that would be stereotypical and Steven sure doesn't want to deal with that?
I hope it’s as good as the Footloose remake. :lol:
It was the Sharks (Puerto Ricans) vs Jets(Anglos) in the 1950's version.
Who would the gangs be in a modern remake?
Does NYC still have a gang problem?
I’ll likely watch it, but I am wary b/c the original is pretty damn good.

I didn't think so.

Couldn't get my head around gang members in a rumble, doing ballet
There is a real cultural divide

The Democrats have MS-13, Crips and Bloods

Those eeeevil Republicans have the Boy Scouts, National Honor Society and Little League Baseball.
There is a real cultural divide

The Democrats have MS-13, Crips and Bloods

Those eeeevil Republicans have the Boy Scouts, National Honor Society and Little League Baseball.
I heard it will be an all male cast, with the boys being played by boys, and the girls will be played by boys with boobs. Bruce Jenner will be leading Lady since HE won the woman of the year award...
There is a real cultural divide

The Democrats have MS-13, Crips and Bloods

Those eeeevil Republicans have the Boy Scouts, National Honor Society and Little League Baseball.
I heard it will be an all male cast, with the boys being played by boys, and the girls will be played by boys with boobs. Bruce Jenner will be leading Lady since HE won the woman of the year award...

Who will sing "I Feel Pretty"
There is a real cultural divide

The Democrats have MS-13, Crips and Bloods

Those eeeevil Republicans have the Boy Scouts, National Honor Society and Little League Baseball.
I heard it will be an all male cast, with the boys being played by boys, and the girls will be played by boys with boobs. Bruce Jenner will be leading Lady since HE won the woman of the year award...

Who will sing "I Feel Pretty"
Bradley Manning?

There is a real cultural divide

The Democrats have MS-13, Crips and Bloods

Those eeeevil Republicans have the Boy Scouts, National Honor Society and Little League Baseball.
I heard it will be an all male cast, with the boys being played by boys, and the girls will be played by boys with boobs. Bruce Jenner will be leading Lady since HE won the woman of the year award...

Who will sing "I Feel Pretty"
Bradley Manning?


Chelsea Manning will sing "I feel pretty crazy"
He was the most popular guy in prison.

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