Speaker Ryan Criticises Trump's Pardon of Arpiao


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Trump's pardon of the old sheriff in Arizona is a passing 24-48 hour Liberal/Bolshevik Trump Hysteria...Meaning he will have done something else that's puts these turds into an apoplectic hissy fit by then.

But this one is worth examining a bit.

No sane person questions the absolute right of the President to grant a pardon; its in the Constitution; it has been used by every President...many times.

Generalizing this really trivial issue---involving one old man....it comes down to whether you are an Open Borders Man; or a Closed the Borders Man.

Can there be any doubt...from watching how Trump campaigned...that he would pardon Arpaio if it ever came to that?

Trump campaigned on Closing the Borders to the illegal invasion that Mexico is presently involved in; he Trump got elected on that very issue; and Arpaio spent his life fighting for exactly what Trump said he was fighting for.

Was it not obvious, even to the poorly educated of the rotting cities of the North, what Trump would do?

Would he have not been a traitor to the people who elected him if he had let the crusty old sheriff spend his last months in a prison?

So, this ass & pussy Paul Ryan should be bitching if Trump had, in effect, BROKEN a Republican Campaign Promise....instead of, in effect, kept one. Fuck him.

God Bless Trump for pardoning the old sheriff....and fuck Paul Ryan for inserting himself into the matter, which he did because he is because he is scared shit-less of the New York Media....just like, most of the rest of the Republican Caucus in Congress....which has more Pussies than 50 Bunny Ranches.
As much as that meat puppet faggot disgusted me, I'm glad the Romney/Ryan ticket lost. Those two libturds would have gotten all sorts of regressive policy passed with a compliant republicrat "leadership" in congress.

At least the republicrats had to oppose obozo in order to stay in office.

Trump is doing great.

Arpaio never spent a day in prison nor was he likely to - his case had yet to go to appeal where it may have been reversed.

Trump's actions were premature and bizarre.
So, to sum up your illogical, childish and basically stupid rant, let's look at the facts...
Illegals: Came into the country illegally and while here many followed the law, built lives, had families, started businesses, graduated college and committed less crimes than Americans born here.

Arpaio: Took an Oath to uphold the law and broke that Oath. Illegally violated the Rights of many innocent people while conducting the illegal practice of racial profiling. Illegally continued to break the law even when ordered to cease by a duly authorized court Judge.

So as usual, conservatives are 100% law and order except when they have to follow the law and then applauds the undermining of law and order from an individual that uses the WH as his personal enrichment platform...
Speaker Ryan is a low life Swamp Rat very much like middle eastern Swamp Rat Chuck Schumer.
The Arpaio issue just proves to everyone once again that the Corrupt Democratic Party is on the side of the Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers and the racist Aztlan Nationalist, racist La Raza, racist LULAC.....
Arpaio never spent a day in prison nor was he likely to - his case had yet to go to appeal where it may have been reversed.

Trump's actions were premature and bizarre.

"Premature and Bizarre" are not valid responses in a political discussion. They are unsupported personal conclusions.

You are either uneducated, and don't know better; or you are an idiot, and don't know better.

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So, to sum up your illogical, childish and basically stupid rant, let's look at the facts...
Illegals: Came into the country illegally and while here many followed the law, built lives, had families, started businesses, graduated college and committed less crimes than Americans born here.

Arpaio: Took an Oath to uphold the law and broke that Oath. Illegally violated the Rights of many innocent people while conducting the illegal practice of racial profiling. Illegally continued to break the law even when ordered to cease by a duly authorized court Judge.

So as usual, conservatives are 100% law and order except when they have to follow the law and then applauds the undermining of law and order from an individual that uses the WH as his personal enrichment platform...

Wrong. Arpaio upheld the law and enforced it. The corrupt Hussein administration used its influence to undermine Arpaio. President Trump merely put an end to that political witch hunt.
This is what I like about Trump (so do many others). He doesn't study the ramifications of his actions when he feels he is right. He just does it and lets the chips fall where they may. So sick of wishy washy Republicans who are too chicken shit to take an honest stand on anything. Trump is like the Founding Fathers, he does what is right and to hell with what his political enemies think or say. He's starting to see that it doesn't matter what he does, they will oppose him no matter what. So why not just do the right thing and say :fu: to the phonies who pander to special interests. Much to the chagrin of the liberals, President Trump is MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Go Trump!!!
So, to sum up your illogical, childish and basically stupid rant, let's look at the facts...
Illegals: Came into the country illegally and while here many followed the law, built lives, had families, started businesses, graduated college and committed less crimes than Americans born here.

