Space Force CO Who Got Holiday Call from Trump Fired Over Comments Decrying Marxism in the Military

This insanity is now a threat not only to the military but to our very existence.

TraitorJoe©™ is a force of evil especially in his state of dementia as he is being used as a pawn for this crap.

The commander of a Space Force unit that specializes in detecting ballistic missile launches has been relieved of duty because he doesn’t believe Marxism and Critical Race Theory are healthy endeavors for the military to undertake.
Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier was commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron. He was relieved of duty yesterday by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting because of comments he made on a PODCAST criticizing Marxism and critical race theory, and that’s not just a theory and not an exaggeration. It’s explicitly the reason they gave.
“This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast,” a Space Force spokesperson said in an email. “Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity.”
Lohmeier’s temporary assignment in the wake of his removal was not immediately clear.

He talked about his self-published book about Marxism invading American institutions while on the podcast.
Lohmeier told Wood, the podcast host, that the beginning chapters of his book explore the history and foundation of the United States and how critical race theory — a study of how race and racism impact or are impacted by social and economic power structures and institutions — plays a role.
“The diversity, inclusion and equity industry and the trainings we are receiving in the military … is rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism,” Lohmeier said, adding [that] it should be seen as a warning sign.
In the segment, Lohmeier said his book is not political, and is meant to alert readers to the increasing politicization of today’s armed forces, some of which he said he’d seen or experienced firsthand.

The Blaze excerpts:
Lohmeier noted that there is a diversity initiative that instructs service members to read the book “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo, which labels the United States as a “white supremacist nation.”
Lohmeier claimed that young service members are inundated by a “hyperpoliticized work environment where diversity and inclusion initiatives are being pushed constantly.”
“From his perspective as a commander, Lohmeier said he didn’t seek to criticize any particular senior leader or publicly identify troops within the book,” reported. “Rather, he said, he focused on the policies service members now have to adhere to to align with certain agendas ‘that are now affecting our culture.'”

PJ Media points out this invasion, this pervasive and rapid integration of critical race theory and Marxist BLM ideology in every facet of American life, has been especially noted in the military since Biden took office.

So, everyone in the military knows this, don't discuss politics, unless he was authorized to speak on the matter, know you know why.

People discuss it all the time.

What is not allowed is undermining elected officials.
You're FOS.

DOD Directive 1344.10 applies to members of the armed forces, whether they serve on active duty, as members of the reserve components not on active duty, as National Guard members in a non-federal status and military retirees.
These rules are designed to prevent military members' or federal civilian employees' participation in political activities that imply -- or even appear to imply -- official sponsorship, approval or endorsement, officials said. The concern, they explained, is that actual or perceived partisanship could undermine the legitimacy of the military profession and department.
However, officials emphasized, they can do so only if they don't act as, or aren't perceived as, representatives of the armed forces in carrying out these activities.

Beyond that, the list of do's and dont's differs depending on whether the employee is a member of the armed forces, a career civil service employee, a political appointee or a member of the career Senior Executive Service, officials said.
Military members, for example, may attend political meetings or rallies only as spectators and not in uniform. They're not permitted to make public political speeches, serve in any official capacity in partisan groups or participate in partisan political campaigns or conventions.

They also are barred from engaging in any political activities while in uniform.
None of that forbids them from speaking on a general issue.

That is all aimed at PARTISAN politics which involves a specific candidate or party.
Of course it doesn't, it doesn't protect Lohmeier from repercussions from that speech, which he found out.

White supremacy and CRT ARE specific issues.

"That is all aimed at PARTISAN politics which involves a specific candidate or party".

No, it isn't.

"Beyond that, the list of do's and dont's differs depending on whether the employee is a member of the armed forces, a career civil service employee, a political appointee or a member of the career Senior Executive Service, officials said".
Yes it is

You are ignorant of how this works in the military

"That is all aimed at PARTISAN politics which involves a specific candidate or party".
You're FOS.
What party?
What candidate?

You're just wrong on this. My wife and I spent over 45 combined years in the US military.
My comment was based on a DOD directive, not on any particular branch.
You're just wrong on this. My wife and I spent over 45 combined years in the US military.
My comment was based on a DOD directive, not any particular branch and their individual rules.

DOD Directive 1344.10 applies to members of the armed forces, whether they serve on active duty, as members of the reserve components not on active duty, as National Guard members in a non-federal status and military retirees.
These rules are designed to prevent military members' or federal civilian employees' participation in political activities that imply -- or even appear to imply -- official sponsorship, approval or endorsement, officials said. The concern, they explained, is that actual or perceived partisanship could undermine the legitimacy of the military profession and department.

Post 48
Once again you miss the point.

That directive applies to partisanship which means endorsing a candidate or party not general issues which is what this officer was discussing
No, they aren't.
White supremacy and CRT ARE specific issues
This insanity is now a threat not only to the military but to our very existence.

TraitorJoe©™ is a force of evil especially in his state of dementia as he is being used as a pawn for this crap.

The commander of a Space Force unit that specializes in detecting ballistic missile launches has been relieved of duty because he doesn’t believe Marxism and Critical Race Theory are healthy endeavors for the military to undertake.
Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier was commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron. He was relieved of duty yesterday by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting because of comments he made on a PODCAST criticizing Marxism and critical race theory, and that’s not just a theory and not an exaggeration. It’s explicitly the reason they gave.
“This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast,” a Space Force spokesperson said in an email. “Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity.”
Lohmeier’s temporary assignment in the wake of his removal was not immediately clear.

