Soviet Thugs Legalized Abortion


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
I should have known this but did not learn of it until recently when I read a book on the German resistance to Hitler, Defying Hitler: The Germans Who Resisted Nazi Rule. by Gordon Thomas and Greg Lewis. While discussing why some liberal German feminists viewed the Soviet Union favorably, the authors note that one of the reasons was that Soviet leaders had legalized abortion (p. 17).

Of course, the Nazis loved abortion when it came to groups they did not like. The Nazis mandated abortion for certain Jewish ghettos, i.e., pregnant mothers had to abort their babies or face punishment. The Nazis allowed abortion for Jews and other groups.

Congratulations, liberals, once again you find yourself supporting policies of two of the most brutal, oppressive regimes in human history: the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

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