Arpaio: Took an Oath to uphold the law and broke that Oath. Illegally violated the Rights of many innocent people while conducting the illegal practice of racial profiling. Illegally continued to break the law even when ordered to cease by a duly authorized court Judge.

So as usual, conservatives are 100% law and order except when they have to follow the law and then applauds the undermining of law and order from an individual that uses the WH as his personal enrichment platform...

Wrong. Arpaio upheld the law and enforced it. The corrupt Hussein administration used its influence to undermine Arpaio. President Trump merely put an end to that political witch hunt.
I see that I have to dumb it down for you...here goes.
Did Arpaio illegally use racial profiling against innocent people because they appeared to be of a certain race???
Is racial profiling illegal???
Did a duly appointed Judge order him to cease his illegal activity???
Did he cease the illegal activity???
Is disobeying the lawful judgement illegal???
Yes, he broke the law and is a criminal, too bad your intellectual dishonesty won't allow you to admit the facts...
So, to sum up your illogical, childish and basically stupid rant, let's look at the facts...
Illegals: Came into the country illegally and while here many followed the law, built lives, had families, started businesses, graduated college and committed less crimes than Americans born here.

Arpaio: Took an Oath to uphold the law and broke that Oath. Illegally violated the Rights of many innocent people while conducting the illegal practice of racial profiling. Illegally continued to break the law even when ordered to cease by a duly authorized court Judge.

So as usual, conservatives are 100% law and order except when they have to follow the law and then applauds the undermining of law and order from an individual that uses the WH as his personal enrichment platform...

Wrong. Arpaio upheld the law and enforced it. The corrupt Hussein administration used its influence to undermine Arpaio. President Trump merely put an end to that political witch hunt.
I see that I have to dumb it down for you...here goes.
Did Arpaio illegally use racial profiling against innocent people because they appeared to be of a certain race???
Is racial profiling illegal???
Did a duly appointed Judge order him to cease his illegal activity???
Did he cease the illegal activity???
Is disobeying the lawful judgement illegal???
Yes, he broke the law and is a criminal, too bad your intellectual dishonesty won't allow you to admit the facts...
Too bad Trump pardoned a patriot and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. :lol:
So, to sum up your illogical, childish and basically stupid rant, let's look at the facts...
Illegals: Came into the country illegally and while here many followed the law, built lives, had families, started businesses, graduated college and committed less crimes than Americans born here.

Arpaio: Took an Oath to uphold the law and broke that Oath. Illegally violated the Rights of many innocent people while conducting the illegal practice of racial profiling. Illegally continued to break the law even when ordered to cease by a duly authorized court Judge.

So as usual, conservatives are 100% law and order except when they have to follow the law and then applauds the undermining of law and order from an individual that uses the WH as his personal enrichment platform...

Wrong. Arpaio upheld the law and enforced it. The corrupt Hussein administration used its influence to undermine Arpaio. President Trump merely put an end to that political witch hunt.
I see that I have to dumb it down for you...here goes.
Did Arpaio illegally use racial profiling against innocent people because they appeared to be of a certain race???
Is racial profiling illegal???
Did a duly appointed Judge order him to cease his illegal activity???
Did he cease the illegal activity???
Is disobeying the lawful judgement illegal???
Yes, he broke the law and is a criminal, too bad your intellectual dishonesty won't allow you to admit the facts...

Wrong again dumbass.

This Judge ordered him to stop "targeting Latino drivers", whatever the fuck that means. Arizona deputies are supposed to never pull over someone just because they look "Latino" now? The order was nonesense and there was no way to comply with it.

Arizona law enforcement was never found guilty of "racial profiling".
Arpaio and his deputies were never doing anything illegal in the first place, so there was nothing to "cease".
According to liberals, arresting a Latino for any crime would be considered "violating the Judge's orders".
Sorry, but the LEOs aren't going to stop arresting people just because of their skin color.
So, to sum up your illogical, childish and basically stupid rant, let's look at the facts...
Illegals: Came into the country illegally and while here many followed the law, built lives, had families, started businesses, graduated college and committed less crimes than Americans born here.