He talked about his self-published book about Marxism invading American institutions while on the podcast.
Lohmeier told Wood, the podcast host, that the beginning chapters of his book explore the history and foundation of the United States and how critical race theory — a study of how race and racism impact or are impacted by social and economic power structures and institutions — plays a role.
“The diversity, inclusion and equity industry and the trainings we are receiving in the military … is rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism,” Lohmeier said, adding [that] it should be seen as a warning sign.
In the segment, Lohmeier said his book is not political, and is meant to alert readers to the increasing politicization of today’s armed forces, some of which he said he’d seen or experienced firsthand.

The Blaze excerpts:
Lohmeier noted that there is a diversity initiative that instructs service members to read the book “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo, which labels the United States as a “white supremacist nation.”
Lohmeier claimed that young service members are inundated by a “hyperpoliticized work environment where diversity and inclusion initiatives are being pushed constantly.”
“From his perspective as a commander, Lohmeier said he didn’t seek to criticize any particular senior leader or publicly identify troops within the book,” reported. “Rather, he said, he focused on the policies service members now have to adhere to to align with certain agendas ‘that are now affecting our culture.'”

PJ Media points out this invasion, this pervasive and rapid integration of critical race theory and Marxist BLM ideology in every facet of American life, has been especially noted in the military since Biden took office.

So, everyone in the military knows this, don't discuss politics, unless he was authorized to speak on the matter, know you know why.

People discuss it all the time.

What is not allowed is undermining elected officials.
You're FOS.

DOD Directive 1344.10 applies to members of the armed forces, whether they serve on active duty, as members of the reserve components not on active duty, as National Guard members in a non-federal status and military retirees.
These rules are designed to prevent military members' or federal civilian employees' participation in political activities that imply -- or even appear to imply -- official sponsorship, approval or endorsement, officials said. The concern, they explained, is that actual or perceived partisanship could undermine the legitimacy of the military profession and department.
However, officials emphasized, they can do so only if they don't act as, or aren't perceived as, representatives of the armed forces in carrying out these activities.

Beyond that, the list of do's and dont's differs depending on whether the employee is a member of the armed forces, a career civil service employee, a political appointee or a member of the career Senior Executive Service, officials said.
Military members, for example, may attend political meetings or rallies only as spectators and not in uniform. They're not permitted to make public political speeches, serve in any official capacity in partisan groups or participate in partisan political campaigns or conventions.

They also are barred from engaging in any political activities while in uniform.
None of that forbids them from speaking on a general issue.

That is all aimed at PARTISAN politics which involves a specific candidate or party.
Of course it doesn't, it doesn't protect Lohmeier from repercussions from that speech, which he found out.

White supremacy and CRT ARE specific issues.

"That is all aimed at PARTISAN politics which involves a specific candidate or party".

No, it isn't.

"Beyond that, the list of do's and dont's differs depending on whether the employee is a member of the armed forces, a career civil service employee, a political appointee or a member of the career Senior Executive Service, officials said".
Yes it is

You are ignorant of how this works in the military

"That is all aimed at PARTISAN politics which involves a specific candidate or party".
You're FOS.
What party?
What candidate?

You're just wrong on this. My wife and I spent over 45 combined years in the US military.
My comment was based on a DOD directive, not on any particular branch.
You're just wrong on this. My wife and I spent over 45 combined years in the US military.
My comment was based on a DOD directive, not any particular branch and their individual rules.

DOD Directive 1344.10 applies to members of the armed forces, whether they serve on active duty, as members of the reserve components not on active duty, as National Guard members in a non-federal status and military retirees.
These rules are designed to prevent military members' or federal civilian employees' participation in political activities that imply -- or even appear to imply -- official sponsorship, approval or endorsement, officials said. The concern, they explained, is that actual or perceived partisanship could undermine the legitimacy of the military profession and department.

Post 48
Once again you miss the point.

That directive applies to partisanship which means endorsing a candidate or party not general issues which is what this officer was discussing
No, he wasn't.

"Our diversity, inclusion and equity industry and the trainings we're receiving in the military via that industry are rooted in critical race theory which is rooted in Marxism," Lohmeier said.

That's being specific to the military, possibly the Space Force.

"Since taking command as a commander about 10 months ago, I saw what I consider fundamentally incompatible and competing narratives of what America was, is and should be," Lohmeier said. "That wasn't just prolific in social media, or throughout the country during this past year, but it was spreading throughout the United States military. And I had recognized those narratives as being Marxist in nature."

Once again, you miss the point.
The military is the single most socialist institution in America. He made it to his position because the military provided him and his family with housing, food, education, medical and managed every minute of his life. What's he griping about? Leftists? Taking public hard partisan views is not allowed in the military brass, he knows that.
He should have waited until he retired. Once retired, he's free to give his opinions. However, his views are most likely correct. Truly pro-Constitutional officers are most likely being weeded out of promotions and if you don't achieve a certain rank in a specific period of time, you can't advance and are let go.
This was probably a planned publication idea for the book and critique of the military. A lieutenant Colonel probably has twenty years in already.

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