Speculation Can Be Great Waster Of Time!


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2015
Speculation has the potential to be a massive time waster, but both men and women tend to get sucked into this pastime that can while away the hours. Events never seem to unfolded as we might expect or predict. When you see how the world has developed, the twist and turns are most unpredictable and full of what the author, Nassim Taleb calls "Black Swans", this term is used to describe events that seem to descend out of nowhere catching everyone by surprise.

Speculationville is where the confident and suave television and news commentators, politicians, and the experts that speak with such authority live, I include the pundits and so called specialist. Whenever, I find myself drawn down the path toward Speculationville I try to stop and ask if the journey ahead has any real merit or payoff. The article below delves deeper into this interesting way we spend a great deal of time.

Whole tv news industry would collapse without speculation. :) Actual reporting accoutns for perhaps 1% of coverage, rest is speculation and commentary.

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