Arpaio: Took an Oath to uphold the law and broke that Oath. Illegally violated the Rights of many innocent people while conducting the illegal practice of racial profiling. Illegally continued to break the law even when ordered to cease by a duly authorized court Judge.

So as usual, conservatives are 100% law and order except when they have to follow the law and then applauds the undermining of law and order from an individual that uses the WH as his personal enrichment platform...
It's clear you didn't read any of the Arizona papers concerning the issue and you don't have a clue about what is going on.

Nice. Way to make an ass of yourself.
So, to sum up your illogical, childish and basically stupid rant, let's look at the facts...
Illegals: Came into the country illegally and while here many followed the law, built lives, had families, started businesses, graduated college and committed less crimes than Americans born here.

Arpaio: Took an Oath to uphold the law and broke that Oath. Illegally violated the Rights of many innocent people while conducting the illegal practice of racial profiling. Illegally continued to break the law even when ordered to cease by a duly authorized court Judge.

So as usual, conservatives are 100% law and order except when they have to follow the law and then applauds the undermining of law and order from an individual that uses the WH as his personal enrichment platform...

Wrong. Arpaio upheld the law and enforced it. The corrupt Hussein administration used its influence to undermine Arpaio. President Trump merely put an end to that political witch hunt.
I see that I have to dumb it down for you...here goes.
Did Arpaio illegally use racial profiling against innocent people because they appeared to be of a certain race???
Is racial profiling illegal???
Did a duly appointed Judge order him to cease his illegal activity???
Did he cease the illegal activity???
Is disobeying the lawful judgement illegal???
Yes, he broke the law and is a criminal, too bad your intellectual dishonesty won't allow you to admit the facts...

Wrong again dumbass.

This Judge ordered him to stop "targeting Latino drivers", whatever the fuck that means. Arizona deputies are supposed to never pull over someone just because they look "Latino" now? The order was nonesense and there was no way to comply with it.

Arizona law enforcement was never found guilty of "racial profiling".
Arpaio and his deputies were never doing anything illegal in the first place, so there was nothing to "cease".
According to liberals, arresting a Latino for any crime would be considered "violating the Judge's orders".
Sorry, but the LEOs aren't going to stop arresting people just because of their skin color.
So you have just responded to actual facts with your "opinion"...lol.

In Racial Profiling Lawsuit, Ariz. Judge Rules Sheriff Arpaio In Contempt Of Court
An Arizona judge has ruled that Joe Arpaio, who calls himself "America's toughest sheriff," is in civil contempt of court. Judge G. Murray Snow says Arpaio has repeatedly and knowingly disobeyed his orders to cease policing tactics against Latinos that he says amount to systemic racial profiling.
In Racial Profiling Lawsuit, Ariz. Judge Rules Sheriff Arpaio In Contempt Of Court

You must enjoy being made a fool of...
So, to sum up your illogical, childish and basically stupid rant, let's look at the facts...
Illegals: Came into the country illegally and while here many followed the law, built lives, had families, started businesses, graduated college and committed less crimes than Americans born here.

Arpaio: Took an Oath to uphold the law and broke that Oath. Illegally violated the Rights of many innocent people while conducting the illegal practice of racial profiling. Illegally continued to break the law even when ordered to cease by a duly authorized court Judge.

So as usual, conservatives are 100% law and order except when they have to follow the law and then applauds the undermining of law and order from an individual that uses the WH as his personal enrichment platform...

Wrong. Arpaio upheld the law and enforced it. The corrupt Hussein administration used its influence to undermine Arpaio. President Trump merely put an end to that political witch hunt.
I see that I have to dumb it down for you...here goes.
Did Arpaio illegally use racial profiling against innocent people because they appeared to be of a certain race???
Is racial profiling illegal???
Did a duly appointed Judge order him to cease his illegal activity???
Did he cease the illegal activity???
Is disobeying the lawful judgement illegal???
Yes, he broke the law and is a criminal, too bad your intellectual dishonesty won't allow you to admit the facts...

Wrong again dumbass.

This Judge ordered him to stop "targeting Latino drivers", whatever the fuck that means. Arizona deputies are supposed to never pull over someone just because they look "Latino" now? The order was nonesense and there was no way to comply with it.

Arizona law enforcement was never found guilty of "racial profiling".
Arpaio and his deputies were never doing anything illegal in the first place, so there was nothing to "cease".
According to liberals, arresting a Latino for any crime would be considered "violating the Judge's orders".
Sorry, but the LEOs aren't going to stop arresting people just because of their skin color.
You both have it wrong.

Arpairo's office was holding over illegals that were found innocent of all other charges for ICE, even after Obama issued an order telling them that he didn't want ICE to keep them if they had committed no other offenses other than illegal entry.

When a court told Apario's office not to hand them over, but he didn't listen, he was held in contempt.

If you don't read, the TV and radio is apt to lie to you.

Did you guys even read the issue?
So, to sum up your illogical, childish and basically stupid rant, let's look at the facts...
Illegals: Came into the country illegally and while here many followed the law, built lives, had families, started businesses, graduated college and committed less crimes than Americans born here.

Arpaio: Took an Oath to uphold the law and broke that Oath. Illegally violated the Rights of many innocent people while conducting the illegal practice of racial profiling. Illegally continued to break the law even when ordered to cease by a duly authorized court Judge.

So as usual, conservatives are 100% law and order except when they have to follow the law and then applauds the undermining of law and order from an individual that uses the WH as his personal enrichment platform...
It's clear you didn't read any of the Arizona papers concerning the issue and you don't have a clue about what is going on.

Nice. Way to make an ass of yourself.
Nice to see an absence of facts to rebut the facts I listed...lol.
Calling you stupid would be an understatement...
Obama went after Sheriff Joe because he was fucking up his flood of illegals coming in from Mexico to vote Democrat.
So, to sum up your illogical, childish and basically stupid rant, let's look at the facts...
Illegals: Came into the country illegally and while here many followed the law, built lives, had families, started businesses, graduated college and committed less crimes than Americans born here.

Arpaio: Took an Oath to uphold the law and broke that Oath. Illegally violated the Rights of many innocent people while conducting the illegal practice of racial profiling. Illegally continued to break the law even when ordered to cease by a duly authorized court Judge.

So as usual, conservatives are 100% law and order except when they have to follow the law and then applauds the undermining of law and order from an individual that uses the WH as his personal enrichment platform...

Wrong. Arpaio upheld the law and enforced it. The corrupt Hussein administration used its influence to undermine Arpaio. President Trump merely put an end to that political witch hunt.
I see that I have to dumb it down for you...here goes.
Did Arpaio illegally use racial profiling against innocent people because they appeared to be of a certain race???
Is racial profiling illegal???
Did a duly appointed Judge order him to cease his illegal activity???
Did he cease the illegal activity???
Is disobeying the lawful judgement illegal???
Yes, he broke the law and is a criminal, too bad your intellectual dishonesty won't allow you to admit the facts...

Wrong again dumbass.

This Judge ordered him to stop "targeting Latino drivers", whatever the fuck that means. Arizona deputies are supposed to never pull over someone just because they look "Latino" now? The order was nonesense and there was no way to comply with it.

Arizona law enforcement was never found guilty of "racial profiling".
Arpaio and his deputies were never doing anything illegal in the first place, so there was nothing to "cease".
According to liberals, arresting a Latino for any crime would be considered "violating the Judge's orders".
Sorry, but the LEOs aren't going to stop arresting people just because of their skin color.
So you have just responded to actual facts with your "opinion"...lol.

In Racial Profiling Lawsuit, Ariz. Judge Rules Sheriff Arpaio In Contempt Of Court
An Arizona judge has ruled that Joe Arpaio, who calls himself "America's toughest sheriff," is in civil contempt of court. Judge G. Murray Snow says Arpaio has repeatedly and knowingly disobeyed his orders to cease policing tactics against Latinos that he says amount to systemic racial profiling.
In Racial Profiling Lawsuit, Ariz. Judge Rules Sheriff Arpaio In Contempt Of Court

You must enjoy being made a fool of...

Folks get pulled over all the time. Can't prove it's b/c of race.

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